BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 A.M.) – The Secretary-General of Harakat Al-Nujaba, Akram al-Kaabi, said last week that Iraq will remain part of the “axis of resistance” despite foreign-led initiatives to detach the Iraqi society from the regional developments.

“Our enemies want Iraq to be an apathetic society and not react to what is happening in our region. This goes against our beliefs,” al-Kaabi stated, as Press TV reported.

Al-Kaabi stressed that based on Islamic beliefs, Iraq cannot be separated from the greater Muslim world and the regional “resistance axis”.

“Major organizations affiliated with the Zionists, the United States and the Saudis are managing a media war against the resistance and are seeking to target our youth and our moral values,” he added.

The Harakat Al-Nujaba chief added that it was unfortunate that some of Iraq’s elites and leaders had been influenced by this foreign-backed trend.

“If our positions are based on the enemy’s media objectives, this will surely deviate us,” he noted.

Al-Kaabi made these comments shortly after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Baghdad to discuss the ongoing situation with Iran.

In addition to being one of the most powerful paramilitaries in Iraq, Harakat Al-Nujaba is also a close ally to Iran. They have both fought alongside one another inside Iraq and Syria.

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Zionism is evil

Iraqis need to liberate their country from brutal US occupation that has killed over 2 million civilians and looted Iraqi oil.


@Zionism is live
They’d first need to get rid from Iranian-backed militias unless they want the next war happening with Iraq as a battle ground rather having the Iranian regime going to the swamp’s drain alone…


The US forces in Iraq are here on demand of the Iraqi government. Let me remind you that they left the country in 2011. You surely know how Iraqi Army lost Mosul to ISIS? Nope? OK, ISIS had technicals only. Iraqi Army in Mosul had 10x ISIS manpower and M1 Abrams tanks… Guess what they did? No? They flew combat! MOREOVER, US NEVER killed 2 millions Iraqis! This is total BS! Stop smoking pot and reading PressTV : they’re even worst than Fox-News, the Daily Mail, the Sun and the Daily Express cumulated! And you must be a champion to… Read more »


“A security source has told the BBC that a Katyusha rocket landed in an abandoned building belonging to a security company in Baghdad’s Green Zone. It is close to the US embassy. The source said it is understood the rocket was fired into the Green Zone from eastern Baghdad.” “Iraqi security found the rocket launcher used in the attack on the US embassy on Mohammed Qasim Street about 6 km far from the embassy.” “US will hold Iran accountable if any of these attacks were carried out by pro-Iran militias. Washington will respond to Iran accordingly…/…US takes what happened in… Read more »


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Axial resistances :
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This is what happens when the face too much power :
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Seem some Iraqis, e.g. Akram al-Kaabi are short on memory, and when you don’t learn history, you’re doomed to repeat it :
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