The poverty-stricken Yemen is dealing with extensive spread of Cholera nowhere registered in the history. Reports indicate that the number of people afflicted with Cholera have passed half a million.

The outbreak of Cholera was announced last April with a sharp speed of spread across the country. In May, the reported number of affected people was 130.000 and only 3 months later, it passed 500.000. This is while there is no confirmed statistics and the number might be much higher.

According to Norwegian Refugee Council, more than 10,000 Yemenis lost their lives due to lack of healthcare services. Cholera is the main and most acute reason of the rising death toll. At least 2,000 have been registered to have died of Cholera in past months.

This is while the Saudi-led coalition continues its strikes in Yemen. The strikes have killed more than 9,000 civilians showing the medical state of the country is more aggravated than the war condition. The two are, nevertheless, related to one another in a cause-effect relationship.

Since the start of Saudi’s assault against Yemen in 2015, backed by their US allies, the life condition in the country was directed to the precipice. Yemenis were deprived of international aides and more than half of the courtiers’ healthcare centers are closed up. As NRC’s Yemen director Mutasim Hamdan said in a statement, “denial of access to travel has condemned thousands of Yemenis with survivable illnesses to death.”

The Cholera is spreading fast in Yemen and there needs to be an international coalition for giving help to the people who are on the verge of falling form the precipice.

ALSO READ  Ansarallah forces launch new attack on Saudi airport
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