European Nature Conservation


Europe is a relatively small continent, but it is home to a wide range of plants and animals, geology and landscapes, many of which are found nowhere else on the planet.  The 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) cover almost half the total area of the continent.  The EU has a key responsibility to protect the environment, which, according to the EU Barometer almost all Europeans consider to be highly important.  Nevertheless, European lifestyles and the associated economic and social demands continue to have a negative impact on the environment in general and on biodiversity in particular.


JNCC’s biodiversity priorities in a European context


Our priorities focus on achieving long-term nature and landscape conservation benefits in the UK, the EU and beyond.  At the European level, JNCC provides advice and support to the UK Government with regard to:


Consumption patterns in the EU, the growth of its urban areas and the intensive use of land all take a heavy toll on biodiversity, ecosystems, air and water quality, soils and the quality of our countryside and landscapes. In a similar way, though less visible, Europe’s seas are also being damaged by over-exploitation. Furthermore, the increasing trade and use of natural resources within and beyond the EU has impacts not only on Europe’s natural environment but also on biodiversity across the world.



Last updated: 19 September 2011