電影節目 Film Programme
New Talent Award
New Talent Award
Ave Maryam

修女Maryam早打算一生待奉上帝,照顧修道院的年邁修女終老。一天年輕俊朗的神父到訪,愛情竟赫然來臨。當信仰與靈魂被愛情的惡咒摧毁殆盡,她脫不了夏娃的疑惑,經歷凡人的軟弱。修道院的清心寡欲,頓變詛咒的可怕地獄。但上帝不是教導人「愛人如己」嗎?雅加達新晉導演Ertanto Robby Soediskam首次導演長片,先問觀眾真愛何罪之有,把愛慾的複雜、隱蔽和痛苦深刻地揭示出來。原罪的寓意隱晦,罪與贖的宗教含意呼之欲出。女星Maudy Koesnaedi的安靜內斂,蘊藏著深刻而強烈的愛,把愛情中不同敏感、搖曳、不安的反差拿捏德又準又狠。男星Chicco Jerikho英俊帥氣,如溫暖陽光,年輕似是一種原罪。

Sister Maryam spends her days taking care of the residents in a home for elderly nuns. One day, the arrival of a handsome priest awakens a feeling inside that she had put aside long ago. It begins with quick glances on the sly, but when quiet flirtations turn into secret dates, Maryam finds herself forced to make a choice between staying true to her vow or abandoning everything for the pursuit of personal happiness. Told with exquisite images and heartrending emotions, director Ertanto Robby Soediskam’s first feature is a tender and delicate tale of dormant desires and forbidden love evocative of the films of Wong Kar-wai.

印尼 Indonesia / 2018 / 73 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕
In Indonesian with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Ertanto Robby Soediskam
演員 Cast: Maudy Koesnaedi, Chicco Jerikho

Time & Venue
  • *23/11 8:00PM BC
  • *24/11 3:25PM TO
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands
The Empty Hands