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Anatoly Karlin Andrei Martyanov Andrew Joyce Andrew Napolitano Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins Chanda Chisala Egor Kholmogorov Eric Margolis Forum Fred Reed Agnostic P-ter Godfree Roberts Guillaume Durocher Gustavo Arellano Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Petras James Thompson JayMan John Derbyshire Jonathan Revusky Kevin Barrett Lance Welton Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Gottfried Paul Kersey Peter Frost Peter Lee Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Robert Weissberg Ron Paul Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tom Engelhardt A. Graham Adam Hochschild Aedon Cassiel Ahmet Öncü Alex Graham Alexander Cockburn Alexander Hart Alfred McCoy Alison Rose Levy Alison Weir Allegra Harpootlian Amr Abozeid Anand Gopal Andre Damon Andrew Cockburn Andrew Fraser Andrew J. Bacevich Andrew S. 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 All / On "Aryeh Lightstone"
    Referring to Israel during an interview in August 1983, U.S. Navy Admiral and former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Thomas Moorer said "I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know...
  • @Them Guys
    Here is the Entire Quote...…

    “We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red in the literal sense of that word, for we shall shed such streams of blood that all the losses of human lives in Capitalist wars will shrink and pale before them. The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us. If we win the Revolution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funereal remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its knees before it. We will show what real power is.”

    (Aaron Simanovich, “Memoirs”, Paris, 1922, Molodaya Gvardiya, Moscow, No. 6, 1991, p. 55.)

    — Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) in Petrograd, Dec. 1917. Trotsky was both an ardent Zionist (Israel proponent) and Bolshevik. He was also one of the biggest human butchers of the 20th century during the Red Revolution (1917-1921). After a major internal power struggle with Joseph Stalin (who may or may not have been Jewish), he worked for the subversion, degradation and eventual overthrow of White Western society from his villa in Mexico City, until Ramon Mercader (probable NKVD agent of Stalin) put an ice pick through his skull in 1940. Trotsky died soon after.

    Here is the Entire Quote……

    “We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers.

    Notwithstanding the ruthlessness of this statement, you have to give Trots credit for his honesty.

    Contrast that with today’s ADL who push the subversive lie that Diversity Is Our Strength.

    We always stand a better chance when the enemy blows his bugle from across the battle line. It is when he lurks within our own camp that we’re most vulnerable.

  • @geokat62

    “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.”
    How ironic that a century later the descendants of these (((Bolsheviks))) would be creating another new order in the world, but this time in the West.

    Little did we know that Trotsky’s words would come back to haunt us:

    “We will impose upon them... such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East.”

    Here is the Entire Quote……

    “We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red in the literal sense of that word, for we shall shed such streams of blood that all the losses of human lives in Capitalist wars will shrink and pale before them. The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us. If we win the Revolution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funereal remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its knees before it. We will show what real power is.”

    (Aaron Simanovich, “Memoirs”, Paris, 1922, Molodaya Gvardiya, Moscow, No. 6, 1991, p. 55.)

    — Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) in Petrograd, Dec. 1917. Trotsky was both an ardent Zionist (Israel proponent) and Bolshevik. He was also one of the biggest human butchers of the 20th century during the Red Revolution (1917-1921). After a major internal power struggle with Joseph Stalin (who may or may not have been Jewish), he worked for the subversion, degradation and eventual overthrow of White Western society from his villa in Mexico City, until Ramon Mercader (probable NKVD agent of Stalin) put an ice pick through his skull in 1940. Trotsky died soon after.

    • Replies: @geokat62

    Here is the Entire Quote……

    “We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers.

    Notwithstanding the ruthlessness of this statement, you have to give Trots credit for his honesty.

    Contrast that with today’s ADL who push the subversive lie that Diversity Is Our Strength.

    We always stand a better chance when the enemy blows his bugle from across the battle line. It is when he lurks within our own camp that we’re most vulnerable.

  • @geokat62

    “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.”
    How ironic that a century later the descendants of these (((Bolsheviks))) would be creating another new order in the world, but this time in the West.

    Little did we know that Trotsky’s words would come back to haunt us:

    “We will impose upon them... such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East.”

    “How ironic that a century later the descendants of these (((Bolsheviks))) would be creating another new order in the world, but this time in the West.”

    — This is tragic.

    The stupidity and obnoxious righteousness of the Jewish Community at large, in the face of the Jewish Power criminal machinations, are astonishing.

    They have learned nothing from the Bolshevik tragedy. The only thing that the Jewish supremacist idiots took from the lesson of the Jewish Bolshevism is the visceral hatred for everything Russian. Today, they are cooperating with neo-Nazi (the supposed worst enemy) to hurt Russian Federation.
    Guess, the “Holocaust sufferings” defer to the ethnic hatred.

  • @annamaria
    Ann Applebaum is not only a rabid zionist and Russophobe -- she is a fake historian with a knack for falsification.
    There are numerous testimonies from western journalists, politicians (see Churchill), and the rabbi on the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution of 1918. --- Applebaum does nor want to see the evidence and strenuously avoids any mentioning of the Jewish Power in the Russian Tragedy a hundred year ago. Instead, she bad-mouths Russians for the sins of her tribal ancestors:

    Ann Applebaum is a pedestrian opportunist -- a morally and intellectually challenged maker of forgeries.

    The unwelcome truths:
    "The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world." The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

    Trotsky [Leib Bronstein]: “We will impose upon them [Russians] such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East.”

    “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.”

    How ironic that a century later the descendants of these (((Bolsheviks))) would be creating another new order in the world, but this time in the West.

    Little did we know that Trotsky’s words would come back to haunt us:

    “We will impose upon them… such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East.”

    • Replies: @annamaria
    "How ironic that a century later the descendants of these (((Bolsheviks))) would be creating another new order in the world, but this time in the West."

    --- This is tragic.

    The stupidity and obnoxious righteousness of the Jewish Community at large, in the face of the Jewish Power criminal machinations, are astonishing.

    They have learned nothing from the Bolshevik tragedy. The only thing that the Jewish supremacist idiots took from the lesson of the Jewish Bolshevism is the visceral hatred for everything Russian. Today, they are cooperating with neo-Nazi (the supposed worst enemy) to hurt Russian Federation.
    Guess, the "Holocaust sufferings" defer to the ethnic hatred.

    , @Them Guys
    Here is the Entire Quote...…

    “We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red in the literal sense of that word, for we shall shed such streams of blood that all the losses of human lives in Capitalist wars will shrink and pale before them. The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us. If we win the Revolution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funereal remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its knees before it. We will show what real power is.”

    (Aaron Simanovich, “Memoirs”, Paris, 1922, Molodaya Gvardiya, Moscow, No. 6, 1991, p. 55.)

    — Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) in Petrograd, Dec. 1917. Trotsky was both an ardent Zionist (Israel proponent) and Bolshevik. He was also one of the biggest human butchers of the 20th century during the Red Revolution (1917-1921). After a major internal power struggle with Joseph Stalin (who may or may not have been Jewish), he worked for the subversion, degradation and eventual overthrow of White Western society from his villa in Mexico City, until Ramon Mercader (probable NKVD agent of Stalin) put an ice pick through his skull in 1940. Trotsky died soon after.
  • @geokat62
    For those who are counting, we’ve had a total of 3 warnings (from Madeleine Albright, Max Boot, Bret Stephens). It is only fitting the fourth installment should come from Anne Applebaum, a journalist whose article, A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come, appeared in the monthly, The Atlantic.

    A little backgrounder on Anne:

    Applebaum is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She is on the board of the National Endowment for Democracy. She was a member of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting's International Board of Directors. She is a Senior Adjunct Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) where she co-leads a major initiative aimed at countering Russian disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). She is on the editorial board for The American Interest and the Journal of Democracy.
    The article is quite long, so what follows are what I considered to be the most pertinent excerpts (along with my own bolded commentary appearing within square brackets):


    In a famous journal he kept from 1935 to 1944, the Romanian writer Mihail Sebastian chronicled an even more extreme shift in his own country. Like me, Sebastian was Jewish; like me, most of his friends were on the political right. In his journal, he described how, one by one, they were drawn to fascist [there’s that word again. Although she used the F word on this occasion, just like Adorno, she prefers to use the less jarring variant, authoritarian] ideology, like a flock of moths to an inescapable flame. He recounted the arrogance and confidence they acquired as they moved away from identifying themselves as Europeans—admirers of Proust, travelers to Paris—and instead began to call themselves blood-and-soil [that didn’t take long. Unite The Right, anyone?] Romanians. He listened as they veered into conspiratorial thinking or became casually cruel. People he had known for years insulted him to his face and then acted as if nothing had happened. “Is friendship possible,” he wondered in 1937, “with people who have in common a whole series of alien ideas and feelings—so alien that I have only to walk in the door and they suddenly fall silent in shame and embarrassment?”...

    What has caused this transformation? Were some of our friends always closet authoritarians[aren’t all goys suspected of this]? Or have the people with whom we clinked glasses in the first minutes of the new millennium somehow changed over the subsequent two decades? My answer is a complicated one, because I think the explanation is universal. Given the right conditions, any society can turn against democracy. Indeed, if history is anything to go by, all societies eventually will...

    The Dreyfus affair was triggered in 1894, when a traitor was discovered in the French army... [J’Accuse!]

    The ensuing controversy divided French society along now-familiar lines. Those who maintained Dreyfus’s guilt were the alt-right [see how she managed to weave in those evil representatives of white supremacists?]—or the Law and Justice Party, or the National Front—of their time. They pushed a conspiracy theory[ yes, of course, wishing to break free from the clutches of globalism is a conspiracy]. They were backed up by screaming headlines in France’s right-wing yellow press, the 19th-century version of a far-right trolling operation. Their leaders lied to uphold the honor of the army; adherents clung to their belief in Dreyfus’s guilt—and their absolute loyalty to the nation—even when this fakery was revealed ...

    The Dreyfusards, meanwhile, argued that some principles are higher than national honor[I wonder if Zionists would agree], and that it mattered whether Dreyfus was guilty or not. Above all, they argued, the French state had an obligation to treat all citizens equally, whatever their religion<[I keep hearing this appeal to egalitarianism made to European and European-derived countries, but it is never applied to the Zionist Project for some strange reason]. They too were patriots, but of a different sort. They conceived of the nation not as an ethnic clan but as the embodiment of a set of ideals: justice, honesty, the neutrality of the courts. This was a more cerebral vision, more abstract and harder to grasp, but not without an appeal of its own[ yes, of course, a very strong appeal to a particular ethnic minority. But this cerebral vision never applies to the ZP]...

    Perhaps this is unsurprising. All of these debates, whether in 1890s France or 1990s Poland, have at their core a series of important questions: Who gets to define a nation? And who, therefore, gets to rule a nation? For a long time, we have imagined that these questions were settled—but why should they ever be?[can’t wait for the answer, can you?]

    Monarchy, tyranny, oligarchy, democracy—these were all familiar to Aristotle more than 2,000 years ago. But the illiberal one-party state, now found all over the world—think of China, Venezuela, Zimbabwe—was first developed by Lenin[ couldn’t bring herself to say Bolsheviks, for some reason], in Russia, starting in 1917. In the political-science textbooks of the future, the Soviet Union’s founder will surely be remembered not for his Marxist beliefs, but as the inventor of this enduring form of political organization. It is the model that many of the world’s budding autocrats use today...

    Lenin’s one-party system also reflected his disdain for the idea of a neutral state, of apolitical civil servants and an objective media[I wonder if Anne wrote the last one with a straight face?]. He wrote that freedom of the press “is a deception.” He mocked freedom of assembly as a “hollow phrase.” As for parliamentary democracy itself, that was no more than “a machine for the suppression of the working class.” In the Bolshevik[I stand corrected she did, indeed, use the B-word.] imagination, the press could be free, and public institutions could be fair, only once they were controlled by the working class—via the party[I guess if working class was substituted with Zionists, Anne would have no issues about a “free” press?]...

    In Europe, two such illiberal [i.e., fascist] parties are now in power: Law and Justice, in Poland, and Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party, in Hungary. Others, in Austria and Italy, are part of government coalitions or enjoy wide support...

    If you believe, as my old friends now believe, that Poland will be better off if it is ruled by people who deserve to rule—because they loudly proclaim a certain kind of patriotism, because they are loyal to the party leader, or because they are, echoing the words of Kaczyński himself, a “better sort of Pole”[ i.e., “blood and soil” Pole]—then a one-party state is actually more fair than a competitive democracy...

    If you are someone who believes that you deserve to rule, then your motivation to attack the elite, pack the courts, and warp the press to achieve your ambitions is strong[Isn’t this exactly what The Lobby does in the vaunted liberal democracies?]. Resentment, envy, and above all the belief that the “system” is unfair—these are important sentiments among the intellectuals of the Polish right.] envy, of course. Where have I heard that before?]

    This is not to say that the illiberal state lacks a genuine appeal [How gracious of Anne. Perhaps she’s leaving room for justification of the ZP?]...

    [After digressing for a few paragraphs, she returns to the ideological battlefield]:

    From Orwell to Koestler, the European writers of the 20th century were obsessed with the idea of the Big Lie[She must be sh*ting us? The Lobby is guilty of propagating 2 Big Lies (1. Diversity Is Our Strength and 2. The GWOT is being waged to safeguard the security of The Dumb Goyim) and she wants to raise the issue of lying, really?]. The vast ideological constructs that were Communism and fascism, the posters demanding fealty to the Party or the Leader, the Brownshirts and Blackshirts marching in formation, the torch-lit parades[tiki torches, anyone?], the terror police—these Big Lies were so absurd and inhuman, they required prolonged violence to impose and the threat of violence to maintain. They required forced education, total control of all culture, the politicization of journalism, sports, literature, and the arts.[Hey, sounds like the took a page from the Frankfurt School.]

    By contrast, the polarizing political movements of 21st-century Europe demand much less of their adherents... And yet all of them depend, if not on a Big Lie, then on what the historian Timothy Snyder once told me should be called the Medium-Size Lie, or perhaps a clutch of Medium-Size Lies. To put it differently, all of them encourage their followers to engage, at least part of the time, with an alternative reality[According to the Zionists, go big or go home!]...

    Americans are of course familiar with the ways a lie can increase polarization and inflame xenophobia: Donald Trump entered American politics on the back of birtherism, the false premise that President Barack Obama was not born in America—a conspiracy theory whose power was seriously underestimated at the time, and that paved the way for other lies, from “Mexican rapists” [Bret Stephens has data that immigrants commit fewer crimes than the native-born population. What he fails to mention is that the comparison is based on absolute numbers, not per capita... very sneaky, Brett] to “Pizzagate.” But in Poland, and in Hungary too, we now have examples of what happens when a Medium-Size Lie—a conspiracy theory[I don’t know about you, but the suspense is killing me!]—is propagated first by a political party as the central plank of its election campaign, and then by a ruling party, with the full force of a modern, centralized state apparatus behind it.

    In Hungary, the lie is unoriginal: It is the belief, shared by the Russian government and the American alt-right, in the superhuman powers of George Soros, the Hungarian Jewish billionaire who is supposedly [love it. “supposedly,” when there is clear evidence. Hey, like I said before: go big or go home!] plotting to bring down the nation through the deliberate importation of migrants, even though no such migrants exist in Hungary.[They would, if Anne had her way.]

    In Poland, at least the lie is sui generis. It is the Smolensk conspiracy theory: the belief that a nefarious plot brought down the president’s plane in April 2010. The story has special force in Poland because the crash had eerie historical echoes. The president who died, Lech Kaczyński, was on his way to an event commemorating the massacre in Katyn, the place where Stalin murdered [Sounds like Stalin personally carried out the executions. Anne neglected to mention the role played by the NKVD and that it was highly over-represented by a certain ethnic minority] more than 21,000 Poles—a big chunk of the country’s elite—in 1940. Dozens of senior military figures and politicians were also on board, many of them friends of mine. My husband reckons that he knew everybody on the plane, including the flight attendants[How nice. I don’t personally know the man, but it sounds like Anne’s husband must be so down to earth, huh?]...

    Like the Polish government, the Hungarian state promotes a Medium-Size Lie: It pumps out propaganda blaming Hungary’s problems on nonexistent Muslim migrants, the European Union, and, as noted, George Soros[Lies. All lies, I tell you]...

    Schmidt told me that the Western media[“Western” media, right, I get it], presumably myself included, “talk down from above to those below like it used to be with colonies.” Western talk of Hungarian anti-Semitism[Ding, ding, ding!... she finally mentions why she wrote this extremely long “warning” to The Dumb Goyim], corruption, and authoritarianism is “colonialism.” Yet despite being dedicated to the uniqueness of Hungary and the promotion of “Hungarianness,” she has borrowed much of her ideology wholesale from Breitbart News, right down to the caricatured description of American universities and the sneering jokes about “transsexual bathrooms.” [Obligatory shout out to the LGBT community]She has even invited Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos to Budapest[i.e., she hangs with fascists].

    Listening to her, I became convinced that there was never a moment when Schmidt’s views “changed.” She never turned against liberal democracy[has everyone made a burnt offering, yet? What are you waiting for? Anne is waiting], because she never believed in it, or at least she never thought it was all that important. For her, the antidote to Communism is not democracy but an anti-Dreyfusard vision of national sovereignty[Notice how nicely she tied nationalism with antisemitism? Slick, huh?]. And if national sovereignty takes the form of a state whose elite is defined not according to its talent [ i.e., talented at organizing advocacy groups that undermine the will of the majority] but according to its “patriotism”—meaning, in practice, its willingness to toe Orbán’s line—then she’s fine with that.

    Her cynicism is profoundHer cynicism is profound? Look who’s talking]. Soros’s support for Syrian refugees cannot be philanthropy[Of course, it’s philanthropy. What else could it be? A safeguard against antisemitism? Nah, not a chance]; it must come from a deep desire to destroy Hungary[First thing she’s gotten right]. Angela Merkel’s refugee policy could not derive from a desire to help people either. “I think it is just bullshit,” Schmidt said. “I would say she wanted to prove that Germans, this time, are the good people. And they [she meant to put “they” in echo brackets]can lecture everybody on humanism and morality. It doesn’t matter for the Germans what they can lecture the rest of the world on; they just have to lecture someone.”[Let see if I got that straight... the Germans are big on lecturing others? Ok, got it]...

    Not long ago, at a fish restaurant in an ugly square on a beautiful night in Athens, I described my 1999 New Year’s Eve party to a Greek political scientist. [She just had to bring the Hellenes into this, didn’t she?]Quietly, he laughed at me. Or rather, he laughed with me; he didn’t mean to be rude. But this thing I was calling polarization was nothing new. “The post-1989 liberal moment—this was the exception,” Stathis Kalyvas told me. Polarization is normal. More to the point, I would add, skepticism about liberal democracy is also normal. And the appeal of authoritarianism is eternal[Did he give a source for this? I couldn’t have been Pericles, could it?]...

    Americans, with our powerful founding story[It’s just a “story” - i.e., no bases in fact], our unusual reverence for our Constitution, our relative geographic isolation, and our two centuries of economic success, have long been convinced that liberal democracy, once achieved, cannot be altered. American history is told as a tale of progress, always forward and upward, with the Civil War as a kind of blip in the middle, an obstacle that was overcome. In Greece, history feels not linear but circular[valid commentary]. There is liberal democracy and then there is oligarchy. Then there is liberal democracy again. Then there is foreign subversion, then there is an attempted Communist coup, then there is civil war, and then there is dictatorship. And so on, since the time of the Athenian republic...

    In truth, the argument about who gets to rule is never over, particularly in an era when people have rejected aristocracy, and no longer believe that leadership is inherited at birth or that the ruling class is endorsed by God. Some of us, in Europe and North America, have settled on the idea that various forms of democratic and economic competition are the fairest alternative to inherited or ordained power.

    But we should not have been surprised—I should not have been surprised—when the principles of meritocracy and competition were challenged[Yes, if there is one word that first comes to mind to describe modern-day America, meritocracy is definitely it]. Democracy and free markets can produce unsatisfying outcomes, after all, especially when badly regulated, or when nobody trusts the regulators, or when people are entering the contest from very different starting points[Or, as mentioned earlier, when a small minority organizes to subvert the will of the silent majority]. Sooner or later, the losers of the competition were always going to challenge the value of the competition itself.[Let’s cut to the chase. When the competition is being played in a particular homeland, the silent majority will always hold a grudge when they’re “outcompeted” by a small minority.]
    More to the point, the principles of competition, even when they encourage talent and create upward mobility, don’t necessarily answer deeper questions about national identity, or satisfy the human desire to belong to a moral community. The authoritarian state, or even the semi-authoritarian state—the one-party state, the illiberal state—offers that promise: that the nation will be ruled by the best people, the deserving people, the members of the party, the believers in the Medium-Size Lie. It may be that democracy has to be bent or business corrupted or court systems wrecked in order to achieve that state. But if you believe that you are one of those deserving people, you will do it.Bingo! Just ask the Israelis. Oh, yeah... when will any of you objective (((reporters))) write about or interview leaders from the ZP and press them on immigration and diversity? What am I thinking? It’s globalism for thee and nationalism for me. Sounds like a fair “competition to me.]

    P.S. Can’t wait for the next installment.

    Ann Applebaum is not only a rabid zionist and Russophobe — she is a fake historian with a knack for falsification.
    There are numerous testimonies from western journalists, politicians (see Churchill), and the rabbi on the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution of 1918. — Applebaum does nor want to see the evidence and strenuously avoids any mentioning of the Jewish Power in the Russian Tragedy a hundred year ago. Instead, she bad-mouths Russians for the sins of her tribal ancestors:

    Ann Applebaum is a pedestrian opportunist — a morally and intellectually challenged maker of forgeries.

    The unwelcome truths:
    “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.” The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

    Trotsky [Leib Bronstein]: “We will impose upon them [Russians] such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East.”

    • Replies: @geokat62

    “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.”
    How ironic that a century later the descendants of these (((Bolsheviks))) would be creating another new order in the world, but this time in the West.

    Little did we know that Trotsky’s words would come back to haunt us:

    “We will impose upon them... such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East.”

  • @Anonymous
    It is surprising that we don't hear more about the hypocrisy of the leading Jewish groups such as the AJC and AIPAC who proclaim loudly about the Holocaust but then work against recognition of the genocide of Christian Armenians committed by Turkey.


    “…the AJC and AIPAC proclaim loudly about the Holocaust but then work against recognition of the genocide of Christian Armenians committed by Turkey.”
    — Even more amazing is the AJC and AIPAC’ acceptance of the ongoing revival of neo-Nazism in Ukraine.
    A member of the Kagans’ clan, Mrs. Nuland-Kagan, was the main liaison between the Nazis and US zionists during the coup d’etat in Kiev in 2014. Since then, both the US and the Jewish State government have been supplying the neo-Nazis with weaponry and know how.
    The zionists even managed to install a Jewish prime minister Groysman in Ukraine. Mr. Groysman has no objections to the Nazi revival.

    The zionized RAND cheerleaders for fascism in Ukraine:
    The Jewish State is arming Ukrainian neo-Nazis with Israel-made rifles:

  • as a Jew-ish collegue of mine once told me, ‘to Jews money isn’t everything, it’s the ONLY thing!’

    How high on Maslow’s Pyramid does that take him/her? Probably no higher than the “safety” tier unless you count fake friendships and fickle relationships.

  • @jack daniels
    I don't mind all that much if Israel is getting a lot of financial benefits under the table. What bothers me is that they are getting us into wars. Also, the Jewish community and its pressure groups work effectively to erode freedom of speech and to stigmatize and marginalize religion. I want Christmas back with more than Chinese-made red-and-white trinkets to remind me of the Season. Christianity is central to western culture and since its ethics are admirable, I don't see any good reason for atheists to object to its survival. Jews are free to criticize and stereotype other groups and their associated institutions, e.g Catholics and the church, Baptists and the Christian Coalition, Muslims, WASPs, Poles, Russia and ethnic Russians, Slavs generally, Arabs, southerners, "rednecks,""trailer trash," Italian mafia, and black nationalists, to name a few. Why is it impossible for a non-Jew to criticize anything Jewish (except anonymously and off off-Broadway) and difficult even for a Jew? Evidently their punishment mechanisms are flawless. Jews feel threatened regardless of how they succeed; indeed, their success only raises fears of renewed persecution. So they are not going to rescind their prohibition on criticism. It is up to the non-Jews of the world to figure out how to talk back to them without shame or fear of ruination or, in Europe, jail. I suggest that the entire problem we have with Muslims stems from our ill-conceived relationship to Israel, and by demonizing Muslims we are merely hiding from the truth.

    Jack you’ve been drinking too much ‘Daniels’. Your post is good except with you first sentence which makes the rest tainted.

    I don’t mind all that much if Israel is getting a lot of financial benefits under the table.

    That is part and parcel of their disproportionate power in the world today. Steven Mnunchin and his cohorts can financially destroy Iran while slipping Izra-hell a few extra billions of American taxpayers money under the table. Money Jack, the biggest ingredient to start wars in the past and even now in our supposedly ‘post racial’ future. And going back to the Jewish problem, lol, as a Jew-ish collegue of mine once told me, ‘to Jews money isn’t everything, it’s the ONLY thing!’ (Wry Grin)

  • I don’t mind all that much if Israel is getting a lot of financial benefits under the table. What bothers me is that they are getting us into wars. Also, the Jewish community and its pressure groups work effectively to erode freedom of speech and to stigmatize and marginalize religion. I want Christmas back with more than Chinese-made red-and-white trinkets to remind me of the Season. Christianity is central to western culture and since its ethics are admirable, I don’t see any good reason for atheists to object to its survival. Jews are free to criticize and stereotype other groups and their associated institutions, e.g Catholics and the church, Baptists and the Christian Coalition, Muslims, WASPs, Poles, Russia and ethnic Russians, Slavs generally, Arabs, southerners, “rednecks,””trailer trash,” Italian mafia, and black nationalists, to name a few. Why is it impossible for a non-Jew to criticize anything Jewish (except anonymously and off off-Broadway) and difficult even for a Jew? Evidently their punishment mechanisms are flawless. Jews feel threatened regardless of how they succeed; indeed, their success only raises fears of renewed persecution. So they are not going to rescind their prohibition on criticism. It is up to the non-Jews of the world to figure out how to talk back to them without shame or fear of ruination or, in Europe, jail. I suggest that the entire problem we have with Muslims stems from our ill-conceived relationship to Israel, and by demonizing Muslims we are merely hiding from the truth.

    • Replies: @Z-man
    Jack you've been drinking too much 'Daniels'. Your post is good except with you first sentence which makes the rest tainted.

    I don’t mind all that much if Israel is getting a lot of financial benefits under the table.
    That is part and parcel of their disproportionate power in the world today. Steven Mnunchin and his cohorts can financially destroy Iran while slipping Izra-hell a few extra billions of American taxpayers money under the table. Money Jack, the biggest ingredient to start wars in the past and even now in our supposedly 'post racial' future. And going back to the Jewish problem, lol, as a Jew-ish collegue of mine once told me, 'to Jews money isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing!' (Wry Grin)
  • For those who are counting, we’ve had a total of 3 warnings (from Madeleine Albright, Max Boot, Bret Stephens). It is only fitting the fourth installment should come from Anne Applebaum, a journalist whose article, A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come, appeared in the monthly, The Atlantic.

    A little backgrounder on Anne:

    Applebaum is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She is on the board of the National Endowment for Democracy. She was a member of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting’s International Board of Directors. She is a Senior Adjunct Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) where she co-leads a major initiative aimed at countering Russian disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). She is on the editorial board for The American Interest and the Journal of Democracy.

    The article is quite long, so what follows are what I considered to be the most pertinent excerpts (along with my own bolded commentary appearing within square brackets):



    In a famous journal he kept from 1935 to 1944, the Romanian writer Mihail Sebastian chronicled an even more extreme shift in his own country. Like me, Sebastian was Jewish; like me, most of his friends were on the political right. In his journal, he described how, one by one, they were drawn to fascist [there’s that word again. Although she used the F word on this occasion, just like Adorno, she prefers to use the less jarring variant, authoritarian] ideology, like a flock of moths to an inescapable flame. He recounted the arrogance and confidence they acquired as they moved away from identifying themselves as Europeans—admirers of Proust, travelers to Paris—and instead began to call themselves blood-and-soil [that didn’t take long. Unite The Right, anyone?] Romanians. He listened as they veered into conspiratorial thinking or became casually cruel. People he had known for years insulted him to his face and then acted as if nothing had happened. “Is friendship possible,” he wondered in 1937, “with people who have in common a whole series of alien ideas and feelings—so alien that I have only to walk in the door and they suddenly fall silent in shame and embarrassment?”…

    What has caused this transformation? Were some of our friends always closet authoritarians[aren’t all goys suspected of this]? Or have the people with whom we clinked glasses in the first minutes of the new millennium somehow changed over the subsequent two decades? My answer is a complicated one, because I think the explanation is universal. Given the right conditions, any society can turn against democracy. Indeed, if history is anything to go by, all societies eventually will…

    The Dreyfus affair was triggered in 1894, when a traitor was discovered in the French army… [J’Accuse!]

    The ensuing controversy divided French society along now-familiar lines. Those who maintained Dreyfus’s guilt were the alt-right [see how she managed to weave in those evil representatives of white supremacists?]—or the Law and Justice Party, or the National Front—of their time. They pushed a conspiracy theory[ yes, of course, wishing to break free from the clutches of globalism is a conspiracy]. They were backed up by screaming headlines in France’s right-wing yellow press, the 19th-century version of a far-right trolling operation. Their leaders lied to uphold the honor of the army; adherents clung to their belief in Dreyfus’s guilt—and their absolute loyalty to the nation—even when this fakery was revealed …

    The Dreyfusards, meanwhile, argued that some principles are higher than national honor[I wonder if Zionists would agree], and that it mattered whether Dreyfus was guilty or not. Above all, they argued, the French state had an obligation to treat all citizens equally, whatever their religion<[I keep hearing this appeal to egalitarianism made to European and European-derived countries, but it is never applied to the Zionist Project for some strange reason]. They too were patriots, but of a different sort. They conceived of the nation not as an ethnic clan but as the embodiment of a set of ideals: justice, honesty, the neutrality of the courts. This was a more cerebral vision, more abstract and harder to grasp, but not without an appeal of its own[ yes, of course, a very strong appeal to a particular ethnic minority. But this cerebral vision never applies to the ZP]

    Perhaps this is unsurprising. All of these debates, whether in 1890s France or 1990s Poland, have at their core a series of important questions: Who gets to define a nation? And who, therefore, gets to rule a nation? For a long time, we have imagined that these questions were settled—but why should they ever be?[can’t wait for the answer, can you?]

    Monarchy, tyranny, oligarchy, democracy—these were all familiar to Aristotle more than 2,000 years ago. But the illiberal one-party state, now found all over the world—think of China, Venezuela, Zimbabwe—was first developed by Lenin[ couldn’t bring herself to say Bolsheviks, for some reason], in Russia, starting in 1917. In the political-science textbooks of the future, the Soviet Union’s founder will surely be remembered not for his Marxist beliefs, but as the inventor of this enduring form of political organization. It is the model that many of the world’s budding autocrats use today…

    Lenin’s one-party system also reflected his disdain for the idea of a neutral state, of apolitical civil servants and an objective media[I wonder if Anne wrote the last one with a straight face?]. He wrote that freedom of the press “is a deception.” He mocked freedom of assembly as a “hollow phrase.” As for parliamentary democracy itself, that was no more than “a machine for the suppression of the working class.” In the Bolshevik[I stand corrected she did, indeed, use the B-word.] imagination, the press could be free, and public institutions could be fair, only once they were controlled by the working class—via the party[I guess if working class was substituted with Zionists, Anne would have no issues about a “free” press?]

    In Europe, two such illiberal [i.e., fascist] parties are now in power: Law and Justice, in Poland, and Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party, in Hungary. Others, in Austria and Italy, are part of government coalitions or enjoy wide support…

    If you believe, as my old friends now believe, that Poland will be better off if it is ruled by people who deserve to rule—because they loudly proclaim a certain kind of patriotism, because they are loyal to the party leader, or because they are, echoing the words of Kaczyński himself, a “better sort of Pole”[ i.e., “blood and soil” Pole]—then a one-party state is actually more fair than a competitive democracy…

    If you are someone who believes that you deserve to rule, then your motivation to attack the elite, pack the courts, and warp the press to achieve your ambitions is strong[Isn’t this exactly what The Lobby does in the vaunted liberal democracies?]. Resentment, envy, and above all the belief that the “system” is unfair—these are important sentiments among the intellectuals of the Polish right.] envy, of course. Where have I heard that before?]

    This is not to say that the illiberal state lacks a genuine appeal [How gracious of Anne. Perhaps she’s leaving room for justification of the ZP?]

    [After digressing for a few paragraphs, she returns to the ideological battlefield]:

    From Orwell to Koestler, the European writers of the 20th century were obsessed with the idea of the Big Lie[She must be sh*ting us? The Lobby is guilty of propagating 2 Big Lies (1. Diversity Is Our Strength and 2. The GWOT is being waged to safeguard the security of The Dumb Goyim) and she wants to raise the issue of lying, really?]. The vast ideological constructs that were Communism and fascism, the posters demanding fealty to the Party or the Leader, the Brownshirts and Blackshirts marching in formation, the torch-lit parades[tiki torches, anyone?], the terror police—these Big Lies were so absurd and inhuman, they required prolonged violence to impose and the threat of violence to maintain. They required forced education, total control of all culture, the politicization of journalism, sports, literature, and the arts.[Hey, sounds like the took a page from the Frankfurt School.]

    By contrast, the polarizing political movements of 21st-century Europe demand much less of their adherents… And yet all of them depend, if not on a Big Lie, then on what the historian Timothy Snyder once told me should be called the Medium-Size Lie, or perhaps a clutch of Medium-Size Lies. To put it differently, all of them encourage their followers to engage, at least part of the time, with an alternative reality[According to the Zionists, go big or go home!]

    Americans are of course familiar with the ways a lie can increase polarization and inflame xenophobia: Donald Trump entered American politics on the back of birtherism, the false premise that President Barack Obama was not born in America—a conspiracy theory whose power was seriously underestimated at the time, and that paved the way for other lies, from “Mexican rapists” [Bret Stephens has data that immigrants commit fewer crimes than the native-born population. What he fails to mention is that the comparison is based on absolute numbers, not per capita… very sneaky, Brett] to “Pizzagate.” But in Poland, and in Hungary too, we now have examples of what happens when a Medium-Size Lie—a conspiracy theory[I don’t know about you, but the suspense is killing me!]—is propagated first by a political party as the central plank of its election campaign, and then by a ruling party, with the full force of a modern, centralized state apparatus behind it.

    In Hungary, the lie is unoriginal: It is the belief, shared by the Russian government and the American alt-right, in the superhuman powers of George Soros, the Hungarian Jewish billionaire who is supposedly [love it. “supposedly,” when there is clear evidence. Hey, like I said before: go big or go home!] plotting to bring down the nation through the deliberate importation of migrants, even though no such migrants exist in Hungary.[They would, if Anne had her way.]

    In Poland, at least the lie is sui generis. It is the Smolensk conspiracy theory: the belief that a nefarious plot brought down the president’s plane in April 2010. The story has special force in Poland because the crash had eerie historical echoes. The president who died, Lech Kaczyński, was on his way to an event commemorating the massacre in Katyn, the place where Stalin murdered [Sounds like Stalin personally carried out the executions. Anne neglected to mention the role played by the NKVD and that it was highly over-represented by a certain ethnic minority] more than 21,000 Poles—a big chunk of the country’s elite—in 1940. Dozens of senior military figures and politicians were also on board, many of them friends of mine. My husband reckons that he knew everybody on the plane, including the flight attendants[How nice. I don’t personally know the man, but it sounds like Anne’s husband must be so down to earth, huh?]

    Like the Polish government, the Hungarian state promotes a Medium-Size Lie: It pumps out propaganda blaming Hungary’s problems on nonexistent Muslim migrants, the European Union, and, as noted, George Soros[Lies. All lies, I tell you]

    Schmidt told me that the Western media[“Western” media, right, I get it], presumably myself included, “talk down from above to those below like it used to be with colonies.” Western talk of Hungarian anti-Semitism[Ding, ding, ding!… she finally mentions why she wrote this extremely long “warning” to The Dumb Goyim], corruption, and authoritarianism is “colonialism.” Yet despite being dedicated to the uniqueness of Hungary and the promotion of “Hungarianness,” she has borrowed much of her ideology wholesale from Breitbart News, right down to the caricatured description of American universities and the sneering jokes about “transsexual bathrooms.” [Obligatory shout out to the LGBT community]She has even invited Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos to Budapest[i.e., she hangs with fascists].

    Listening to her, I became convinced that there was never a moment when Schmidt’s views “changed.” She never turned against liberal democracy[has everyone made a burnt offering, yet? What are you waiting for? Anne is waiting], because she never believed in it, or at least she never thought it was all that important. For her, the antidote to Communism is not democracy but an anti-Dreyfusard vision of national sovereignty[Notice how nicely she tied nationalism with antisemitism? Slick, huh?]. And if national sovereignty takes the form of a state whose elite is defined not according to its talent [ i.e., talented at organizing advocacy groups that undermine the will of the majority] but according to its “patriotism”—meaning, in practice, its willingness to toe Orbán’s line—then she’s fine with that.

    Her cynicism is profoundHer cynicism is profound? Look who’s talking]. Soros’s support for Syrian refugees cannot be philanthropy[Of course, it’s philanthropy. What else could it be? A safeguard against antisemitism? Nah, not a chance]; it must come from a deep desire to destroy Hungary[First thing she’s gotten right]. Angela Merkel’s refugee policy could not derive from a desire to help people either. “I think it is just bullshit,” Schmidt said. “I would say she wanted to prove that Germans, this time, are the good people. And they [she meant to put “they” in echo brackets]can lecture everybody on humanism and morality. It doesn’t matter for the Germans what they can lecture the rest of the world on; they just have to lecture someone.”[Let see if I got that straight… the Germans are big on lecturing others? Ok, got it]

    Not long ago, at a fish restaurant in an ugly square on a beautiful night in Athens, I described my 1999 New Year’s Eve party to a Greek political scientist. [She just had to bring the Hellenes into this, didn’t she?]Quietly, he laughed at me. Or rather, he laughed with me; he didn’t mean to be rude. But this thing I was calling polarization was nothing new. “The post-1989 liberal moment—this was the exception,” Stathis Kalyvas told me. Polarization is normal. More to the point, I would add, skepticism about liberal democracy is also normal. And the appeal of authoritarianism is eternal[Did he give a source for this? I couldn’t have been Pericles, could it?]

    Americans, with our powerful founding story[It’s just a “story” – i.e., no bases in fact], our unusual reverence for our Constitution, our relative geographic isolation, and our two centuries of economic success, have long been convinced that liberal democracy, once achieved, cannot be altered. American history is told as a tale of progress, always forward and upward, with the Civil War as a kind of blip in the middle, an obstacle that was overcome. In Greece, history feels not linear but circular[valid commentary]. There is liberal democracy and then there is oligarchy. Then there is liberal democracy again. Then there is foreign subversion, then there is an attempted Communist coup, then there is civil war, and then there is dictatorship. And so on, since the time of the Athenian republic…

    In truth, the argument about who gets to rule is never over, particularly in an era when people have rejected aristocracy, and no longer believe that leadership is inherited at birth or that the ruling class is endorsed by God. Some of us, in Europe and North America, have settled on the idea that various forms of democratic and economic competition are the fairest alternative to inherited or ordained power.

    But we should not have been surprised—I should not have been surprised—when the principles of meritocracy and competition were challenged[Yes, if there is one word that first comes to mind to describe modern-day America, meritocracy is definitely it]. Democracy and free markets can produce unsatisfying outcomes, after all, especially when badly regulated, or when nobody trusts the regulators, or when people are entering the contest from very different starting points[Or, as mentioned earlier, when a small minority organizes to subvert the will of the silent majority]. Sooner or later, the losers of the competition were always going to challenge the value of the competition itself.[Let’s cut to the chase. When the competition is being played in a particular homeland, the silent majority will always hold a grudge when they’re “outcompeted” by a small minority.]
    More to the point, the principles of competition, even when they encourage talent and create upward mobility, don’t necessarily answer deeper questions about national identity, or satisfy the human desire to belong to a moral community. The authoritarian state, or even the semi-authoritarian state—the one-party state, the illiberal state—offers that promise: that the nation will be ruled by the best people, the deserving people, the members of the party, the believers in the Medium-Size Lie. It may be that democracy has to be bent or business corrupted or court systems wrecked in order to achieve that state. But if you believe that you are one of those deserving people, you will do it.Bingo! Just ask the Israelis. Oh, yeah… when will any of you objective (((reporters))) write about or interview leaders from the ZP and press them on immigration and diversity? What am I thinking? It’s globalism for thee and nationalism for me. Sounds like a fair “competition to me.]

    P.S. Can’t wait for the next installment.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    Ann Applebaum is not only a rabid zionist and Russophobe -- she is a fake historian with a knack for falsification.
    There are numerous testimonies from western journalists, politicians (see Churchill), and the rabbi on the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution of 1918. --- Applebaum does nor want to see the evidence and strenuously avoids any mentioning of the Jewish Power in the Russian Tragedy a hundred year ago. Instead, she bad-mouths Russians for the sins of her tribal ancestors:

    Ann Applebaum is a pedestrian opportunist -- a morally and intellectually challenged maker of forgeries.

    The unwelcome truths:
    "The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world." The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

    Trotsky [Leib Bronstein]: “We will impose upon them [Russians] such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East.”

  • It is surprising that we don’t hear more about the hypocrisy of the leading Jewish groups such as the AJC and AIPAC who proclaim loudly about the Holocaust but then work against recognition of the genocide of Christian Armenians committed by Turkey.


    • Replies: @annamaria
    "...the AJC and AIPAC proclaim loudly about the Holocaust but then work against recognition of the genocide of Christian Armenians committed by Turkey."
    --- Even more amazing is the AJC and AIPAC' acceptance of the ongoing revival of neo-Nazism in Ukraine.
    A member of the Kagans' clan, Mrs. Nuland-Kagan, was the main liaison between the Nazis and US zionists during the coup d'etat in Kiev in 2014. Since then, both the US and the Jewish State government have been supplying the neo-Nazis with weaponry and know how.
    The zionists even managed to install a Jewish prime minister Groysman in Ukraine. Mr. Groysman has no objections to the Nazi revival.

    The zionized RAND cheerleaders for fascism in Ukraine:
    The Jewish State is arming Ukrainian neo-Nazis with Israel-made rifles:

  • I recommend a book about Jews titled The Culture of Critique.

    It shows their mindset.

    It is by sociologist Kevin MacDonald.

  • @anarchyst
    I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
    Nothing could be further from the truth.
    The only common thread between Christianity and judaism is the Ten Commandments--nothing more.
    The god of judaism is a vengeful god, totally unlike the merciful and welcoming God of Christianity.
    Christianity welcomes ALL, regardless of nationality or social status--not true of judaism.
    Judaism is an insular belief system that shuns outsiders, prohibits proselytization, and promotes a form of supremacy, relegating all gentiles (non-jews) to the status of livestock--subhumans with souls, only to be used for the advancement and benefit of jews.
    Jews DID murder Jesus Christ. Sad to say, even the present-day (post-Vatican II eumenical council) Catholic church has bought into absolving the jews for Jesus Christ's murder. As always is the case, the jews got others, the Romans to do their dirty work for them--the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. How can Christians have the same values as the Jews; the very people who denounced and betrayed the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, and call for his execution (by others, of course, that is the Jewish way). It makes absolutely no sense at all. Jews have no respect, unlike Muslims for Jesus Christ or Mary, his mother, who are both honored as Prophets in Islam, but instead, Jews spit on hearing their names and do the same while passing a Christian of any kind or a Christian Church in Israel. They have no respect for Christians or any other religion.

    It is time the Jewish lobbies and the American Government leaders as well as the evangelical Christian leaders who mislead the poor American young into joining the military and believing that they are doing something for God and Christianity by fighting Israel’s wars were named, shamed and arrested and tried for treason.

    I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    The other one is Christian Zionists, an OXYMORON. (Wry grin)

  • Latest leak from the documentary, The Lobby – USA.

    Excerpt from, Censored film reveals The Israel Project’s secret Facebook campaign:

    In the newest clips, David Hazony, the managing director of The Israel Project, is heard telling Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter: “There are also things that we do that are completely off the radar. We work together with a lot of other organizations.”

  • @Z-man
    I heard my man Matteo Salvini of Italy use the 'Judeo Christian' term in one of his interviews (with Time). I hate that.
    As always, beware the power of the Cabal even in far off places. The '5th Column' which has almost complete control of Trump is international.

    I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
    Nothing could be further from the truth.
    The only common thread between Christianity and judaism is the Ten Commandments–nothing more.
    The god of judaism is a vengeful god, totally unlike the merciful and welcoming God of Christianity.
    Christianity welcomes ALL, regardless of nationality or social status–not true of judaism.
    Judaism is an insular belief system that shuns outsiders, prohibits proselytization, and promotes a form of supremacy, relegating all gentiles (non-jews) to the status of livestock–subhumans with souls, only to be used for the advancement and benefit of jews.
    Jews DID murder Jesus Christ. Sad to say, even the present-day (post-Vatican II eumenical council) Catholic church has bought into absolving the jews for Jesus Christ’s murder. As always is the case, the jews got others, the Romans to do their dirty work for them–the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. How can Christians have the same values as the Jews; the very people who denounced and betrayed the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, and call for his execution (by others, of course, that is the Jewish way). It makes absolutely no sense at all. Jews have no respect, unlike Muslims for Jesus Christ or Mary, his mother, who are both honored as Prophets in Islam, but instead, Jews spit on hearing their names and do the same while passing a Christian of any kind or a Christian Church in Israel. They have no respect for Christians or any other religion.

    It is time the Jewish lobbies and the American Government leaders as well as the evangelical Christian leaders who mislead the poor American young into joining the military and believing that they are doing something for God and Christianity by fighting Israel’s wars were named, shamed and arrested and tried for treason.

    • Replies: @Z-man

    I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
    Nothing could be further from the truth.
    The other one is Christian Zionists, an OXYMORON. (Wry grin)
  • I heard my man Matteo Salvini of Italy use the ‘Judeo Christian’ term in one of his interviews (with Time). I hate that.
    As always, beware the power of the Cabal even in far off places. The ‘5th Column’ which has almost complete control of Trump is international.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
    Nothing could be further from the truth.
    The only common thread between Christianity and judaism is the Ten Commandments--nothing more.
    The god of judaism is a vengeful god, totally unlike the merciful and welcoming God of Christianity.
    Christianity welcomes ALL, regardless of nationality or social status--not true of judaism.
    Judaism is an insular belief system that shuns outsiders, prohibits proselytization, and promotes a form of supremacy, relegating all gentiles (non-jews) to the status of livestock--subhumans with souls, only to be used for the advancement and benefit of jews.
    Jews DID murder Jesus Christ. Sad to say, even the present-day (post-Vatican II eumenical council) Catholic church has bought into absolving the jews for Jesus Christ's murder. As always is the case, the jews got others, the Romans to do their dirty work for them--the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. How can Christians have the same values as the Jews; the very people who denounced and betrayed the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, and call for his execution (by others, of course, that is the Jewish way). It makes absolutely no sense at all. Jews have no respect, unlike Muslims for Jesus Christ or Mary, his mother, who are both honored as Prophets in Islam, but instead, Jews spit on hearing their names and do the same while passing a Christian of any kind or a Christian Church in Israel. They have no respect for Christians or any other religion.

    It is time the Jewish lobbies and the American Government leaders as well as the evangelical Christian leaders who mislead the poor American young into joining the military and believing that they are doing something for God and Christianity by fighting Israel’s wars were named, shamed and arrested and tried for treason.
  • @Wizard of Oz
    Yes. I presume he is Jewish but know nothing about him. Not a single quote comes to mind from him or about him.

    Yes. I presume he is Jewish but know nothing about him. Not a single quote comes to mind from him or about him.

    Well, Wiki has this to say about his background:

    Sharma is of Indian heritage and was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1975. His family moved to Turramurra, New South Wales, in 1979. Reflecting on his initial years in Australia Sharma told the Australian Indian Herald in May 2013, “we were the only Sharmas in the whole of white pages of Sydney”…

    Sharma is married to Rachel Lord, a trained lawyer and diplomat with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In 2014 she was the president of the Diplomatic Spouses Club in Israel.

  • @NoseytheDuke
    I see that David Sharma, former Ambassador to Israel, is going to replace former PM Turdball in the seat of Wentworth. Fifth Column indeed!

    As a person who claims to be an Australian, wouldn't you prefer people in government who might be expected to put Australian interests first and foremost?

    What malign influence on Australian governments or policy would you fear? In Federal Parliaments there are or have been Michael Danby, unashamedly Zionist though with some subtleties in approach, Josh Frydenberg who in no way depends on a Jewish vote for preselection or winning his seat, Isaac Isaacs who was anti Zionist…. Although I think George Brandis (a Catholic) said something in some context about not referring to East Jerusalem (or maybe the West Bank) as “occupied” I can’t see much Zionist influence in Australian politics. I do remember the pro Israel David Pryce- Jones having his visa held up because of Muslims making a fuss in the Immigration Minister’s electorate. So…. are you worried about David Sharma? If so, why? Any specifics? (We know he can’t be a dual citizen FWIW).

  • @NoseytheDuke
    I see that David Sharma, former Ambassador to Israel, is going to replace former PM Turdball in the seat of Wentworth. Fifth Column indeed!

    As a person who claims to be an Australian, wouldn't you prefer people in government who might be expected to put Australian interests first and foremost?

    Yes. I presume he is Jewish but know nothing about him. Not a single quote comes to mind from him or about him.

    • Replies: @geokat62

    Yes. I presume he is Jewish but know nothing about him. Not a single quote comes to mind from him or about him.
    Well, Wiki has this to say about his background:

    Sharma is of Indian heritage and was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1975. His family moved to Turramurra, New South Wales, in 1979. Reflecting on his initial years in Australia Sharma told the Australian Indian Herald in May 2013, "we were the only Sharmas in the whole of white pages of Sydney"...

    Sharma is married to Rachel Lord, a trained lawyer and diplomat with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In 2014 she was the president of the Diplomatic Spouses Club in Israel.
  • @Wizard of Oz
    Thanks. Tim Fischer I rate as a remarkably honest man - not even good at dissembling for 10 minutes on TV. I accept his opinion as weighty.

    I would move focus from Israel, where ruthless decisions are made that one couldn't believe of almost any other First World country, to the response of Johnson and Manamara. Not so much the recall of planes but the apparent acceptance that Israel should be able to get away with it. Of course the apologies and compensation payments over the years would provide some sort of excuse but it would be interesting to know what Johnson said and what record he may have kept. At the time Israel was a kind of US army in the ME during the Cold War (and the Vietnam War was top of his agenda) so it is possible that he felt he just had to bite his tongue. But wouldn't you expect to find in memoirs what LBJ really thought about something so disgusting? Unless there were relevant people who had something on him? Here's another conspiracy.... Robert Caro, who is Jewish, is filling the whole space for thoroughly researched niographies of LBJ, and is stringing out its completion so the 1963 - 1968 wickedness of Johnson won't damage Israel. You see, even in Australia, one is not safe from being bitten by mad dogs from UR :-)

    I see that David Sharma, former Ambassador to Israel, is going to replace former PM Turdball in the seat of Wentworth. Fifth Column indeed!

    As a person who claims to be an Australian, wouldn’t you prefer people in government who might be expected to put Australian interests first and foremost?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    Yes. I presume he is Jewish but know nothing about him. Not a single quote comes to mind from him or about him.
    , @Wizard of Oz
    What malign influence on Australian governments or policy would you fear? In Federal Parliaments there are or have been Michael Danby, unashamedly Zionist though with some subtleties in approach, Josh Frydenberg who in no way depends on a Jewish vote for preselection or winning his seat, Isaac Isaacs who was anti Zionist.... Although I think George Brandis (a Catholic) said something in some context about not referring to East Jerusalem (or maybe the West Bank) as "occupied" I can't see much Zionist influence in Australian politics. I do remember the pro Israel David Pryce- Jones having his visa held up because of Muslims making a fuss in the Immigration Minister's electorate. So.... are you worried about David Sharma? If so, why? Any specifics? (We know he can't be a dual citizen FWIW).
  • The Fifth Columns assault on the freedom of information and freedom of speech:

    “Whether it is Facebook, Google or Amazon, the excuse most often cited for suppression [of information] is “content guidelines’ violation.” Amazon notified us on August 13 that two of our titles, which they have been selling for years and in thousands of copies, “Judaism Discovered,” our 1100 page textbook published in 2008, and “Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded,” published in 2010 — were being permanently removed after “review” by the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) unit of Amazon. A facsimile of the KDP notice can be viewed here:

    In their e-mail they told us that “…we found that this content is in violation of content guidelines.” In studying their content guidelines one encounters a vague, generic statement about not permitting that which is “offensive.” There is no guidance as to what “offense” has suddenly arisen after these books were sold on Amazon for several years. Like the Red Queen in Wonderland who declared to Alice that, “A word is anything I say it is!” — that which “offends” is anything Amazon says it is. A third book, “The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic,” was also forbidden.
    Does Amazon have the chutzpah to publicly categorize these books as “hate speech” or some other alibi for censorship that could be contested? No, they do not. They leave authors and publishers twisting in the wind, making it more difficult to appeal the decision and report to the public on the tyranny. Although since they allow no appeal, it’s a moot point. Personally, I have no doubt concerning why my books were censored.”

    — Why Bezos, Zuckerberg, Page and Brin hate American freedoms and western civilization so much?
    “The Ten Richest Facebook Shareholders:
    “The Top Four Amazon shareholders:”
    “The Top Five Google Shareholders:”

  • @anarchyst
    It is interesting to note that on the fiftieth anniversary (June 8, 2017) of the Israeli deliberate act of war against an American naval vessel, June 8, 1967, there was NOT ONE PEEP or acknowledgement by the mainstream media.
    This is merely more PROOF that the American and international mainstream media is owned, lock, stock and barrel by Israeli interests...

    Phil Gerald reported here:

    about Liberty survivors, relatives of men killed on the Liberty, and several members of this Unz community, organized by Phil Gerald, who met at the gravesites Liberty dead in Arlington Cemetery.

  • @anarchyst
    It is interesting to note that on the fiftieth anniversary (June 8, 2017) of the Israeli deliberate act of war against an American naval vessel, June 8, 1967, there was NOT ONE PEEP or acknowledgement by the mainstream media.
    This is merely more PROOF that the American and international mainstream media is owned, lock, stock and barrel by Israeli interests...

    “…the American and international mainstream media is owned, lock, stock and barrel by Israeli interests…”
    — Correct, hence the mess we are living in today.

  • @Brewer
    So, despite the testimony of every survivor, the admission of at least two Israelis involved (albeit later retracted) you prefer to insist that the Israeli high command deployed a large amount of armament and materiel to destroy an Egyptian horse transport - in the middle of a desperate War on several fronts, none naval. What is more, having disabled the ship they regarded that old bucket as such a threat that they devoted even more precious resource to sending her to the bottom.
    That is either a savage case of equinophobia or a decidedly lame attempt to deceive:

    "They tried to lie their way out of it!" Lockwood shouts. "I don't believe that for a minute! You just don't shoot at a ship at sea without identifying it, making sure of your target!"...
    ...An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner.
    You may prefer an Aussie opinion:

    This statement by Stephen Forslund (US Air Force intelligence analyst) is clear enough: "The transcripts made specific reference to the efforts to direct the jets to the target, which was identified as American numerous times by the ground controller. The ground control began asking about the status of the target and whether it was sinking. They stressed that the target must be sunk and leave no trace."

    The reader can research the subject and reach a conclusion on deliberate or accidental. For my part, I now believe the evidence all points to it being a deliberate attack by Israel.

    Thanks. Tim Fischer I rate as a remarkably honest man – not even good at dissembling for 10 minutes on TV. I accept his opinion as weighty.

    I would move focus from Israel, where ruthless decisions are made that one couldn’t believe of almost any other First World country, to the response of Johnson and Manamara. Not so much the recall of planes but the apparent acceptance that Israel should be able to get away with it. Of course the apologies and compensation payments over the years would provide some sort of excuse but it would be interesting to know what Johnson said and what record he may have kept. At the time Israel was a kind of US army in the ME during the Cold War (and the Vietnam War was top of his agenda) so it is possible that he felt he just had to bite his tongue. But wouldn’t you expect to find in memoirs what LBJ really thought about something so disgusting? Unless there were relevant people who had something on him? Here’s another conspiracy…. Robert Caro, who is Jewish, is filling the whole space for thoroughly researched niographies of LBJ, and is stringing out its completion so the 1963 – 1968 wickedness of Johnson won’t damage Israel. You see, even in Australia, one is not safe from being bitten by mad dogs from UR 🙂

    • Replies: @NoseytheDuke
    I see that David Sharma, former Ambassador to Israel, is going to replace former PM Turdball in the seat of Wentworth. Fifth Column indeed!

    As a person who claims to be an Australian, wouldn't you prefer people in government who might be expected to put Australian interests first and foremost?
  • @Brewer
    So, despite the testimony of every survivor, the admission of at least two Israelis involved (albeit later retracted) you prefer to insist that the Israeli high command deployed a large amount of armament and materiel to destroy an Egyptian horse transport - in the middle of a desperate War on several fronts, none naval. What is more, having disabled the ship they regarded that old bucket as such a threat that they devoted even more precious resource to sending her to the bottom.
    That is either a savage case of equinophobia or a decidedly lame attempt to deceive:

    "They tried to lie their way out of it!" Lockwood shouts. "I don't believe that for a minute! You just don't shoot at a ship at sea without identifying it, making sure of your target!"...
    ...An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner.
    You may prefer an Aussie opinion:

    This statement by Stephen Forslund (US Air Force intelligence analyst) is clear enough: "The transcripts made specific reference to the efforts to direct the jets to the target, which was identified as American numerous times by the ground controller. The ground control began asking about the status of the target and whether it was sinking. They stressed that the target must be sunk and leave no trace."

    The reader can research the subject and reach a conclusion on deliberate or accidental. For my part, I now believe the evidence all points to it being a deliberate attack by Israel.

    It is interesting to note that on the fiftieth anniversary (June 8, 2017) of the Israeli deliberate act of war against an American naval vessel, June 8, 1967, there was NOT ONE PEEP or acknowledgement by the mainstream media.
    This is merely more PROOF that the American and international mainstream media is owned, lock, stock and barrel by Israeli interests…

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @annamaria
    "...the American and international mainstream media is owned, lock, stock and barrel by Israeli interests…"
    -- Correct, hence the mess we are living in today.
    , @SolontoCroesus
    Phil Gerald reported here:

    about Liberty survivors, relatives of men killed on the Liberty, and several members of this Unz community, organized by Phil Gerald, who met at the gravesites Liberty dead in Arlington Cemetery.
  • @Brewer
    There is more than enough evidence around the net to completely refute your speculation so I won't go into it all. Suffice to say that you are clutching at very wet straws when you cite the alleged confusion between the Liberty and El Quseir. One can only conclude that you have never been to sea (unless of course you were at the helm of the carrier Melbourne on 10 February 1964). No sailor could mistake the one ship for the other:
    ....and I doubt any IAF pilot could. That aside, you need to explain why the Israelis deployed two (unmarked) Mirage Jets, two Dassault Mysteres and three Torpedo boats to sink an Egyptian Horse transport vessel in the middle of the Six Day War.
    I happen to know that the Israelis had identified the ship as American. Unlike you, I have spent a large chunk of my life at sea and one of my dearest friends was a CPO in the USN. He related to me a story which I simply cannot doubt, knowing the character of the man. He was in a Mediterranean Yacht club and met a retired Israeli Naval officer - Yomi someone. They hit it off well, as navy men do, and, over drinks, he learned that Yomi had commanded the torpedo boats in the attack on the Liberty. My friend said "You must have known she was American". Yomi replied: "Of course but orders is orders" or somesuch.
    At the time Earl told me this story I knew nothing of the incident and very little about Israel. I care little whether or not you believe as I do. I did learn, much later, long after Earl had passed, that the torpedo boat commander was indeed named Yomi.
    You can never be in a position of knowing as I am. Your speculations are driven by your ideology.

    The Wiz is a troll, a sort of autistic troll if you will. The Wheezy Wiz is here to flaunt his mental dexterity whist sowing doubt about important events, such as JFK was killed by an accidental discharge when an SS guard travelling behind slipped and discharged his weapon and the WTC towers exploded due to melted aluminium coming into contact with water, things like that.

    Whizzy will keep coming back to you whatever the validity of your comment as he has all day and is clearly paid by the (often jumbled) word.

  • @Wizard of Oz
    As my speculations are not driven by ideology as you somewhat pompously assert I can completely believe your account of your conversation with Yomi. And I don't dismiss entirely your reasoning about the overkill for the Egyptian vessel. However, I retain a slight doubt that what you say makes the case for intention to destroy the Liberty andvleave no survivors. Two different kinds of reasons. One is that what you relate is compatible with the actual situation being that the report back to the controller was to the effect "Hey, it's got a US flag on it" or "I'm think it could be American: what do you want us to do?" neither of which quite adds up to everyone knowing for sure it was an American ship. The other is that what you say is consistent with what I know of the tough sardonic Israeli sense of humour (think of self send ups based on stereotypes).

    So, despite the testimony of every survivor, the admission of at least two Israelis involved (albeit later retracted) you prefer to insist that the Israeli high command deployed a large amount of armament and materiel to destroy an Egyptian horse transport – in the middle of a desperate War on several fronts, none naval. What is more, having disabled the ship they regarded that old bucket as such a threat that they devoted even more precious resource to sending her to the bottom.
    That is either a savage case of equinophobia or a decidedly lame attempt to deceive:

    “They tried to lie their way out of it!” Lockwood shouts. “I don’t believe that for a minute! You just don’t shoot at a ship at sea without identifying it, making sure of your target!”…
    …An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was “an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy,” a floating electronic vacuum cleaner.

    You may prefer an Aussie opinion:

    This statement by Stephen Forslund (US Air Force intelligence analyst) is clear enough: “The transcripts made specific reference to the efforts to direct the jets to the target, which was identified as American numerous times by the ground controller. The ground control began asking about the status of the target and whether it was sinking. They stressed that the target must be sunk and leave no trace.”

    The reader can research the subject and reach a conclusion on deliberate or accidental. For my part, I now believe the evidence all points to it being a deliberate attack by Israel.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    It is interesting to note that on the fiftieth anniversary (June 8, 2017) of the Israeli deliberate act of war against an American naval vessel, June 8, 1967, there was NOT ONE PEEP or acknowledgement by the mainstream media.
    This is merely more PROOF that the American and international mainstream media is owned, lock, stock and barrel by Israeli interests...
    , @Wizard of Oz
    Thanks. Tim Fischer I rate as a remarkably honest man - not even good at dissembling for 10 minutes on TV. I accept his opinion as weighty.

    I would move focus from Israel, where ruthless decisions are made that one couldn't believe of almost any other First World country, to the response of Johnson and Manamara. Not so much the recall of planes but the apparent acceptance that Israel should be able to get away with it. Of course the apologies and compensation payments over the years would provide some sort of excuse but it would be interesting to know what Johnson said and what record he may have kept. At the time Israel was a kind of US army in the ME during the Cold War (and the Vietnam War was top of his agenda) so it is possible that he felt he just had to bite his tongue. But wouldn't you expect to find in memoirs what LBJ really thought about something so disgusting? Unless there were relevant people who had something on him? Here's another conspiracy.... Robert Caro, who is Jewish, is filling the whole space for thoroughly researched niographies of LBJ, and is stringing out its completion so the 1963 - 1968 wickedness of Johnson won't damage Israel. You see, even in Australia, one is not safe from being bitten by mad dogs from UR :-)
  • @Wizard of Oz
    As my speculations are not driven by ideology as you somewhat pompously assert I can completely believe your account of your conversation with Yomi. And I don't dismiss entirely your reasoning about the overkill for the Egyptian vessel. However, I retain a slight doubt that what you say makes the case for intention to destroy the Liberty andvleave no survivors. Two different kinds of reasons. One is that what you relate is compatible with the actual situation being that the report back to the controller was to the effect "Hey, it's got a US flag on it" or "I'm think it could be American: what do you want us to do?" neither of which quite adds up to everyone knowing for sure it was an American ship. The other is that what you say is consistent with what I know of the tough sardonic Israeli sense of humour (think of self send ups based on stereotypes).

    ” However, I retain a slight doubt that what you say makes the case for intention to destroy the Liberty and leave no survivors.”
    — There was an excellent description, on this site, of the Jewish knack for evasiveness and for the inability to consent to truth and logic if the truth and logic do not agree with a pro-Jewish interpretation.
    — There are survivors of the USSLiberty. You are free to surf the internet to learn about the living testaments of the living survivors. And yet, similar to the late treasonous zionized Tokyo Rose (and his treasonous dad), the WoO is not interested in the truth — it is too inconvenient for whatever reason.

  • @Brewer
    There is more than enough evidence around the net to completely refute your speculation so I won't go into it all. Suffice to say that you are clutching at very wet straws when you cite the alleged confusion between the Liberty and El Quseir. One can only conclude that you have never been to sea (unless of course you were at the helm of the carrier Melbourne on 10 February 1964). No sailor could mistake the one ship for the other:
    ....and I doubt any IAF pilot could. That aside, you need to explain why the Israelis deployed two (unmarked) Mirage Jets, two Dassault Mysteres and three Torpedo boats to sink an Egyptian Horse transport vessel in the middle of the Six Day War.
    I happen to know that the Israelis had identified the ship as American. Unlike you, I have spent a large chunk of my life at sea and one of my dearest friends was a CPO in the USN. He related to me a story which I simply cannot doubt, knowing the character of the man. He was in a Mediterranean Yacht club and met a retired Israeli Naval officer - Yomi someone. They hit it off well, as navy men do, and, over drinks, he learned that Yomi had commanded the torpedo boats in the attack on the Liberty. My friend said "You must have known she was American". Yomi replied: "Of course but orders is orders" or somesuch.
    At the time Earl told me this story I knew nothing of the incident and very little about Israel. I care little whether or not you believe as I do. I did learn, much later, long after Earl had passed, that the torpedo boat commander was indeed named Yomi.
    You can never be in a position of knowing as I am. Your speculations are driven by your ideology.

    As my speculations are not driven by ideology as you somewhat pompously assert I can completely believe your account of your conversation with Yomi. And I don’t dismiss entirely your reasoning about the overkill for the Egyptian vessel. However, I retain a slight doubt that what you say makes the case for intention to destroy the Liberty andvleave no survivors. Two different kinds of reasons. One is that what you relate is compatible with the actual situation being that the report back to the controller was to the effect “Hey, it’s got a US flag on it” or “I’m think it could be American: what do you want us to do?” neither of which quite adds up to everyone knowing for sure it was an American ship. The other is that what you say is consistent with what I know of the tough sardonic Israeli sense of humour (think of self send ups based on stereotypes).

    • Replies: @annamaria
    " However, I retain a slight doubt that what you say makes the case for intention to destroy the Liberty and leave no survivors."
    -- There was an excellent description, on this site, of the Jewish knack for evasiveness and for the inability to consent to truth and logic if the truth and logic do not agree with a pro-Jewish interpretation.
    -- There are survivors of the USSLiberty. You are free to surf the internet to learn about the living testaments of the living survivors. And yet, similar to the late treasonous zionized Tokyo Rose (and his treasonous dad), the WoO is not interested in the truth -- it is too inconvenient for whatever reason.
    , @Brewer
    So, despite the testimony of every survivor, the admission of at least two Israelis involved (albeit later retracted) you prefer to insist that the Israeli high command deployed a large amount of armament and materiel to destroy an Egyptian horse transport - in the middle of a desperate War on several fronts, none naval. What is more, having disabled the ship they regarded that old bucket as such a threat that they devoted even more precious resource to sending her to the bottom.
    That is either a savage case of equinophobia or a decidedly lame attempt to deceive:

    "They tried to lie their way out of it!" Lockwood shouts. "I don't believe that for a minute! You just don't shoot at a ship at sea without identifying it, making sure of your target!"...
    ...An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner.
    You may prefer an Aussie opinion:

    This statement by Stephen Forslund (US Air Force intelligence analyst) is clear enough: "The transcripts made specific reference to the efforts to direct the jets to the target, which was identified as American numerous times by the ground controller. The ground control began asking about the status of the target and whether it was sinking. They stressed that the target must be sunk and leave no trace."

    The reader can research the subject and reach a conclusion on deliberate or accidental. For my part, I now believe the evidence all points to it being a deliberate attack by Israel.
  • @Wizard of Oz
    All different points from what I was inquiring about. The null hypothesis has to be that LBJ was very pissed off but that (if it was he who ordered the planes back) it was only after he had decided that a call to the Israelis had fixed it as well as it could be fixed**). And FWIW it is easy to imagine an Israeli pilot with American connections being horrified at the idea he was shooting up a US ship. Equally, I suppose it is easy to imagine a tough minded officer giving orders that assumed that any ship could have an American flag on it so assume it's Egyptian and give 'em hell. (There was an Egyptian naval ship with a very similar profile to that of the Liberty as shown by the photographs I've seen).

    ** The Israeli ambassador in DC Abraham Harman could presumably be reached by Dean Rusk or from the White House within a minute, as could the US ambassador in Israel.

    Since writing the above my search for the name of the ambassador led me to read the whole Wikipedia article. It is even handed and excellent - much more coherent than any of the UR treatments - with just two passages that I thought left probable BS floating without any attempt at resolution.

    One of those was a possible source of that alleged quote of LBJ that PG has used and I have queried. It is, in short, very dodgy unattributed hearsay via a retired officer (Lt Cdr David Lewis) who doesn't seem to deserve any great credit. PG seems to be regrettably reckless if he's using that as his source for Johnson saying that not embarrassing our friends was the only thing that mattered. And the recalls in his account, first by Macnamara and then by Johnson, of planes sent to rescue the Liberty don't make sense as they were neither helicopters nor amphibians.

    The big puzzle though is the lack of follow up on the suggestion that Liberty had been jamming Israeli communications, and that, for that reason, Moshe Dayan ordered the attack. Probably all BS I surmise but potentially important and not to be left hanging.

    Well war is the great socialist activity and so you have to expect stuff ups. And the Wikipedia describes so many of them including at least three really serious failures of communication. Given my disposition to believe that Murphy's Law is likely predominant whenever governments ate involved I am inclined to believe that the attack was deliberate but not as an atrack known at high level to be on a US ship. For motives, preventing the US knowing about the intended attack on the Golan Heights simply doesn't cut it. Nor I think does covering up Israeli misdeeds in or about Gaza. If you have to have a wicked one it would be to trick America into attacking Egypt....

    As to Johnson's principal motivating factors I note that Wikipedia plausibly puts his concerns about the Soviet Union as his top priority.

    There is more than enough evidence around the net to completely refute your speculation so I won’t go into it all. Suffice to say that you are clutching at very wet straws when you cite the alleged confusion between the Liberty and El Quseir. One can only conclude that you have never been to sea (unless of course you were at the helm of the carrier Melbourne on 10 February 1964). No sailor could mistake the one ship for the other:….and I doubt any IAF pilot could. That aside, you need to explain why the Israelis deployed two (unmarked) Mirage Jets, two Dassault Mysteres and three Torpedo boats to sink an Egyptian Horse transport vessel in the middle of the Six Day War.
    I happen to know that the Israelis had identified the ship as American. Unlike you, I have spent a large chunk of my life at sea and one of my dearest friends was a CPO in the USN. He related to me a story which I simply cannot doubt, knowing the character of the man. He was in a Mediterranean Yacht club and met a retired Israeli Naval officer – Yomi someone. They hit it off well, as navy men do, and, over drinks, he learned that Yomi had commanded the torpedo boats in the attack on the Liberty. My friend said “You must have known she was American”. Yomi replied: “Of course but orders is orders” or somesuch.
    At the time Earl told me this story I knew nothing of the incident and very little about Israel. I care little whether or not you believe as I do. I did learn, much later, long after Earl had passed, that the torpedo boat commander was indeed named Yomi.
    You can never be in a position of knowing as I am. Your speculations are driven by your ideology.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    As my speculations are not driven by ideology as you somewhat pompously assert I can completely believe your account of your conversation with Yomi. And I don't dismiss entirely your reasoning about the overkill for the Egyptian vessel. However, I retain a slight doubt that what you say makes the case for intention to destroy the Liberty andvleave no survivors. Two different kinds of reasons. One is that what you relate is compatible with the actual situation being that the report back to the controller was to the effect "Hey, it's got a US flag on it" or "I'm think it could be American: what do you want us to do?" neither of which quite adds up to everyone knowing for sure it was an American ship. The other is that what you say is consistent with what I know of the tough sardonic Israeli sense of humour (think of self send ups based on stereotypes).
    , @NoseytheDuke
    The Wiz is a troll, a sort of autistic troll if you will. The Wheezy Wiz is here to flaunt his mental dexterity whist sowing doubt about important events, such as JFK was killed by an accidental discharge when an SS guard travelling behind slipped and discharged his weapon and the WTC towers exploded due to melted aluminium coming into contact with water, things like that.

    Whizzy will keep coming back to you whatever the validity of your comment as he has all day and is clearly paid by the (often jumbled) word.

  • Freedom Fighters of the world unite !

    Let’s Roll Against The British Crown, and you’ll see the empire of the satanists and pedophiles falling like a house of cards.

  • @Incitatus
    Any of you clear out a parents’ house after their death? A ‘food-processor’ is not unusual. All the rage in the 70s.

    Giraldi’s weekly Cuisinart? Start with the base staple (Zionists, Israel, Jews), add veges (Zionists, Israel, Jews), seasoning (Zionists, Israel, Jews) and turn switch on. Whrrrrrryrrrr!

    Whad’ya know? The same after-dinner comments surface week after week. Zionist, Israel, Jew indigestion every time!

    What are the odds? Left to better equines than me.

    No question Friedman and the rest is questionable. But from those who signed on to DJT’s ‘drain the swamp” and ‘ME neutrality’? Why is your judgement now any better than it was 8 Nov 2016?

    Perhaps Rev. Spooner will enlighten us. After all, he’s quite catholic (small ‘c’) in his “Its not just about the jews, its about the american elites too. The commoners, the fatties, the crackers, the trailer thrash, the single mums, the idiots awaiting the second coming will be the last to know what is now becoming common knowledge the world over.”

    “Commoners…fatties…crackers…trailer thrash…single mums…idiots awaiting second coming”. Wow! Who knew?

    Rev, ever modest, warns “I’m no genius or economist but reading online, I understood it well”.

    There you go. Ask no more. Don’t – REPEAT, don’t ask what Rev’s reading online. Trust him. Is that so hard?

    Well done PG!

    Just gets better and better!

    An old queen rambling on about a Cuisinart, how very quaint.

  • @Kratoklastes

    I no longer remember exactly when, but it was even before Rome itself had been founded that the Jews could already write.
    I'm gonna call "bro-science". (It's like calling 'bullshit', except that the bullshit in question claims to be making a scientific point).

    There's no non-partisan, verified evidence of "Jewish" written text that dates from before 300BCE.

    Stuff trotted out as 'evidence' will not stand up to scientific scrutiny, because it's explicitly propagandised. (A lot of modern Zionist archaeology is similar to 19th century European archaeologists, who had a spade in one hand and a bible in the other).

    The best recent example of the propagandised over-reach is the supposed 'proto-Canaanite' stuff from Khirbet Qeiyafa that got a big writeup in JPost and Arutz Sheva.

    Everyone involved was giving it the big hava nagilah, claiming that the discovery 'verified' the existence of the the mythical kingdoms of Solomon and David (neither of which ever happened).

    The earliest written obviously-Judaic texts - that is, texts from a society that was obviously Jewish, written in a script that 'belongs' to the society (e.g., Hebrew) - that have been discovered and validated by non-partisan scientists... date from the 2nd century BCE. (And if non-verified shit is to be accepted, it should be put in the same bucket as the James Ossuary and the pomegranate dated to the First Temple... i.e., hoaxes with the same truth content as Yacob Wilkomerski's holocaust memoir)

    In any case: let's stipulate, arguendo, that the foundational myths of Judaism were historically correct (they're not - they're out by 600 years, at least).

    In such a case it wouldn't be a huge surprise if the Red Sea Pedestrians had developed writing before "AUC 1" ('Ab [or Anno] Urbe Condita' - from the founding of the city... generally accepted as 753BCE).

    After all, if Exodus (which never happened) took place in 1450BCE, the Egyptians (who held the Hebrews in captivity - never happened) had writing going back a further 1500 years.

    Elsewhere in the region, we have plenty of verified evidence of

    • cuneiform (archaic, Akkadian, and Assyrian);
    • Phoenician (now called "proto-Canaanite", for propaganda reasons);
    • "Linear A" (Minoan);
    • "Linear B" (Mycenean/Cretan); and even
    • Aramaic...
    ... all of which predate the mythical foundation of Rome by centuries (or in some cases, millennia).

    Even the Greeks had their 'own' abjad (derived from Phoenician alphabet) by the mid-700s BCE - in fact the Attic (Athenian) dialect was predated by Ionic, Aeolic/Lesbian, and Doric, all of which date to 400 before Rome's foundation.

    Bear in mind that around the time of the mythical founding of Rome, "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" were already more than 600 years old (current dating places their origin at 1260-1120 BCE).

    So if the RSPs were ever held in captivity in Egypt (they weren't) the Heebs had plenty of opportunity to develop a writing system (by pinching the one that the Gyppos were using already).

    The fact that they obviously didn't develop a writing system is yet another dot-point in the proof that the actual timing of the 'rise' of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel should be dated to the 7th-8th century BCE at the earliest.

    I can say "obviously didn't develop a writing system" prior to the 2nd century BCE, because otherwise we would be inundated with evidence of it, as we are for the other regional languages.

    For example, we have 13,000 Etruscan texts (some little more than fragments, but many lengthy, bi-lingual texts) from the period ~700BCE to ~140BCE; there are several hundred examples of Etiocypriot (famously including a bilingual - with Attic Greek - text on a slab from the Acropolis of Amathus which dates to 600BCE).

  • @Anon
    You seem to using "Deep State" in a novel way even amongst the wild backwoods stump orators of UR threads. Definition please, and origins and reasons for your usage?

    Are you perhaps, when writing of members of government getting rich, ct thinking of such outstanding members of the executive arm as the Clintons? Amongst puzzles you leave open is the question of how much effort would be put into other members of the government getting rich.

    Perhaps you have in mind admirals and generals retiring to work for the arms industry? But how many of them are Deep State in the US?

    Your question is valid but presupposes a more detailed understanding on my part than I actually possess, so I can only give you my rather vague assessment.

    I consider the Deep State to be the Imperial Power of the US government. It makes the decisions and steers the ship of state. Human beings are naturally greedy and power hungry, and Americans are at the top of the scale. Thus, running America, the Deep State is greed and power incarnate and to paraphrase Chris Floyd, it’s where the Overworld meets the Underworld.

    Clearly, the subject is worthy of 500 pages, but I’m just a working stiff struggling to get enough sleep.

  • @Philip Giraldi
    The full quote is: "Bolton also ripped into the court’s threat to Washington’s 'friend and ally' Israel as he referred to the investigation into alleged crimes against Palestinians. The probe into actions of such a 'liberal, democratic nation' as Israel is unacceptable, Bolton said. Any countries supporting the investigation and cooperating with the ICC will be subject to secondary sanctions, Bolton warned. He promised to 'take notes' of the countries cooperating with the ICC, warning that such behavior will affect their relations with the US and might result in slashing the US aid to such nations."

    These people are completely delusional but very dangerous for all of us. We are owned by the cabal, it seems.

    “These people are completely delusional but very dangerous for all of us. We are owned by the cabal, it seems.”

    The crazed NeoCons have bankrupted the USA and destroyed its soft power, because of their hubris and selfish supremacist obsession with Israel.
    This has had consequence however: everybody on the planet knows who they are, knows that they are dangerous and is prepared to confront them.

    Don’t lose hope. True, the next confrontation will resemble more the Missile Crisis than the crushing of Iraq. But that may be our salvation. Dire situations bring about radical solutions and courageous men.

    Ultimately, the world outside the mortiferous Zionist cabal is full of positive people who want a future for their children, and who will fight back. We are the majority. We will not go down.

  • @Philip Giraldi
    The full quote is: "Bolton also ripped into the court’s threat to Washington’s 'friend and ally' Israel as he referred to the investigation into alleged crimes against Palestinians. The probe into actions of such a 'liberal, democratic nation' as Israel is unacceptable, Bolton said. Any countries supporting the investigation and cooperating with the ICC will be subject to secondary sanctions, Bolton warned. He promised to 'take notes' of the countries cooperating with the ICC, warning that such behavior will affect their relations with the US and might result in slashing the US aid to such nations."

    These people are completely delusional but very dangerous for all of us. We are owned by the cabal, it seems.

    It’s nauseating but look at the positive spin I’m taking on this (hope springs eternal);
    Trump is basically an ‘America firster’ (make trade deals favorable to us, NATO is obsolete, Russia not an enemy, no more foreign interventions, Americanism, ‘Build that WALL’,) who has a bad case of foot in mouth disease. This makes him target ‘numero uno’ on both sides of the corrupt isle, most of the MSM, Hollywood and the Deep State. Now the Cabal is pivotal in all these groups and special interests. To protect his flanks he has been even more Zionist than Lieberman on face value. He brought in Bolton, a man only his mother could love, in from the cold to take over national security. A man who even his allies probably would like to see six feet under. But here is where I think (hope) Trump is a genius. By being so pro Zionist some normally anti Trump tribesmen have come to his defense especially with the Mueller probes. The one that comes to mind is Alan Douche err Dershowitz. People in his crowd have attacked and turned their tribal backs to him. This splintering of the Israeli Firsters and Internationalists, that Cabal that is the most powerful in the world, that wants to see Trump gone is a great coup for Trump. The confliction in the mid of some of these tribesman is enough to keep Trump protected. Finally what has Trump really given the Zionists? Money? He’s given them just about what Barry Obama was going to give them anyway. Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s’ capital? Just a symbolic PR move that helps him even more with Zionists on the fence about him. The Final Status still has to be negotiated. Attacking Iran? Well his Jew in Treasury is doing a good job with that but his saying that he would meet with the Iranian president must have sent a shudder thru the Neocon beltway. I think it was a dog whistle to American Nationalists like me that Israel didn’t completely control our foreign policy, we shall see. Now we shall also see what happens when his son in law’s* peace plan comes out, it could be epic or just more of the same BS. Again hope springs eternal but we shall see.
    *Let’s hope Jared and Ivanka go back to NYC. (More wishful thinking)

  • We are owned by the cabal, it seems.

    Pace, Prof. Sniegoski, we are owned by the transparent cabal, it seems.

  • @Iris
    Speaking of the Nincompoop:

    John Bolton has threatened the International Criminal Court, should it dare investigating "liberal, democratic" Israel for its crimes against Palestinians.

    It is interesting that he has to threaten the poodle ICC; actually, it feels like the end.

    The full quote is: “Bolton also ripped into the court’s threat to Washington’s ‘friend and ally’ Israel as he referred to the investigation into alleged crimes against Palestinians. The probe into actions of such a ‘liberal, democratic nation’ as Israel is unacceptable, Bolton said. Any countries supporting the investigation and cooperating with the ICC will be subject to secondary sanctions, Bolton warned. He promised to ‘take notes’ of the countries cooperating with the ICC, warning that such behavior will affect their relations with the US and might result in slashing the US aid to such nations.”

    These people are completely delusional but very dangerous for all of us. We are owned by the cabal, it seems.

    • Replies: @Z-man
    It's nauseating but look at the positive spin I'm taking on this (hope springs eternal);
    Trump is basically an 'America firster' (make trade deals favorable to us, NATO is obsolete, Russia not an enemy, no more foreign interventions, Americanism, 'Build that WALL',) who has a bad case of foot in mouth disease. This makes him target 'numero uno' on both sides of the corrupt isle, most of the MSM, Hollywood and the Deep State. Now the Cabal is pivotal in all these groups and special interests. To protect his flanks he has been even more Zionist than Lieberman on face value. He brought in Bolton, a man only his mother could love, in from the cold to take over national security. A man who even his allies probably would like to see six feet under. But here is where I think (hope) Trump is a genius. By being so pro Zionist some normally anti Trump tribesmen have come to his defense especially with the Mueller probes. The one that comes to mind is Alan Douche err Dershowitz. People in his crowd have attacked and turned their tribal backs to him. This splintering of the Israeli Firsters and Internationalists, that Cabal that is the most powerful in the world, that wants to see Trump gone is a great coup for Trump. The confliction in the mid of some of these tribesman is enough to keep Trump protected. Finally what has Trump really given the Zionists? Money? He's given them just about what Barry Obama was going to give them anyway. Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's' capital? Just a symbolic PR move that helps him even more with Zionists on the fence about him. The Final Status still has to be negotiated. Attacking Iran? Well his Jew in Treasury is doing a good job with that but his saying that he would meet with the Iranian president must have sent a shudder thru the Neocon beltway. I think it was a dog whistle to American Nationalists like me that Israel didn't completely control our foreign policy, we shall see. Now we shall also see what happens when his son in law's* peace plan comes out, it could be epic or just more of the same BS. Again hope springs eternal but we shall see.
    *Let's hope Jared and Ivanka go back to NYC. (More wishful thinking)
    , @Iris
    "These people are completely delusional but very dangerous for all of us. We are owned by the cabal, it seems."

    The crazed NeoCons have bankrupted the USA and destroyed its soft power, because of their hubris and selfish supremacist obsession with Israel.
    This has had consequence however: everybody on the planet knows who they are, knows that they are dangerous and is prepared to confront them.

    Don't lose hope. True, the next confrontation will resemble more the Missile Crisis than the crushing of Iraq. But that may be our salvation. Dire situations bring about radical solutions and courageous men.

    Ultimately, the world outside the mortiferous Zionist cabal is full of positive people who want a future for their children, and who will fight back. We are the majority. We will not go down.
  • @annamaria
    Was not Condi Rice-mushroom-cloud a devoted Christian? -- The US-kind of devoted baby killers? There are more of the same kind of sanctimonious mass murderers emerging from the swamps of corruption in the zionized DC:
    "Bolton and Pompeo are painting Idlib as a peaceful province resisting the violence of an Assad who they claim just enjoys killing his own people. But who controls Idlib province? President Trump’s own Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, Brett McGurk, said in Washington just last year that, “Idlib province is the largest al-Qaeda safe-haven since 9/11, tied to directly to Ayman al Zawahiri, this is a huge problem.”

    After six years of a foreign-backed regime-change operation in Syria, where hundreds of thousands have been killed and the country nearly fell into the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda, the Syrian government is on the verge of victory. ... Americans should be outraged that Pompeo and Bolton are defending al-Qaeda in Idlib."

    --- Nope. The baseline for warprofiteers trumps the trifles of "who did the 9/11." The deciders in the Land of Dancing Israelis and the Raytheon & Lockheed bosses want their gesheft. By any means. Bolton and Pompeo are their loyal soldiers ready to murder as many innocent civilians, including thousands and thousands of children, as needed for the satisfaction of the Raytheon & Lockheed bosses and the Jewish States patrons.

    When will the Christians in the US demand the excommunication of the murderous liars Bolton (a Lutheran) and Pompeo (member of the evangelical Presbyterian church)? These two apostates make a huge stain on the US Christian community. If anything, they are anti-human and anti-Christian.

    Speaking of the Nincompoop:

    John Bolton has threatened the International Criminal Court, should it dare investigating “liberal, democratic” Israel for its crimes against Palestinians.

    It is interesting that he has to threaten the poodle ICC; actually, it feels like the end.

    • Replies: @Philip Giraldi
    The full quote is: "Bolton also ripped into the court’s threat to Washington’s 'friend and ally' Israel as he referred to the investigation into alleged crimes against Palestinians. The probe into actions of such a 'liberal, democratic nation' as Israel is unacceptable, Bolton said. Any countries supporting the investigation and cooperating with the ICC will be subject to secondary sanctions, Bolton warned. He promised to 'take notes' of the countries cooperating with the ICC, warning that such behavior will affect their relations with the US and might result in slashing the US aid to such nations."

    These people are completely delusional but very dangerous for all of us. We are owned by the cabal, it seems.

  • @Cloak And Dagger

    He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result.
    Wouldn't it be great if we could help him win because of this?

    h/t SST

    VA State Senator Black discussing his recent trip to Syria

  • @Iris
    US Senator Richard Black has just visited Syria and met with President Assad.

    In an interview to Lebanon-based TV channel "El Mayadeen", he stated that a fake "chemical attack" was in preparation, to be staged under supervision of British Intelligence Services.

    Would be good for America to replace warner and kaine, 2 worthless POS, with quality like State Senator Richard Black.

    • Agree: Iris
  • @Incitatus
    Any of you clear out a parents’ house after their death? A ‘food-processor’ is not unusual. All the rage in the 70s.

    Giraldi’s weekly Cuisinart? Start with the base staple (Zionists, Israel, Jews), add veges (Zionists, Israel, Jews), seasoning (Zionists, Israel, Jews) and turn switch on. Whrrrrrryrrrr!

    Whad’ya know? The same after-dinner comments surface week after week. Zionist, Israel, Jew indigestion every time!

    What are the odds? Left to better equines than me.

    No question Friedman and the rest is questionable. But from those who signed on to DJT’s ‘drain the swamp” and ‘ME neutrality’? Why is your judgement now any better than it was 8 Nov 2016?

    Perhaps Rev. Spooner will enlighten us. After all, he’s quite catholic (small ‘c’) in his “Its not just about the jews, its about the american elites too. The commoners, the fatties, the crackers, the trailer thrash, the single mums, the idiots awaiting the second coming will be the last to know what is now becoming common knowledge the world over.”

    “Commoners…fatties…crackers…trailer thrash…single mums…idiots awaiting second coming”. Wow! Who knew?

    Rev, ever modest, warns “I’m no genius or economist but reading online, I understood it well”.

    There you go. Ask no more. Don’t – REPEAT, don’t ask what Rev’s reading online. Trust him. Is that so hard?

    Well done PG!

    Just gets better and better!

    Let me guess…you want to sell us some more ‘hope and change’?

  • @Philip Giraldi
    He is a state senator from Virginia and is taking a lot of heat for his trip. He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result. A brave voice in defense of Middle Eastern Christians.

    He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result.

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could help him win because of this?

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
    h/t SST

    VA State Senator Black discussing his recent trip to Syria

  • Was not Condi Rice-mushroom-cloud a devoted Christian? — The US-kind of devoted baby killers? There are more of the same kind of sanctimonious mass murderers emerging from the swamps of corruption in the zionized DC:
    “Bolton and Pompeo are painting Idlib as a peaceful province resisting the violence of an Assad who they claim just enjoys killing his own people. But who controls Idlib province? President Trump’s own Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, Brett McGurk, said in Washington just last year that, “Idlib province is the largest al-Qaeda safe-haven since 9/11, tied to directly to Ayman al Zawahiri, this is a huge problem.”

    After six years of a foreign-backed regime-change operation in Syria, where hundreds of thousands have been killed and the country nearly fell into the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda, the Syrian government is on the verge of victory. … Americans should be outraged that Pompeo and Bolton are defending al-Qaeda in Idlib.”

    — Nope. The baseline for warprofiteers trumps the trifles of “who did the 9/11.” The deciders in the Land of Dancing Israelis and the Raytheon & Lockheed bosses want their gesheft. By any means. Bolton and Pompeo are their loyal soldiers ready to murder as many innocent civilians, including thousands and thousands of children, as needed for the satisfaction of the Raytheon & Lockheed bosses and the Jewish States patrons.

    When will the Christians in the US demand the excommunication of the murderous liars Bolton (a Lutheran) and Pompeo (member of the evangelical Presbyterian church)? These two apostates make a huge stain on the US Christian community. If anything, they are anti-human and anti-Christian.

    • Replies: @Iris
    Speaking of the Nincompoop:

    John Bolton has threatened the International Criminal Court, should it dare investigating "liberal, democratic" Israel for its crimes against Palestinians.

    It is interesting that he has to threaten the poodle ICC; actually, it feels like the end.
  • @Z-man
    The British & French governments are mostly controlled by Jooz.

    Can’t you spell out “JEWS,” Z-man?

  • @Them Guys
    American Forces Should have carpet bombed Israel and done an, "Dresden" on it...That way, next time some Jewey Jew whines about a "six-million" HolyHoaxed Jews etc....At least they would be then honest once smoke cleared and close to that six million number would be holo'd for sure, eh.

    Plus an added bonus of entire world not having to have to deal with Israel nor Jews once that was done as a official rebuke for the USS Liberty events. Damn Jews. Damn Israel state, and Damn every American Shabbos Goy in fed govnt agencies and the whitehouse and congress... Damn them all to Hell Fires.

    But how do you really feel, guys?

  • @jacques sheete

    … Simultaneously, as countless historical examples of high-scoring and deceptively criminal IQ people abound, average (dumb goyim) Joe readers need a Rosetta Stone paradox to unlock Maven Shama’s articulate Zionist-hasbara paradox. Still with me, Jacques?
    I'm wit' ya, man!

    Speaking of needing a Rosetta Stone, how'd you like Sammy (the Divine) Shama's claim to be working for only doing my bit for the advancement of the various causes of humanity? Was that funny or what.

    Apparently he forgot that a few of us dumb goyim understand that only "Jews" consider themselves human and that we "gentiles" are little more than beasts of burden.

    “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

    Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.”According to Yosef, death has “no dominion” over non-Jews in Israel.

    "Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us." Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: "Imagine that your donkey would die, you’d lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. … That’s why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew."

    "Hate the Gentile!" Israel’s Racist Rabbis, by JONATHAN COOK

    I wonder if any of that is considered "hate speech," and if so, what's being done about it. If it's not considered such, I wonder why not.

    No you don’t, man. You know why not. Too bad more people don’t.

  • @Z-man
    The British & French governments are mostly controlled by Jooz.

    Blatant, undisguised, enraged militant Zionists are in control of public life in both France and the UK. The level of dictatorship and tyranny has become simply unbelievable.

  • @Philip Giraldi
    He is a state senator from Virginia and is taking a lot of heat for his trip. He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result. A brave voice in defense of Middle Eastern Christians.

    Phil Giraldi informed: “He is a state senator from Virginia and is taking a lot of heat for his trip.”
    Hi Phil,
    … Am astonished how Senator Black’s brave trip to visit President Assad went down because of the level of TRUST, via intense vetting, that had to be established.
    … I’ll say it’s fairly likely that even the bravest CIA/Mossad agents hesitate on a high risk undercover assignment to Damascus.
    … Sorry to bother you this evening, Phil, & in contrast to Hasbara Team Sam Shama/Incitatus, I’m not demanding (expecting) your response.
    … P.S. Was rooting for underdog Cleveland Browns this afternoon but the Steelers won.
    Fyi, retired Browns star QB, Bernie Kosar, is an Eastern (Byzantine) Catholic.

  • @Iris
    It is indeed very brave and commendable of Senator Black to be on the side of world peace. Not a single British/French public figure has dared taking such a political risk recently.

    Unlike the zionized profiteers in the US Congress and the CIA (see the ridiculous Brennan), Black has been a mensch from his youth:
    “He was born near his mother’s farm in Maryland. He and Barbara have been married for 42 years. They have three children and 14 grandchildren. … He enlisted in the Marines in 1963. By age 21, Black became a second lieutenant and was among the Marines’ youngest aircraft carrier-qualified pilots.”
    — Senator Black is the opposite to certain pampered princes in high places, who love, love sending other people’s children to die for the “haves.” — The dishonorable Bush, Cheney, and McCain come to mind.

    • Agree: Iris
  • @annamaria
    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!

    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!

    It sure appears so, and I hope so, but I’m pretty sure I smell something awful. Time will tell.

  • @Iris
    It is indeed very brave and commendable of Senator Black to be on the side of world peace. Not a single British/French public figure has dared taking such a political risk recently.

    The British & French governments are mostly controlled by Jooz.

    • Replies: @Iris
    Blatant, undisguised, enraged militant Zionists are in control of public life in both France and the UK. The level of dictatorship and tyranny has become simply unbelievable.
    , @Lasher
    Can't you spell out "JEWS," Z-man?
  • More on the planned “chemical attack” in Idlib from Lebanon-based “Al Mayadeen” press agency:

    – The “chemical attack” is to be staged in 4 villages by activists of Al Nusra (Al Qaeda affiliate) and the Turkmen party. Another team of activists, supervised and trained by UK private military contractor Olive will stage a rescue of the “victims”.

    – The “White Helmets” have been filmed moving chemical containers from Jisr Ach Choughour prison, in preparation for this false flag. See at 00:49 of the video.

  • @Philip Giraldi
    He is a state senator from Virginia and is taking a lot of heat for his trip. He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result. A brave voice in defense of Middle Eastern Christians.

    It is indeed very brave and commendable of Senator Black to be on the side of world peace. Not a single British/French public figure has dared taking such a political risk recently.

    • Replies: @Z-man
    The British & French governments are mostly controlled by Jooz.
    , @annamaria
    Unlike the zionized profiteers in the US Congress and the CIA (see the ridiculous Brennan), Black has been a mensch from his youth:
    "He was born near his mother's farm in Maryland. He and Barbara have been married for 42 years. They have three children and 14 grandchildren. ... He enlisted in the Marines in 1963. By age 21, Black became a second lieutenant and was among the Marines' youngest aircraft carrier-qualified pilots."
    -- Senator Black is the opposite to certain pampered princes in high places, who love, love sending other people's children to die for the "haves." -- The dishonorable Bush, Cheney, and McCain come to mind.
  • @annamaria
    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!

    He is a state senator from Virginia and is taking a lot of heat for his trip. He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result. A brave voice in defense of Middle Eastern Christians.

    • Replies: @Iris
    It is indeed very brave and commendable of Senator Black to be on the side of world peace. Not a single British/French public figure has dared taking such a political risk recently.
    , @ChuckOrloski
    Phil Giraldi informed: "He is a state senator from Virginia and is taking a lot of heat for his trip."
    Hi Phil,
    ... Am astonished how Senator Black's brave trip to visit President Assad went down because of the level of TRUST, via intense vetting, that had to be established.
    ... I'll say it's fairly likely that even the bravest CIA/Mossad agents hesitate on a high risk undercover assignment to Damascus.
    ... Sorry to bother you this evening, Phil, & in contrast to Hasbara Team Sam Shama/Incitatus, I'm not demanding (expecting) your response.
    ... P.S. Was rooting for underdog Cleveland Browns this afternoon but the Steelers won.
    Fyi, retired Browns star QB, Bernie Kosar, is an Eastern (Byzantine) Catholic.
    , @Cloak And Dagger

    He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result.
    Wouldn't it be great if we could help him win because of this?
  • @Iris
    US Senator Richard Black has just visited Syria and met with President Assad.

    In an interview to Lebanon-based TV channel "El Mayadeen", he stated that a fake "chemical attack" was in preparation, to be staged under supervision of British Intelligence Services.

    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!

    • Agree: Iris, ChuckOrloski
    • Replies: @Philip Giraldi
    He is a state senator from Virginia and is taking a lot of heat for his trip. He is up for reelection in November and will possibly lose as a result. A brave voice in defense of Middle Eastern Christians.
    , @jacques sheete

    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!
    It sure appears so, and I hope so, but I'm pretty sure I smell something awful. Time will tell.
  • @ChuckOrloski
    Hey annamaria!
    ... Thanks again for posting another valuable report, this time on the exceptional & "most moral & peaceful" ZUSA bombing of a Syrian province, using white phosphorous munitions.
    ... Since you began by referring to "religion," and the fact that some readers here tend to minimize such role, please refer to Brother Nathanael's video (linked below), and consider his distinction drawn between Messianic Jews and Orthodox Christians.
    ... Fyi, annamaria, this coming Thursday, Orthodox and Catholic Christians will globally commemorate "The Exaltation of The Cross," while as you accurately said, "The zionized US jumps on the Jewish Power orders."

    Happy celebrations of the Holy Cross Exaltation. God bless.

  • @geokat62

    Does that sound like a monochromatic, single-minded group?
    It appears Philip Weiss has some keen insights to share into this question:

    Excerpts from, Synagogues celebrate Jewish festival of… AIPAC!

    Next week the Jewish high holidays begin. And countless synagogues will have Zionist statements in their services, even if it’s just the Israeli flag on the altar. (While a very conscious minority of synagogues will offer open services that do not include paeans to Israel.)

    One stark measure of devotion to Israel is the promotion of AIPAC, the Israel lobbying group, from the bimah. I’ve seen AIPAC’s logo in synagogue sanctuaries on a number of occasions, so I began to collect AIPAC info a few months ago with the headline above in mind.

    Here are a dozen and more instances of rabbis celebrating the American Israel Political Affairs Committee– AIPAC– as a good neutral cause. You’d think AIPAC was another Jewish holiday!

    As you read through this (too long) list, reflect that AIPAC is not even liberal Zionist. It devoted tens of millions of dollars to trying to defeat the Iran deal, it pushed the Iraq war, and it backs the Netanyahu government come hell or high water, because its raison-d’etre is that there must never be daylight between the Israeli government and the American government. So it has also kissed up to Trump...

    Well I could go on and on. I apologize if I did!

    But the promotion of AIPAC that I’ve documented here shows how monolithic the American Jewish community still is in support of Israel. All other political differences vanish when it comes to folks backing the Jewish state. It’s all one big happy family, and the Trump administration and Sheldon Adelson are welcome to join in, no matter how you feel about Trump’s policies on refugees or global warming. Zionism really does define American Jewish identity, officially anyway.

    Fine comment there. It looks as if he’s not as smart as he thinks he is.

    If Sammy’s so smart, then what makes him think that the big Zio-Commies give a crap about him and his kind? And if he’s one of the big shots, then he’s dumber than a dumb goy.

  • @Anon
    I don't know who that was intended for or why but maybe it shows you have a macabre sense of humour. Personally I blame God [for almost everything]. First he showed poor taste and judgment and then descended into a nasty habit of mischievous cruelty.


  • @annamaria
    Anon[287], are you a progeny of the Jewish Bolsheviks? Not just poor manners, but the silly display of obnoxiousness and a pretense on a refined vocabulary make you sound funny.

    …silly display of obnoxiousness and a pretense on a refined vocabulary make you sound funny.

    Makes it sound simple minded too; not that we needed such confirmation.

  • US Senator Richard Black has just visited Syria and met with President Assad.

    In an interview to Lebanon-based TV channel “El Mayadeen”, he stated that a fake “chemical attack” was in preparation, to be staged under supervision of British Intelligence Services.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!
    , @bjondo
    Would be good for America to replace warner and kaine, 2 worthless POS, with quality like State Senator Richard Black.
  • @annamaria
    The "most moral" followers of the "peaceful religion" have their prayers answered:
    "Two US jets have bombed a town in the Syrian Deir Ez-Zor province with white phosphorus munitions, causing massive fires.
    Two F-15 jets on Saturday bombed the town of Hajin with white phosphorus incendiary munitions, banned under the Geneva Convention.
    The use of any incendiary munitions in populated civilian areas was banned by the 1980 Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. The US signed the protocol back in 2009."
    -- But when did the Jewish State and the zionized US follow the international law?
    The Jewish State wants the Golan Heights, by any means. The zionized US jumps on the Jewish Power orders.

    Hey annamaria!
    … Thanks again for posting another valuable report, this time on the exceptional & “most moral & peaceful” ZUSA bombing of a Syrian province, using white phosphorous munitions.
    … Since you began by referring to “religion,” and the fact that some readers here tend to minimize such role, please refer to Brother Nathanael’s video (linked below), and consider his distinction drawn between Messianic Jews and Orthodox Christians.
    … Fyi, annamaria, this coming Thursday, Orthodox and Catholic Christians will globally commemorate “The Exaltation of The Cross,” while as you accurately said, “The zionized US jumps on the Jewish Power orders.”

    • Replies: @Iris
    Happy celebrations of the Holy Cross Exaltation. God bless.
  • The “most moral” followers of the “peaceful religion” have their prayers answered:
    “Two US jets have bombed a town in the Syrian Deir Ez-Zor province with white phosphorus munitions, causing massive fires.
    Two F-15 jets on Saturday bombed the town of Hajin with white phosphorus incendiary munitions, banned under the Geneva Convention.
    The use of any incendiary munitions in populated civilian areas was banned by the 1980 Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. The US signed the protocol back in 2009.”
    — But when did the Jewish State and the zionized US follow the international law?
    The Jewish State wants the Golan Heights, by any means. The zionized US jumps on the Jewish Power orders.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    Hey annamaria!
    ... Thanks again for posting another valuable report, this time on the exceptional & "most moral & peaceful" ZUSA bombing of a Syrian province, using white phosphorous munitions.
    ... Since you began by referring to "religion," and the fact that some readers here tend to minimize such role, please refer to Brother Nathanael's video (linked below), and consider his distinction drawn between Messianic Jews and Orthodox Christians.
    ... Fyi, annamaria, this coming Thursday, Orthodox and Catholic Christians will globally commemorate "The Exaltation of The Cross," while as you accurately said, "The zionized US jumps on the Jewish Power orders."
  • @geokat62

    It is incumbent on all of us who seek the better values of mankind to stop this dark trend cold in its tracks. It will be done.
    Couldn’t agree more, Sam. There is indeed a very dark trend approaching. That’s exactly why I have been posting comments for the past 4 years, urging any and all willing to listen, especially members of your faith, to do whatever they can to get their powerful lobbies to cease and desist their nefarious activities, like pushing for mass immigration and Diversity Is Our Strength.

    Madeleine Albright (born Marie Jana Korbelová) has issued a warning. Paul Krugman has issued his warning. And I believe we shall see many more stern warnings to come

    Yet, despite these darkening skies, the ADL and SPLC are feverishly working overtime trying to put a stop to “hate,” by censoring and deplatforming goyim who find themselves on the other side of the barricades. And I use the term “barricades” advisedly, Sam. Because, if actions are not taken soon to disperse these darkening clouds, I believe the impending conflagration will come.

    You, as a Jew, are very concerned about antisemitism... I get it. But, I as a goy am equally or more concerned about anti-goyism. The policies that The Lobby has put in place to combat antisemitism are threatening the very foundations of Western civilization. I’m talking about the Cultural Marxist poison that has been spewed on most of our cherished institutions - I’m referring, of course, to the family, the Church, the schools - all in an effort to destroy the conditions in which the authoritarian personality thrives, to ensure there is no fertile ground for antisemitism to flourish.

    The ADL, SPLAC and other members of The Lobby appear committed to fight their battle against “hate” to the very end. I think this approach will produce the exact result they’re fervently trying to avoid.

    If you are truly concerned about antisemitism, Sam, which I think you are, the everyday Jew, as David Cole recommends in one of his interviews, needs to confront their leaders and say “Enough, you no longer speak for us.” This is the only way, in my humble opinion, to avert this disaster. Otherwise, as much as I regret this, we’ll soon see each other on opposing sides of the barricades, I’m afraid.

    If you are truly concerned about antisemitism, Sam, which I think you are, the everyday Jew, as David Cole recommends in one of his interviews, needs to confront their leaders and say “Enough, you no longer speak for us.” This is the only way, in my humble opinion, to avert this disaster. Otherwise, as much as I regret this, we’ll soon see each other on opposing sides of the barricades, I’m afraid.

    As a follow-up to my earlier post, I just finished viewing RamZPaul’s latest Happy Homelands instalment, featuring Paleoconservative, Paul Gottfried.

    Mr. Gottfried has some very interesting things to say in response to the following query the young Finnish cohost put to him:

    Tina: Yeah, of course, I have to ask that you being a person of Jewish background, you are clearly in the minority because you are actually a conservative… I don’t really consider neoconservatives actual conservatives, at all. So, why do you think that Jews often side with these groups and ideologies that seem pretty destructive to the native peoples? For example, George Soros, of course here in Europe is the most subversive force: supporting mass migration, using a lot of money, and political influence in a very anti-democratic way. So, do you believe in this theory that Jews side with multiculturalism because they want to prevent another Third Reich, they want to prevent racism against themselves… or is there something else behind this?

    Paul Gottfried: Ah, number one, your first explanation I accept. Ah, I think Jews are terrified of White Christian Antisemitism (WCA). What the Nazi experience did, it showed – particularly the way it is presented to them by Jewish organizations – that this is the natural outcome of White Christian civilization. And, if Jews want to be protected, you have to bring in other groups, you have to neutralize the Christian national components of gentile society, and then Jews will be safe. Now, I don’t think that this is the Libito Dominante, or the desire to control everything, I think there’s real fear. I mean it’s irrational. It’s just like… you read Nazis who really think that Jews or Poles are going to take over the world. Well, they say that this is irrational. Yet, people do believe crazy things. And, although Jews have high intelligence and do brilliantly in professions, they really believe that White Christian, Nationalist societies, endanger them, and, therefore, they ally with groups that, in some cases, want to destroy them. I mean they’re self destructive in this hatred. Like, I read some of the publications of the Central Committee of Jews in Germany, they won’t even say they’re Germans, they just happen to be located in Germany… they favour letting Muslims come in, who are going to kill the Jews. And they, but then they blame this on the White Christian Germans, you see. They do the same thing in France, many of the Jews. They are terrified of something which is not going to hurt them, you know. But I think they are driven by paranoia. In the case of Soros – it’s Hungarian, Soros means an Inn Keeper… – I’ve no idea what drives that man. I mean, he may have these Jewish concerns, he may be some kind of dangerous eccentric. But, I do think, particularly if you read Jewish publications, Jewish organizations in the United States, there is a fear of White Christian Na… I mean a group like the ADL is pretty much… on the same wavelength with many of the Jews, in America. There is this fear. Now, the neoconservatives are a little more rational this way because they know that the White Christians are not going to come after them and kill them. There just trying to make careers for themselves. They are, obviously, Zionists… but they’re not driven by the same degree of fear of White Christians as Jews who are on the political left. So, I think idealism has much less to do with this than simply anxiety, group anxiety.

    It starts @ 23:24 for those who would like to view this particular exchange:

  • The delicate and potentially catastrophic dance in Syria:
    “Russia has a difficult task in Idlib now. It consists not of repelling an American attack, but of not repelling it too strongly. Trump opts for an attack … because he wants to win against the globalists back home in America and to do this on the eve of congressional elections.”

  • 1) Israel is a pet project for the advancement of agenda by an international coterie of financial elites and their entourage of corporations

    2) This ‘cabal’ controls the U.S. Dept. of Treasury through its appointed agents which in turn manages the Federal Reserve Note/USD as world reserve currency which in turn controls most of the human economy on this planet. Debt as money being their core base of power

    3) By this system both the state of Israel, the USA, both of their political class and governments answer and obey instructions forth coming from these apex elites by their control of all credit and the mountain of debt it has enslaved the world in.

    4) All other nation states, through the auspices of their cabal members, also answer and obey the dictates of this cabal as they work on areas of common agenda and its advancement.

    5) Therefore all geo-political and societal manipulation take place either as a covert smoke screen for the advancement of cabal agenda or overtly as protocols for the same under an overall business planning aimed at consolidaton of all wealth and power for the end goal of a world spanning technocratic rule by regulation under the auspices of the same old crowd of controllers.

  • @Anon
    Yes I suppose you can talk about proto global banks without immediately exposing yourself as a posturing phony. But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again.

    Anon[287], are you a progeny of the Jewish Bolsheviks? Not just poor manners, but the silly display of obnoxiousness and a pretense on a refined vocabulary make you sound funny.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete

    ...silly display of obnoxiousness and a pretense on a refined vocabulary make you sound funny.
    Makes it sound simple minded too; not that we needed such confirmation.
  • @Sam Shama
    I thought I was being objective when I pointed out the various Jewish names in the CDN list. All to no avail except the predictable, cognitively low harangues from the usual inmates.

    but the Klarsfelds and the Wiesenthals and everybody… they depend on rank and file Jews, on everyday Jews. And it is these everyday Jews who I think hold the key. If they stop supporting the actions of people who’ve elected themselves their leaders… and I think that if rank and file Jews or at least enough of Jews of good conscience and Jews that do not have any malice in their hearts towards other people, if they confront these leaders and say “we don’t want you representing us, anymore. You don’t have the right to appear on the news with a caption below your names saying ‘Jewish community leader.’” There are some people whose minds we’re not gonna be able to change, whose actions we’re not going to be able to influence. But we can at least distance ourselves from them.
    How do the Wiesenthals and the Klarfields, whoever they are, depend on everyday Jews? Which part of my statement regarding the lobby finances do you fail to recognise? Ordinary Jews, just like their gentile brethren are busy in the conduct of their lives. Would you like them to form Facebook groups and complain? There already are many. Do you want them to organise [heavens forbid, another Jewish org!] and take to the streets in Washington? They already are. Take out ads in the NYTimes? I think that happened as well if memory serves, when Bibi spoke before Congress.

    More to the point, why don't you demand of any and all ethnicities the same burden of behaviour?

    If the lobby is distorting American politics - there are many groups and interests hard at work sucking on the available nipples - you merely choose not to see them - attack the lobby, by all means: in debate and in direct protest outside AIPAC's conferences. Why condemn all Jews?

    You may have noticed the deep divide between liberal American Jews who detest Trump and his policies [read Friedman's article in the NYT today] and the Orthodox who are Trumpers. Does that sound like a monochromatic, single-minded group?

    When people eat and drink from the same feedlot, the same well incessantly, as in here, their view of the world gets totally distorted. They are fitting data to their beliefs and not the valid converse. Always the same reliably biased sources. The human brain is uniquely wired to release Dopamine upon validation of personal biases; there is comfort in familiar drivel.

    You complimented me earlier, Sam, by noting my penchant for objectivity. Unsurprisingly, I look for the same quality in others. Based on the few interviews I’ve viewed of David Cole, I can safely say he comes across as an extremely objective individual. You, on the other hand, not so much.
    I don't demand quid pro quo when a person deserves a compliment. I stand by my case. BTW do stop this practice of responding without a link, please. If I owed you an apology for whatever, consider it issued.

    Does that sound like a monochromatic, single-minded group?

    It appears Philip Weiss has some keen insights to share into this question:

    Excerpts from, Synagogues celebrate Jewish festival of… AIPAC!

    Next week the Jewish high holidays begin. And countless synagogues will have Zionist statements in their services, even if it’s just the Israeli flag on the altar. (While a very conscious minority of synagogues will offer open services that do not include paeans to Israel.)

    One stark measure of devotion to Israel is the promotion of AIPAC, the Israel lobbying group, from the bimah. I’ve seen AIPAC’s logo in synagogue sanctuaries on a number of occasions, so I began to collect AIPAC info a few months ago with the headline above in mind.

    Here are a dozen and more instances of rabbis celebrating the American Israel Political Affairs Committee– AIPAC– as a good neutral cause. You’d think AIPAC was another Jewish holiday!

    As you read through this (too long) list, reflect that AIPAC is not even liberal Zionist. It devoted tens of millions of dollars to trying to defeat the Iran deal, it pushed the Iraq war, and it backs the Netanyahu government come hell or high water, because its raison-d’etre is that there must never be daylight between the Israeli government and the American government. So it has also kissed up to Trump…

    Well I could go on and on. I apologize if I did!

    But the promotion of AIPAC that I’ve documented here shows how monolithic the American Jewish community still is in support of Israel. All other political differences vanish when it comes to folks backing the Jewish state. It’s all one big happy family, and the Trump administration and Sheldon Adelson are welcome to join in, no matter how you feel about Trump’s policies on refugees or global warming. Zionism really does define American Jewish identity, officially anyway.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
    Fine comment there. It looks as if he's not as smart as he thinks he is.

    If Sammy's so smart, then what makes him think that the big Zio-Commies give a crap about him and his kind? And if he's one of the big shots, then he's dumber than a dumb goy.
  • @If Americans Knew
    Unfortunately, Americans do not seem to want to know and rather prefer to be enslaved forever...

    e.g. even 9/11

    Christopher Bollyn MA 10/22/2017 “Who Really Did 9/11”

    great info, thanks… 🙂

  • @annamaria
    Today, the thoroughly zionized US military sends an envoy of the US army marines to support ISIS against the sovereign state of Syria:

    "More than 100 US marines flew to southeast Syria for a snap live-fire exercise, sending a “strong message” to Russia not to conduct operations near the US base, two Pentagon officials told Fox News."

    "Russia had repeatedly stated that it considers the US military outposts in Syria to be illegal since they were not authorized by the Syrian government. Moscow has suggested that the US is using the Al-Tanf base to get a foothold in the country. “During the existence of the base, we don’t know of a single US operation against IS [Islamic State, formerly ISIS] in the area."

    --- The Jewish parasitoid wants its Eretz Israel by any means, never mind the death of millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East and the danger of nuclear conflict between the US and RF.

    From the comment section on ZH:
    "I would not be surprised if this last push ends up with all of Israel's US bases flattened.
    Think about it: They must all be targeted by long and medium-range missiles already. It would save far more lives and be a lesson to the US if they were all vaporized in the same 10 minute period.
    There's not a great deal the US could do about it either:
    They are there illegally
    Not many American sheep know they even have bases there, let alone how many.
    The US claims to be fighting ISIS so the loss of their bases will quickly reveal ISIS being defeated.
    It must be very tempting to the Russians to give the order: "No more satanic bases in Syria".
    Russia is going to get blamed in the media anyway so there's very little to lose."

    Thank you, annamaria, for sharing all this very interesting information you research. Kind regards.

  • @APilgrim
    Muhammadans have continuously conducted terrorism of every sort, and vicious wars of expansion, for 1,300 years. I do not care how many atrocities are visited upon them, nor by whom.

    I DO however particularly ENJOY their high rate of 'Self-Atrocity'.

    The only peace deserved by Muhammadans, is the peace of the GRAVE. IMHPO

    The ziocons and their supremacist neo-fascist ideology make the gravest danger to western civilization.
    The Jewish State does not recognize international law and it does not recognize the sanctity of life; murdering the children in the Middle East for sport and Eretz Israel has been a delight for Israel-firsters.
    The desire for Eretz Israel could well lead to a nuclear conflict. Let the obnoxious Israelis, and their relatives in the EU and the US, pay for the zionists’ cannibalistic designs:
    Comment section:
    “USA marines have just fired artillery at Russians in Syria.
    Israeli planes are flying over Lebanon to attack Syria
    There is more not reported which looks like serious war. Serious.
    Youtube blocked any Syrian official info, if Trump gets his real chem attack he asked for with hundreds dead won’t get local facts.”

    Your tribe has been busy with assaulting the freedom of speech and the freedom of information in the West, all while zionizing the US military and the US Congress.
    Do you really believe that after the horrors of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution and the ongoing Wars for Israel in the Middle East the world is going to believe the incessant whining of the “eternal victims” and the “most moral” zionists?

  • @Anon
    Yes I suppose you can talk about proto global banks without immediately exposing yourself as a posturing phony. But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again.

    “But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again.”

    The issue of the power of global banking over that of sovereign states is not a”cliché”: it is definitely a key issue.
    It possibly explains why the entire world political order changed when globalisation came to be: that was the time when, thanks to free capital flow, global banks became more powerful than sovereign states, de-facto concentrating the political decision-making process into the hands of an unidentified minority.

    • Agree: jacques sheete
  • @jacques sheete
    Just for you;

    PS: Don't tell Sammy the Divine I've responded to your comment twice! That sort of thing tends to distress the poor wittle thang, a Yahweh knows that he's been viktum enough already.

    I don’t know who that was intended for or why but maybe it shows you have a macabre sense of humour. Personally I blame God [for almost everything]. First he showed poor taste and judgment and then descended into a nasty habit of mischievous cruelty.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  • @geokat62

    Long story, Chuck.
    Hey, Chuck. I had a bit more time to give you a more fulsome response to your query re Nurit Baytch.

    Nurit Baytch did indeed post here at Unz Review. She posted a total of 193 comments from Feb 2010 to Sept 2014, under the handle, NB.

    My exchanges with her ranged from Jan 2014 to Sept 2014.

    If you’d like to sample a few of these exchanges, here’s the link:

    Hi geokat,
    … At 10 am, am attending Liturgy at St. Joseph’s Melkite Church. Afterward, shall read the link including your exchanges with “Mom of Sam,” Baytch.
    … Suppose your input helped force Nurit to take her act elsewhere.
    … Fyi, a “Fresh Meat” Texan friend of mine, who did Basic Training & A.I.T. at Fort Polk, La, shared with me that David Berkowitz, a.k.a., Son of Sam, served as a reservist, & assigned to our Company. Unfortunately, I lost my Fort Polk yearbook, 1970, & I cannot verify if mailman (reservist) Berkowitz was among us “Grunts.”
    … Thanks, Brother geo! Figure the tragic real “Mom of Sam” was Jewish?

  • @Iris
    Your refutation based on the “medieval Rothschild banks” phrase is simply disingenuous.

    There is no doubt whatsoever that banking started long before the Middle-Ages, and that Jewish banking family were involved in that trade. In the Middle-Ages, European Jewry was actually restricted by law to trade only in banking and tax collecting, as a means to stop it from possessing land.

    The largest banks of the Middle-Ages were that of the Medicii (1390), and Monte dei Paschi di Siena (1490) which exists to the day. Rothschild took off only later in the 1760, but had been in banking long before that under the name Mayer.

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about "proto global banks": it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.

    Yes I suppose you can talk about proto global banks without immediately exposing yourself as a posturing phony. But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again.

    • Replies: @Iris
    "But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again."

    The issue of the power of global banking over that of sovereign states is not a"cliché": it is definitely a key issue.
    It possibly explains why the entire world political order changed when globalisation came to be: that was the time when, thanks to free capital flow, global banks became more powerful than sovereign states, de-facto concentrating the political decision-making process into the hands of an unidentified minority.
    , @annamaria
    Anon[287], are you a progeny of the Jewish Bolsheviks? Not just poor manners, but the silly display of obnoxiousness and a pretense on a refined vocabulary make you sound funny.
  • @Anon
    Well my eye stopped at "medieval Rothschild banks" and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn't go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.

    Just for you;

    PS: Don’t tell Sammy the Divine I’ve responded to your comment twice! That sort of thing tends to distress the poor wittle thang, a Yahweh knows that he’s been viktum enough already.

    • Replies: @Anon
    I don't know who that was intended for or why but maybe it shows you have a macabre sense of humour. Personally I blame God [for almost everything]. First he showed poor taste and judgment and then descended into a nasty habit of mischievous cruelty.
  • Anon[287] • Disclaimer says:
    On the subject of Hasbara team constantly monitoring political discussion threads in the West:
    “One look at the white trash losers there and it was decided to leave them to themselves”.

    You are entirely wrong, Anon, I have experienced it first hand.

    All discussion threads in Europe are monitored by dedicated surveillance teams posing as "Joe Blog" commenters. Surprisingly, they have an extremely strong pro-Israel bias: criticism of say, the French or British official positions is allowed, that of Israel, never.

    At the time of the war on Libya, it became very obvious that these "hasbara teams" actually controlled the discussion threads, and had the power to suppress comments they did not like. I first attributed this power to the ownership of some newspapers being linked to Israel.

    However, it soon appeared that the spying was far worst than that. After a known Hasbara controller made a mistake and sent a reply to the wrong Disqus email account, it became clear that they had the ability to trace people's online accounts back to their real identity. Not just the IP address, but also the likely identity of a poster using a shared IP address, based on a most likely personal profile and identity.

    In other terms, not only do Hasbara teams infest MSM discussion threads, but they control them, and have access to governmental "five-eyes" intelligence databases to track and identify commenters.

    Well I wouldn’t want to quote an Avi. Since Max Nordau proposed the ideal of the muscular Jew and they mixed in lower class Russian manners you can count on Israelis to come over as a bit rude and crude (while laughing at you too).

    So I’ll eschew his “white trash” and settle for “limited somewhere people” as fashionably new euphemism. And I’won’t take it as conclusive proof that you are dim that I have to note that you, and predictably now annamaria, failed to pick up the clear reference of words to Cloak and Dagger’s “and they have special hasbara teams assigned to UR too”. Maybe just discourteously, timewastingly, careless .

    Nothing to do with your meandering around the Internet generally.

  • @Anon
    Well my eye stopped at "medieval Rothschild banks" and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn't go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.

    If your BS detector didn’t go off …

    Trolls such as yourself are constantly setting it off. But hey, keep trying because at least it keeps you off the streets until your handlers get tired of you and toss you back into the dumpster. That typically happens when you progress out of your heroic adolescent period and find out how badly you’ve been suckered by the cultists who control your (very poorly developed) mind.

    Troll. Dupe. Sucker.Cultist. Girl, are you gonna be pissed!

  • @Iris
    Your refutation based on the “medieval Rothschild banks” phrase is simply disingenuous.

    There is no doubt whatsoever that banking started long before the Middle-Ages, and that Jewish banking family were involved in that trade. In the Middle-Ages, European Jewry was actually restricted by law to trade only in banking and tax collecting, as a means to stop it from possessing land.

    The largest banks of the Middle-Ages were that of the Medicii (1390), and Monte dei Paschi di Siena (1490) which exists to the day. Rothschild took off only later in the 1760, but had been in banking long before that under the name Mayer.

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about "proto global banks": it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about “proto global banks”: it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.

    Of course it is. “Anon” probably fancies itself as some sort of deep thinking intellectual skeptic “cleverly” sowing seeds of doubt among the goofy goyim.

    In fact, the debt scam was identified a long while ago. Hudson has written some informative things (here on UR) about the “Jubilee” year where private debt was forgiven in order to stabilize society, JC drove the money changers from the temple, then we have this amusing classic.:

    STREPSIADES sitting up
    ….oh! misery, it’s vain to think of sleep with all these expenses, this stable, these debts, which are devouring me,

    – Aristophanes, The Clouds, Written 419 B.C.E

    And this,

    “Care not for fine horses or chariots with handsome harness, adorned with gold886 and silver, which swift interest will catch up with and outrun, but mounted on any chance donkey or nag flee from the hostile and tyrannical money-lender, who does not demand land and water like the Mede,887 but interferes with your liberty, and lowers your status.

    If you pay him not, he duns you; if you offer the money, he won’t have it; if you are selling anything, he cheapens the price; if you don’t want to sell, he forces you; if you sue him, he comes to terms with you; if you swear, he hectors; if you go to his house, he shuts the door in your face; whereas if you stay at home, he billets himself on you, and is ever rapping at your door.”

    Plutarch, Morals, Chapter 23, “Against Running in Debt” c. 100 AD;

    I certainly hope our our very own favorite horse’s tuschie hasn’t gone into debt over fine ponies that he can mount at will! 🙂

  • @geokat62

    Did A-teamer “Nurit Baytch” participate here?
    Long story, Chuck. Let’s just say this. You’re, no doubt, aware of the infamous serial killer Son of Sam? Well, Nurit could be considered the Mom of Sam.

    Long story, Chuck.

    Hey, Chuck. I had a bit more time to give you a more fulsome response to your query re Nurit Baytch.

    Nurit Baytch did indeed post here at Unz Review. She posted a total of 193 comments from Feb 2010 to Sept 2014, under the handle, NB.

    My exchanges with her ranged from Jan 2014 to Sept 2014.

    If you’d like to sample a few of these exchanges, here’s the link:

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    Hi geokat,
    ... At 10 am, am attending Liturgy at St. Joseph's Melkite Church. Afterward, shall read the link including your exchanges with "Mom of Sam," Baytch.
    ... Suppose your input helped force Nurit to take her act elsewhere.
    ... Fyi, a "Fresh Meat" Texan friend of mine, who did Basic Training & A.I.T. at Fort Polk, La, shared with me that David Berkowitz, a.k.a., Son of Sam, served as a reservist, & assigned to our Company. Unfortunately, I lost my Fort Polk yearbook, 1970, & I cannot verify if mailman (reservist) Berkowitz was among us "Grunts."
    ... Thanks, Brother geo! Figure the tragic real "Mom of Sam" was Jewish?
  • @Stoshkw
    Look how fast the Lakeside Medicare/welfare fraud of the Jewish community when the top Rabbi down stole billions from the government. never going to pat it back and got total amnesty because they said I'm sorry. Then gone in 60 seconds. I'm sure the evangelicals and Israeli firsters don't care they give their hard earned money to the likes of Hagee and every Israeli charity they can to begin with

    Let the fraudsters shine:

    Still no indictments 1 year after Lakewood welfare fraud sweep:

    “More than a year after 26 members of Lakewood’s Orthodox Jewish community were arrested and charged with under-reporting income to qualify for welfare payments, no indictments have been handed up.
    Normally, indictments follow the filing of charges by about four months.
    Prosecutors say the accused, which includes 12 couples, illegally obtained nearly $2 million in benefits by misrepresenting their income and failing to disclose income from numerous sources on applications for Medicaid, housing, Social Security and food assistance benefits.
    The arrests raised tensions in the town of Lakewood, which has seen a large influx of ultra-Orthodox Jewish families. Among those arrested were a rabbi and the former leader of a Jewish religious school.”

  • @Iris
    On the subject of Hasbara team constantly monitoring political discussion threads in the West:
    “One look at the white trash losers there and it was decided to leave them to themselves”.

    You are entirely wrong, Anon, I have experienced it first hand.

    All discussion threads in Europe are monitored by dedicated surveillance teams posing as "Joe Blog" commenters. Surprisingly, they have an extremely strong pro-Israel bias: criticism of say, the French or British official positions is allowed, that of Israel, never.

    At the time of the war on Libya, it became very obvious that these "hasbara teams" actually controlled the discussion threads, and had the power to suppress comments they did not like. I first attributed this power to the ownership of some newspapers being linked to Israel.

    However, it soon appeared that the spying was far worst than that. After a known Hasbara controller made a mistake and sent a reply to the wrong Disqus email account, it became clear that they had the ability to trace people's online accounts back to their real identity. Not just the IP address, but also the likely identity of a poster using a shared IP address, based on a most likely personal profile and identity.

    In other terms, not only do Hasbara teams infest MSM discussion threads, but they control them, and have access to governmental "five-eyes" intelligence databases to track and identify commenters.

    Correct. Anon[112] tries to feign innocence. It is appropriate to remind Anon[112] that it is well known that “not only do Hasbara teams infest MSM discussion threads, but they control them, and have access to governmental “five-eyes” intelligence databases to track and identify commenters.”
    — The hasbarists are the pedestrian snitches, spies, and provocateurs fond of secret services.

  • @suezzan
    The last president that stood up to Israel was JFK.

    Today, the thoroughly zionized US military sends an envoy of the US army marines to support ISIS against the sovereign state of Syria:

    “More than 100 US marines flew to southeast Syria for a snap live-fire exercise, sending a “strong message” to Russia not to conduct operations near the US base, two Pentagon officials told Fox News.”

    “Russia had repeatedly stated that it considers the US military outposts in Syria to be illegal since they were not authorized by the Syrian government. Moscow has suggested that the US is using the Al-Tanf base to get a foothold in the country. “During the existence of the base, we don’t know of a single US operation against IS [Islamic State, formerly ISIS] in the area.”

    — The Jewish parasitoid wants its Eretz Israel by any means, never mind the death of millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East and the danger of nuclear conflict between the US and RF.

    From the comment section on ZH:
    “I would not be surprised if this last push ends up with all of Israel’s US bases flattened.
    Think about it: They must all be targeted by long and medium-range missiles already. It would save far more lives and be a lesson to the US if they were all vaporized in the same 10 minute period.
    There’s not a great deal the US could do about it either:
    They are there illegally
    Not many American sheep know they even have bases there, let alone how many.
    The US claims to be fighting ISIS so the loss of their bases will quickly reveal ISIS being defeated.
    It must be very tempting to the Russians to give the order: “No more satanic bases in Syria”.
    Russia is going to get blamed in the media anyway so there’s very little to lose.”

    • Replies: @Iris
    Thank you, annamaria, for sharing all this very interesting information you research. Kind regards.
  • Muhammadans have continuously conducted terrorism of every sort, and vicious wars of expansion, for 1,300 years. I do not care how many atrocities are visited upon them, nor by whom.

    I DO however particularly ENJOY their high rate of ‘Self-Atrocity’.

    The only peace deserved by Muhammadans, is the peace of the GRAVE. IMHPO

    • Replies: @annamaria
    The ziocons and their supremacist neo-fascist ideology make the gravest danger to western civilization.
    The Jewish State does not recognize international law and it does not recognize the sanctity of life; murdering the children in the Middle East for sport and Eretz Israel has been a delight for Israel-firsters.
    The desire for Eretz Israel could well lead to a nuclear conflict. Let the obnoxious Israelis, and their relatives in the EU and the US, pay for the zionists' cannibalistic designs:
    Comment section:
    "USA marines have just fired artillery at Russians in Syria.
    Israeli planes are flying over Lebanon to attack Syria
    There is more not reported which looks like serious war. Serious.
    Youtube blocked any Syrian official info, if Trump gets his real chem attack he asked for with hundreds dead won’t get local facts."

    Your tribe has been busy with assaulting the freedom of speech and the freedom of information in the West, all while zionizing the US military and the US Congress.
    Do you really believe that after the horrors of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution and the ongoing Wars for Israel in the Middle East the world is going to believe the incessant whining of the "eternal victims" and the "most moral" zionists?
  • Look how fast the Lakeside Medicare/welfare fraud of the Jewish community when the top Rabbi down stole billions from the government. never going to pat it back and got total amnesty because they said I’m sorry. Then gone in 60 seconds. I’m sure the evangelicals and Israeli firsters don’t care they give their hard earned money to the likes of Hagee and every Israeli charity they can to begin with

    • Replies: @annamaria
    Let the fraudsters shine:

    Still no indictments 1 year after Lakewood welfare fraud sweep:

    "More than a year after 26 members of Lakewood’s Orthodox Jewish community were arrested and charged with under-reporting income to qualify for welfare payments, no indictments have been handed up.
    Normally, indictments follow the filing of charges by about four months.
    Prosecutors say the accused, which includes 12 couples, illegally obtained nearly $2 million in benefits by misrepresenting their income and failing to disclose income from numerous sources on applications for Medicaid, housing, Social Security and food assistance benefits.
    The arrests raised tensions in the town of Lakewood, which has seen a large influx of ultra-Orthodox Jewish families. Among those arrested were a rabbi and the former leader of a Jewish religious school."
  • @Anon
    Well my eye stopped at "medieval Rothschild banks" and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn't go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.

    Your refutation based on the “medieval Rothschild banks” phrase is simply disingenuous.

    There is no doubt whatsoever that banking started long before the Middle-Ages, and that Jewish banking family were involved in that trade. In the Middle-Ages, European Jewry was actually restricted by law to trade only in banking and tax collecting, as a means to stop it from possessing land.

    The largest banks of the Middle-Ages were that of the Medicii (1390), and Monte dei Paschi di Siena (1490) which exists to the day. Rothschild took off only later in the 1760, but had been in banking long before that under the name Mayer.

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about “proto global banks”: it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about “proto global banks”: it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.
    Of course it is. "Anon" probably fancies itself as some sort of deep thinking intellectual skeptic "cleverly" sowing seeds of doubt among the goofy goyim.

    In fact, the debt scam was identified a long while ago. Hudson has written some informative things (here on UR) about the "Jubilee" year where private debt was forgiven in order to stabilize society, JC drove the money changers from the temple, then we have this amusing classic.:

    STREPSIADES sitting up
    ....oh! misery, it's vain to think of sleep with all these expenses, this stable, these debts, which are devouring me,

    - Aristophanes, The Clouds, Written 419 B.C.E
    And this,

    “Care not for fine horses or chariots with handsome harness, adorned with gold886 and silver, which swift interest will catch up with and outrun, but mounted on any chance donkey or nag flee from the hostile and tyrannical money-lender, who does not demand land and water like the Mede,887 but interferes with your liberty, and lowers your status.

    If you pay him not, he duns you; if you offer the money, he won't have it; if you are selling anything, he cheapens the price; if you don't want to sell, he forces you; if you sue him, he comes to terms with you; if you swear, he hectors; if you go to his house, he shuts the door in your face; whereas if you stay at home, he billets himself on you, and is ever rapping at your door.”

    Plutarch, Morals, Chapter 23, “Against Running in Debt” c. 100 AD
    I certainly hope our our very own favorite horse's tuschie hasn't gone into debt over fine ponies that he can mount at will! :)
    , @Anon
    Yes I suppose you can talk about proto global banks without immediately exposing yourself as a posturing phony. But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again.
  • @Anon
    Nah! I asked my friend Avi about this. He laughed and told me that he heard it had been considered but it wasn't even thought worth petty cash. "One look at the white trash losers there and it was decided to leave them to themselves".

    On the subject of Hasbara team constantly monitoring political discussion threads in the West:
    “One look at the white trash losers there and it was decided to leave them to themselves”.

    You are entirely wrong, Anon, I have experienced it first hand.

    All discussion threads in Europe are monitored by dedicated surveillance teams posing as “Joe Blog” commenters. Surprisingly, they have an extremely strong pro-Israel bias: criticism of say, the French or British official positions is allowed, that of Israel, never.

    At the time of the war on Libya, it became very obvious that these “hasbara teams” actually controlled the discussion threads, and had the power to suppress comments they did not like. I first attributed this power to the ownership of some newspapers being linked to Israel.

    However, it soon appeared that the spying was far worst than that. After a known Hasbara controller made a mistake and sent a reply to the wrong Disqus email account, it became clear that they had the ability to trace people’s online accounts back to their real identity. Not just the IP address, but also the likely identity of a poster using a shared IP address, based on a most likely personal profile and identity.

    In other terms, not only do Hasbara teams infest MSM discussion threads, but they control them, and have access to governmental “five-eyes” intelligence databases to track and identify commenters.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    Correct. Anon[112] tries to feign innocence. It is appropriate to remind Anon[112] that it is well known that "not only do Hasbara teams infest MSM discussion threads, but they control them, and have access to governmental “five-eyes” intelligence databases to track and identify commenters."
    -- The hasbarists are the pedestrian snitches, spies, and provocateurs fond of secret services.
    , @Anon
    Well I wouldn't want to quote an Avi. Since Max Nordau proposed the ideal of the muscular Jew and they mixed in lower class Russian manners you can count on Israelis to come over as a bit rude and crude (while laughing at you too).

    So I'll eschew his "white trash" and settle for "limited somewhere people" as fashionably new euphemism. And I'won't take it as conclusive proof that you are dim that I have to note that you, and predictably now annamaria, failed to pick up the clear reference of words to Cloak and Dagger's "and they have special hasbara teams assigned to UR too". Maybe just discourteously, timewastingly, careless .

    Nothing to do with your meandering around the Internet generally.

  • Anon[112] • Disclaimer says:
    @jacques sheete
    Don't let Sammy (Divine) Shama read your comment. He ain't gonna like it and his pal, Krugman (whom we're told , we should"study"), is gonna have a fit, cuz "debt is good. and we DO owe it to ourselves! Hehehehehe!

    Well my eye stopped at “medieval Rothschild banks” and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn’t go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.

    • Replies: @Iris
    Your refutation based on the “medieval Rothschild banks” phrase is simply disingenuous.

    There is no doubt whatsoever that banking started long before the Middle-Ages, and that Jewish banking family were involved in that trade. In the Middle-Ages, European Jewry was actually restricted by law to trade only in banking and tax collecting, as a means to stop it from possessing land.

    The largest banks of the Middle-Ages were that of the Medicii (1390), and Monte dei Paschi di Siena (1490) which exists to the day. Rothschild took off only later in the 1760, but had been in banking long before that under the name Mayer.

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about "proto global banks": it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.

    , @jacques sheete

    If your BS detector didn’t go off ...
    Trolls such as yourself are constantly setting it off. But hey, keep trying because at least it keeps you off the streets until your handlers get tired of you and toss you back into the dumpster. That typically happens when you progress out of your heroic adolescent period and find out how badly you've been suckered by the cultists who control your (very poorly developed) mind.

    Troll. Dupe. Sucker.Cultist. Girl, are you gonna be pissed!
    , @jacques sheete
    Just for you;

    PS: Don't tell Sammy the Divine I've responded to your comment twice! That sort of thing tends to distress the poor wittle thang, a Yahweh knows that he's been viktum enough already.
  • @Cloak And Dagger

    And also stop supporting it as well. It’s pretty obvious that renfro’s comment, “Israel even has special hasbara team assigned to Wikipedia” is accurate as well.
    Indeed - and they have special hasbara teams assigned to UR as well.

    Nah! I asked my friend Avi about this. He laughed and told me that he heard it had been considered but it wasn’t even thought worth petty cash. “One look at the white trash losers there and it was decided to leave them to themselves”.

    • Replies: @Iris
    On the subject of Hasbara team constantly monitoring political discussion threads in the West:
    “One look at the white trash losers there and it was decided to leave them to themselves”.

    You are entirely wrong, Anon, I have experienced it first hand.

    All discussion threads in Europe are monitored by dedicated surveillance teams posing as "Joe Blog" commenters. Surprisingly, they have an extremely strong pro-Israel bias: criticism of say, the French or British official positions is allowed, that of Israel, never.

    At the time of the war on Libya, it became very obvious that these "hasbara teams" actually controlled the discussion threads, and had the power to suppress comments they did not like. I first attributed this power to the ownership of some newspapers being linked to Israel.

    However, it soon appeared that the spying was far worst than that. After a known Hasbara controller made a mistake and sent a reply to the wrong Disqus email account, it became clear that they had the ability to trace people's online accounts back to their real identity. Not just the IP address, but also the likely identity of a poster using a shared IP address, based on a most likely personal profile and identity.

    In other terms, not only do Hasbara teams infest MSM discussion threads, but they control them, and have access to governmental "five-eyes" intelligence databases to track and identify commenters.
  • Anon[112] • Disclaimer says:
    @jacques sheete

    A quote like that of Max Nordau via Douglas Reed always makes me suspicious.



    And one other thing is clear. He was just a member of the chattering classes with no particular connections or influence
    Are you talking about Nordau here? I was under the impression that he was a Zionist bigshot, so I double checked...

    Max Nordau was a Hungarian Zionist leader who co-founded the World Zionist Congress and was instrumental in raising the "Uganda Plan" for a Jewish national home.

    While I realize that it's always a wise move to question the usual tendency to overrate res Judaicorum I think your claim could use a bit of refinement...

    PS: He was spot on regarding degeneration as well.

    Why? Because experience shows that a significant proportion of apparently convenient quotes like that on blog sites are made up (or misattributed to the very famous).

    And yes he was important to the early Zionist movement but that draws attention to his role, and that was publicist and rhetorician rather than rich powerful well connected banker or politician.

  • The last president that stood up to Israel was JFK.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    Today, the thoroughly zionized US military sends an envoy of the US army marines to support ISIS against the sovereign state of Syria:

    "More than 100 US marines flew to southeast Syria for a snap live-fire exercise, sending a “strong message” to Russia not to conduct operations near the US base, two Pentagon officials told Fox News."

    "Russia had repeatedly stated that it considers the US military outposts in Syria to be illegal since they were not authorized by the Syrian government. Moscow has suggested that the US is using the Al-Tanf base to get a foothold in the country. “During the existence of the base, we don’t know of a single US operation against IS [Islamic State, formerly ISIS] in the area."

    --- The Jewish parasitoid wants its Eretz Israel by any means, never mind the death of millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East and the danger of nuclear conflict between the US and RF.

    From the comment section on ZH:
    "I would not be surprised if this last push ends up with all of Israel's US bases flattened.
    Think about it: They must all be targeted by long and medium-range missiles already. It would save far more lives and be a lesson to the US if they were all vaporized in the same 10 minute period.
    There's not a great deal the US could do about it either:
    They are there illegally
    Not many American sheep know they even have bases there, let alone how many.
    The US claims to be fighting ISIS so the loss of their bases will quickly reveal ISIS being defeated.
    It must be very tempting to the Russians to give the order: "No more satanic bases in Syria".
    Russia is going to get blamed in the media anyway so there's very little to lose."

  • @Cloak And Dagger
    Great video! I had seen it before, but the account by the firemen about the fires already having gone out by the time they entered, followed by subsequent explosions, is particularly damning from firsthand expert witnesses.

    Well, 9/11 is just a few days away. Perhaps this we will make some progress on it. I am closely following the legal petition for a grand jury filed last month.

    Cloak and Dagger wrote: “Great video! I had seen it before, but the account by the firemen about the fires already having gone out by the time they entered, followed by subsequent explosions, is particularly damning from first hand witnesses.”
    Hi C & D,
    … Don’t ‘ya love how (in general) Mayor Rudy Giuliani helped make 9/11 first-responders heroes, but ignored the fireman’s testimony, one who clearly spoke about the explosions he experienced first hand?
    … Am hoping perhaps either RobinG or annamaria watches the video and listens to the smart & practical lady who suffered a car engine breakdown. Instead of merely trusting a pro mechanic’s expensive advice for a “fix,” she looked under the hood and saw the culprit part!
    … Thank you, and methinks the “legal petition” proceeding to grand jury will (at best) stir up more useful & divisive Zionist-cognitive dissonance throughout the “Homeland.”

  • As we stand on the brink of WW3 (the war to end all life on Earth), perhaps as early as next week, the arrogance of Israel struck me in this article from Jason Ditz:

    Israeli Army Admits to Arming Syria Rebels, Then Censors Story
    Program ended with defeat of last rebels in southern Syria

    The Jerusalem Post, a major Israeli newspaper, published an article on Wednesday quoting Israeli military officials as saying that they had been providing seven different Syrian rebel groups with “large amounts of cash, weapons and ammunition.”

    Though the report did not name all of the rebel factions subsidized by Israel, it did name Fursan al-Joulan, a rebel group which had previously been accused of being in league with the Israeli military. This is particularly noteworthy because this was one of few rebel groups which refused the Russian evacuation deal in southern Syria. The report says all arming of the groups ended in July with the defeat of the last rebels in the area.

    Even more interesting is that the Israeli military initially told Jerusalem Post this, and then forced the article to be taken down under military censorship rules. The Israeli military is legally empowered to censor the press, though it’s rare for the article to get published then taken down, as usually Israeli media outlets don’t start covering censored stories until international outlets break them first.

    Below is the original text of the Jerusalem Post article:
    A PDF backup of the article is available here

  • @annamaria
    The zionists love, love squashing the freedom of information:
    "the [ziocon] Atlantic Council has instructed YouTube to shut-down the news channels of Syrian agencies."
    --- Very simple. Since the truth from Syria has an anti-Israel / anti-US bias, there should be no independent reporting from Syria. Only the CIA-wetted sources are allowed to "inform" on Syria.

    " has been generally and publicly understood for some time that the US and its coalition, have been actively backing the ISIS and Al Qaeda efforts in Syria. This is despite the US’s intervention in the country being initially based on fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda, even though the intervention was started without the consent of the Syrian government, making the moves in fact an invasion against the sovereignty of the Syrian state and people."

    Atlantic Council has gathered the most hateful Russophobes and the most opportunistic fraudsters among its staff of "experts," including such specimen as Dm. Alperovich (of the fraudulent CrowdStrike activities re Clinton's server), the incomparable ignoramus Eliot Higgins (a former salesman of ladies' underwear) and his intellectual rival Maxim Eristavi, and other presstitutes of the same caliber.

    Hi annamaria
    …Thanks for your dedication & providing valuable information.
    … As you know, Al Qaeda remains a “brand name” and I reckon that the ZUS is planning for their spectacular False Flag comeback.
    … Fyi, months ago, a Wall Street Journal article ominously discussed OBL’s son, an “evildoer” chip-off-the-ole-cave-block, & his operating in…, uh, was it Yemen?
    … Thanks again, annamaria!

  • @Z-man
    I followed this thread and I have to add my anecdotal comment. I was commenting on one of my favorite defense/military sites which used Facebook as their comment engine and of course I made disparaging comments on the Israeli military and their total control of American policy. Well like clockwork there would be Israeli trolls popping up almost immediately attacking me, one in particular was incessant. Since I was not using a pseudonym (stupid me) and I was really giving it back to this guy from Tel Aviv, I decided to take some precaution and block him because, you never know, they could put a 'targeted' hit on me. (Wry grin)

    As for wiki, it's still a great reference source, you just have to know when to read between the lines.

    The US as a hapless victim of a voracious parasitoid:
    “In addition to the IAG [the subversive Iran Action Group led by Jon Lerner], there is another dangerous beast, James Jeffrey, the State Department’s special representative for Syria. Two days ago, Jeffrey spelled out the Trump Administration’s present policy towards Syria quite clearly:

    The US will not withdraw its military presence from Syria…

    According to Jeffrey, the Trump administration is shifting towards a more expansive plan for Syria that involves not just the defeat of ISIS, but also reducing Iranian influence and preventing Bashar al-Assad from consolidating power.

    According to James Jeffrey, President Donald Trump supports the strategy that envisions an indefinite military and diplomatic presence in Syria, contrary to the President’s previous inclination to withdraw US troops after defeating ISIS.”

    — Lawlessness.

  • @ChuckOrloski
    Hi Jacques,
    ... For two years or so, am particularly concerned about one (1) of my country's greatest engineered maladies: Insecure Homeland-Cognitive Dissonance.
    ... Am not pretending to be a pioneer in this sinister psychological endeavor, Jacques, but (below) I provide a video of unorthodox "shrinks" who don't want to just play with my head, prescribe meds, and bill me.
    ... Thanks, my Brothers and Sisters!

    Great video! I had seen it before, but the account by the firemen about the fires already having gone out by the time they entered, followed by subsequent explosions, is particularly damning from firsthand expert witnesses.

    Well, 9/11 is just a few days away. Perhaps this we will make some progress on it. I am closely following the legal petition for a grand jury filed last month.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    Cloak and Dagger wrote: "Great video! I had seen it before, but the account by the firemen about the fires already having gone out by the time they entered, followed by subsequent explosions, is particularly damning from first hand witnesses."
    Hi C & D,
    ... Don't 'ya love how (in general) Mayor Rudy Giuliani helped make 9/11 first-responders heroes, but ignored the fireman's testimony, one who clearly spoke about the explosions he experienced first hand?
    ... Am hoping perhaps either RobinG or annamaria watches the video and listens to the smart & practical lady who suffered a car engine breakdown. Instead of merely trusting a pro mechanic's expensive advice for a "fix," she looked under the hood and saw the culprit part!
    ... Thank you, and methinks the "legal petition" proceeding to grand jury will (at best) stir up more useful & divisive Zionist-cognitive dissonance throughout the "Homeland."
  • @Z-man
    I followed this thread and I have to add my anecdotal comment. I was commenting on one of my favorite defense/military sites which used Facebook as their comment engine and of course I made disparaging comments on the Israeli military and their total control of American policy. Well like clockwork there would be Israeli trolls popping up almost immediately attacking me, one in particular was incessant. Since I was not using a pseudonym (stupid me) and I was really giving it back to this guy from Tel Aviv, I decided to take some precaution and block him because, you never know, they could put a 'targeted' hit on me. (Wry grin)

    As for wiki, it's still a great reference source, you just have to know when to read between the lines.

    As for wiki, it’s still a great reference source, you just have to know when to read between the lines.

    Sure, I don’t have a problem going to wiki to read an article and follow some of the provided external links as part of my own research on some topic. I draw the line, however, on citing something on wiki as an authoritative reference in support of a position or defense of an assertion – which is invariably the source of my peeve.

  • @olde reb
    Dear friend,
    The pasted writing is a tribute to my professor who taught a graduate course of Money and Banking.  His revelation has been confirmed with TreasuryDirect documentation, GAO reports, and other sources.  Perhaps the research may be of interest.
    Are the real beneficiaries of Stephen Mnuchin’s, whoops, Trump’s Budget with the humongous increases in National Debt, similar to programs that Stephen’s cronies at Goldman Sachs have used for decades to impoverish nations (including Greece), clearly visible to you? They are identified below.
    Have you ever wondered how the New York banks have been so successful that they can give million dollar bonuses and buy interlocking director control of Fortune 500 companies –especially military suppliers ? The source of the purloined funding is detailed below.
    Or how the Federal Reserve system conceals billions of dollars of profit in accounts that are not audited ? The specific accounts and methods used are identified.
    How these funds have been used for decades to the detriment of society, and the documented plan to collect on the $21 trillion U.S. national debt (as in Greece), is identified in footnotes 17 and 18.
    The future of the United States may be in your hands.
    Olde Reb


    “What difference does an increase in the National Debt make? We owe it to ourselves.” virtually every congress-critter has declared. Such a paraphrased statement, reflecting on the exoskeleton structure of the Federal Reserve, ignores the inner historic mechanisms of Rothschild banking, the intense subterfuge and arm-twisting of the Fed’s creation, and the proven destructive forces inherent but hidden therein. 1

    The medieval Rothschild Banks established a line of credit for the King provided the King issued a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry Rothschild credit was used to pay for obligations incurred by the king and the credit continued to be circulated in the kingdom between merchants. The bankers sold the king’s interest bearing promise of gold to investors. The promise was renewed by the king on its maturing date and was perpetually rolled-over. 2

    VOILA !!! The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bankers had the gold from investors; the investors had a promise the king would eventually pay them in gold—which would never happen. 3 Everything went smoothly as long as the bankers could sell the promise and the investors did not demand the gold. 4 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (bankers) AND THE STATE 5, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people with book-entry fiat money, would come to a catastrophic climax. 6

    The Federal Reserve 7 does the same thing for the U.S. government’s deficit spending. Their wizard is hiding behind Frank Baum’s curtain as obscurant to any public inquiry.8

    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will grant credit (not “create money”) in an account of the US government with an amount that the government will pledge. 9 The government will expend the book-entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government. The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. [It is touted to the public as a loan.] The heading of the currency given to the supplier by a local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note; i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve also identified as a “tender” (substitute) required by law to be accepted for an imprinted number of dollars. 10

    To sell the pledge from the government (the Treasury security) at the highest price, the Federal Reserve will hold an auction but will camouflage it as an auction by the government.11 Acceptance of bids, determining the interest rate, and the amount of deficit spending permitted is controlled by the BOG.12 Government regulations clearly establish the funds from the auctions are controlled exclusively by the FRBNY; i.e., a franchisee of the BOG. 13

    In addition to the approximate $1 trillion annually auctioned for deficit spending (new cash), the roll-over of approximate $10 trillion debt from prior years (publicly held maturing) is annually auctioned and disbursed by the FRBNY. 14

    The difference in handling of the two accounts is the supreme camouflage. Funds for roll-over securities are credited by the FRBNY to a government account. The FRBNY then pays the Primary Dealers (from the government account) for their task in collecting the maturing securities from the public. There is no increase in the National Debt nor is there any inflationary resultant from these transactions.

    If the funds from deficit spending securities were to be used in redeeming Treasury securities in the market (i.e., paid by the FRBNY to the government), it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt. It would also eliminate any increase in money in circulation (inflation). That clearly does not occur.


    The only viable dispersal of funds identifiable to this writer is the funds are commingled with funds to select Primary Dealers. If the Primary Dealers include shareholders of a privately held incorporated Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, they would not have to reveal corporate records.15 The profit could be completely hidden from view. 16 The deficit spending amount 17 would be clear profit for the owners of the BOG.

    The statutory charter of the Federal Reserve stipulates profit of the operation belongs to the government. Concealment of funds that belong to the government appear to be embezzlement, among other crimes.

    Various theories abound on how the purloined funds have been utilized to the detriment of society. 18

    If the scheme is not exposed, Wall Street internal memos identify collection of the $20 trillion debt is the “ultimate goal” and would reduce the United States to the status of Greece. 19 Wall Street’s objective in Greece 20 is not to exploit, but is to destroy the nation. 21 Indeed, national sovereignty has been acquiesced by Greece to the Troika (financiers) as the terminal end of Goldman Sach’s “shitty” three billion Euro debt. 22

    The proposed Goldman Sachs government budget (whoops, Trump’s budget) includes huge deficit spending increases (increased military spending with cuts in social programs) with unrealistic increases in national productive/tax base.23 This is the same scheme Wall Street and the CIA have used to bankrupt other nations for four decades. 24 The psychopathic Wall Street warmongers demand a humongous deficit busting military expenditure, but this statement may reverse cause and effect. 25 The people will submit to anything if they are induced to fear a foreign threat.

    Get ready to kiss your 401(k), your government benefits, your pension, and your bank accounts goodbye, with strikes prohibited, health care costs escalated, perpetual war, mass layoffs (including government personnel), and economic chaos---among other dire occurrences. 26 This is the utopian government controlled by bankers that David Rockefeller 27 so proudly promised for the world in his autobiography MEMOIRS and Carroll Quigley touted in TRAGEDY AND HOPE.

    We can rest assured the same scheme is used by the ECB with the Euro.

    The U.S. has two options:
    The entire situation can be ignored with the public meekly submitting to Wall Street’s collection of the fraudulent $20 trillion National Debt and accept the fate of Greece [Greece has surrendered national sovereignty control to Goldman Sachs/Troika. Approval by Troika is required for all government actions.];
    They can assert public pressure on congress-critters to audit relevant accounts and indict Wall Street. The GAO has authority to review the handling of government funds by any entity. It has made at least two reviews of the FRBNY’s handling of funds [but not audits] from auctions of Treasury securities. The FRBNY has exclusive handing of such funds.... Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.... All that is required for the GAO to review the handling of government funds is a request by a Congressional committee chair.

    PS: How can banks with (deficit spending) liquidity that borrowers will not accept for loans laundry the money? Well, they can buy stocks (and watch the price go up and say the corporations are buying their own stock) or they can buy bonds (and watch the yield go down as demand increases). Have you seen any evidence of this happening ?

    Footnotes are available at
    if they are deleted by software or they can be emailed to an address.

    Don’t let Sammy (Divine) Shama read your comment. He ain’t gonna like it and his pal, Krugman (whom we’re told , we should”study”), is gonna have a fit, cuz “debt is good. and we DO owe it to ourselves! Hehehehehe!

    • Replies: @Anon
    Well my eye stopped at "medieval Rothschild banks" and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn't go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.