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Just a few, as I try to catch up on the mail. Many, many emails about Finland, following my remarks about the vigilante group Soldiers of Odin over there. Who knew we had so many Finnish readers? I urge them all to purchase a copy of Alkulukujen Lumoissa. Why, I wondered, to the vigilantes call... Read More
Speakers at the NPI Conference.  Credit:
An Immigration-Critical Jew Reflects On NPI’s Conference
An article in the decidedly Leftist Huffington Post by the unmistakably Leftist reporter Samantha Lachman described the just-concluded conference of theNational Policy Institute that I attended at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on October 31 in a way that bore little resemblance to what I heard there [White Nationalists Gather On Halloween To... Read More
That is the President of France, speaking to ambassadors from other Western nations as his own is being overwhelmed by a flood of illegal immigrants from the Third World. It is of course fiction, so far at any rate. To be precise, it is Jean Raspail’s 1973 novel The Camp of The Saints, Chapter 34.... Read More
A specter is haunting Europe: the specter of Pierre Poujade. Before he was a specter, Monsieur Poujade was a live human being, a citizen of France. He departed this vale of tears in August 2003, aged 82, leaving behind his specter and an abstract noun: Poujadism. Actually, that’s not quite right. It makes Poujadism sound... Read More
In Europe, if not in the United States, some people are beginning to grasp that just maybe they made a mistake when they decided to welcome millions of immigrants over the last several decades. The most recent European to get it is former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who has been making noises about the... Read More
"How can Americans love their nation if they hate its government?" asked neoconservative Bill Kristol some years ago. Very easily, is the proper answer, not only from American conservatives (real ones, not the pseudo-cons Mr. Kristol commands) but even their French allies. In a recent article in Le Figaro, a leading French magazine, novelist Jean... Read More
If Islamic terrorism has contributed anything at all to Western civilization, it may actually have helped preserve it. Nothing has made Europeans wake up to what they have allowed mass immigration to do to them than the jihad many Muslims are licking their whiskers to wage against the new countries to which they have invited... Read More
Pim Fortuyn, the late leader of the opposition to mass immigration in the Netherlands, is dead from an assassin's bullets, but his soul has suddenly started marching through Europe's corridors of power. All over the continent, after anti-immigration and anti-establishment political parties performed well in elections last month, actual governments, never noted for wanting to... Read More
"It is spine-chilling," spouted The Economist magazine last week in its cover story entitled "France's Shame,"[pay archive] "for Europeans across the continent who fear that the success of the odious Jean-Marie Le Pen may inspire voters elsewhere to follow suit." Well, not exactly. What's spine-chilling is that within a week after this and similar avalanches... Read More
Even as the political oligarchies of France and half a dozen other European states joined to denounce the "extremism" of Jean Marie Le Pen, German police were extracting (that's the polite word, I think) a confession from a real-live extremist who had plotted to blow up a synagogue in France. The extremist has no connection... Read More
Probably not since the German army descended upon Paris in 1940have the French—and European and American—political and media establishments greeted a political event with the level of hysteria with which they met the second-place finish of French nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen in his country's first round of presidential voting last week. Mr. Le Pen won... Read More
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