Updated: Aug. 21, 2018

The Washington  Legislature meets only a few months each year, but the legislative process is a year-round endeavor. Read an overview of our legislativeprocessroadmap or get all the details on the WSBA Legislative Roadmap_2016, which outlines the process for those sections and committees that seek to solve a statutory problem whose solution lies with the Legislature.
The information below outlines policy and process considerations the WSBA legislative team and others are guided by each legislative session.

WSBA Legislative Policies and Processes
GR-12c Analytical Statement
This memorandum guides decisions about when WSBA weighs in on legislative matters.
Legislative Action Guidelines
Details about when WSBA entities may participate in the legislative process. Examples
How a Bill Becomes a Law
Track a bill from beginning to end in the state Legislature.
Legislation and Court Rule Comment Policy
This policy governs section, committee, division or council comment on court rules and legislation.

WSBA Sections and the Legislative Process
The Outreach and Legislative Affairs staff refer bills to WSBA sections for review during the legislative session. If members of a WSBA section believe a bill meets the required GR-12 guidelines and wish to take a position, they may do so with a three-quarters vote of their executive committee. Section executive committee members are trained each fall on how the legislative process works, how to take a position, and what their position could mean in terms of next steps during the legislative session.

Resources for WSBA Sections
Resources for WSBA Sections contains all relevant legislative information including a process overview, internal policies, testimony tips, and what options to choose when deciding bill positions.