BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:00 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) carried out a deadly ambush in the southwestern countryside of the Palmyra Governorate this week.

According to reports from the Palmyra area, the Islamic State ambushed a Syrian Army convoy that was traveling just southwest of the ancient city.

Some reports claim as many as 20 soldiers killed during the assault, while a pro-government activist told Al-Masdar that these figures are incorrect and highly exaggerated by the enemy.

The Syrian Army did send reinforcements to the Palmyra region, but these soldiers will be deployed around the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor Highway to ensure its security.

The Syrian government is hoping to reopen the imperative international highway that links Damascus and Baghdad.

However, in order to do so, the Syrian military must secure the highway and prevent the Islamic State from carrying out their sabotage missions, which often prove costly for the government.

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Peter WallaceAbu bakrMohammed aliAssad must stay Recent comment authors
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Assad must stay
Assad must stay

After Kabani, SAA should clear this area. DAESH is the worst. Human rats.

Mohammed ali
Mohammed ali

So now we see exactly which angle this website comes from. An Anti syrian govt pro jihadist slant. The headline could have been ISIS carries out an ambush. But no. Its a powerful ambush. Did you write the powerful response from the syrian govr. No. Your choice of words clearly shows your slant.

Rhodium 10

SAA sources told that only 4 soldiers were killed and terrorist fled when SAA reinforcement arrive

Peter Wallace
Peter Wallace

No need to get excited over an exaggerated headline designed to get people to read. This site is not and has never been anti Syria in the years I have been reading it but it does make a few questionable headlines which may be because of translation into English or an exaggeration to generate readership. Scores of dead instead of several or a few is a prime example. Don’t get your knickers in a knot over a headline. If it was an MSM site it would be major Syrian convoy obliterated with thousands of Syrians Special Forces killed by one… Read more »

Abu bakr
Abu bakr

Looooooool asshead still incapable to defeat Isis even if 79 nations support him
Ya Allah how can one deny your beauty

Peter Wallace
Peter Wallace

Do you know about Shaka , Zulu King. He used to have suspected agitators stripped naked and sat upon the point of a greased pole stuck in the ground with a sharpened end so they slowly slide down until they died. I think it would be nice if you did this to show us how long it takes and if there is any pain involved. Thanking you for your assistance.