SIMBAD query result

Identifier not found in the database : BD+39 1248D

Please have a look at the "Dictionary of Nomenclature"

Result of query: info cati BD+39 1248D



[Class] Acronym (Explanation) . . . . . . . . . in Simbad, use:
[Star] BD (Bonner Durchmusterung) . . . . . . =E= BD +DD NNNNNA or BD +DD NNNNNa =[Assoc*(Magellanic Bridge = Magellanic Bridge)] BD (Battinelli+Demers) ICA NN [Star] SD (Sudliche Bonner Durchmusterung) . =E= BD -DD NNNNNA
= in col.1 means that the list is COMPLETELY incorporated in Simbad =E= indicates catalogues available in electronic form at CDS

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