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Watch Out! Thumb ltd a189.gif This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
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Breakingnews.gif BREAKING NEWS!!
I believe that what you say online, should follow you in real life. You shouldn't just... get away with it.


—Dohoho... We'll keep you honest, Onision

Note the discomfort in Shane Dawson's face as Onision comes in.
Well thought out reply.
Confirmed Archive today-ico.png gay
Cuck can not have. Spoiler: Social Repulse did cheat, many lulz and irony were had.
Twinky with AIDS bobblehead. "Don't want them to see my bewbs, teehee!"
Nice self projection, Gruck
Cugly's channel is dying.

YouTube Favicon.png Onision, also known as Gregory James Daniel a.k.a Gruck la Duck or Gregory James Jackson Gregory James Avarde, is a YouTuber born with ovaries instead of testicles. This makes him curl his eyelashes and put on light makeup, and has male GOTIS=like syndrome. He is famous for the drama he makes, and his train-wreck of a love life. He publicly broadcasts personal information about his life like one loveable Autistic Hero We all know and love. He resides in Tacoma, Washington, where his pastime is physically, mentally, and verbally abusing his girlfriends when he isn't busy creating YouTube videos, ranting about "haters", and how he wants his "privacy". If you comment on his videos with even a semblance of legitimate criticism, he may block you, in which case you are a winrar; if he flips his shit and gets racist on you, you win one free internetz. He believes that the following deserve to die: Omnivores and Carnivores, people who smoke, drink, take drugs (even if it's prescription), people who are circumcised, and anyone whose views oppose his own. Onision has recently started moderating his comments and disabling ratings on his videos, as people are realizing that he's a sick fuck and shouldn't make money from YouTube for retarded views to YouTube and his audience.

Before YouTube - Getting discharged from the Air Force

Believe it or not, but there was a time when Greg didn't go to YouTube every single day. One of the reasons being that YouTube hadn't been invented, the second was that he was busy being in the air force. Yes, this loser actually thought it was good idea to go in military. But because, fucking spoilers here, you actually have to learn to survive in the military, one of the disciplines was how to kill a wabbit. But, Greg dumb as shit actually refused, which ended up getting him stationed in South Korea. If it had been Best Korea he would probably have learned a thing or two about right from wrong. After having served, this crybaby started his YouTube channel as a way of dealing with all the emotional distress he had to bear.

I am a tool of death


https://web.archive.org/web/20130801234354/http://onisiondrama.jumpwiki.com/wiki/Onision, Greg

Onision is a coward. He is a seed of falsehood. He couldn’t follow orders! He even said it himself, when he said he was a conscientious objector. How can he be Pro American when he refused to follow military orders? Also it’s called the United States Armed Forces, what the hell did he think he was going to carry? FLOWERS?!”...Like I said before, He is a coward. He sucks. I’m done with him. If he actually did real combat, he’d probably end up first casualty.”


http://chaseagainstonision.tumblr.com/post/58215567710/marine-veterans-thoughts-on-onision, Someone's dad

But it is all a lie, and he was kicked off for other reasons, that are not known.: In a retard panic attack Gruck actually stripped buck naked in front of his CO to "show that he was human" (Gruck's own words), in actuality Gruck probably wanted the sergeant to Bareback him. Of course these were grounds on immediate dismissal on the don't ask, don't tell-clause. They probably realized that he was too mental to ever much of a faggot be in the military. Because the only way you would ever have to learn basic survival skills is if you attended SERE in order to become a pilot or Spec-Ops, you'd have to be 20, and he joined YouTube the same month as he turned 20, so once again Greg is full of shit. and gay.

The Cult Of Sicesca

onision never had a cult website! - onision's fans
Onision having the hots for Marshall Applewhite.
History of Sicesca in a nutshell.

Yeah that's right, if you thought him being in the military was absurd, this guy literally tried to make his own fucking cult named Sicesca. Greg claimed that he created and join Sicesca in 1997, when he was fucking 11 years old. But it wasn't until in 2005 when he was the age of 17 that he decided to create the official Sicesca website. In this cult he would be the Cult leader and he would guide its members to enlightenment.

To put it bluntly, this cult was Greg's attempt to stop all animal hunger, any environmental harm, animal abuse, and force everyone to be vegetarians. If they disagreed, they would "fall back to the earth." In other words, he'd kill them all. Ironically, Greg wasn't a vegan yet when creating this.

Greg would tried to gain followers on his old long-forgotten websites through e-mails and forums.

I am... often... a sociopath... I find that you described yourself somewhat in this way too...

If I am being damaged emotionally to an extreme extent (like if someone is breaking up with me, or someone just cheated on me... or someone just told me I should die or no longer exist --- all coming from those I care about), my emotions will shut down, and I will begin saying things that I mean, but in a stronger sense, more blunt sense.

All of the above examples really happened... I told my first love that she no longer deserved my time, and I ended our conversations until I healed... once due to her drug use, second to her cheating... there was no third (this are the significant break ups I mention.)

Then there was the various break ups on their part towards me... most did not matter, but some did, in which I smiled, not feeling a thing, sometimes never feeling at all ~

And lastly, my ex-girlfriends' sister of which I began to love like family ~ she told me she wished I would die, she wished I did not exist... I smiled, and said she was horrible for saying those things, I said she was ugly on the inside, that she did not deserve to look at me...

I made her cry many times due to what she had said to me... in a way this makes me a monster... in a way, this makes me a god.


—Onision admitting how self-aware he is and sucking his own dick at the sometime.

In 2006, Greg decided to delete Sicesca and pretty much abandoned the whole cult thing, most likely because he realized it wasn't going anywhere, and because he already has a legion of followers on JewTube to brainwash. However, the website can still be found here.

In 2009, SomeFaggot827 was able to discovers Sicesca by using the Wayback Machine, and made a video calling Onision out for his cultist faggotry. Because of this, Greg tried to delete everything about Sicesca after getting a lot of criticism over it, and he claim to have never made a cult. He did later admit to making it in a series of videos, but acted like there was nothing weird about it.

It's funny that when he claims that he doesn't have a cult, his fans agree with him, but now when he says that he is going to resume the cult his blinded fans stumble over themselves to drink the koolaid.

It's also obvious that his beliefs in Sicesca still lingers inside Greg to this day, considering how he treats his own fanbase like a cult itself.

The Sicesca Facebook page can be found here If you want to troll him for the lulz.

Youtube History

In The Beginning

Greg like dress up with wigs, make up, and female clothing to expressed his inter gayness.

Greg created his first YouTube account in 2006 and named it "Onision" where he made mundane vlogs and rants about everyday shit, but after realizing that vlogging is gay, he changed his approach by making shitty sketches and ripping off Shane Dawson.

He also had a website as early as 2005. Some choice quotes:

I was born silently, and blue. My mom was originally told that I was going to turn out retarded, probably because when I was born my head was 14 1/2 inches around, and my chest was 13 1/2. The scanners I guess gave them the impression I was going to only be a quarter-wit... but luckily she decided not to abort, and here I am...


—Onision, this explains everything

As a way of making himself look more important and because his a money whore, he has created multiple channels on Youtube with all sorts of videos. He uploads videos like how one takes a shit, usually does it at least once a day, and Youtube is his toilet, and he wipes his ass with the ad revenue. This guy loves the sound of his own voice.

Being on TV For a Short Time

Nobody really cared about Greg and his gay videos, until Daniel Tosh selected a video of him dancing in a banana suit, which aired on Comedy Central. He also somehow got on ABC and MTV. Greg considers this the zenith of his life, and not only help his career, but also help enlarge his ego.

If you look up the definition of “Celebrity” and then take a look at how many television networks I’ve been on, how many hundreds of millions of views I’ve gotten etc. you would be kidding yourself to suggest anyone calling me a “celebrity” is unreasonable.


—Onision, making sure you know he is a "celebrity"

However, even television is not safe from his bullshit drama, as Fox News, while they did a story about scum artists posing as Haidi charities, they showed a clip of Greg being stupid enough to help these scums, and keeping poor niggers from eating. Greg wanted an apology from them, but of course, never got one.

List of YouTude Channels And The Types of Videos In Them

Atomic.gif Warning!
Every time you click on one of onision's videos, the faggot makes money. We want to make sure he makes as little as possible so that goes to better use, and so Greg can get butthurt. JewTube is making enough money already.
Cuck-boy trying to attract little girls.
  • Onision (Main Channel): A collection of probably the most unfunniest comedy skits ever. He literally dresses up and plays as most of the characters, because everybody who collaborated with him got sick of his shit. Most of his jokes are just "LOL I'M SO RANDOM" and " LUL LOOK AT ME AM EDGY AND OFFENSIVE" which gets old very fast. Videos consist of: Making fun of emos, making fun of fat people, hating on woman, all sorts of people in stereotypes, dancing, cosplay, using outdated jokes, somebody getting brutally killed, making fun of the people who have wronged him (like his critics, meat eaters, parents, and other youtubers), and screaming and flailing his arms around trying way too hard to be funny. Yet at some point this waste of brain cells was able to gain at least 100,000 views per video. Two million people are fucking stupid! A lot of his old videos got removed, either from flaggers or from Greg because of the controversy around them, and now he's only getting at least 1,000 views per video.
  • OnisionSpeaks: His boring-ass vlog channel, where he talks about his hilariously sad life, shoves his backwards opinions down his fans asses, and trying to be a therapist and gives horrible advice that probably does more harm than good. Also constantly makes long ass videos insulting and bitching about his critics like a little kid, and makes a mockery of them by labeling them all as just "Haters" with no lives and have nothing better to then to hate, "Trolls" trying to fuck with him, crazy "Stalkers" wanting attention, usually well he manipulates the situation to his fanfucks and being a hate-filled crybaby bitch in the process.
  • UhOhBro: Originally a gaming channel, but because Greg sucks ass at video games, he dedicated it to making videos of him reacting to stuff he finds on google images, appealing to normie teenagers. Eventually he decided to make it another AIDS infected vlog channel.

Typical Cringe In His Videos, Parodies and Others

17 minutes of hell.
Protip: If you eat meat and circumcise your wiener, you're just as bad as a murdering pedophile.
Greg is a racist piece of shit.
SomeGuy827 latest rent video on onision's pedophilia behavior.
Greg knows black girl hair better than an actual black girl.
When Greg said he never made fun of rape.
A example of onision's humor.
Fuck you onision! Fuck your fans! And fuck everything you stand for! -An ex-fan, after watching the video where Greg victim blame his abuse fan.
Greg is a fucking scammer!

Fans and Haters/Critics

Onision considers himself a celebrity. He has thousands of followers who would let him fuck them in their asses. But with fans, also comes critics, or what Greg likes to call "His Haters".

Note: He has more haters then fans.


Whiny retards, mostly ugly 16-year old girls, sexually confused 13-year old boys, and shameless sociopaths like Greg, who spend all their time on his videos to hear the sound of his voice, which they love just as much as Greg does. They circle-jerk each other in tribute to their benevolent savior, Onision. They take in anything he says, no matter how mentally challenged it is. No matter how much evidence you give them on how much of a piece of shit onion is, they will always defend him, think you're just jealous, and will always give you the "Don't like it don't watch it" excuse, which is also what Greg does (Which is also where his fans got it from). His fans are easy to troll, all you have to do is disagree with his opinion and you'll start a major shitstorm. (You fags think we don't notice your changes? Or that it's not gonna be reverted? LOL)


Trolls, moralfags with agendas, anyone who isn't a complete fucking idiot, has two brain cells to rub together, and hatefags (like YOU, and the pitiful faggots who keep turning this article to dog shit). Some of them are former fans that got butthurt that their hero turned out to be a disappointing narcissistic douche (Seriously how the fuck stupid do you have to be, not to have this fucking epiphany sooner), and are now are dedicated basement dwelling rejects. To Onision though, anyone who doesn't line up to suck his baby dick, or agree with everything he says, is a hater.

Banned from VidCon

He's watching you fap poop.
Greggy poo fancies himself an Intellectual.

In 2012, Hank Green (An cuck who didn't want another cuck upstaging him) kicked Onision off VidCon's speakers list and he was subsequently banned from entering VidCon due to being a cock sucking faggot in his speaks videos. Ather finding out that he was not good enough for VidCon, he did what he does best, bitch and cry about it. Many other Youtube partners (and concerned parents) didn't agree with his statements as well as many other users on YouTube. Even though he was only banned for that one year, he got so butthurt at this that he decided to never go to VidCon again.

In 2015, he apparently helped Carter Reynolds getting banned from Vidcon for being a Pedophilia, by messaging Hank Green on Twitter. He also accused other people who were attending that year to also be pedophiles.

Notice how Cuck clearly photoshopped his head on other bodies.
Onision's Webpage 2.0 in 2005

Twitter, Drama With Shay Karl, and Circumcisions

Most of his post on twitter includes of Cuber-bullying his ex's for having a dutteh house just because she dumped him or to reply to his haters. He also likes to use it to talk shit about his exes. He usually deletes his post but luckily, the Onision drama blog is here to keep that shit up on the internet, people even have Facebook pages dedicated to that shit.

In June 2010, Shay Carl announced that he was going to get a circumcision for his son on twitter. Being the caring human being Onision is, he decided to tell Shay Carl on twitter about how bad circumcision is, by calling him a monster, horrible father, and accusing him of mutilation due to the alleged "pain" of circumcision.

Onision's usual methods of shoving his own beliefs down everyone else's throats, while lying about his own shortcomings, came to bite him in the ass in the way of Shay's fans. Even Onision's own fans called him out for being a fag. All Onision could do was cry about it.

Oemgeeez foreskinz.png

Onision's Forums

Over 9000 forums

Onision might just be the worst forum owner ever. Since 2004 he has had upwards of 15 different forums. He really has no idea what he is doing with them, and every time one of his sites is taken down by a DoS attack, instead of simply restoring the website they way it was before, he decides to instead throw a hissy fit, blame the wrong people, and then 3 months later he makes a completely new forum. Upon an attack taking place in 2016 on one of his websites, Onision decided to blame his software provider for not being able to handle the attack rather than the company he was hosting with. Ragreynolds tried to explain to Onision on numerous occasions via email that the software was fine and the issue was with hosting, but Onision being the autist he is decided to completely ignore what he was being told and instead continued to blame the software provider.

Meat Gate

Long time members of Onision's forums will never forget that one time in 2011 when Onision decided to go full vegtard and ban every single meat eater from his website. But it didn't stop there, in fact he actually put censors over the names of different meat products so that when someone mentioned them they would be hit with a link to the If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls documentary.


Divorce from Skye

In January 2010 Onision divorced his wife, Skye Tantaga. After breaking up with Skye he immediately retreats to his dank corner of YouTube and begins painting the picture of her as the evil antagonist and him as the innocent martyr:

I felt as if the relationship was cluttered and wrong, and wasn't meant to be true.. And, so, I made the wrong decision to break up to, uh, act as if things weren't going to get better.. And, so, I just came to my final decision without thinking through it straight.



What Greg "forgot" to tell his fans is that the real reason he divorced Skye was because he was already fucking Shiloh at the time he delivered the divorce papers. The video of him talking about hitting a deer was a video of him using Skye's car to drive to the hotel where he planned on fucking the then underage Shiloh.

Alimony Woes from Skye

In Early 2012, Greg began to whine in his videos about how Skye was stealing his money. He said that the alimony payments he was forced to pay her was causing him such financial hardship that he couldn't afford to live anymore. Which considering he makes 6 figures a year off of his shitty Youtube partnership and the crappy shirts he shits onto his fans chests, he should be living quite well. The real reason Greg is dealing with financial hardship is that he's moved 4 fucking times in the last year. Once from Washington to Los Angeles. Then from Los Angeles back to Washington into a new house. Then when he moved to New Mexico so he could fuck his new underage jailbait whore. Then back to Washington. Let's not forget all of the airfare he spent flying his underage girlfriends to states where he could fuck them without going to jail.

Also, anyone with a brain knows that alimony is decided by a judge, and agreed on by both parties. So Greg claiming that Skye won't let him move on isn't her fault, it's his. If he didn't want to pay alimony, he shouldn't have fucked Shiloh and divorced his wife.


This pretty much sums it up.

Shiloh Hoganson (A.K.A; An attention whore who had a dog eat her out). A girl almost as crazy as Onision is. Onision met Shiloh over Skype and began sending her plane tickets so he could fuck her in states where it was legal to fuck underage girls. He loves himself some loli poon. Some may argue that he wanted her only because she was a popstar. When he was caught, he divorced his wife Skye for Shiloh. When Shiloh turned 18, Greg decided the best course of action was internet drama. When Shiloh started having memory problems, Onision did what came natural, videotape that shit, and not take her to the hospital.Which is the only LOLworthy thing he has ever uploaded.

"I wanna make a rainbow" & "Why I didn't call ambulance"

Shiloh and Greg happily announced that Shiloh was pregnant. Shiloh even had pictures of the pregnancy test. When they realized that she wouldn't be able to fake a pregnancy anymore(they forgot that pregnant women begin to show after a certain amount of time), they told everyone that Shiloh had a miscarriage. Shiloh then stole a picture of someone's sick baby and pretended it was her dead baby named Rogue, who belonged to Onision, and died right after childbirth. The actual parent of the sick baby in the picture found out that Shiloh was using the picture of her child and angrily messaged her about it, and shit hit the fan. Onision made a response, attacking the mother(Somebody find the video and stick it here!). People got pissed. Then they began lying about Shiloh having sepsis. Greg dumped her and sent her to Canada, when everyone called bullshit on that lie, he tried to save himself some shame by responding "guyz, I was lied to too, I'm pissed off with you. feel sorry for me."

Shiloh's nudes were leaked mid 2012 and Shiloh shut down almost all of her accounts. Any remaining are old and inactive. Someone did reupload them, though.

Taylor E Anderson

She's Legal Now Guyz!

Taylor came into the picture as a fangirl of Onision in late 2011 and in September. After one of his break ups with Shiloh, Taylor began to constantly tweet @onision and would persistently post on his website forums, kissing his butt and showing the world her growing obsession with him, constantly referring to him as being the perfect man and saying how she would like to marry him and Skype with him. Stating "Oh the things I would do to Onision". Onision started to reply to her both via his forums and twitter every so often over the next few months although he had gotten back together with Shiloh, that is until their final break up by Late December 2011/early January of 2012. It is believed that they started interacting with one another more, via Skype and other ways of communication. Then they met in person when Onision (secretly) flew down to New Mexico where she lives. He decided to rent a house there and he did until she graduated high school. Because she was only 17 after all. Anyhow, during their short relationship they have so far become engaged and wear rings for one another. (Just like he did with Shiloh.) But it seems to make Taylor feel special, because she likes to tweet pics of her with her ring occasionally. Onision and her have desperately tried to keep their relationship a secret, perhaps because he knows of the backlash he will receive for dating another underage girl and one who seems to be mentally unstable herself being so obsessed with him. Supposedly after her graduation in June she moved in with him, back into his prior house in Seattle. Taylor is now 20, and Onision has begun putting her in his videos and mentioning her on Twitter. Now that he can't be called a freak for fucking a 17 year old, he's taken the relationship public. He also refers to her as "Lainey", which is a probably the shittiest alias ever. He has now successfully knocked up Taylor and created a spawn. Onision has now revealed that he had been begging Taylor to cuck him with some dyke bitch nobody cares about. When Taylor refused, he started cheating on her with said Dyke. As a result, Taylor left him that very same night, and they plan to split up due to Onisions faggotry. He then released a horribly edited video crying about what a cuck he is, and expressing uncertainty about weather or not he'd ever get to see his little hellspawn ever again. Little shit might have a chance after all. He got his second chance. She also appears to be fawning over him like the used-to-be jailbait she was pretending it never happened like any other recovering relationship would, whilst he passively insults her and brings up cheating on her in every possible video regardless of context.

Taylor's Creepy Obsession and Ex's Intriguing Testimony About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Taylor getting married with the parents permission

In November of 2012, MrRepzion feeling concern of Onision new wife's fate decided to made a video exposing Onision regarding his marriage. The video in question was directed to the parents of his new wife, Taylor, alerting them that Onision were getting married without their knowledge and that she is going behind their back while her hard-working poor father have to pay for her college education. All is well until Onision come across the video, and start shitting bricks. Within a week, he baww profusely to YouTube about it and YouTube removed it to appeased his little dick. Their reasons for removing the video is that it contain "inappropriate content" and thus cannot be restored or reinstated. The original video has since been mirrored numerous times for the lulz, causing Onision's fan to go ballistic to this day.

Adrienne Jourgenson

Part one of the blog
Part two. Look that shit up on google if you wanna read the rest
Warning: Dirty vajayjay

Adrienne Jourgenson dated Onision for a few weeks after Greg's first breakup with Shiloh. When he stopped running from the Canadian Mafia, he hooked up with Adrienne over Skype.

A typical hipster with low self esteem. Adrienne proved to be a fucking idiot because she was dumb enough to let Onision pressure her into fucking him within 2 days of meeting him. After banging her, he made her feel bad about sleeping with a man she wasn't in a relationship with, so she decided to date him. Greg constantly harassed her afterwards to fuck her more, and to suck his dick. All he wanted was her to spend as much time on her knees polishing his tiny dick. When she refused to suck his dick, he dumped her. Then he tried to beg her back, when he wasn't getting pussy.

Greg began pressuring Adrienne to quit her job and move to Washington and into his house. He promised to pay her to edit his videos. Like a fucking dumbass she quit her job and prepared to leave friends and family behind. Then after she made a lame joke about loving pussy on her facebook, Onision freaked out about dating a possible lesbian so he dumped her(Even though he's tried to suck Shane Dawson's cock for a long time). He left her to figure out how to pay her bills since she was stupid enough to quit her job for a dumbass.

When Adrienne and Onision broke up, she made a (lulzy)blog about all his weird shit he did, when they were together(Did you know that when he and Adrienne first made out, he made her wear a mustache? He also faps to hentai[Shiloh confirmed this too]). He got butthurt and started harassing her with voice mails and messages, shit got creepy and lulzy.

Keep listening, shit gets creepier as it goes on.

Greg then got back with Shiloh. Still sore about Adrienne's blog, and that she put the voicemails out on youtube, he decided that running Adrienne's name through the mud was the best way to go, to get back at her, and also for everyone to accept Shiloh again. He told people in his videos that Shiloh had a clean house unlike his ex (Adrienne) who had a very dirty house. When Greg got a bunch of backlash for slandering an ex-girlfriend in an epic display of moar butthurt, he denied ever saying it. He deleted the video in the process to hide the evidence. No-life haters had managed to mirror it, for everyone to see Onision act a bitch.

Lainey (Greg getting/being cucked)

Use scrollbar to see the full image

Onision Relationship 2015.png
This is an adult

Disregard that, separated

Because there are no brakes on this failtrain of stupid decisions and stupid people, this relationship was ended when Lainey wanted to cum for once, so she wanted to see a girl to eat out her pussy, as it is well known that Greg doesn't munch the beef curtains. So Lainey found a girl that could make all her dreams come true. But then Greg got really jelly, and wanted the girl, for some reason. Even though he was too busy to fuck his wife at home, because he was working all the time. YouTube is not a job. So Greg and the other girl started cuddling.

Disregard that, still together

Greg and Lainey are still together. He is still passively insulting her and bringing up cheating on her in roughly every other video as well. Not to mention she is fawning over him like nothign ever happened. Goes to show that getting a woman pregnant is a good way to make sure you can get away with doing stupid shit that would otherwise end with your ass in a cardboard box holding a sign for money.

Animal Abuse

Killing his Turtle (R.I.P Reptar)

Instagram posts.
At least Reptar tasted delicious -Onision, When he rejoiced over eating meat
His pets are living in filth.

To prove his absolute disdain for animals, and also to show his absolute stupidity, Onision decided to let his pet turtle, Reptar, have a horrible excruciating slow death by putting it in a plastic container in the hot sun and letting it suffocate and bake to death. According to him, Greg did this because he wanted Reptar to have some fun outside, but he didn't want to go through the trouble of looking after it. While everyone, above the age of 7 knows to poke air holes in containers, and even knows how heat works, this is of course not common knowledge by Greg.

In august of 2013, after people got pissed at him for being a irresponsible fucktard and many even calling animal control on his ass, Greg uploaded several videos having a long mental breakdown. In these videos, he tries to deny that he's the cause of his pet's death, by saying that his neighbors somehow gave it a panic attack and that it wasn't hot enough outside that day to kill it because of it being Russian. When this wasn't working, he then got severely butthurt and started spewing out child-like insults, and made the argument that those who eat meat can't judge him because they tribute to the death of animals everyday. After proclaiming his innocence, he then demanded apology, as if it was somehow our fault it died. However when Animal Control confirm to him that he was to blame for it's death, he pretty much went all pussy and never mention it again. How he was able to keep having pets after this is unknown.

The videos in question.

Abusing his Dogs

Well Greg always had conceit with his veganism and is repugnance for those who eat animals, we have evidence that he's an asshole to his dogs, Dods, Leelu and Caterpie. Not just by exploiting them in his videos, but forcing them to eat vegan dog food which makes them weak and skinny, because dogs are carnivores and they need meat to keep healthy. He also likes to scared the shit out of his dogs by screaming at them for fun. But worst of all, in 2018, laineybot's videos show there dogs wearing shock collars on their necks.

Those poor dogs...
Lainey letting everybody see Caterpie's shock collar like a dumbass.

Taking on Anonymous

On March 5, 2013, our friendly neighborhood Onision put out a video response to "Anonymous" and their exploits on him.

If you didn't want to watch the video, then all you missed out on was Onision victimizing himself because everything is everybody else's fault all the time. This stance was short lived however; quickly turning from helpless, wounded doe, to vicious, epic troll-master making sick burns such as "Nobody in anonymous has a job", and "All anonymous people play World of Warcraft" (Which he added a quick "Nobody even plays it anymore!" jab, disregarding the fact that it has 10 million players. But hey, fuck logic and facts when they oppose your world views, right?). All of this however was garbled and lost as the video took a downward spiral of screaming and emotion. And if you did have the privilege of watching the video, then you probably saw got Onision dressing like a boy the entire time up until near the end where she finally enters the room in her casual attire of yellow-and-red sundress with matching purse and glasses before promptly ripping off his shirt and wallowing in condiments.

All in all, I rate this video a solid meh/10. I honestly cant tell if he's deliberately acting this way to whore for attention, or if he's legitimately this fucking dense and creepy.

Onision Vs. Encyclopedia Dramatica

The butthurt is strong in this one

Upon discovering this page, Greg suffered a severe case of butthurt, and cried in his shower. When he dried off, he then went over to his personal website and literally wrote a big ass page, similar to his Hater Q&A and rebutting every fucking word on his article while achieving a new level of autism. When ED admins came over to try to help him solve the problem with his article on Twitter, he proceeded to block them all like the cancer cell he is.

“Onision is a YouTuber born with overies instead of testicles. This makes him curl his eyelashes and put on light makeup, and has male GOTIS=like syndrome.” My eyelashes naturally look the way they do, as does my skin, so thank you for the compliment.

“He is famous for the drama he makes, and his train-wreck of a love life.” I’m actually famous for my comedy videos that have been on MTV, Comedy Central, ABC & other television networks. I have hundreds of millions of views on my comedy videos, not my serious ones.

“His pastime is physically, mentally, and verbally abusing his girlfriends/fiances/wives when he isn’t busy creating YouTube videos, ranting about “haters”, and how he wants his “privacy”.” (1) All my ex’s attempted to befriend me after we broke up (proven in the screen capped emails) which is a strong indication that I really am not what people say I am. (2) My wife is very happy, if you took the time to ask her instead of spreading ignorance, you would know that.

“He believes that the following deserve to die: Omnivores and Carnivores, people who smoke, drink, take drugs(even if it’s prescription), people who are circumcised, and anyone whose views oppose his own.” That’s completely untrue (1) I am an Omnivore Vegetarian, physically being an Omnivore is not a choice, being a Vegetarian is (2) My family members eat meat, smoke, drink, have used drugs, are circumcised & oppose my views in many ways, I love all of them.

“Onision has recently started moderating his comments and disabling ratings on his videos, as people are realizing that he’s a sick fluck and shouldn’t make money from Youtube for retarded views to Youtube and his audience.” It’s awkward you say that considering if you look at my videos, you can comment/rate on 99% of them without any filters.

“He created his first YouTube account in 2006 where he had the idea to make a channel full of mundane rants about everyday shlit, the first of which can be found here.” I didn’t rant about anything till late 2007 actually. The account was created in 2006, yes, but it was barely used, and only included comedy sketches at the time.

“In 2007, after coming to the realization that vlogging is flucking retarded, he changed his approach.” Actually I still vlog, it’s not “flucking retarded” in my opinion, and the opinion of millions of others.

“He decided to contribute to YouTube by making shlitty YouTube comedy sketches and copying Shane Dawson’s style.” I don’t recall even knowing of Shane Dawson’s existence till around 2009. Again, where do you get your “facts”?

“Protip: If you eat meat and circumcise your wiener, you’re just as bad as a murdering pedophile.” I don’t believe that’s true at all. It’s unfortunate you think that. Eating meat isn’t the best for your body, the environment & certainly not animals, but that doesn’t make you a pedophile, or even a murderer by definition.

“Onision considers himself a celebrity, which can be considered bullshlit.” If you look up the definition of “Celebrity” and then take a look at how many television networks I’ve been on, how many hundreds of millions of views I’ve gotten etc. you would be kidding yourself to suggest anyone calling me a “celebrity” is unreasonable.

I get it, you don’t like me, but reality won’t change on your whim, some things you just have to accept. I’ve worked hard to get to where I am, and I acknowledge I would be nowhere without the love & support of the people who watch my videos. I am grateful.

“Onision Fans, Whiny retards, mostly ugly 16-year old girls and sexually confused 13-year old boys who spend all their time on Onision’s videos to hear the sound of his voice” Actually according to Google analytics half my audience is 18+, what you just said is a common assumption by people who do not like me. They spread such information as fact to support their agenda, when really, it’s a lie.

Again, just because you do not like someone, does not mean the real world will suddenly change to support your statements against them.

“They circle-jerk each other in tribute to their benevolent “god”, Onision. They take in anything he says, no matter how frequently stupid it is.” Actually, if you’ve paid attention to the OnisionSpeaks channel, when I say something people don’t like, my likes/dislikes ratio is disrupted, and I receive loads of hate comments. My audience is quite the opposite of what you describe, they are in many ways individuals.

“His fans are easy to troll, all you have to do is disagree with his opinion and you’ll start a major shlitstorm. You’re only seeing one perspective, I also receive similar hatred from individuals who make vlogs against me, a “shlitstorm” as you describe it. We’re all human, we’re all playing the same game. We think the world is standing against us, when really, the other side often feels the same way.

“Some of them are former fans that are butthurt that their hero turned out to be a disappointing narcissistic douche(Seriously how the fluck stupid do you have to be, not to have this flucking epiphany sooner), and are now are dedicated basement dwelling rejects.” I feel like what this is really about is the fact that many people assume I hate them just because we disagree with each other, they feel like I personally insulted them, and in some cases, decide to take an anti-Onision stance.

This likely isn’t about narcissism, or about being a douche, this is about conflicting opinions being handled in the wrong way.

“To Onision though, anyone who doesn’t line up to suck his dlick, or agree with everything he says, is a hater.” That’s not true at all, people who show hate towards you are, by definition, haters.

“In 2012 Vidcon, Onision has been kicked off the speakers list and banned from entering Vidcon due to being a flaggot in his speaks videos.” Assuming you care about the truth, what really happened is I was banned for being threatened with haters pelting me with meat & eggs upon my arrival.

“Butthurt about not being good enough for vidcon, he did what any flaggot does, cry and bitch about it.” In 2011 I was flown out for free, my hotel was paid for & I was issued a VIP pass by the VidCon staff. You saying I was not “good enough”, again, is just something you say to support your agenda, not truth.

“Most of his post on twitter includes of Cuber-bullying his ex’s for having a dutteh house just because she dumped him or to reply to his haters.” Actually I very very rarely have ever mentioned my ex’s names in videos about what they’ve done to me in the past. As I stated before every one of them wanted to be my friend after all was said and done, but I chose not to associate with any of them simply because I broke up with all of them for good reasons.

Whenever I made a video about my ex’s it was often in response to being stolen from, conned, cheated on, lied about etc. Most every video was about telling the truth/defense, and again, unlike many haters, I had the decency to exclude full names/avatars etc.

“In June 2010, Shay Carl announced that he was going to get a circumcision for his son on twitter. Being the caring human being Onision is, he decided to tell Shay Carl on twitter about how bad circumcision is, by calling him a monster” As I recall, I didn’t directly call him anything. I spoke directly to him once or twice about it, but then went on a non-specific rant about what I thought about not giving your child a choice when it came to what is proven to be an unnecessary procedure applied to one of the most sensitive/important parts of their body (please just research it).

I was fighting for infant rights, and I felt justified in what I was doing. Regardless, since then I have apologized and shaken hands with Shay Carl. He and I are not at all enemies, and I have repeatedly said even indirectly criticizing his personal decisions was not my business.

“In 2005, Onision, at the age of 17 decided to create a cult named Sicesca. In this cult he would be the Cult leader and he would guide its members to enlightenment.” That is so incredibly untrue. There was no leader in that belief system. It was dedicated to celebrating the Earth. Haters just warped it into something ugly because again, it suits their agenda to be dishonest, which is good enough for them.

I was only supportive of that religion (if you can even call it that as it had no leader or god(s)) for about a year until I went Agnostic and have been since.

“According to the information about Sicesca, this cult was his plan to stop all animal hunger, any environmental harm, animal abuse, and force everyone to be vegetarians.” Wow… I wasn’t a Vegetarian till I was 23, could you be more uninformed? From ages 12-23 I ate meat. The truth doesn’t help you demonize me, so just ignore it right?

“(Note: Onision wasn’t a veg when creating this cult.)” So why would you say I was trying to turn people Vegetarian when I wasn’t even a Vegetarian nor understood Vegetarianism at the time? Get your story straight.

“The website can be found here He baleeted it after getting a lot of criticism over it.” I wasn’t even known to barely anyone when I stopped using that site. I also wasn’t receiving any criticism for it… no one cared.

“And now he tries to ignore the past and blind his fans about all of it by pretending it never happened.” Do you know how many times I’ve mentioned Sicesca in videos? Not just my second channels but main channels as well. It’s amazing how many inaccuracies are in your statements, it’s like you didn’t even try to fact check before writing this.

“In November 2011, Onision started to stir up more trouble by resuming his Sicesca cult and, then, using cheesy jokes to help keep people from thinking he’s crazy.” You have to be joking… what good would it do me to start a cult? Really? What could I possibly gain from it? Your theory is what’s crazy.

“Onision has resumed Sicesca and it is now still running. In a recent video he says that he is going to somewhat “resume Sicesca,” even though he has not given out any information on how to contact the Church of Sicesca.” …what… are you… talking about? You mean the jokes I made about it? I say again JOKES? Do you not even realize I was making fun of conspiracy theorists just like you?

“In January 2010 Onision divorced his wife, Tantaga. After breaking up with Tantaga he immediately retreats to his dank corner of YouTube and begins painting the picture of her as the evil antagonist and him as the innocent martyr.” Actually she signed the divorce papers mid-December. 2009. I proposed we divorce months prior when she spoke of claiming my assets against our original verbal agreement. Things calmed down for a while but I finally asked her to sign papers later that year.

“What Onision “forgot” to tell his fans is that the real reason he divorced Tantaga was because he was already flucking Draculoh at the time he delivered the divorce papers.” Again, conveniently denying the facts, watch this video which clearly proves it would of been impossible to do what you said I did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDYuyYc3o0Q

“The video of him talking about hitting a deer was a video of him using Tantaga’s car to drive to the hotel where he planned on flucking the then underage Draculoh.” (1) That was my car, I paid for it. My ex wife refused to get a job during the last portion of our marriage, and did almost nothing productive every day which is a big reason why I divorced her. (2) I’ve never done anything illegal with any of my significant others.

“In Early 2012, Onision began to whine in his videos about how Tantaga was stealing his money. He said that the alimony payments he was forced to pay her was causing him such financial hardship that he couldn’t afford to live anymore.” I feared the financial hardship would cause me to be unable to survive, but I pulled through. I originally agreed to give her $12,000 to support her till she got a job, but she instead decided to nearly completely gut my house when I was away from home & then pursue me for $150,000. Her doing that made me very confident in my decision to separate from her as her intentions were made clear when she went after money I didn’t even have, despite having made a huge deal before we even got married about her NOT signing a prenuptial agreement.

“Also, anyone with a brain knows that alimony is decided by a judge, and agreed on by both parties.” She demanded $150,000, out of fear that she could actually get it assuming the judge would be unfair, I settled for $90,000. I’ll be paying alimony for years to come, despite us being divorced for years already.

“If he didn’t want to pay alimony, he shouldn’t have flucked Draculoh and divorced his wife.” I had multiple opportunities to return to that marriage and I didn’t, she made it clear she was willing to get back with me, but I chose not to. I’d honestly rather pay the $90,000 than be with someone who would say they loved me one moment, only to try and ruin me the next.

I asked for a divorce weeks before considering moving on, I signed divorce papers before moving on, I did nothing wrong, and am not ashamed of my decisions in that period of time.

What I regret is not doing it when I first threatened divorce around October that year.

“Onision met Draculoh over Skype and began sending her plane tickets so he could fluck her in states where it was legal to fluck underage girls.” The taboo in this statement is over 9000 & it’s also inaccurate. The legal age in Canada is 16, but that didn’t matter considering I didn’t get my passport till months after my Divorce.

“When Draculoh started having memory problems, Onision did what came natural, videotape that shlit, and not take her to the hospital.” That was not the first episode she had, I was very experienced in dealing with her issues. My original intent in filming it was to show her what she had gone through when it was all over, to help her in showing her what exactly was happening.

When it was over, she told me she wanted me to post the footage to my channel instead of making an entirely different main-channel video as she wanted to cuddle with me/sleep sooner, so I did, turning it into a learning/understanding video experience. Now that you know the truth, you can correct your prior inaccurate statements.

“Draculoh and Onision happily announced that Draculoh was pregnant. Draculoh even had pictures of the pregnancy test.” I still have no idea whether or not I can even get anyone pregnant. The timing of her pregnancy was really strange, especially considering I had just taken a fertility test and the results were not very positive.

Also, the doctors conclusion on dates/development timelines seemed really, uncomfortable.

“When they realized that she wouldn’t be able to fake a pregnancy anymore (they forgot that pregnant women begin to show after a certain amount of time), they told everyone that Draculoh had a miscarriage.” Do you really think I had anything to do with any of that? She lied to me regularly. If what you’re saying is true, if I really had some involvement in any lies, don’t you think the drama/lies would remain consistent? Don’t you think I would have fake pregnancies and medical conditions with everyone I was with? The only drama that’s occurred in months involved a prank I played on haters to get them out of my personal life. There has literally been no relationship drama caused by myself outside jokes in over a year. All relationship drama generated from myself in a serious context stopped when I left Tantaga, Ad & Draculoh in my past. Did you even consider that?

If you pay attention (very important if you care about the facts) you’ll notice lies, clear, undeniable lies are consistently in the past & present of certain individuals, and not with the other. If you compare the two behaviors, it becomes simple to conclude which party is guilty of what.

Now as for what exactly happened, we took her into the doctor about “13 weeks” into the pregnancy & that’s when they told her the baby had died. I was there myself, I saw it with my own eyes. It was really depressing, I hugged her as she cried, I literally remember her tears sinking through my shirt.

“Draculoh then stole a picture of someone’s sick baby and pretended it was her dead baby named Rogue, who belonged to Onision, and died right after childbirth.” I never saw that picture being posted to her Facebook as I tend to ignore my ex’s posts/lives once we’re separated. Normally when I say anything about my ex’s it is about our past together, not their future apart from me as that is none of my business.

If you actually saw the picture (a screen cap was shown to me), it was of a baby that was months into the pregnancy, considering my alleged (heartbreaking if they were actually mine) baby was only “13 weeks”, that instance is obviously being confused with an event far earlier that year when she and I had broken up early on.

“The actual parent of the sick baby in the picture found out that Draculoh was using the picture of her child and angrily messaged her about it, and shlit hit the fan. Onision made a response, attacking the mother” I was dating Draculoh when people started to reacting to the picture she apparently posted while we were broken up. I felt defending her would be the honorable thing to do, however saying I attacked the mother of the child is unreasonable. Why would you do that to someone who could of just lost their child assuming what was said about Draculoh were true?

“People got pissed. Then they began lying about Draculoh having sepsis. Onision dumped her and sent her to Canada, when everyone called bullshlit on that lie, he tried to save himself some shame by responding “guyz, I was lied to too, I’m pissed off with you. feel sorry for me.”” I actually legitimately (1) didn’t know what Sepsis was (obviously) and (2) based on everything I did in that relationship was very gullible to most everything she said.

Draculoh said she didn’t post a picture of a dying baby, I believed her. She said she was loyal to me even while we were broken up, I believed her. She said she was pregnant with the most recent child and it was mine, I believed her. She said she had Sepsis, I believed her… that’s just what I do with significant others, I trust them.

“Ad proved to be a flucking idiot because she was dumb enough to let Onision pressure her into flucking him within 2 days of meeting him.” We dated for a week, then met in a hotel and slept together. She accused me of pressuring her after, not during, our relationship, only to write me months later apologizing for her accusations/inaccuracies, and even gave me her phone number/proposed friendship, I never responded to her requesting friendship because I felt uncomfortable.

“After banging her, he made her feel bad about sleeping with a man she wasn’t in a relationship with, so she decided to date him.” Again, we were dating before we slept together, or even met in person for that matter.

“Onision constantly harassed her afterwards to fluck her more, and to suck his dlick. All he wanted was her to spend as much time on her knees polishing his tiny dlick. When she refused to suck his dlick, he dumped her.” That’s not at all how it happened actually. She was mutually interested in me sexually, maybe even more so considering she proposed we make love in the hallway of the hotel. I turned her down because I was afraid of being seen being publicly indecent.

A lot of people chose to demonize me during the whole drama involving Ad, but the facts a lot of people chose to deny is, I’ve never had sex with someone outside being in a relationship with them, I did not believe in casual encounters; She however had much more sexual experience than I had, in that, we actually did just fine together sexually. The real reason we broke up repeatedly was due to personality conflicts.

“Onision began pressuring Ad to quit her job and move to Washington and into his house.” I was living in LA, and moving out wasn’t all she was interested in, she stated she wanted to marry me within 30 days, making a comment about how she was 26 and that it was about time.

“Then after she made a lame joke about loving pussy on her facebook, Onision freaked out about dating a possible lesbian so he dumped her.” Ad would say a lot of things I considered to be immoral. I was all about loyalty & exclusivity and she had a self-admitted history of cheating on her boyfriend(s), so, I was reasonably paranoid.

“When Ad and Onision broke up, she made a (lulzy)blog about all his weird shlit he did, when they were together (Did you know that when he and Ad first made out, he made her wear a mustache?” As I recall, she told me to wear one, not the other way around. I thought it was cute, so I did it… I don’t see the big deal, I love to have fun, and be silly sometimes.

“He also faps to Hentai [Draculoh confirmed this too]).” Not sure why looking at Hentai is seen as a bad thing (well, the non-creepy Hentai at least).

“He got butthurt and started harassing her with voice mails and messages, shlit got creepy and lulzy.” I was pretty lonely then, in a really bad place. I was pretty clearly desperate to be loved

“Onision then got back with Draculoh. Still sore about Ad’s blog, and that she put the voicemails out on youtube, he decided that running Ad’s name through the mud was the best way to go” You just proved my earlier point about primarily speaking out when someone was lying about, cheating on or stealing from me.

You, in your own admittance keep revealing the lack in innocence in most all parties involved. An ex writing an entire blog about me? Being the first to expose, warp and exploit our most personal moments? Then releasing voice mails I left her? Does this not add up to you? I use the truth as my defense, I stand up for myself.

Are you even going to acknowledge my defense? Do you not realize that the only reason I am talking about this still today is because you keep bringing it up? Rubbing my past in my face only to demonize me for defending myself? Will you continue to ignore my statements, as they again, do not fuel your anti-Onision agenda?

“He told people in his videos that Draculoh had a clean house unlike his ex (Ad) who had a very dirty house.” It was a mistake for me to go there, I don’t know why I did. What I said was true, and it was a very unpleasant experience for me, but I still should not of made mention of it when it was unknown.

“When Onision got a bunch of backlash for slandering an ex-girlfriend in an epic display of moar butthurt, he denied ever saying it. He deleted the video in the process to hide the evidence.” (1) I don’t slander people, that requires me knowing something is untrue, and saying it about them regardless, it seems that word is misused more than it is correctly used online. (2) I don’t delete videos to hide anything, I delete them because I disagree with them to such a great extent that I don’t feel they belong on my channel anymore.

“No-life haters had managed to mirror it, for everyone to see Onision act a bitch.” If they have no life for taking a few minutes to repost a video, what do you have for taking hours to write up a hate page on me?

“Onision’s fans, like rabid dogs, once beat the shlit out of some girl who was a former fan of Onision, because she disagreed his shlit.” Anyone can claim someone attacked them for whatever reason they chose. To assume the wild accusations of a stranger are true without trying to verify what they’ve said is unreasonable.

“Lainey came into the picture as a fangirl of Onision in late 2011 and in September” Actually she and I didn’t start talking regularly till February 2012, like most everything above, I have proof of what I just said.

“Lainey began to constantly tweet @onision and would persistently post on his website forums, kissing his butt and showing the world her growing obsession with him, constantly referring to him as being the perfect man and saying how she would like to marry him and Skype with him. Stating “Oh the things I would do to Onision”.” So… I’m supposed to be upset that she’s awesome, or?

“Onision started to reply to her both via his forums and twitter every so often over the next few months although he had gotten back together with Draculoh” Oh I see, implying I cheated on someone again, classy. Fact is I didn’t start talking to Lainey regularly (and I say regularly because I probably responded to her @onision tweets prior, check my history to verify) until February 2012. I found out Draculoh cheated on me and was pregnant with the child of the man she cheated on me with late January/early February.

“It is believed that they started interacting with one another more, via Skype and other ways of communication.” Because I’m one of the few people who actually knows what really happened, let me clear this up for you, we Skyped in February, we emailed in February, we texted in February & called each other on the phone in February. Now you know.

“Anyhow, during their short relationship they have so far become engaged and wear rings for one another. (Just like he did with Draculoh.) But it seems to make Lainey feel special, because she likes to tweet pics of her with her ring occasionally.” (1) We’ve been together over a year now and are married. (2) Lainey felt special because she is.

“Onision and her have desperately tried to keep their relationship a secret, perhaps because he knows of the backlash he will receive for dating another underage girl and one who seems to be mentally unstable herself being so obsessed with him.” Actually, I just learned with what happened in the last relationship, and preferred to not repeat it.

“Supposedly after her graduation in June she moved in with him, back into his prior house in Seattle.” Wrong again, she stayed in New Mexico and attended the University in Albuquerque. She is still enrolled in a University and attends regularly.

“Now that he can’t be called a freak for flucking a 17 year old, he’s taken the relationship public.” (1) Nothing illegal happened which means (2) You’re taboo is again over 9000.

“He also refers to her as “Lainey”, which is a probably the shlittiest alias ever. I’m giving it 2 months before the drama ensues.” (1) We both love the nickname and (2) we’re still happily married despite you wishing we weren’t.

“How to Troll Onision, State that you eat meat (and that you enjoy it).” Most all mu family members eat meat and they let me know it. No problem.

“State that you hunt.” My family is full of hunters, so again, no problem

“State that you fish.” Are you serious?

“Prove him wrong- or just disagree with him.” I like being proven wrong because it allows me to accept a greater truth and grow as a person. No problem.

“Ask him why “Smellzyebutt” isn’t in his videos anymore.” Because he lives a thousand miles away from me?

“Send him a leaked video about him.” A leaked video? You mean I video I posted myself and removed because I didn’t want to support the message any longer? Because I don’t have any “leaked” videos outside the voicemails my ex released to hurt me.

“Say that his videos suck.” That is pretty annoying. Like, why do you watch them if you think they suck? That’s awkward.

“Say that his humor sucks.” Again, why are you watching?

“Ask “did you cheat on your ex-wife?”” That just makes you look silly, I’ve already made it clear, with proof, I didn’t: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDYuyYc3o0Q

“Ask him why he deletes his videos.” Because I don’t support the message in them anymore. I have various videos with more dislikes than likes but I keep them up because I feel they have some value.

“State that you don’t care about any other animal except dogs and cats.” Again, many of my loved ones have the same mentality. It’s illogical, but accepted.

“Use reasoning and logic when confronting him, two things he has absolutely no experience in.” Is that what you call everything you’ve said above? All the hateful language, failure to fact-check, privacy-invading usage of full names (in your original post, but I censored them) & overwhelmingly cruel/drastically bias/dishonest statements? Reasoning? Logic?

“Criticize him with a valid opinion.” Like I said above, I welcome facts, as that is normally what a “valid opinion” is based on.

“State that you are circumcised.” Why… would I… care?

“Tell him if he wants to a self-diagnosis of his psyche again, he should look up narcissism, since he exhibits enough traits to be diagnosed a high-level-narcissist.” Why is someone being “narcissist” even worth discussing? I don’t believe I am one, but if I am, who gives a crap?

“Post a video online titling;”RE:Onision” where you just eat meat through the whole video.” How is filling yourself with cholesterol going to upset me?

Regarding all of the above, the reality is, I don’t enjoy having to go back to old topics and defend myself again and again against untruths & misunderstandings from people who shouldn’t even worry themselves with my life.

However, now that I have laid it all out for you, and made it clear what is true & what is not, we can correct any wiki articles that are inaccurate & spread productive/positive knowledge, rather than encouraging this cruel ignorance.

Thank you for being willing to listen.

This proves that Greg has no sense of humor whatsoever, and is a sad little baby bitch who is forever stuck in his teenage years and needs to get his ass kicked. If that is not already enough faggotry, he made his shitty fans come over here and have wage a lulzy ten day long pointless edit war with the EDitors and Sysops before being nuked the fuck out of ED all at once for their extreme patheticness. It got so bad we had to lock this page so that only register users can edit. Sadly for Greg, this will not stop us from documenting all of his failures in life.

"Hey Creepy Stalker, Stop Writing My Family Members!"

On April of 2013, it all started when D0NTSTANDSOCL0SET0ME decided to stir up more drama by writing a bunch of mysterious snail mails to Onision's in-laws. His motive for surreptitiously sending these irritating snail mails was most likely being that he wants to save Taylor from Onision like she is some sort of damsel in distress suffering from Stockholm syndrome, which to him, seems to be the case. The letters eventually reached Taylor and she told Onision that she strongly suspected it to be MrRepzion's doing. Onision purposely believed her claim despite having whopping zero evidence to support it because he sees MrRepzion as his mortal enemy just for making 12 videos in the span of four years taking apart his faulty arguments. Like what he did in his "Anonymous" video, he went on to make five videos victimizing himself all in a span of one month while deliberately leaving out logic and facts that oppose his views on MrRepzion. MrRepzion see Onision's video and then uploaded his own video successfully defending himself against Onision's false allegations on May 6, 2013, causing our dear Onision to either making private or unlisted all of his video against MrRepzion out of shame. Immediately after the shitstorm cleared up, D0NTSTANDSOCL0SET0ME's YouTuber account was terminated for harassing, bullying or threatening. What is even more lulzy is following this drama, big YouTube star HappyCabbie happily made a blog documenting this whole incident and justified Onision's actions against MrRepzion.

His "Novels"

Desperate to stay relevant, Onision hopped on the Youtuber trend of book writing, despite the fact that he hasn't read one in 14 years.

Using his skills of manipulation, he brainwashed his fans into giving them five stars and spam reviews full of bogus shit not relevant to the plot.

This book was amazing! I love the part where the kool-aid man bursted through the wall of Greg's room. And the plot twist where the kool-aid man falls in love with Greg, everyone needs a moment to cringe. There being a even bigger plot twist which the kool-aid man is Andy Biersack. Greg and Andy spend the rest of their live together, get married, have intense butt sex, they even had a baby. just when Greg is about to die he wakes up. Everything was just a dream while he was in a two year coma. When the kool-aid man bursts through the wall, leading Greg to a never ending paradox.


— A favorite copypasta review amongst his fans.

Stones to Abbifail

He published his first novel, Stones to Abbigale, on March 29, 2015.

Note the generic ass YA cover, which is an accurate description of the novel: generic.

Stones to Abbigale is the story of a High School Junior named James and his progress at getting into the pants of his love interest Abbi. He takes advantage of friends, family, teachers, acquaintances, even takes advantage of a SCHOOL SHOOTING in order to finally gain the ultimate prize in his "love quest". It's really boring, and a dead Taiwanese hooker could probably write something better.

I want to be direct, my name is Greg. I go by "Onision" online. This book is made up of events that occurred in my own life mixed with fiction from the made up life of James. James is essentially a better version of myself. His home, his school & his life all resemble my own at his age. The people James analyzes and is surrounded by are not so unlike those I've known as well. I have experienced much of the loss James has however his happier moments are more often than not also mine. I want to share my story without it being purely non-fiction. I simply felt this approach would make for a far better book. At points I cried while writing this, at others I laughed. Stones To Abbigale is not just a book I wrote, it is a piece of who I am.


—Onision admitting that it's actually a wish-fulfillment version of his life.

There is nothing to say about the actual prose except that a half-dead nigger in Africa is more literate than Onision.

The plot is basically nonexistent, and the chapters can't even be counted as episodic. Sure, there's a lot of pointless drama, but that shit doesn't matter because it leads up to nothing. None of the characters go through any significant development at all, nor are they relatable or sympathetic. My Immortal has more interesting characters, and more lulz-worthy than this paper-smeared horseshit. There is one sex scene in this book, and it makes 50 Shades of Gray look like a eloquent masterpiece. The school shooting scene happens early in the book, and is described in graphic detail. It's almost like a snuff film in written form. As you can probably guess, Seth was the perpetrator. During the scene, James runs back into the school save Abbi, giving no shits about anyone else who is hiding from the killer. Classic.

James has a giant superiority complex and judges everyone around him in the form of unreadable purple prose and metaphors that make about as much sense. He is extremely attached to Abbi, and exploits the tragedies she goes through to win her trust and eventually get a little taste of her pussy. Everything revolves around him, and is hailed as a hero after the shooting. Not to mention at Davis' funeral, his mother talks more about James's influence on her dead child than anything.

Abbigale is about as distinguished as a cardboard cutout of a vagina, and is nothing more than a carbon copy of James. She has an angsty past, which is the only remotely amusing thing in the book. Her father would beat her for the lulz, until he gets arrested half way into the novel, and is never heard from again. She also had an abusive boyfriend named Seth, who is just plain Batshit crazy. In a giant block of letter-written exposition, Abbi admits that she was gang raped, and became pregnant as a result. Of course, Seth was merciful enough to beat the shit out of her until she miscarried; effectively sparring her from the horrors of motherhood.

David is undoubtedly the most retarded character in the entire book, and is the physical embodiment of Chris Chan and your "LOL rAnDOm XD" phase in middle school. He was most likely a closeted faggot as well, since he admitted he loved James at some point. Luckily, he gets his dumbass killed at the end of the book by getting hit by a car.

You can find it for free here. Proceed with caution.

This is Why I Hate You

A glorified version of Onision's life. That's it. Not much to say here.

Onision, as usual, can't take criticism. Pussy.

Onision was not satisfied with the sacrifices of five star reviews and cock sucking he was getting from his fanbase. Too many criticisms of his books sent him in a butthurt frenzy, so he expressed it the way he usually does when he's told the truth. He uploaded a video making commentary about the more critical reviews. He just makes the same joke about how they didn't read the book. (Not that anyone with a working brain would want to, anyway.)

Attacking Evalion

Evalion was a YouTuber who specialized in making lulzy videos that insulted Jews, Muslims, fags; praised Hitler, along with dozens of other troll videos. Onision got butthurt from her videos, and along with LeafyIsHere, waged a mass-reporting war against her. After two days, their autistic chimpout was a success after their millions of 12 year old fans flagged her enough to get the JewTube staff to terminate her account.


Like other famous egotistical fags on youtube (such as TheAmazingAtheist), Onision is much creepier than we've believed so far- he's a pedophile, or at least a hebephile at that. Onision runs his own cheesy little forum, where a subforum exists exclusively for his fangirls (many of which are under 18- often as low as 12) can take naughty photos of themselves in their underwear for Onision and his crew to judge and fap to. He's been keeping this gig going for years and has yet to be prosecuted. Despite the fact that 9 times out of 10 someone would get v& in a heartbeat for such activity, it seems nobody has yet to contact the FBI or local authorities over this matter and bring this sick demented fuck to justice. The pedo ring has caused a massive scandal around Christmas 2016, with hundreds of news companies publishing stories covering the drama, which caused Onision to lock down his forums and make all attached files unlisted. You have to register an account and have an admin manually approve it to see that hot teenage ass. Sorry to kill your boner, goy.



Onision's Pride About missing Pics
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Shitty Fan Art of Onision By Mental Retards About missing Pics
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How to Troll Onision

Cugly's property value, in case you feel like donating.
  • Be Encyclopedia Dramatica Properly removed due to butthurt. So yes, obviously trolled. Wayback version / Archive today-ico.png (archive)
  • State that you eat meat (and that you enjoy it).
  • Send him a link to one of Epic Meal Time's meat eating videos.
  • Prove him wrong- or just disagree with him.
  • Ask him why "Smellzyebutt" isn't in his videos anymore.
  • Send him a leaked video about him.
  • Ask "did you cheat on your ex-wife?"
  • Ask about his ex's.
  • Ask him why he deletes his videos.
  • State that you don't care about any other animal except dogs and cats.
  • Use reasoning and logic when confronting him, two things he has absolutely no experience in.
  • Criticize him with a valid opinion.
  • State that you are circumcised.
  • Tell him if he wants a self-diagnosis of his psyche again, he should look up narcissism, since he exhibits enough traits to be diagnosed a high-level-narcissist.
  • Post a video online titled "RE:Onision", where you just eat meat through the whole video.
  • Have a civil conversation with him in Vidcon after parodying his shit.
  • According to TakeShotAction eating a banana actually brings his ego down, maybe because he was jealous of not getting enough cock.

External links




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End Result

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[Retreat!Do It Faggot]

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Featured article June 19 & 20 2016
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