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Jewblack persongod is a former YouTube avenger of justice who recently declared a war against all trolls after his only two online friends got harassed by trolls. The fact that they were a furry and an emo had nothing to do with it. After he made his epic declaration of war, Anonymous laughed and trolled the fuck out of him.

War has been declared[edit]

Jacob declares war. All trolls laugh.

A mirror of the original video.

He may have a sword, but I have a gun.



Jacobdarkgod: True Saviour of the Internet[edit]

JacobDarkGod is a man; a man with a PLAN. His plan, the product of at least 100 milliseconds of careful consideration, is completely and utterly without flaw

His cause is the noblest cause of all: he's going to kill EVERY FUCKING TROLL. How does he plan to do it, you may ask? Through the most reliable people ON the internet - YOU! Note: There is no irony in the fact that he is trying to enlist anonymous people to troll other anonymous people into oblivion. Neither is there the possibility that, upon realizing the power of doing things for the lulz, the people who shoved the trolls back out the asshole of the internet will take over as trolls themselves. It's important to know that this probably isn't because his movement won't take off.

Nevertheless, once EVERY FUCKING TROLL is dead, the internet will revert to how it was originally intended: as a communistic hippie zone where love and buttsex abound.

  • insert unfunny copypasta*

JacobDarkGod is GONE BITCHES.

Asperger Avenger AWAY!!!


—Hopefully forever.


If you're a troll, go kill yourself. Nobody likes you.


—JacobDarkgod's rousing declaration.

You're nothing but ... nazis and you need to SHUT UP. Shut your FRICKIN MOUTH. You're just plain ANNOYING. That's it. ANNOYING.


—JacobDarkgod on the American constitution. himself.

Those buttholes who protest funerals...I'll rant about them in another video. YOU KNOW WHAT, SCREW THAT! I'LL RANT ABOUT IT NOW!


—JacobDarkgod, showcasing his ADD.




School shooting happens because of bullying...which is basically what you're doing.


—Jacob, on his childhood.

RAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. That's it, I'm done.


— Please, dear God, let these be Jacob's last words.

Goodnight, Sweet Prince[edit]

Jacob's YouTube account has been deleted, so the original "Declaration of war" video was lost together with his other rant videos on trolls . Thankfully, we've provided a mirror of the famous video (see above) for your viewing pleasure. Then, to prove we're unbiased, we also supplied many troll videos, even though most of them suck and are made of fail.


Jacob is back under a new, super secret alias that no-one will ever guess

In Review[edit]

The truth of the matter is that JacobDarkGod is a prime example of someone who decides he wants to make a change but doesn't know what the fuck to do. Even worse, he doesn't realize his own ignorance. Thusly, instead of sitting down and laying out his points in a logical manner, then carefully planning what he intends to say, he grabs his trusty toy katana and makes an ass of himself on the internet. But really, if he's naive enough to believe that you can win a fight (much less a fucking war) on the internet, it's probably too much to ask him to think, period.

It should come as no surprise that he went batshit and delete fucking everything, which goes to show that seeing someone try to hurt you when they're doing exactly what you wanted all along is lulzy indeed. It also goes to show that, sometimes, Anonymous gets it right.

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]

JewTube Logo.png

JacobDarkgod is part of a series on YouTube.



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