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Caramelldansen is a shitty tune made by some Swedish fags called Caramell, which is happily spammed on various Internet fora and most importantly, acted out by many JewTube celebrity-wannabes. The song rose in popularity when it was sped up and made into a YouTube video with colorful, dancing, anime characters from a Japanese visual novel called Popotan. It was then remixed dozens, possibly hundreds, of times, thus fagging up the internet even more. The song is often mistaken for being Azn, simply for containing a level of faggotry usually reserved for things from Japan. While not being Azn, it is definitely considered kawaii.


Swedish English
Vi undrar är ni redo att vara med we're wondering if you want to join in
Armarna upp nu ska ni få se arms up, now you get to see
Kom igen come on
Vem som helst kan vara med anyone can join in
Så rör på era fötter so move your feet
Och vicka era höfter and shake your hips
Gör som vi Do like us
Till denna melodi to this melody
Dansa med oss dance with us
Klappa era händer clap your hands
Gör som vi gör do like we do
Ta några steg åt vänster take a few steps left
Lyssna och lär listen and learn
Missa inte chansen don't miss the chance
Nu är vi här med now we're here with
Caramelldansen the carameldance
Det blir en sensation överallt förstås there'll be sensation all over of course
På fester kommer alla att släppa loss on parties, all will be let loose
Kom igen come on
Nu tar vi stegen om igen now we take the steps again
Så rör på era fötter so move your feet
Och vicka era höfter and shake your hips
Gör som vi do like us
Till denna melodi to this melody
Så kom och so come and
Dansa med oss dance with us
Klappa era händer clap your hands
Gör som vi gör do like we do
Ta några steg åt vänster take a few steps left
Lyssna och lär listen and learn
Missa inte chansen don't miss the chance
Nu är vi här med now we're here with
Caramelldansen the carameldance



The Mondegreen[edit]

This is what you were looking for, right?

You know Annie Lee, the bora man

I'm on the phone, use khalif or see

Call Miguel

When someone gets bored of me

(Bored of me)

So look away the film sayin' wah-ah-ah

Or Ricky in a house sayin' la-la-la

You're so mean

Sing then the melody


Dan send me O's

Japan eat a hand and

Yours, only yours

Pandoras speak of fails and

Its no lie

Misa in the club sayin'

Let Annie Hine become a male dancer!





Pee in Sasuke's room

Get it off the stores

Faster, oh my God

I've slipper loss

Call Miguel

With tar, I stick it on Miguel


So look away the film sayin' wah-ah-ah

Or Ricky in a house sayin' la-la-la

You're so mean

Sing then the melody

So come on

Dan send me O's

Japan eat a hand and

Yours, only yours

Pandoras speak of fails and

Its no lie

Misa in the club sayin'

Let Annie Hine become a male dancer!


Rick-melldansen or Caramell-Roll[edit]

Just when you thought you haven't had enough, some fucktard on the Interwebz decided to crossover the fucking Caramelldansen with Rick Rolling.

Even Rick Astley supports the Caramelldansen by lip-syncing it!!!
Oh hell no, now dancing the Caramelldansen??? Rick, you fail!!!

Moar Faggotry[edit]

Animated videos IRL videos
Original song
Now in English!
Possibly the original Speedycake Remix
The Neon Genesis Evangelion version. It's like a scene from the series.
What happens when you have gone TOO far
Election '08 version. Squint to believe.
Spy sappin' mah heterosexuality!
So I hear you like Mudkips. l33t MSPaint skills
EVE Online too?!
Stupid chicks imitating the GIF
The stupid chicks again—their faggotry knows no limits!
A herd of faggots (see also cosplay and fail)
Dear god, there's a metal remix...

External Links[edit]

Well, at least Sephiroth looks like he's not enjoying it.

See Also[edit]

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Caramelldansen is part of a series on YouTube.



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