Love Triangle Debate

The Love triangle Debate had always been the most passionately discussed portion of FFVII. Who does Cloud love? Aerith? Tifa? Both? Contrary to what others think, the LTD involves a complex discussion on canon and the Japanese language.

Important: this blog will not debate in tumblr. If you want to discuss certain contents, contact the article writers to the request them in a discussion of their liking.

Such, this page will be dedicated on defending Cloti facts and as well addressing relevant argument. This blog will feature different viewpoints on canon and there will be differences in opinions but the blog will stand on one matter:

Cloud and Tifa’s relationship stands as caring, loving and strong one regardless of Cloud’s feeling for Aerith.

People are free not to see Cloti romantically, or reject official quotes/canon guides, people can ship what they like and have different interpretations. But if you want to join the debate here are the articles:

On Cloud and Tifa confirming their feelings for each other in the Highwind Scene. Note the quote of contention is the phrase 想いを通わせる (communication of feelings) that is used in Cloud and Tifa’s profiles without the mention of optionality. Here are the sources that confirm that this is undeniably romantic:

Romance specified: