Russia will supply Venezuela’s army with more than 16,000 field rations, a military-diplomatic source told TASS on Friday.

On Thursday, Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state-run arms exporter, placed information about purchases of 16,500 field rations to be supplied to Venezuela. The initial cost of the contract is 14.38 million rubles (222,091 US dollars).

“The rations will be supplied in the interests of the Venezuelan army,” the source said.

According to Rosoboronexport, the rations will be supplied as part of “humanitarian assistance to the Venezuelan government.”

The company however refused to comment on this information.


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Ilya Ilyayev

So far the Venezuelan military has remained loyal and cohesive, thanks to growing patriotism against US thugs and historical American interference and plunder of Latin America. Russia, China, Cuba, Iran and rest of the Zionist free world should support Venezuela which is a large country, ideal for asymmetrical defensive war that will bog down US invaders for decades and send a lot of body bags back.

Nigel Woo
Nigel Woo