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Image credit: Beat Games

Now you can ‘Beat Saber’ to Imagine Dragons

$12.99 for a pack of 10 Imagine Dragons songs.
Beat Games

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The artist-specific add-on for various music and rhythm games is a time-honored tradition that we don't see enough of these days. That's why it's so comforting to see Imagine Dragons teaming up with the developers of Beat Saber to launch a 10-track companion pack. With it, users will be able to slash at blocks in time to some of the band's hits, including It's Time, Radioactive and Bad Liar.

It'll be available to buy on June 10th on "all major VR platforms, including Oculus Quest and the Rift Platform." Paying for individual songs will set you back $1.99, but you can pick up the whole pack for $12.99. At the same time, Oculus will be showing off a new 360-degree level featuring the band's single Believer, due for release later in the summer.

Catch up on all the latest news from E3 2019 here!

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After training to be an intellectual property lawyer, Dan abandoned a promising career in financial services to sit at home and play with gadgets. He lives in Norwich, U.K., with his wife, his books and far too many opinions on British TV comedy. One day, if he's very, very lucky, he'll live out his dream to become the executive producer of Doctor Who before retiring to Radio 4.


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