Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where did the name 'Antergos' come from and how do you pronounce it?

Antergos, pronunciation video, is a Galician word (meaning: ancestors) which was chosen "to link the past with the present". This is to signify the large change in the project while also being an homage to the previous iteration of the project, CinnArch.

Q: Why is the ISO image so big when I cant install without being connected to the internet?

The ISO image includes the bare minimum required to run GNOME and Cnchi. We've trimmed the size down as much as is possible with GNOME as the DE. However, we realize many users do not enjoy easy access to high-speed connections. There is a 'Minimal ISO' which uses Openbox and includes nothing more than what's required to run Cnchi.

Q: Is the Antergos Installer, Cnchi, a fork of the Ubuntu installer, Ubiquity?

No, Cnchi is an original project. It has always been our goal to make the install process as easy as possible. The reason there are noticeable similarities in the UI between the two installers is simple: When we first set out to create Cnchi, we used Ubiquity as a UI model because it was the defacto standard for 'easy installers' at the time.

Q: What is unique about Antergos?

At the system level, there is no difference between Antergos and Arch. When you run Antergos, you are running Arch Linux. The difference is a philosophical one. Where Arch is designed 'for the competent Linux® user', Antergos is 'for everyone'. (--side note: you will begin to see this in our branding very soon) The Antergos community welcomes anyone who wishes to participate. New users need not be afraid to ask a question in our forums or IRC channels.

Q: What desktop do you give more attention to?

We try to ensure all desktops receive an equal amount of attention. Though, its unavoidable that we'd find more things to 'fine-tune' in the desktops we use on our own systems. Our project leader uses GNOME faithfully. I myself can't stand it so usually I run Cinnamon. Though I have high hopes for the new KDE 5. If I remember correctly, the other two devs use Openbox and Xfce respectively. So really we've got most of the bases covered (well GTK-based anyway).

Q: Is GNOME the default desktop environment?

Yes. GNOME is the default.

Q: Can't install necessary packages. Cnchi can't continue

This error message is what I call a 'pretty' error. It provides no technical information. It is meant to be shown to the user and only explains the final result of the error that occurred. The actual error could be any number of things. The first thing you want to do is check /tmp/cnchi.log starting at the last entry and work your way backwards and see if anything stands out. If its a mirror issue you will see something about failed connections. We are working on improving how Cnchi handles situations where the mirrors are failing. Some of that work will make it into the upcoming 0.8 release.


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