
New & Notable


Fortinet SD-WAN highest value rating from NSS Labs

The latest NSS Labs SD-WAN report gives Fortinet the best ratings for value and total cost of ownership, while Silver Peak gets the worst of eight vendors.


Cisco maintains lead in WLAN market

802.11ac played a crucial role in enterprise WLAN market growth, as companies felt the pressure to upgrade their wireless infrastructure. But 802.11ax is the future.


Aruba to add analytics to Central WLAN management

Aruba plans to add analytics to its Central management console for the WLAN. Customers will be able to access Aruba NetInsight and User Experience Insight in Central.


How do I work with multiple network management tools?

Many IT teams deal with a bevy of network management tools, which complicates data integration and leads to errors. A network management strategy that focuses on coordination can help.

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    Everything you need to know about NetOps

    This compilation is an essential starting point for NetOps novices. These five common questions explore what NetOps is, how it can benefit networks and its effect on network teams.

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    Attenuation is a general term that refers to any reduction in the strength of a signal.

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    big-endian and little-endian

    Endianness is a term that describes the order in which a sequence of bytes are stored in computer memory. Endianness can be either big or small, with the adjectives referring to which value is stored first.

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