
Donate to Counter-Currents
North American New Right

Dear Reader,

Like all promoters of ideas that go against the current, Counter-Currents and North American New Right depend on the donations of readers and friends to survive and to grow.

Your contributions will go to pay honoraria and stipends to writers for Counter-Currents and North American New Right.

Over the years, I have seen many talented writers appear, only to disappear a few months or years later.

At first, they are sustained by sheer idealism. But after a while, they learn that idealism alone cannot sustain them when they are hit with temporary feelings of discouragement or competing personal obligations.

By paying writers, we can sustain their interest and enthusiasm through the ups and downs of life. Our goal is to foster talented writers and keep them in the fight for the long haul.

You can make two different types of donations:

  • First, you can make is a single donation of any size.
  • Second, you can make a recurring donation of any size.

Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. Please use the secure online form below.

  • NOTE: If you want to give only a monthly donation, enter that amount in the monthly donation box and 0.00 in the one-time donation box.
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You may also send check, money order, or credit card payment by mail. Just print out our donation form in Word or PDF. Our address is:

PO Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122

Counter-Currents also takes a variety of crypto currencies:


Our Bitcoin address is: 1ChE5DZVVZJpv8mnJ3fRrtSDrTikBh7uFL


Our Etherium address is: 0x6cB1fd85326739bABf48B80B82a4E8470F98Db7C


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Please give generously!

Note: Donations to Counter-Currents and North American New Right are not tax deductible. Real change never is!

Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today. Thank you for your support.

Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
& North American New Right

    Kindle Subscription
  • Our Titles

    The Alternative Right

    My Nationalist Pony

    The White Nationalist Manifesto

    Dark Right: Batman Viewed From the Right

    The Philatelist

    Novel Folklore

    Confessions of an Anti-Feminist

    East and West

    Though We Be Dead, Yet Our Day Will Come

    White Like You

    The Homo and the Negro, Second Edition

    Numinous Machines

    The World in Flames

    Venus and Her Thugs


    North American New Right, vol. 2

    You Asked For It

    More Artists of the Right

    Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics


    The Importance of James Bond

    In Defense of Prejudice

    Confessions of a Reluctant Hater (2nd ed.)

    The Hypocrisies of Heaven

    Waking Up from the American Dream

    Green Nazis in Space!

    Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country

    Heidegger in Chicago

    The End of an Era

    Sexual Utopia in Power

    What is a Rune? & Other Essays

    Son of Trevor Lynch's White Nationalist Guide to the Movies

    The Lightning & the Sun

    The Eldritch Evola

    Western Civilization Bites Back

    New Right vs. Old Right

    Lost Violent Souls

    Journey Late at Night: Poems and Translations

    The Non-Hindu Indians & Indian Unity

    Baader Meinhof ceramic pistol, Charles Kraaft 2013

    Jonathan Bowden as Dirty Harry

    The Lost Philosopher, Second Expanded Edition

    Trevor Lynch's A White Nationalist Guide to the Movies

    And Time Rolls On

    The Homo & the Negro

    Artists of the Right

    North American New Right, Vol. 1

    Forever and Ever

    Some Thoughts on Hitler

    Tikkun Olam and Other Poems

    Under the Nihil

    Summoning the Gods

    Hold Back This Day

    The Columbine Pilgrim

    Confessions of a Reluctant Hater

    Taking Our Own Side

    Toward the White Republic

    Distributed Titles


    The Node

    A Sky Without Eagles

    The Way of Men

    The New Austerities

    Morning Crafts

    The Passing of a Profit & Other Forgotten Stories

    Asatru: A Native European Spirituality

    The Lost Philosopher

    Impeachment of Man

    Gold in the Furnace
