Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend

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When confronted with this video, every user of the internet is heard to utter the exact same exasperated phrase: "WTF?" Indeed, what the fuck are you watching? What the fuck is it that has caught your eye and pulled you in as surely as if it were the event horizon for the human eye?

This piece of insane YouTube brilliance has the profound ability to not only out do itself during the course of its 1 minute and 49 second run, but it also makes leaps of an almost legendary, nay even exponentially mythical amount of absurdity.

From the first moment when you are accosted by the silly music, you are asked to suspend belief in any sort of creed, government, or God and you are compelled to witness the video's odd and exceptionally twisted sense of reality. Two quick ass-slaps later, then the adventure truly begins.

Why is this sweeping and epic monument to illogical preposterousness set on auto-play? The answer is simple: Encyclopedia Dramatica doesn't want you to scroll past this masterstroke of genius. When asked if you have observed this tour de force, there can be only one reply and one reaction: what you are seeing is YouTube's magnum opus...after seeing this video, all other things shall fall away and become like nothing.

So, to answer that original question you asked yourself at the beginning of this video: "WTF?" Well, Encyclopedia Dramatica can only offer one such answer, if there can ever possibly be such a thing, to this question: You are currently witnessing the Alpha and the Omega of YouTube. There is nothing more.

Description and History[edit]

Source Vocaloid video, starring Kagamine Rin:

One of many videos featuring Billy Herrington in action:

Deep in the forest lived Billy and his charming companions. They peacefully honed their bodies and listened to music there. But a wave of development came upon the forests. One who would turn all to road. Kagamine Rin had come. Billy must stop the construction before all is turned to road


—From the video's description

Actually, the video is one of several thousand mash ups spawned on the viral Japanese website Nico Nico Douga where, for some reason known only to those wacky Japs, a bisexual porn star by the name of Billy Herrington (Japanese 日本語 Birry Hairinto) became one of their most popular memes. The current reasoning for Herrington being featured as part of the meme is the fact that so many of his lines of dialog have been mistranslated into things that Japanese find funny... Like inserting living crustaceans into various human orifices. Another, more likely scenario, is that Japanese men are all homosexuals and worship Herrington's body.

The background music, originally a Kagamine Rin (Seen in the video as the particularly creepy steamroller driver in the video, made even more creepy by the fact that Rin is female) sung Eurobeat parody of Vocaloid tune "Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru", incorporates the audio of Billy slapping the ass of his male co-star in one of his porn films among other various noises. Suckers for all things Vocaloid, all things Billy Herrington, and any mash-up of two said entities, Nico Nico Douga users quickly fell in love with the video and its viewcount skyrocketed. As with all things viral, the dopes at 2chan got a hold of it and it was a quick and easy jaunt over to 4chan that made the video a true internet legend.

Cracked gets involved[edit]

Michael Swaim, also known as "that guy on Cracked who makes the videos that are actually funny" by anyone who's seen any of the other videos they have, posted this video about UMRL. It's actually worth a look. It's both humorous and informative about the origins of UMRL and its star, Billy Herrington.


More of the same (some how even gayer)[edit]

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]

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Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend is part of a series on YouTube.



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