Reach millions of business
customers with Amazon Business

Third party sellers make up +50% of our $10 billion annualized sales run rate.
New to Amazon?
$39.99 a month + additional selling fees.
Free for existing Professional Sellers

Selling on Amazon Business

Manufacturers and distributors who are new to Amazon or are existing Professional Sellers now have a targeted way to reach business customers on Amazon. With a specialized suite of tools to enable B2B e-commerce, small businesses to large enterprises will find new ways to engage incremental business customers through a trusted Amazon experience.

Access Amazon's consumer and business sales channels

300+ million
1+ million
worldwide customer accounts3
worldwide customer accounts5
42+ million
150+ thousand
US monthly unique desktop visitors4
Amazon Business sellers5
126+ million
$10+ billion
US monthly unique mobile visitors4
Global annualized sales5

What is Amazon Business?

Amazon Business is the B2B marketplace on Amazon, providing business customers with the pricing, selection and convenience of Amazon, with features and benefits designed for businesses of all sizes.
Amazon Business customers in the US


of the Fortune
100 companies


of the 100 biggest
US hospital systems


of the 100 most populous
local governments

Start Selling on Amazon

Register to sell on Amazon
Create a Business Profile
Set up your products
Start Selling
More details
Register for a Professional Selling Account on For existing sellers, you can add Amazon Business features easily through Seller Central.
Tell your unique story using our Profile Editor. You can add your quality certifications and diversity credentials for discerning business customers.
Use our simple listing tools to add your entire catalog and the Enhanced Content feature to display additional product information to your customers.
Reach millions of business customers already shopping on Amazon. Sign up now>

What sellers say about Amazon

“Since becoming an Amazon seller, our experience has validated what our research said: our target buyers are already on this platform. These tools from Amazon have helped us reach the broader more diverse buyer base that we're looking for.”
Tom Mitchell, Owens & Minor
“Through the years, from being a traditional business, to seeing the ever-changing economy and global landscape of business, Tensator was looking for ways to expand our customer reach as we move into the digital platform. We saw the opportunity with Amazon Business to take control of our brand and reach new customers through one channel."
David Cohen, Tensator

About the program

What is the Amazon Business Seller program?

The Amazon Business Seller program provides sellers with features to help grow their sales on Amazon Business. These features include:

• The ability to offer products available only to business customers
• Changes to search that make it easier to find your products
• Pricing and payment features that simplify buying from sellers in larger quantities
• Automate tax exemption on qualified purchases from sellers participating in the Amazon Tax-Exemption program
• Claim quality, diversity and ownership credentials to distinguish your business to business customers
• Tiered Referral Fees: lower fees on larger purchases
• Upload Enhanced Product Documents such as CAD drawings, User Guides, and more
What are the differences between Amazon Business and Selling on Amazon?

As an Amazon Business Seller, you have access to all of the features of a professional selling account with In addition to Selling on Amazon features, becoming an Amazon Business Seller allows you to cater to the specific requirements of business customers by providing features optimized for business-to-business transactions, including quantity pricing and business pricing and more.

Additionally, Amazon Business Sellers can earn a Business Seller Badge which allows business customers to identify sellers that meet the high standards of Amazon Business. The badge is displayed next to your offers on product detail pages, your seller profile page, and other Amazon places the seller name appears on Amazon Business. The requirements to qualify for the badge are below:

• Low pre-shipment cancellation rate (less than 1%)
• Low late shipping rate (less than 2%)
• Low order defect rate e.g. few A-Z claims, returns, and/or chargebacks (less than 0.5%)
• Tracking number on every business order package
• Packing slip with every business order package
• Purchase order number with every business order package when provided by the customer
How much does it cost to list products as a Business Seller?

Currently, the fees to sell as a Business Seller are the same as having a professional selling account with These fees consist of:

• Monthly Subscription Fee (currently $39.99 for Professional Sellers)
• Referral Fees, which vary by category. For more information, see the Fee Schedule >
When I’m a Business Seller, who will be able to buy my products?

As an Amazon Business Seller, you’ll enjoy all the privileges of a Professional Selling Account, with access to millions of customers across all of Amazon’s categories. You’ll also be able to reach business customers directly with a set of exclusive features, including the option of restricting purchases of listings to business customers only. Millions of businesses across a variety of industries purchase the products they need on the Amazon Business Marketplace.

Watch the video below for an overview of Business Prime to understand how Amazon Business is delighting our customers


How do I join the Amazon Business Seller program?
Can I still use other Amazon Services?

Yes. You can still use any other Amazon service such as Fulfillment by Amazon, Amazon Home Services, or Amazon Payments. See all available services>
How are orders fulfilled by Amazon Business Sellers?

You can adopt one of four approaches to fulfilling orders placed on the Amazon Business Marketplace:

1. Seller-fulfilled Prime – For sellers who qualify, based on their own mature fulfillment and logistics infrastructure, Seller-fulfilled Prime enables offers to achieve Prime status, but ship directly from a seller location according to the Prime customer promise.

2. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) – Orders are fulfilled by Amazon and your products are shipped from state-of-the-art Amazon fulfillment centers. Orders fulfilled through FBA achieve Prime status.

3. Merchant fulfillment – Just like it sounds; you fulfill orders directly from your own facility, following the Amazon Business packaging requirements. Prime status does not apply to merchant fulfilled orders.

4. Hybrid approach – Many organizations use a mixed fulfillment strategy, shipping certain products directly and others through Fulfillment by Amazon.


Why participate in the Seller Credential Program?

By participating in the Seller Credential Program, sellers will be able to distinguish themselves to Amazon Business customers, many of whom are tasked with meeting quality sourcing objectives and corporate social responsibility goals.
How do sellers claim a credential?

Once registered as an Amazon Business Seller, the seller will choose from a list of credentials to claim and provide supporting information. Depending on the credential, sellers will need to upload a picture of a physical certificate or a business identifier number (such as DUNS).
Will Amazon help sellers get credentials?

Amazon is not a certifying body, nor does Amazon provide assistance to obtain credentials. Sellers are expected to determine their own eligibility for a credential and how to best obtain the appropriate supporting documentation, depending on the credential.
How will business customers find sellers’ credentials?

Credentials will be exposed to customers throughout the customer’s shopping experience. Additionally, a list of each seller’s credentials will be displayed prominently on seller profile pages.

Confused about how you might fit?

No problem! We're here to help. Contact the Amazon Business team
and we'll help you determine how to get integrated with Amazon.
Just have a few items to sell? Sign up to become an individual seller
1 Source: US B2B eCommerce Forecast: 2015 to 2020, Forrester, April 2015 2 The Nielsen Company’s Harris Poll 2017 RQ® Summary Report (surveys the General Public to measure the reputations of the most visible companies in the U.S.) 3 Q3 2016, Amazon Internal, Active Paide customers represent accounts that have placed an order during the preceding twelve month period 4 comScore Media Metrix, September 2016 5 Q3 2018, Amazon Internal
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