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Anatoly Karlin Andrei Martyanov Andrew Joyce Andrew Napolitano Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins Chanda Chisala Egor Kholmogorov Eric Margolis Forum Fred Reed Agnostic P-ter Godfree Roberts Guillaume Durocher Gustavo Arellano Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Petras James Thompson JayMan John Derbyshire Jonathan Revusky Kevin Barrett Lance Welton Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Gottfried Paul Kersey Peter Frost Peter Lee Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Robert Weissberg Ron Paul Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tom Engelhardt A. Graham Adam Hochschild Aedon Cassiel Ahmet Öncü Alex Graham Alexander Cockburn Alexander Hart Alfred McCoy Alison Rose Levy Alison Weir Allegra Harpootlian Amr Abozeid Anand Gopal Andre Damon Andrew Cockburn Andrew Fraser Andrew J. Bacevich Andrew S. 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 All / On "Kevin Williamson"
    We have a president who is belligerent towards Iran, who is sending “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS, who loves Israel passionately and who is increasing already bloated defense budgets. If one were a neoconservative, what is there not to like, yet neocons in the media and ensconced comfortably in their multitude of think...
  • @Stonehands
    I cough up at least 40 percent of my wages to the IRS. They tell me that this sort of theft is Constitutional. Doesn't seem very neutral to me.

    The point I was addressing was “neutral with regard to economic interests.” If it was real estate investment that was favored, where is the evidence for that in the Constitution? Manufacturing? Shipping? Lawyering? Agriculture?

    I think you are using “neutral” in the sense of “oppressive.”

    Some argue that the 16th Amendment wasn’t properly ratified. I’ve not studied on that but, if true, you are right about your theft point as the IRS would be acting pursuant to unconstitutional legislation.

  • Hi Florin Neamtu,
    It is ludicrous for anybody to deny the existence of Jewish Power, but as you say, we are forbidden to mention it. The fact that 90% of the 1917 mass-murdering Bolsheviks were Jews, and that the five men who murdered the Tsar, his wife and his young family were all Jews is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER MENTIONED in the relentless 24/7/365 whining about the holocaust, which itself is a story full of holes.

    I know there are many decent Jews, but they should protest the double standards larded out to us gentiles.

    It is all so much phony BS, and it all to sustain the Holocaust lies, and so keep the power to accuse us of anti-semitism, and so ruin your life. It is that bad. They use the “Fear of the smear” to intimidate the rest of us.

    That is why there is rising anti-semitism.

  • “Please add to this list of the indisputable war criminals another list of non-Jewish criminal “deciders” in the US and EU, including Cheney, Bush, Rice, Clintons, Blair, Sarkozy, Hollande, and such.”

    Sarkozy is Jewish.

    “Family background
    Main article: Family history of Nicolas Sarkozy

    Sarkozy is the son of Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa[8] (Hungarian: nagybócsai Sárközy Pál [ˈnɒɟboːt͡ʃɒi ˈʃaːrkøzi ˈpaːl] (About this sound listen); in some sources Nagy-Bócsay Sárközy Pál István Ernő),[9] a Protestant Hungarian aristocrat, and Andrée Jeanne “Dadu” Mallah (b. Paris, 12 October 1925), whose Greek Jewish father converted to Catholicism to marry Sarkozy’s French Catholic maternal grandmother.[10][11] They were married in the Saint-François-de-Sales church, 17th arrondissement of Paris, on 8 February 1950 and divorced in 1959.[12]”

  • Its a Jewish and Zionist movement obviously- what is *interesting* is how it us forbidden to say so.

    Much like the Old Bolsheviks: Wilton, Reed, Fahey, Ford, US and British diplomats all remarked on the Jewish dominance of the Bolsheviks, but per wikipedia, ‘judeobolshevism’ is… wait for it… an anti-Semitic canard.

    Nevermind that the Bolsheviks murdered more Christians than Nazis killed Jews… we hear of the nahtzees incessantly only because of their jewish victims, and never hear of the Red Holocaust, because Jews predominated in those manifestly anti-Christian purges.

  • @geokat62
    I'm in the middle of viewing what transpired at WRMEA's conference at The National Press Club, The Israel Lobby and American Policy.

    I'm about 3/4 of the way through, but thought it might be worthwhile if I shared some of the highlights.

    Grant Smith kicked off the proceedings and put up the following slides:

    Slide 1: Non-profit Israel lobby Ecosystem 2012-2020

    336 nonprofits that place the advancement of Israel as a top priority
    $3.7 billion in revenue growing to $6.3 billion by year 2020
    14,000 employees
    353,000 volunteers
    Estimated membership: 774,000
    Israel affinity nonprofit ecosystem provides Israel with the support that following America's own interests would not
    American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) the main congressional lobby

    Slide 2: Core Israel/lobby Program: Unconditional US Foreign Aid

    Advanced US weapons
    Funds for Israel's domestic export-oriented military industries
    Packaged into ten-year "Memorandums of Understanding"
    US silence on Israel's nuclear weapons program "off the table"
    Unconditional: No actions taken by Israel can trigger cuts


    Final Slide: Conclusions

    Majority of Americans believe foreign aid to Israel is "too much"
    Most would spend $38 billion MOU funding other priorities
    When asked, most Americans do not approve of other core Israel lobby programs
    They oppose the primary means by which they are enacted
    These survey results, and the growing awareness of all the bad outcomes, should impact future policymaking
    But only if Americans act to reinstate representative government
    While the keynote speakers included Hanan Ashrawi, John Mearsheimer, and Ilan Pappe, it was the relatively unknown filmmaker, Tom Hayes, who stole the show.

    After peppering his introductory remarks with these brilliant one-liners:

    [The Lobby's] aim is to keep our eyes closed, our mouths shut, and our wallets wide open.

    Israel's abuse of humanity is a disgusting thing to witness.

    Being in the States is like being dipped in a bath of bullshit.

    Cowardice is an essential nutrient for the Israel Lobby.
    he concluded with this passionate flourish:

    The exclusion of Palestinians voices from American media is racist, and racism is a weakness. It occurred to me that this racism could be weaponized. It could be weaponized against itself. If Palestinians are not acceptable voices to address the situation of Palestinians... what? If the only credible voices to address the conflict are Jewish voices, then what if I crafted a film in which Jewish Israelis- people who actually have skin in the game - told the truth? The result is Two Blue Lines. The film feeds the Zionist snake its own little tail... You know this whole digital technology thing, I think it's going to be key to crushing the Israel Lobby... I was 9 years old when my mother read me Cry The Beloved Country; I was 39 when Nelson Mandela became president of SA. That book may not have had any more impact than a grain of sand on the struggle against South African apartheid, but a grain of sand on the move can start an avalanche. And if enough of us grains of sand shake our asses loose, we can bury the Israel Lobby. We can clear the road to Palestinian freedom, self determination.
    To which he received a standing ovation.

    Just as Prof. Tony Martin was subjected to a Jewish Onslaught for having the temerity of adding a taboo book to his class syllabus, Tom Hayes was subjected to something very similar:


    I’m American. I’m trained just like everybody else, so “Israel good.” But I’m also keenly aware—keenly aware—that dropping large bombs into a refugee camp anywhere in the world is a craven act of mass murder. So I was rocked. I mean, I was rocked to cognitive dissonance. I couldn’t feature “Israel good” doing anything so patently evil. I just couldn’t get my head around it, and I particularly couldn’t get my head around the fact that the papers were reporting it with such blinkered language. That was my first whiff of the Israel lobby.

    So I started researching, meeting people, studying Arabic, fund-raising. Eighteen months later I was in Rashidieh with a camera on my shoulder. In those days, 16-millimeter was really the only viable field acquisition format. So the gear, the film stock, the lab, it was all crazy expensive. Those capital requirements really served as sort of gates between filmmakers and unpopular topics. That gate is crumbling even as I speak.

    Lebanon was a pretty rough shoot, what with the Israeli occupation and the friskiness of the Amal militia. But I got back intact and set to work on the edit of “Native Sons.” Martin Sheen wound up narrating it for me. The film is available free on Vimeo.

    I was in the midst of editing that film when I had my first real encounter with the Israel lobby in its many lurid shades. The Columbus Dispatch, our local rag, ran a little blurb in the arts section that said that the Gund Foundation was providing a grant of finishing funds to the Community Film Association, which was handling my grants, “for a film by Tom Hayes about three Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon.” That was it. No political statement. No Israel criticism, just “a film about three Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon.”

    My life, and my family’s life, changed overnight. It was a multifaceted experience. On the one hand, anonymous ADL types or JDL types began threatening to murder me and murder my wife. I’m talking of phone calls at all hours of the day and night. Then our windows started coming in, started getting broken out. Our home wound up looking like a police station in Northern Ireland, with heavy wire and blast tape. Simultaneous with the “Enthusiasts” campaign, and equally grave, the Columbus Jewish Federation, apparently on the prompting of regional B’nai B’rith took An Interest in the project and me.

    The board of the Film Association that was handling my grants began getting calls from the Federation. They were told that they were using public funds for propaganda and that their personal assets, like their homes, would be seized because of it. The upshot was, I got a letter from the Film Association saying that it was going to forfeit the grants I already had on tap because I was (allegedly) engaging in propaganda.

    I had borrowed heavily against my home (without informing my wife) on a large grant from the Ohio Arts Council, that, due to this forfeiture, was not going to pay out. So I had to tell her, it looks like we’re going to be eating take-out Chinese in the gutter because of this film “about three Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon.” The message was pretty clear. If you speak about Palestinian refugees or assist in speaking about Palestinian refugees, we will try to make you homeless, too.

    Eventually an Arts Council administrator persuaded the Film Association that it was not in their long term interests to make me homeless. But it was a white-knuckle time for us. Threats kept coming. No visible police action. Eleven days before the premiere, Alex Odeh was blown in half entering his office for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

    It’s premiere night at the Drexel Theater. It’s show time, and a bomb threat comes into the theater—which, 11 days after Alex was killed, seemed like a pretty serious thing. So the building was evacuated. The bomb squad swept it. And anyone who was willing to be searched was allowed in to see the film.

    Let’s just step back for a second. When I did a film about Cambodian refugees, nobody threatened to murder me or my family. Our home wasn’t attacked. There were no bomb threats at any screenings. And I think this experience points to some truths about the Israel lobby. It’s a hood comprised of many discrete threads that is pulled down tight over the eyes and ears and, when necessary, mouths of American people. It’s not as simple as pointing fingers at the All-in for Defamation League, or AIPAC. This thing called the Israel-Palestinian conflict is much more than that. It’s a First Amendment issue. I mean, the First Amendment is a bedrock part of our Constitution. My right to free expression was challenged with violence and terrorism. I mean terrorized we were.

    The spectrum of mendacious mechanisms we encapsulate in the term Israel lobby are, in fact, an attack on the foundations of the United States by a foreign interest. Its aim is to keep our eyes closed, our mouths shut, and our wallets wide open. {APPLAUSE]

  • Pal says:

    who ever thought the Iraq fiasco was a good idea, was either an idiot or a motivated evil trouble maker.. none of the names mentioned in this article strike me as being idiots, and this holds true for our two branches of government also… it looked like piece of cake, a great excuse to rid Israel of a thorn in their side.. we had Saddam in a rotisserie, sanctions, couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag, etc… after 14 years so far the only ”weapons of mass destruction” found are in between their two ears… what hurts is that all the rascals who are responsible for this catastrophe are thriving… who’s pontificating on tv shows, radio, newspaper columns, still giving advice to the same politicians who are also guilty as them, who thinks he’s ”Michael Angelo’, going on variety shows, getting standing ovations, etc…

  • Anon • Disclaimer says:
    @Chuck Orloski
    Hey NosetheDuke,

    I believe its in the very nature of evil to grow in worldly wealth & subsequent power, and concentrate into fewer hands,

    I know Forbes magazine has recently listed the world's wealthiest individuals who no doubt wield enormous power. When such begin to organize politically on a global scale, there power grows commensurately.

    We get a little glimpse of this while the Davos assembly transpires. Realistically pessimistic, I sense their global objective has little to do with classical-Christian charity on behalf of all mankind.

    The great problem for the American nation is that incomes are quite stratified from top to bottom. Thus, the gradual job of economically subduing U.S. citizens starts at the lower working class and works itself up to gnaw at the upper middle class.

    Suddenly the all-important American Middle Class income begins to wither and gets threatened. However, the robber U.S. government is safe as long as the upper middle class does not "WISE UP and RISE" in revolt.

    Since the mid-1960s, America's social ethic has undergone an engineered de-Christianization. (I'd be a fool were I too not fault Christian communities themselves for such collapse) Tkae for example TV sitcoms? Started normally with "Ozzie and Harriet" and the Neo-normal became "Two and a Half Men." Distorted producers insisted, "we give America what it wants!"

    At present in America, a "rising" will not be pretty because greed has replaced charity, and everyone would like to be the man/woman (family) at the Top. The New World Order social engineers now have mankind in a compromised position which they wanted for centuries.

    When inevitable financial collapse occurs, it will be managed from above, in an extremely un-constitutional manner. What's more, due to financial globalization the suffering will not be merely limited to the U.S. population.

    It's dreadful how humanity stayed a a lower level of awareness about the specie's essential connectivity & relation to one another. No doubt the fiends who run "ZUSA MIC" exploit such shrunken (nationwide) awareness and citizens will "turn on one another" before recognition of evil occurs.

    In short, NoseytheDuke, we are fucked . For now, it's up to strong individual consciences to RESIST the powerful horrors that are poised to come down.

    P.S.: Every now and then, I play CD's for the students. Last week, I played Greg Allman's (Live) "Back to Macon." After "Midnight Rider" played, a sweet little 2nd grade girl asked, "Is that cowboy music, Chuck?

    Thanks and cheers!

    Keith says:

    A great post and should be a rude awakening warning to America and the world.

    The people who are accumulating the wealth, are not as smart as the think they are. One who comes to mind is Sam the Sham.

    A economic wizard who thinks the smartest from Wall Street deserve everything they can accumulate in the casino they rigged.

    Remember what the Masters of the Universe from Goldman and Sachs did to America in 2008.

    If the economic wizards are that bright, then why can’t they even balance the American Checkbook?

    A true test of a country’s economic success, isn’t how many billionaires they have.

    It is how the country’s wealth works for all of its citizens.

    Sam…. what is your opinion of the German “Ecomomic Miracle” in the 1930s.

    We need a Economic Miracle to make “America Great Again.”

    It won’t happen unless we do what Germany did. They booted out the Frankfurt Goldman and Sachs and locked up the Loyd Blankfeins.

    • Agree: anarchyst
  • @joef
    I am impressed with your gift for language, and your response. However, I am a little perplexed with the assertion that debt matters to private entities, but does not matter to government institutions. As if there was some immutable law in the universe that prevents such a thing from happening. Yet governments have gone default throughout history in defiance of this belief.
    I am a big believer in Occam’s Razor because the more complicated an explanation that is needed to explain the affairs of mankind, the more likely it is a flawed.

    We have been pursuing our half Keynesian approach of raising taxes in good times or bad (whereas Keynes wanted lower taxes during economic slowdowns) and high government spending in good times or bad (where Keynes wanted govt spending to return to manageable levels once a economic crisis is over). I am afraid that the political elite are quite worried that after roughly 50 years of this policy, the economy has been majorly damaged, and instead of confronting it, they pretend it does not exist.

    It reminds me when the free traders say that globalism will benefit everyone through comparative advantage. However, when you point our the low employment participation rate, and trade deficit, as indications that comparative advantage is not exactly working as expected, they say that those things do not matter [But the GDP is measured by the Consumption + Investment + Government Expenditure + Net Exports (NX): If it really doesn’t matter, why measure the NX??]. It’s funny how the academics say something does not matter as soon as it interferes with their problematic theory.

    Debt is fundamentally the borrowing from the future, either by future earnings for private/personal debt, or future generations in regards to govt debt. In addition, there is an expectation that Private/personal debt is paid within a borrower’s lifetime, whereas govt debt can be carried forward to future generations lifetimes, constantly being devalued by inflation (which even at 2% reported, will be devalued by half in 36 years).

    Government can handle debt is various ways which includes taxing more/ borrowing more/ printing more fiat money/ devaluing the debt through inflation/ make the debt easier to service through low interest rates/ or defaulting on it.
    Just as our fiat money depends on trust, so do loans depend on the trust that it will be paid back; otherwise the lenders would discontinue lending money.

    Now it is true that WW2 had a debt to GDP ratio similar to what we have today. However back then we didn’t get there through business as usual. We got there by a Great Depression followed by the biggest war episode in history. After that we actually made real efforts to reduce it in the subsequent 20 years.

    Now as far as a car keeping its intrinsic store of value, despite what is owed on it, is true, and is true for most tangibles/commodities. Even if money did not exist we could barter it. However we all know that bartering is inefficient because it depends on the double coincidence of wants. Thus we developed money for a system of efficient transactions. This system operates on the reliance that money will always fulfill its three main basic functions: as a store in value, a medium of exchange, and unit of account. Money generally represents units of labor, resources, and finished products, and allows these items to be exchanged efficiently in the economy.

    Now the assertion that what is owed on the car does not change the value of the car, does not mean it does not affect the manufacturer. A manufacturer sole purpose for producing a car is to sell it so he can receive money to participate in other aspects of the economy. He cannot bring the car to the supermarket with the expectation that he can make an efficient exchange for food. Thus money is needed for that transaction, and the selling of such vehicle depends on the receiving of money. Further his primary purpose is not to repossess cars back because essentially he is producing cars for the purpose of obtaining money, and does not need the car, but needs the money.

    If the manufacturer were not getting paid for his product (cars) he would eventually have to stop production. Simplistically he produces cars for money, not for there own sake. The ability of a buyer to purchase such cars depends on banking to make loans in order to eventually transfer those funds to the car manufacturer. If these loans were not getting paid back on a large scale, the banks would stop lending, the buying would stop, and the manufacturer will not produce what he cannot sell. He would eventually go out of business. The final result is that the unpaid loans does not affect the intrinsic value of the car, it affects the ability of the manufacturer to produce them. A situation of unpaid loans cannot go on indefinitely.

    Having a very powerful command of language in it self does not supersede reality. Lawyers do this, and in the courtroom the ability to use convincing clever arguments are used in lieu of the truth. Unfortunately I find this same sophist techniques used in the realm of social sciences as well, which ignores unwanted data. It’s like an unscrupulous used car salesman who sells an ignorant buyer a junk car by convincing him that it’s a great investment (note: cars are not investments, they are depreciable assets).

    I have no vested interest in being right (or wrong) on this. Like the stoics of old, I will adapt to whatever comes, despite my preferences. Unfortunately you seem to be ego invested in the outcome, which can lead to self deception. I must admit my own bias which is that I believe in the strong possibility that Malthus may not have been wrong, but only delayed. Money represents the byproducts of capital and labor, therefore are finite resource by definition. Yet our modern politicians treat it as something that can be infinitely created, while still representing finite resources. That is mathematically impossible, and math does not lie.

    In re: fractional reserve banking, I agree it is a useful tool, but not at 3% reserves of current monetary policy. As far as timing of economic crashes, I agree they are impossible to be timed. Some of the people who tried to time the crash of the dot com bubble and housing bubble were mostly wrong too, yet they did eventually crash. I wish you luck, and if you are right it will be better for all economic actors. Unfortunately I believe you to be wrong on this one.
    Thank you for you correspondence.

    Vern Gowdie writes…

    “The comparisons between the period leading up to and during the Great Depression and what we have experienced since 2008 are eerily similar.

    We have a massive debt problem — far greater than the one that caused the Great Depression.

    We have a central banking system that operates in denial of its role in making this bubble worse. In fact, it aids and abets the accumulation of more debt with low interest rates.

    We have a financial system — banking and investment — that has a vested interest in not scaring the punters (borrowers and investors, alike).

    We have a problem.

    This problem is not going to fade away silently into the night.

    Debt crises never do.

    I believe this ‘mother of all cow paddies’ is going to explode and fling its stinking contents into every single corner of the world.

    The warning signs are there…nothing is making sense.

    Record-breaking asset prices against a global economic background that is, at best, stagnating. Take out the trillions of dollars in debt that’s added to the system on an annual basis and you actually have an economy that’s shrinking.

    This is madness writ large. Yet most people remain oblivious to it all because the longer it goes on, the greater the level of complacency.

    Which is why, when the cow paddy does hit the fan, the impact could be so devastating.”

    Some people would agree with you that debt DOES matter while others work hard, very hard, to say it does not. I tend to agree with you, as do many others who comment on this site. Time will tell, but it would be prudent to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Cheers

    • Agree: joef
  • @Sam Shama
    Thank you for a clear and civilised reply, a rarity here.

    I shan't launch into another essay, I promise. It is clear you have read much of the macroeconomics necessary to arrive at an informed view. Permit me to clear an element at the outset. I am not egotistically invested in promoting my view; I benefit from arguments as a means to sharpen my understanding.

    Few things to add to the repertoire while mulling over the ingredients you already possess so as to arrive at certain conclusions.

    (a) Fed+Treasury does not operate from a locus which prompts them into believing that they can print money without limits. There are clear limits imposed by Inflation and unemployment mandates.

    (b) Bond Markets are global, and CBs must, therefore, act in a coordinated fashion

    (c) Debts, private and public, are correctly compared to total assets of the nation not yearly income. Debt service as a ratio of GDP is meaningful.

    (d) "Money " is all those things you mentioned: exchange facilitator, store of value etc. Most importantly today it is the vehicle through which credit is measured.

    (e) Money Supply in isolation can be misleading unless coupled with the Velocity of Circulation. Money Supply has increased while Circulation has plummeted: <-- precisely why there is little inflation in the offing.

    (f) Debt, as you correctly stated, is a call on the use of future income. To the extent an economy finds itself in distress, where its future earning/productive capacity is called into question, debt becomes costlier to issue. The very opposite has been the case with the U.S.A.

    I don't disagree that many things need to be fixed in this nation of ours, but these are problems not of decrepitude setting in on our productive capacity, but of wealth and income mal-distribution, Industrial disbalance, social coherence and outlook. Of course, I don't presume to have answers but do believe that social angst spills over in the people's economic confidence and attitude.

    I don’t presume to have answers but do believe that social angst spills over in the people’s economic confidence and attitude.

    That is very true.

  • @joef
    I am impressed with your gift for language, and your response. However, I am a little perplexed with the assertion that debt matters to private entities, but does not matter to government institutions. As if there was some immutable law in the universe that prevents such a thing from happening. Yet governments have gone default throughout history in defiance of this belief.
    I am a big believer in Occam’s Razor because the more complicated an explanation that is needed to explain the affairs of mankind, the more likely it is a flawed.

    We have been pursuing our half Keynesian approach of raising taxes in good times or bad (whereas Keynes wanted lower taxes during economic slowdowns) and high government spending in good times or bad (where Keynes wanted govt spending to return to manageable levels once a economic crisis is over). I am afraid that the political elite are quite worried that after roughly 50 years of this policy, the economy has been majorly damaged, and instead of confronting it, they pretend it does not exist.

    It reminds me when the free traders say that globalism will benefit everyone through comparative advantage. However, when you point our the low employment participation rate, and trade deficit, as indications that comparative advantage is not exactly working as expected, they say that those things do not matter [But the GDP is measured by the Consumption + Investment + Government Expenditure + Net Exports (NX): If it really doesn’t matter, why measure the NX??]. It’s funny how the academics say something does not matter as soon as it interferes with their problematic theory.

    Debt is fundamentally the borrowing from the future, either by future earnings for private/personal debt, or future generations in regards to govt debt. In addition, there is an expectation that Private/personal debt is paid within a borrower’s lifetime, whereas govt debt can be carried forward to future generations lifetimes, constantly being devalued by inflation (which even at 2% reported, will be devalued by half in 36 years).

    Government can handle debt is various ways which includes taxing more/ borrowing more/ printing more fiat money/ devaluing the debt through inflation/ make the debt easier to service through low interest rates/ or defaulting on it.
    Just as our fiat money depends on trust, so do loans depend on the trust that it will be paid back; otherwise the lenders would discontinue lending money.

    Now it is true that WW2 had a debt to GDP ratio similar to what we have today. However back then we didn’t get there through business as usual. We got there by a Great Depression followed by the biggest war episode in history. After that we actually made real efforts to reduce it in the subsequent 20 years.

    Now as far as a car keeping its intrinsic store of value, despite what is owed on it, is true, and is true for most tangibles/commodities. Even if money did not exist we could barter it. However we all know that bartering is inefficient because it depends on the double coincidence of wants. Thus we developed money for a system of efficient transactions. This system operates on the reliance that money will always fulfill its three main basic functions: as a store in value, a medium of exchange, and unit of account. Money generally represents units of labor, resources, and finished products, and allows these items to be exchanged efficiently in the economy.

    Now the assertion that what is owed on the car does not change the value of the car, does not mean it does not affect the manufacturer. A manufacturer sole purpose for producing a car is to sell it so he can receive money to participate in other aspects of the economy. He cannot bring the car to the supermarket with the expectation that he can make an efficient exchange for food. Thus money is needed for that transaction, and the selling of such vehicle depends on the receiving of money. Further his primary purpose is not to repossess cars back because essentially he is producing cars for the purpose of obtaining money, and does not need the car, but needs the money.

    If the manufacturer were not getting paid for his product (cars) he would eventually have to stop production. Simplistically he produces cars for money, not for there own sake. The ability of a buyer to purchase such cars depends on banking to make loans in order to eventually transfer those funds to the car manufacturer. If these loans were not getting paid back on a large scale, the banks would stop lending, the buying would stop, and the manufacturer will not produce what he cannot sell. He would eventually go out of business. The final result is that the unpaid loans does not affect the intrinsic value of the car, it affects the ability of the manufacturer to produce them. A situation of unpaid loans cannot go on indefinitely.

    Having a very powerful command of language in it self does not supersede reality. Lawyers do this, and in the courtroom the ability to use convincing clever arguments are used in lieu of the truth. Unfortunately I find this same sophist techniques used in the realm of social sciences as well, which ignores unwanted data. It’s like an unscrupulous used car salesman who sells an ignorant buyer a junk car by convincing him that it’s a great investment (note: cars are not investments, they are depreciable assets).

    I have no vested interest in being right (or wrong) on this. Like the stoics of old, I will adapt to whatever comes, despite my preferences. Unfortunately you seem to be ego invested in the outcome, which can lead to self deception. I must admit my own bias which is that I believe in the strong possibility that Malthus may not have been wrong, but only delayed. Money represents the byproducts of capital and labor, therefore are finite resource by definition. Yet our modern politicians treat it as something that can be infinitely created, while still representing finite resources. That is mathematically impossible, and math does not lie.

    In re: fractional reserve banking, I agree it is a useful tool, but not at 3% reserves of current monetary policy. As far as timing of economic crashes, I agree they are impossible to be timed. Some of the people who tried to time the crash of the dot com bubble and housing bubble were mostly wrong too, yet they did eventually crash. I wish you luck, and if you are right it will be better for all economic actors. Unfortunately I believe you to be wrong on this one.
    Thank you for you correspondence.

    Thank you for a clear and civilised reply, a rarity here.

    I shan’t launch into another essay, I promise. It is clear you have read much of the macroeconomics necessary to arrive at an informed view. Permit me to clear an element at the outset. I am not egotistically invested in promoting my view; I benefit from arguments as a means to sharpen my understanding.

    Few things to add to the repertoire while mulling over the ingredients you already possess so as to arrive at certain conclusions.

    (a) Fed+Treasury does not operate from a locus which prompts them into believing that they can print money without limits. There are clear limits imposed by Inflation and unemployment mandates.

    (b) Bond Markets are global, and CBs must, therefore, act in a coordinated fashion

    (c) Debts, private and public, are correctly compared to total assets of the nation not yearly income. Debt service as a ratio of GDP is meaningful.

    (d) “Money ” is all those things you mentioned: exchange facilitator, store of value etc. Most importantly today it is the vehicle through which credit is measured.

    (e) Money Supply in isolation can be misleading unless coupled with the Velocity of Circulation. Money Supply has increased while Circulation has plummeted: <– precisely why there is little inflation in the offing.

    (f) Debt, as you correctly stated, is a call on the use of future income. To the extent an economy finds itself in distress, where its future earning/productive capacity is called into question, debt becomes costlier to issue. The very opposite has been the case with the U.S.A.

    I don't disagree that many things need to be fixed in this nation of ours, but these are problems not of decrepitude setting in on our productive capacity, but of wealth and income mal-distribution, Industrial disbalance, social coherence and outlook. Of course, I don't presume to have answers but do believe that social angst spills over in the people's economic confidence and attitude.

    • Replies: @joef

    I don't presume to have answers but do believe that social angst spills over in the people's economic confidence and attitude.
    That is very true.
  • @NoseytheDuke
    Hi Chuck, it is not uncommon to encounter instances where some people are too smart by half, meaning that they outsmart themselves, and the ZUSA MIC appears to be a case of such on steroids. Should the neocons ever achieve their objectives as per their wet dreams it will be only to find that they then turn on one another.

    The ultimate goal is of course global dominance and the individuals "driving the bus", pardon the pun, will turn on the US and probably even Israel too eventually. The US constitution is a great barrier to that especially the 1st and 2nd amendments so they will cut the American people down either way at some point, as is visible now. Should the US people ever wise up and rise up it won't be pretty.

    A shame those kids don't get to hear your tunes along the way. All the best. Cheers.

    Hey NosetheDuke,

    I believe its in the very nature of evil to grow in worldly wealth & subsequent power, and concentrate into fewer hands,

    I know Forbes magazine has recently listed the world’s wealthiest individuals who no doubt wield enormous power. When such begin to organize politically on a global scale, there power grows commensurately.

    We get a little glimpse of this while the Davos assembly transpires. Realistically pessimistic, I sense their global objective has little to do with classical-Christian charity on behalf of all mankind.

    The great problem for the American nation is that incomes are quite stratified from top to bottom. Thus, the gradual job of economically subduing U.S. citizens starts at the lower working class and works itself up to gnaw at the upper middle class.

    Suddenly the all-important American Middle Class income begins to wither and gets threatened. However, the robber U.S. government is safe as long as the upper middle class does not “WISE UP and RISE” in revolt.

    Since the mid-1960s, America’s social ethic has undergone an engineered de-Christianization. (I’d be a fool were I too not fault Christian communities themselves for such collapse) Tkae for example TV sitcoms? Started normally with “Ozzie and Harriet” and the Neo-normal became “Two and a Half Men.” Distorted producers insisted, “we give America what it wants!”

    At present in America, a “rising” will not be pretty because greed has replaced charity, and everyone would like to be the man/woman (family) at the Top. The New World Order social engineers now have mankind in a compromised position which they wanted for centuries.

    When inevitable financial collapse occurs, it will be managed from above, in an extremely un-constitutional manner. What’s more, due to financial globalization the suffering will not be merely limited to the U.S. population.

    It’s dreadful how humanity stayed a a lower level of awareness about the specie’s essential connectivity & relation to one another. No doubt the fiends who run “ZUSA MIC” exploit such shrunken (nationwide) awareness and citizens will “turn on one another” before recognition of evil occurs.

    In short, NoseytheDuke, we are fucked . For now, it’s up to strong individual consciences to RESIST the powerful horrors that are poised to come down.

    P.S.: Every now and then, I play CD’s for the students. Last week, I played Greg Allman’s (Live) “Back to Macon.” After “Midnight Rider” played, a sweet little 2nd grade girl asked, “Is that cowboy music, Chuck?

    Thanks and cheers!

    • Replies: @Anon
    Keith says:

    A great post and should be a rude awakening warning to America and the world.

    The people who are accumulating the wealth, are not as smart as the think they are. One who comes to mind is Sam the Sham.

    A economic wizard who thinks the smartest from Wall Street deserve everything they can accumulate in the casino they rigged.

    Remember what the Masters of the Universe from Goldman and Sachs did to America in 2008.

    If the economic wizards are that bright, then why can't they even balance the American Checkbook?

    A true test of a country's economic success, isn't how many billionaires they have.

    It is how the country's wealth works for all of its citizens.

    Sam.... what is your opinion of the German "Ecomomic Miracle" in the 1930s.

    We need a Economic Miracle to make "America Great Again."

    It won't happen unless we do what Germany did. They booted out the Frankfurt Goldman and Sachs and locked up the Loyd Blankfeins.
  • Hi Chuck, it is not uncommon to encounter instances where some people are too smart by half, meaning that they outsmart themselves, and the ZUSA MIC appears to be a case of such on steroids. Should the neocons ever achieve their objectives as per their wet dreams it will be only to find that they then turn on one another.

    The ultimate goal is of course global dominance and the individuals “driving the bus”, pardon the pun, will turn on the US and probably even Israel too eventually. The US constitution is a great barrier to that especially the 1st and 2nd amendments so they will cut the American people down either way at some point, as is visible now. Should the US people ever wise up and rise up it won’t be pretty.

    A shame those kids don’t get to hear your tunes along the way. All the best. Cheers.

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    Hey NosetheDuke,

    I believe its in the very nature of evil to grow in worldly wealth & subsequent power, and concentrate into fewer hands,

    I know Forbes magazine has recently listed the world's wealthiest individuals who no doubt wield enormous power. When such begin to organize politically on a global scale, there power grows commensurately.

    We get a little glimpse of this while the Davos assembly transpires. Realistically pessimistic, I sense their global objective has little to do with classical-Christian charity on behalf of all mankind.

    The great problem for the American nation is that incomes are quite stratified from top to bottom. Thus, the gradual job of economically subduing U.S. citizens starts at the lower working class and works itself up to gnaw at the upper middle class.

    Suddenly the all-important American Middle Class income begins to wither and gets threatened. However, the robber U.S. government is safe as long as the upper middle class does not "WISE UP and RISE" in revolt.

    Since the mid-1960s, America's social ethic has undergone an engineered de-Christianization. (I'd be a fool were I too not fault Christian communities themselves for such collapse) Tkae for example TV sitcoms? Started normally with "Ozzie and Harriet" and the Neo-normal became "Two and a Half Men." Distorted producers insisted, "we give America what it wants!"

    At present in America, a "rising" will not be pretty because greed has replaced charity, and everyone would like to be the man/woman (family) at the Top. The New World Order social engineers now have mankind in a compromised position which they wanted for centuries.

    When inevitable financial collapse occurs, it will be managed from above, in an extremely un-constitutional manner. What's more, due to financial globalization the suffering will not be merely limited to the U.S. population.

    It's dreadful how humanity stayed a a lower level of awareness about the specie's essential connectivity & relation to one another. No doubt the fiends who run "ZUSA MIC" exploit such shrunken (nationwide) awareness and citizens will "turn on one another" before recognition of evil occurs.

    In short, NoseytheDuke, we are fucked . For now, it's up to strong individual consciences to RESIST the powerful horrors that are poised to come down.

    P.S.: Every now and then, I play CD's for the students. Last week, I played Greg Allman's (Live) "Back to Macon." After "Midnight Rider" played, a sweet little 2nd grade girl asked, "Is that cowboy music, Chuck?

    Thanks and cheers!
  • @NoseytheDuke
    Thank you! Mackey is working on the F35 program, what a joke. Knowing which side your bread is buttered is helpful in holding it "right" side up, except in the case of the towers it's tragic.

    This becomes similar to the JFK assassination in as much as people are able to question logic and construct alternative theories simply by carefully eliminating inconvenient facts that would invalidate the red herrings. Cubans, the mob, accidental SS shot etc, whether in good faith or not, these bozos have done great harm to the cause of justice.

    Geo frequently writes very good posts so, like Chuck, I don't get his reasoning on this. Sorry Geo, but you are an intelligent person so in time it is likely you'll come around to see what is clear to so many others.

    The molten steel remaining molten for over a month is one good indicator. That the steel would have melted in the first place is simply impossible.There is so much more. A & E Truth is a great place to direct any doubters, no fanciful theories, just cold hard facts. Cheers

    NoseytheDuke to geokat: “Mackey is working on the F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter) program.”

    Hey NoseytheDuke,

    (Note: Sam The Sham and InZitatus are currently talking in foreign tongues at P.G.’s new article! Not only are they off topic but now they… oh, fuck them)

    (Sigh) I am hoping geokat reads (at minimum) your sentence above.

    Presently, and as you might know, Arab countries are intelligently pushing to get a piece of the international weapons market and develop their own boom-booms.

    Two years ago in Abu Dhabi, a “senior” Defense Department official bluntly told potential Gulf buyers & “industry executives” that they wouldn’t be able to buy Lockheed Martin Corp.s radar evading F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

    Get this NoseytheDuke? The D.O.D. official alluded to “rules”that ensure Israel maintained a military edge in the Middle East. Such ridiculous prejudice irked the Emiratis, and they wisely told the freaky Americans, “if you don’t help us with what we need, we have no choice but to get it somewhere else.”

    Ha-ha. The Emiratis wisely turned to Russia in order to co-develop a light combat fighter with state run defense company, Rostech! earlier this month Saudi Arabia reached a deal with China to jointly manufacture drones.

    For me, it will be very comical would the sponsors of the New World Order order even (Central Commann) Zionist Jews to “get with the program!”

    Lastly, I hope geaokat takes your advice and ponders the post 9-11 “molten steel.” I respect him very much, and I think he could have done better than going to ‘iffen-iffen for consolation. As you may know, geo called me a “macho man.” (Sigh) Those disco days are long gone, and for excitement, I play The Who’s “Magic Bus” on the bus CD player while waiting for the kids to board.

    Cheers & thank you!

  • joef says:
    @Sam Shama

    I have been through these arguments before the housing crisis. My lonely position, at the time before the housing crisis, was that housing was overvalued, loans were given to many people who had no means of paying them, and the flipping of houses cannot go on indefinitely because it will eventually out price the market. Now true that does not make me automatically correct on other economic matters, however the pall of financial instability (& irresponsibility) is appearing again, and I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth, as I believe it to exist
    Your position was sound, yet it wasn't lonely; many prominent people, including names like Paulson, were decrying the excesses of the housing markets. Society, all parts, home buyers, home speculators, lenders, regulators, were all caught up in the mania.

    Now here's a bit of data which remains a key insight in debt implosion induced recessions. They are almost without exception of the private sector. In other words, when individuals are allowed to borrow excessively the consequences can be bad, since recourse is limited to assets which form the cornerstones of individual consumption. Banks go after those assets while the central bank and policy setters are caught in a quandary since they know these repossessions will inevitably deal a blow to consumption, and hence jobs and the economy at large.

    Ideally, were it not for moral hazard and laws, the CB could've "bailed out" the consumer and thus decompressed the economy slowly. However, there isn't a legal mechanism to do so. The CB+Treasury can only "bail out" member banks, even that with the approval of Congress. So a very valid question is, "why should banks get away scot-free at the expense of the taxpayer?"

    That answer reduces to a matter of regulation preventing banks from taking excessive risks to line their pockets while looking to the public purse when in distress. The CB could've let these banks go into liquidation, but the thought at the time was such action would lead to widespread chaos and instability. Think of people not being able to access ATMs! So the only options were to stabilise the system by shoring up these SIFIs and introduce legislation which prevents banks from taking trading risks and excessive lending. That is where we are now.

    The larger problem remained. Shrinkage of Private balance sheets led to a recession, which would've led to a depression [25%-50% unemployment with no unemployment insurance] if a counter expansion of balance sheet did not occur in another sector of the economy. In other words, the void left by the consumer needed filling. That is where the Fed+Treasury stepped in with the Public balance sheet. So, while the recovery was anaemic [by construction since Congress was adamant about not unleashing Infrastructure investments] a depression was prevented.

    If you added up all the debt, public (at various govt levels) and private, it is many times our own GDP (or our M2). We are not alone on this internationally.
    Well, yes that is true. [BTW it was greater during the run up to WW2]. So? Debt conjures (correctly) fear in individuals. Of course, if productive capacity is destroyed it should have the same effect at the national level and lead to hyperinflation. I've heard this breathless hyperinflation fear-mongering (and I don't mean from you, joef) since 2009, scratched my head initially then watched the ensuing drama with amusement, for it was crystal clear to me that (a) U.S. total productive capacity was enormous and (b) dwarfed the aggregate Pubic+Private+Corporate debt levels. Weimar this wasn't by any stretch of the imagination (even drug induced :-) ).

    A second point. Debt in itself is solely a method of financing an asset or a project. It really has nothing to do with the intrinsic value or productive capacity of the asset. Whether you buy a car with 100% debt or 0% debt does not change the value of the car. This is simple logic. What debt does do, is change the pattern of contingency and claim over the asset. To that extent a society which finances many of its endeavours with debt is merely saying that equity-based risk takers are fewer and debt issuers are filling the need. That is all. If the assets are of good quality all else is irrelevant. However, if assets decline in quality, or productive capacity depreciates, we have a problem on our hands; something which demands immediate attention. I don't see that for the U.S. What I see is a mismatch in various sectors which leads to greater dispersion of income earning capacities. Which leads to rising inequality of incomes and wealth. That needs to be addressed. Re-education, re-training and perhaps some redistribution via progressive taxation (within limits) and an overhaul of the tax code particularly those parts which enrich private equity operators and oil speculators.

    China itself has problems with warehouses full of overproduction, massive levels of empty housing (surpassing our own housing bubble), Town and Village Enterprises debt with shadow banking, and capital flight. And that is the bad news that the Chinese central govt is willing to share. It is unlikely that they will be able to buy our future T Bills indefinitely, and are more than likely to be the next Japan (the past economic miracle from the 1980s).
    I agree. China is working through these overproduction problems, and mainly by running down its accumulated surpluses which arose as a consequence of keeping an artificially low exchange rate. That is what propelled the Chinese export juggernaut for so many decades and wrecked U.S. manufacturing.

    China, Japan, Germany (EU in general) buying our T-bills is a feature of their deliberate policies to engineer artificially low exchange rates, driving out U.S. competitors in the U.S. market which happens to be the largest in the world! They are NOT buying those T-Bills because they love us or they are "bailing us out". In fact, they are bailing themselves out by manipulating their way into selling at artificially cheap prices in U.S. markets! That is precisely what Donald Trump kept talking about.

    So, again, those T-Bills appearing on their balance sheets are an accounting consequence of their selling products to us. We get iPhones, they get the Bills. What do they do with those Bills? Presumably, buy U.S. goods and services. If they don't, T-Bills sit in their accounts at the Fed. Until they need to sell them to shore up capital flights out of their own economies. I had predicted this two years ago (?) and written as much on UR (I'll find it).

    You have to realise that the U.S. is a unique entity in the history of human economic endeavour. No nation has come close to matching her endowments. Ever. If we are showing signs of nervousness and disrepair, it is an all too familiar story in the history of U.S., which swings between trepidation and excessive bravado. We've got to pull ourselves by our britches, allow the POTUS to go ahead with his agenda and get us back on track.

    Politically we are not making any real efforts to pay down this massive debt. So between poor fiscal policy of debt, and monetary policy of fractional reserve banking at 3% (plus an over speculated stock market encouraged by low interest rates), I am sorry but its starting to resemble a Ponzi scheme to me.
    Now a lot of fancy intellectual language can be used to deny this, but I heard the same fancy intellectual language to obscure the housing bubble. The problem I have with much of what passes for intellectualism/academia, and MSM reporting, is that it falls into clever sophistry, to avoid facing unpalatable problem
    Political gridlock is stifling, I agree. That needs to change and I thought it would under this new administration. We shall see. It is early in the game. Fractional reserve banking is here to stay. Every modern economy requires it. without it, economic activity would halt. I mean it would come to a screeching halt, for we could only invest with what we've saved in any period. Rough estimates, our economy and the global economy as a consequence would probably be halved. That won't do at all, will it?

    Like I said before if I am wrong, that will be shown. When will that be, I do not know because it is impossible to time when economic bubbles burst. Unfortunately, this is not the housing bubble where I can convince people not to invest into a craze. But if I am correct, this will eventually affect us all.
    As I said earlier I've been waiting for that hyperinflation predicted by the likes of Zero Hedge since 2009. Still waiting. I don't see a bubble in the bond markets. Corporate bond markets are witnessing a higher than average level of defaults, but they seem to be well in hand. That is the worst I see. The reason the Fed won't raise the short rate too rapidly has to do with the Feds desire not to flatten the term structure of rates, which will lead to a deliberate slowdown of the nascent recovery we are experiencing now.

    Sorry, I tried to write as straightforwardly as possible but wrote far more than I expected to.

    I am impressed with your gift for language, and your response. However, I am a little perplexed with the assertion that debt matters to private entities, but does not matter to government institutions. As if there was some immutable law in the universe that prevents such a thing from happening. Yet governments have gone default throughout history in defiance of this belief.
    I am a big believer in Occam’s Razor because the more complicated an explanation that is needed to explain the affairs of mankind, the more likely it is a flawed.

    We have been pursuing our half Keynesian approach of raising taxes in good times or bad (whereas Keynes wanted lower taxes during economic slowdowns) and high government spending in good times or bad (where Keynes wanted govt spending to return to manageable levels once a economic crisis is over). I am afraid that the political elite are quite worried that after roughly 50 years of this policy, the economy has been majorly damaged, and instead of confronting it, they pretend it does not exist.

    It reminds me when the free traders say that globalism will benefit everyone through comparative advantage. However, when you point our the low employment participation rate, and trade deficit, as indications that comparative advantage is not exactly working as expected, they say that those things do not matter [But the GDP is measured by the Consumption + Investment + Government Expenditure + Net Exports (NX): If it really doesn’t matter, why measure the NX??]. It’s funny how the academics say something does not matter as soon as it interferes with their problematic theory.

    Debt is fundamentally the borrowing from the future, either by future earnings for private/personal debt, or future generations in regards to govt debt. In addition, there is an expectation that Private/personal debt is paid within a borrower’s lifetime, whereas govt debt can be carried forward to future generations lifetimes, constantly being devalued by inflation (which even at 2% reported, will be devalued by half in 36 years).

    Government can handle debt is various ways which includes taxing more/ borrowing more/ printing more fiat money/ devaluing the debt through inflation/ make the debt easier to service through low interest rates/ or defaulting on it.
    Just as our fiat money depends on trust, so do loans depend on the trust that it will be paid back; otherwise the lenders would discontinue lending money.

    Now it is true that WW2 had a debt to GDP ratio similar to what we have today. However back then we didn’t get there through business as usual. We got there by a Great Depression followed by the biggest war episode in history. After that we actually made real efforts to reduce it in the subsequent 20 years.

    Now as far as a car keeping its intrinsic store of value, despite what is owed on it, is true, and is true for most tangibles/commodities. Even if money did not exist we could barter it. However we all know that bartering is inefficient because it depends on the double coincidence of wants. Thus we developed money for a system of efficient transactions. This system operates on the reliance that money will always fulfill its three main basic functions: as a store in value, a medium of exchange, and unit of account. Money generally represents units of labor, resources, and finished products, and allows these items to be exchanged efficiently in the economy.

    Now the assertion that what is owed on the car does not change the value of the car, does not mean it does not affect the manufacturer. A manufacturer sole purpose for producing a car is to sell it so he can receive money to participate in other aspects of the economy. He cannot bring the car to the supermarket with the expectation that he can make an efficient exchange for food. Thus money is needed for that transaction, and the selling of such vehicle depends on the receiving of money. Further his primary purpose is not to repossess cars back because essentially he is producing cars for the purpose of obtaining money, and does not need the car, but needs the money.

    If the manufacturer were not getting paid for his product (cars) he would eventually have to stop production. Simplistically he produces cars for money, not for there own sake. The ability of a buyer to purchase such cars depends on banking to make loans in order to eventually transfer those funds to the car manufacturer. If these loans were not getting paid back on a large scale, the banks would stop lending, the buying would stop, and the manufacturer will not produce what he cannot sell. He would eventually go out of business. The final result is that the unpaid loans does not affect the intrinsic value of the car, it affects the ability of the manufacturer to produce them. A situation of unpaid loans cannot go on indefinitely.

    Having a very powerful command of language in it self does not supersede reality. Lawyers do this, and in the courtroom the ability to use convincing clever arguments are used in lieu of the truth. Unfortunately I find this same sophist techniques used in the realm of social sciences as well, which ignores unwanted data. It’s like an unscrupulous used car salesman who sells an ignorant buyer a junk car by convincing him that it’s a great investment (note: cars are not investments, they are depreciable assets).

    I have no vested interest in being right (or wrong) on this. Like the stoics of old, I will adapt to whatever comes, despite my preferences. Unfortunately you seem to be ego invested in the outcome, which can lead to self deception. I must admit my own bias which is that I believe in the strong possibility that Malthus may not have been wrong, but only delayed. Money represents the byproducts of capital and labor, therefore are finite resource by definition. Yet our modern politicians treat it as something that can be infinitely created, while still representing finite resources. That is mathematically impossible, and math does not lie.

    In re: fractional reserve banking, I agree it is a useful tool, but not at 3% reserves of current monetary policy. As far as timing of economic crashes, I agree they are impossible to be timed. Some of the people who tried to time the crash of the dot com bubble and housing bubble were mostly wrong too, yet they did eventually crash. I wish you luck, and if you are right it will be better for all economic actors. Unfortunately I believe you to be wrong on this one.
    Thank you for you correspondence.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    Thank you for a clear and civilised reply, a rarity here.

    I shan't launch into another essay, I promise. It is clear you have read much of the macroeconomics necessary to arrive at an informed view. Permit me to clear an element at the outset. I am not egotistically invested in promoting my view; I benefit from arguments as a means to sharpen my understanding.

    Few things to add to the repertoire while mulling over the ingredients you already possess so as to arrive at certain conclusions.

    (a) Fed+Treasury does not operate from a locus which prompts them into believing that they can print money without limits. There are clear limits imposed by Inflation and unemployment mandates.

    (b) Bond Markets are global, and CBs must, therefore, act in a coordinated fashion

    (c) Debts, private and public, are correctly compared to total assets of the nation not yearly income. Debt service as a ratio of GDP is meaningful.

    (d) "Money " is all those things you mentioned: exchange facilitator, store of value etc. Most importantly today it is the vehicle through which credit is measured.

    (e) Money Supply in isolation can be misleading unless coupled with the Velocity of Circulation. Money Supply has increased while Circulation has plummeted: <-- precisely why there is little inflation in the offing.

    (f) Debt, as you correctly stated, is a call on the use of future income. To the extent an economy finds itself in distress, where its future earning/productive capacity is called into question, debt becomes costlier to issue. The very opposite has been the case with the U.S.A.

    I don't disagree that many things need to be fixed in this nation of ours, but these are problems not of decrepitude setting in on our productive capacity, but of wealth and income mal-distribution, Industrial disbalance, social coherence and outlook. Of course, I don't presume to have answers but do believe that social angst spills over in the people's economic confidence and attitude.

    , @NoseytheDuke
    Vern Gowdie writes…

    "The comparisons between the period leading up to and during the Great Depression and what we have experienced since 2008 are eerily similar.

    We have a massive debt problem — far greater than the one that caused the Great Depression.

    We have a central banking system that operates in denial of its role in making this bubble worse. In fact, it aids and abets the accumulation of more debt with low interest rates.

    We have a financial system — banking and investment — that has a vested interest in not scaring the punters (borrowers and investors, alike).

    We have a problem.

    This problem is not going to fade away silently into the night.

    Debt crises never do.

    I believe this ‘mother of all cow paddies’ is going to explode and fling its stinking contents into every single corner of the world.

    The warning signs are there…nothing is making sense.

    Record-breaking asset prices against a global economic background that is, at best, stagnating. Take out the trillions of dollars in debt that’s added to the system on an annual basis and you actually have an economy that’s shrinking.

    This is madness writ large. Yet most people remain oblivious to it all because the longer it goes on, the greater the level of complacency.

    Which is why, when the cow paddy does hit the fan, the impact could be so devastating."

    Some people would agree with you that debt DOES matter while others work hard, very hard, to say it does not. I tend to agree with you, as do many others who comment on this site. Time will tell, but it would be prudent to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Cheers

  • @geokat62

    Can you prove to me that your sole reason for urging more public spending in Detroit is not contaminated by your desire to also see some spill over value to Canada?
    Are you ok. iffen? I'm concerned that you may have hurt yourself with that massive stretch.

    The only word that comes to mind is "disingenuous."

    btw - in true neocon fashion, you're asking me to prove a negative. Remind you of anything (see photo at top)?

    “Are you ok. iffen? I’m concerned that you may have hurt yourself with that massive stretch.”
    On point. And the “disingenuous” fits rather nicely.

  • @geokat62

    Can you prove to me that your sole reason for urging more public spending in Detroit is not contaminated by your desire to also see some spill over value to Canada?
    Are you ok. iffen? I'm concerned that you may have hurt yourself with that massive stretch.

    The only word that comes to mind is "disingenuous."

    btw - in true neocon fashion, you're asking me to prove a negative. Remind you of anything (see photo at top)?

    disingenuous, neocon fashion

    For someone with a hair trigger micro-aggression detector you sure dish it out.

  • @Sam Shama
    Hey Iffen,
    I tried to convey the crux of the issues as best I could. Why didn't any bankers go to gaol? Easy. They did not break any laws, at least none that could be proved in a court of law. The laws and regulations were found severely wanting. Of course, many small fries did go behind bars, but no CEOs.

    I remember watching the drama unfold as Lehman went bankrupt, Bear Steans nose-dived next and was purchased by J.P. Morgan with essentially a Fed guarantee to Morgan. Merrill Lynch followed with BoA buying the broker-dealer. What did John Thain (Merrill CEO) do? He appropriated a big slice of the money BoA provided and wrote bonus cheques for himself [$10m if memory serves] and similarly generous ones for the entire top management as well as all employees who weren't let go! This I had not expected. Learned a great deal, needless to say.

    Of course, I know every little guy was trying to make a buck (why not?) but they did not have the Fed/Treasury to backstop them.

    Moral of the story for me: I am the little guy and am on my own.

    I tried to convey the crux of the issues as best I could

    And an excellent report, hence my sincere:

    Good work Sam, I expect this quality

    We look past each other. To use a commonplace from the commenters here; you are describing bugs, I see features.

    The “system” worked the way it was supposed to, and will work again.

  • @geokat62

    He’s a NASA research scientist, not a hi-rise building architect or structural engineer. Why does his opinion count?
    So you're saying you place more stock in the credentials of DRG over those of a NASA rocket scientist on this topic? And what are DRG's superior credentials:

    David Ray Griffin is a retired American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, and a political writer.
    I respect your having read Ryan Mackey's white paper... and the fact that you have drawn a different conclusion than I have is, of course, your perogative.

    DRG doesn’t have a vested interest. Mackey does. If credentials is the primary criteria, we should be comparing the analysis of high rise building architects and engineers, as well as fire and controlled demolition experts.

  • @Paul C.
    I've looked at Ryan Mackey's paper and cannot give him any credence. It reads like the hit job it is against David Ray Griffin. That's exactly what his report is designed to do, therefore he can't be seen as objective.

    He's a NASA research scientist, not a hi-rise building architect or structural engineer. Why does his opinion count? If you really want to explore the science of WTC 7 and Towers 1 & 2, mountains of analysis has been done by 2,800 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth.

    How can we expect an employee of the federal government to corroborate the charge that the gov't was complicit in the crime? It makes no sense. It's a complete conflict of interest.

    Mackey's work is obfuscation. He cites other steel framed structures that have collapsed from fire which are not even comparable. A 1 or 2 story warehouse that burned in 1967 in San Francisco. All you see is a burned building. A oil rig platform that either caught fire or blew up. How do these compare to a modern (WTC 7 was only 16 years old) 47 story steel framed building that caught fire in a few areas and then collapses like a house of cards in 8 seconds.

    His table of contents is not hyperlinked and the 306 pages are in roman numerals making review and analysis of the document very difficult which I presume was purposeful.

    If you really desire to learn the truth, a gov't paid shill is not the answer. I hope you do read Bollyn's works, A&E 9/11 Truth and many others that have worked so hard. Sincerely.

    Thank you! Mackey is working on the F35 program, what a joke. Knowing which side your bread is buttered is helpful in holding it “right” side up, except in the case of the towers it’s tragic.

    This becomes similar to the JFK assassination in as much as people are able to question logic and construct alternative theories simply by carefully eliminating inconvenient facts that would invalidate the red herrings. Cubans, the mob, accidental SS shot etc, whether in good faith or not, these bozos have done great harm to the cause of justice.

    Geo frequently writes very good posts so, like Chuck, I don’t get his reasoning on this. Sorry Geo, but you are an intelligent person so in time it is likely you’ll come around to see what is clear to so many others.

    The molten steel remaining molten for over a month is one good indicator. That the steel would have melted in the first place is simply impossible.There is so much more. A & E Truth is a great place to direct any doubters, no fanciful theories, just cold hard facts. Cheers

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    NoseytheDuke to geokat: "Mackey is working on the F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter) program."

    Hey NoseytheDuke,

    (Note: Sam The Sham and InZitatus are currently talking in foreign tongues at P.G.'s new article! Not only are they off topic but now they... oh, fuck them)

    (Sigh) I am hoping geokat reads (at minimum) your sentence above.

    Presently, and as you might know, Arab countries are intelligently pushing to get a piece of the international weapons market and develop their own boom-booms.

    Two years ago in Abu Dhabi, a "senior" Defense Department official bluntly told potential Gulf buyers & "industry executives" that they wouldn't be able to buy Lockheed Martin Corp.s radar evading F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

    Get this NoseytheDuke? The D.O.D. official alluded to "rules"that ensure Israel maintained a military edge in the Middle East. Such ridiculous prejudice irked the Emiratis, and they wisely told the freaky Americans, "if you don't help us with what we need, we have no choice but to get it somewhere else."

    Ha-ha. The Emiratis wisely turned to Russia in order to co-develop a light combat fighter with state run defense company, Rostech! earlier this month Saudi Arabia reached a deal with China to jointly manufacture drones.

    For me, it will be very comical would the sponsors of the New World Order order even (Central Commann) Zionist Jews to "get with the program!"

    Lastly, I hope geaokat takes your advice and ponders the post 9-11 "molten steel." I respect him very much, and I think he could have done better than going to 'iffen-iffen for consolation. As you may know, geo called me a "macho man." (Sigh) Those disco days are long gone, and for excitement, I play The Who's "Magic Bus" on the bus CD player while waiting for the kids to board.

    Cheers & thank you!
  • @iffen

    I think that what the Woodchuck is doing is perfectly normal. He is trying to divide everyone up into "sides." I do it myself. I think everyone does it. I only have one pet theory and it is that what makes us human and what made us human is the desire and ability to "choose up sides." He is on your side and he wants you on his, but you keep throwing up this one refusal and it is causing him a bit of heartburn.

    In a recent exchange with Sam, you said that he accused you of being a racist. He didn't address this. That said, I read your comments and his and I don't remember him accusing you of racism.

    We have exchanged questions in the past to my satisfaction so I have a new one for you and will try to reciprocate.

    You frequently and tirelessly mention your desire that US public spending be directed toward Detroit rather than toward Israel. I have no doubt that you love the people of Detroit and that is your only motive. However, it occurred to me that maybe you were hoping that increased public spending in Detroit might also benefit adjacent areas, say, for example, Canada. Can you prove to me that your sole reason for urging more public spending in Detroit is not contaminated by your desire to also see some spill over value to Canada?

    Can you prove to me that your sole reason for urging more public spending in Detroit is not contaminated by your desire to also see some spill over value to Canada?

    Are you ok. iffen? I’m concerned that you may have hurt yourself with that massive stretch.

    The only word that comes to mind is “disingenuous.”

    btw – in true neocon fashion, you’re asking me to prove a negative. Remind you of anything (see photo at top)?

    • Replies: @iffen
    disingenuous, neocon fashion

    For someone with a hair trigger micro-aggression detector you sure dish it out.
    , @annamaria
    "Are you ok. iffen? I’m concerned that you may have hurt yourself with that massive stretch."
    On point. And the “disingenuous” fits rather nicely.
  • @Paul C.
    I've looked at Ryan Mackey's paper and cannot give him any credence. It reads like the hit job it is against David Ray Griffin. That's exactly what his report is designed to do, therefore he can't be seen as objective.

    He's a NASA research scientist, not a hi-rise building architect or structural engineer. Why does his opinion count? If you really want to explore the science of WTC 7 and Towers 1 & 2, mountains of analysis has been done by 2,800 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth.

    How can we expect an employee of the federal government to corroborate the charge that the gov't was complicit in the crime? It makes no sense. It's a complete conflict of interest.

    Mackey's work is obfuscation. He cites other steel framed structures that have collapsed from fire which are not even comparable. A 1 or 2 story warehouse that burned in 1967 in San Francisco. All you see is a burned building. A oil rig platform that either caught fire or blew up. How do these compare to a modern (WTC 7 was only 16 years old) 47 story steel framed building that caught fire in a few areas and then collapses like a house of cards in 8 seconds.

    His table of contents is not hyperlinked and the 306 pages are in roman numerals making review and analysis of the document very difficult which I presume was purposeful.

    If you really desire to learn the truth, a gov't paid shill is not the answer. I hope you do read Bollyn's works, A&E 9/11 Truth and many others that have worked so hard. Sincerely.

    He’s a NASA research scientist, not a hi-rise building architect or structural engineer. Why does his opinion count?

    So you’re saying you place more stock in the credentials of DRG over those of a NASA rocket scientist on this topic? And what are DRG’s superior credentials:

    David Ray Griffin is a retired American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, and a political writer.

    I respect your having read Ryan Mackey’s white paper… and the fact that you have drawn a different conclusion than I have is, of course, your perogative.

    • Replies: @Paul C.
    DRG doesn't have a vested interest. Mackey does. If credentials is the primary criteria, we should be comparing the analysis of high rise building architects and engineers, as well as fire and controlled demolition experts.
  • @geokat62

    Maybe geo has a wife who fears “blowback” for his espousing the truth?
    You must have missed iffen's comment, Chuck. I'm supposedly an ambidextrous multitasker, remember, so unlike you macho men, I have no wife to pussywhip me should I boldly venture to speak the truth. You see, I'm free as a bird to speak my mind, notwithstanding the fact that I'm a Canada goose. btw - I must commend you in bringing family members into the conversation... shows a real touch of class.

    No, Chuck, fear has nothing to do with my refusal to embrace the controlled demolition hypothesis. Ryan Mackey's 306-page white paper has everything to do with it. You guys should give it an objective read before attacking another person for being intellectually dishonest. But I guess that would require... I don't know, intellectual honesty?


    I think that what the Woodchuck is doing is perfectly normal. He is trying to divide everyone up into “sides.” I do it myself. I think everyone does it. I only have one pet theory and it is that what makes us human and what made us human is the desire and ability to “choose up sides.” He is on your side and he wants you on his, but you keep throwing up this one refusal and it is causing him a bit of heartburn.

    In a recent exchange with Sam, you said that he accused you of being a racist. He didn’t address this. That said, I read your comments and his and I don’t remember him accusing you of racism.

    We have exchanged questions in the past to my satisfaction so I have a new one for you and will try to reciprocate.

    You frequently and tirelessly mention your desire that US public spending be directed toward Detroit rather than toward Israel. I have no doubt that you love the people of Detroit and that is your only motive. However, it occurred to me that maybe you were hoping that increased public spending in Detroit might also benefit adjacent areas, say, for example, Canada. Can you prove to me that your sole reason for urging more public spending in Detroit is not contaminated by your desire to also see some spill over value to Canada?

    • Replies: @geokat62

    Can you prove to me that your sole reason for urging more public spending in Detroit is not contaminated by your desire to also see some spill over value to Canada?
    Are you ok. iffen? I'm concerned that you may have hurt yourself with that massive stretch.

    The only word that comes to mind is "disingenuous."

    btw - in true neocon fashion, you're asking me to prove a negative. Remind you of anything (see photo at top)?

  • @iffen
    Good work Sam, I expect this quality from a free-booting capitalist extraordinaire.

    So a very valid question is, “why should banks get away scot-free at the expense of the taxpayer?”

    NO SAM! Why should the "bankers" get away scot-free ( could those Scots be at the root of these problems)?

    At least during the S&L fraud ( I think you are younger, you may have to read some history), some people went to jail. Some of the political sponsors like J. McClain went on to bigger and better things. The "banksters" and their associates got their money, all the way down to tellers who could hardly balance a till getting $100 bonuses for a lead. Sometimes in the millions per year as compensation for the bigs.

    The banksters "knew" what they were doing.

    All the little schmucks did was try to move up in the world, Sam. It's not their fault if they don't understand that just because Chase will lend them 120% of appraised value, it is not a good deal if the economy tanks.

    The "banksters" know this Sam. You know it and I and many other people know it. It is criminal.

    Hey Iffen,
    I tried to convey the crux of the issues as best I could. Why didn’t any bankers go to gaol? Easy. They did not break any laws, at least none that could be proved in a court of law. The laws and regulations were found severely wanting. Of course, many small fries did go behind bars, but no CEOs.

    I remember watching the drama unfold as Lehman went bankrupt, Bear Steans nose-dived next and was purchased by J.P. Morgan with essentially a Fed guarantee to Morgan. Merrill Lynch followed with BoA buying the broker-dealer. What did John Thain (Merrill CEO) do? He appropriated a big slice of the money BoA provided and wrote bonus cheques for himself [$10m if memory serves] and similarly generous ones for the entire top management as well as all employees who weren’t let go! This I had not expected. Learned a great deal, needless to say.

    Of course, I know every little guy was trying to make a buck (why not?) but they did not have the Fed/Treasury to backstop them.

    Moral of the story for me: I am the little guy and am on my own.

    • Replies: @iffen
    I tried to convey the crux of the issues as best I could

    And an excellent report, hence my sincere:

    Good work Sam, I expect this quality

    We look past each other. To use a commonplace from the commenters here; you are describing bugs, I see features.

    The "system" worked the way it was supposed to, and will work again.
  • @geokat62

    I enjoy reading your commentary.
    Thanks, Paul C.

    With regard to 9/11 though, how does your research, through Ryan Mackey or otherwise, explain the symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 in 6 seconds? No steel structure has ever collapsed from fire and NIST’s own conclusion was that the collapse was “progressive” and not symmetrical which is contrary to what the videos show.
    Here's what Ryan Mackey has to say on p. 115 about Sudden Collapse and “Virtually Free-Fall Speed”:

    The NIST timeline above proves that the collapse was not particularly sudden, and also refutes any claim of “virtually free-fall speed.” The timeline demonstrates that 8.2 seconds transpired between the initiating events and the onset of global collapse, making the total collapse time roughly 15 seconds in duration. Dr. Griffin has badly estimated both, and as a result, his argument proceeds from a false premise.
    I attach an image of the NIST timeline for your perusal:

    Why would Larry Silverstein purchase the twin towers, given the billions of dollars worth of liabilities attached to them, because of the need to remediate the asbestos? Is he just dumb? Is it a coincidence that he took out terrorism insurance and netted $4.8 billion?
    This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey's paper.

    I hope you decide to read them and share your thoughts.
    Tell you what Paul C. (and others), I'll commit to reading the rest of CB's book and I hope that you all will commit to reading Ryan Mackey's 306-page paper... and, sometime in the future, we can compare notes.

    I’ve looked at Ryan Mackey’s paper and cannot give him any credence. It reads like the hit job it is against David Ray Griffin. That’s exactly what his report is designed to do, therefore he can’t be seen as objective.

    He’s a NASA research scientist, not a hi-rise building architect or structural engineer. Why does his opinion count? If you really want to explore the science of WTC 7 and Towers 1 & 2, mountains of analysis has been done by 2,800 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth.

    How can we expect an employee of the federal government to corroborate the charge that the gov’t was complicit in the crime? It makes no sense. It’s a complete conflict of interest.

    Mackey’s work is obfuscation. He cites other steel framed structures that have collapsed from fire which are not even comparable. A 1 or 2 story warehouse that burned in 1967 in San Francisco. All you see is a burned building. A oil rig platform that either caught fire or blew up. How do these compare to a modern (WTC 7 was only 16 years old) 47 story steel framed building that caught fire in a few areas and then collapses like a house of cards in 8 seconds.

    His table of contents is not hyperlinked and the 306 pages are in roman numerals making review and analysis of the document very difficult which I presume was purposeful.

    If you really desire to learn the truth, a gov’t paid shill is not the answer. I hope you do read Bollyn’s works, A&E 9/11 Truth and many others that have worked so hard. Sincerely.

    • Replies: @geokat62

    He’s a NASA research scientist, not a hi-rise building architect or structural engineer. Why does his opinion count?
    So you're saying you place more stock in the credentials of DRG over those of a NASA rocket scientist on this topic? And what are DRG's superior credentials:

    David Ray Griffin is a retired American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, and a political writer.
    I respect your having read Ryan Mackey's white paper... and the fact that you have drawn a different conclusion than I have is, of course, your perogative.
    , @NoseytheDuke
    Thank you! Mackey is working on the F35 program, what a joke. Knowing which side your bread is buttered is helpful in holding it "right" side up, except in the case of the towers it's tragic.

    This becomes similar to the JFK assassination in as much as people are able to question logic and construct alternative theories simply by carefully eliminating inconvenient facts that would invalidate the red herrings. Cubans, the mob, accidental SS shot etc, whether in good faith or not, these bozos have done great harm to the cause of justice.

    Geo frequently writes very good posts so, like Chuck, I don't get his reasoning on this. Sorry Geo, but you are an intelligent person so in time it is likely you'll come around to see what is clear to so many others.

    The molten steel remaining molten for over a month is one good indicator. That the steel would have melted in the first place is simply impossible.There is so much more. A & E Truth is a great place to direct any doubters, no fanciful theories, just cold hard facts. Cheers
  • @Sam Shama

    I have been through these arguments before the housing crisis. My lonely position, at the time before the housing crisis, was that housing was overvalued, loans were given to many people who had no means of paying them, and the flipping of houses cannot go on indefinitely because it will eventually out price the market. Now true that does not make me automatically correct on other economic matters, however the pall of financial instability (& irresponsibility) is appearing again, and I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth, as I believe it to exist
    Your position was sound, yet it wasn't lonely; many prominent people, including names like Paulson, were decrying the excesses of the housing markets. Society, all parts, home buyers, home speculators, lenders, regulators, were all caught up in the mania.

    Now here's a bit of data which remains a key insight in debt implosion induced recessions. They are almost without exception of the private sector. In other words, when individuals are allowed to borrow excessively the consequences can be bad, since recourse is limited to assets which form the cornerstones of individual consumption. Banks go after those assets while the central bank and policy setters are caught in a quandary since they know these repossessions will inevitably deal a blow to consumption, and hence jobs and the economy at large.

    Ideally, were it not for moral hazard and laws, the CB could've "bailed out" the consumer and thus decompressed the economy slowly. However, there isn't a legal mechanism to do so. The CB+Treasury can only "bail out" member banks, even that with the approval of Congress. So a very valid question is, "why should banks get away scot-free at the expense of the taxpayer?"

    That answer reduces to a matter of regulation preventing banks from taking excessive risks to line their pockets while looking to the public purse when in distress. The CB could've let these banks go into liquidation, but the thought at the time was such action would lead to widespread chaos and instability. Think of people not being able to access ATMs! So the only options were to stabilise the system by shoring up these SIFIs and introduce legislation which prevents banks from taking trading risks and excessive lending. That is where we are now.

    The larger problem remained. Shrinkage of Private balance sheets led to a recession, which would've led to a depression [25%-50% unemployment with no unemployment insurance] if a counter expansion of balance sheet did not occur in another sector of the economy. In other words, the void left by the consumer needed filling. That is where the Fed+Treasury stepped in with the Public balance sheet. So, while the recovery was anaemic [by construction since Congress was adamant about not unleashing Infrastructure investments] a depression was prevented.

    If you added up all the debt, public (at various govt levels) and private, it is many times our own GDP (or our M2). We are not alone on this internationally.
    Well, yes that is true. [BTW it was greater during the run up to WW2]. So? Debt conjures (correctly) fear in individuals. Of course, if productive capacity is destroyed it should have the same effect at the national level and lead to hyperinflation. I've heard this breathless hyperinflation fear-mongering (and I don't mean from you, joef) since 2009, scratched my head initially then watched the ensuing drama with amusement, for it was crystal clear to me that (a) U.S. total productive capacity was enormous and (b) dwarfed the aggregate Pubic+Private+Corporate debt levels. Weimar this wasn't by any stretch of the imagination (even drug induced :-) ).

    A second point. Debt in itself is solely a method of financing an asset or a project. It really has nothing to do with the intrinsic value or productive capacity of the asset. Whether you buy a car with 100% debt or 0% debt does not change the value of the car. This is simple logic. What debt does do, is change the pattern of contingency and claim over the asset. To that extent a society which finances many of its endeavours with debt is merely saying that equity-based risk takers are fewer and debt issuers are filling the need. That is all. If the assets are of good quality all else is irrelevant. However, if assets decline in quality, or productive capacity depreciates, we have a problem on our hands; something which demands immediate attention. I don't see that for the U.S. What I see is a mismatch in various sectors which leads to greater dispersion of income earning capacities. Which leads to rising inequality of incomes and wealth. That needs to be addressed. Re-education, re-training and perhaps some redistribution via progressive taxation (within limits) and an overhaul of the tax code particularly those parts which enrich private equity operators and oil speculators.

    China itself has problems with warehouses full of overproduction, massive levels of empty housing (surpassing our own housing bubble), Town and Village Enterprises debt with shadow banking, and capital flight. And that is the bad news that the Chinese central govt is willing to share. It is unlikely that they will be able to buy our future T Bills indefinitely, and are more than likely to be the next Japan (the past economic miracle from the 1980s).
    I agree. China is working through these overproduction problems, and mainly by running down its accumulated surpluses which arose as a consequence of keeping an artificially low exchange rate. That is what propelled the Chinese export juggernaut for so many decades and wrecked U.S. manufacturing.

    China, Japan, Germany (EU in general) buying our T-bills is a feature of their deliberate policies to engineer artificially low exchange rates, driving out U.S. competitors in the U.S. market which happens to be the largest in the world! They are NOT buying those T-Bills because they love us or they are "bailing us out". In fact, they are bailing themselves out by manipulating their way into selling at artificially cheap prices in U.S. markets! That is precisely what Donald Trump kept talking about.

    So, again, those T-Bills appearing on their balance sheets are an accounting consequence of their selling products to us. We get iPhones, they get the Bills. What do they do with those Bills? Presumably, buy U.S. goods and services. If they don't, T-Bills sit in their accounts at the Fed. Until they need to sell them to shore up capital flights out of their own economies. I had predicted this two years ago (?) and written as much on UR (I'll find it).

    You have to realise that the U.S. is a unique entity in the history of human economic endeavour. No nation has come close to matching her endowments. Ever. If we are showing signs of nervousness and disrepair, it is an all too familiar story in the history of U.S., which swings between trepidation and excessive bravado. We've got to pull ourselves by our britches, allow the POTUS to go ahead with his agenda and get us back on track.

    Politically we are not making any real efforts to pay down this massive debt. So between poor fiscal policy of debt, and monetary policy of fractional reserve banking at 3% (plus an over speculated stock market encouraged by low interest rates), I am sorry but its starting to resemble a Ponzi scheme to me.
    Now a lot of fancy intellectual language can be used to deny this, but I heard the same fancy intellectual language to obscure the housing bubble. The problem I have with much of what passes for intellectualism/academia, and MSM reporting, is that it falls into clever sophistry, to avoid facing unpalatable problem
    Political gridlock is stifling, I agree. That needs to change and I thought it would under this new administration. We shall see. It is early in the game. Fractional reserve banking is here to stay. Every modern economy requires it. without it, economic activity would halt. I mean it would come to a screeching halt, for we could only invest with what we've saved in any period. Rough estimates, our economy and the global economy as a consequence would probably be halved. That won't do at all, will it?

    Like I said before if I am wrong, that will be shown. When will that be, I do not know because it is impossible to time when economic bubbles burst. Unfortunately, this is not the housing bubble where I can convince people not to invest into a craze. But if I am correct, this will eventually affect us all.
    As I said earlier I've been waiting for that hyperinflation predicted by the likes of Zero Hedge since 2009. Still waiting. I don't see a bubble in the bond markets. Corporate bond markets are witnessing a higher than average level of defaults, but they seem to be well in hand. That is the worst I see. The reason the Fed won't raise the short rate too rapidly has to do with the Feds desire not to flatten the term structure of rates, which will lead to a deliberate slowdown of the nascent recovery we are experiencing now.

    Sorry, I tried to write as straightforwardly as possible but wrote far more than I expected to.

    Good work Sam, I expect this quality from a free-booting capitalist extraordinaire.

    So a very valid question is, “why should banks get away scot-free at the expense of the taxpayer?”

    NO SAM! Why should the “bankers” get away scot-free ( could those Scots be at the root of these problems)?

    At least during the S&L fraud ( I think you are younger, you may have to read some history), some people went to jail. Some of the political sponsors like J. McClain went on to bigger and better things. The “banksters” and their associates got their money, all the way down to tellers who could hardly balance a till getting $100 bonuses for a lead. Sometimes in the millions per year as compensation for the bigs.

    The banksters “knew” what they were doing.

    All the little schmucks did was try to move up in the world, Sam. It’s not their fault if they don’t understand that just because Chase will lend them 120% of appraised value, it is not a good deal if the economy tanks.

    The “banksters” know this Sam. You know it and I and many other people know it. It is criminal.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    Hey Iffen,
    I tried to convey the crux of the issues as best I could. Why didn't any bankers go to gaol? Easy. They did not break any laws, at least none that could be proved in a court of law. The laws and regulations were found severely wanting. Of course, many small fries did go behind bars, but no CEOs.

    I remember watching the drama unfold as Lehman went bankrupt, Bear Steans nose-dived next and was purchased by J.P. Morgan with essentially a Fed guarantee to Morgan. Merrill Lynch followed with BoA buying the broker-dealer. What did John Thain (Merrill CEO) do? He appropriated a big slice of the money BoA provided and wrote bonus cheques for himself [$10m if memory serves] and similarly generous ones for the entire top management as well as all employees who weren't let go! This I had not expected. Learned a great deal, needless to say.

    Of course, I know every little guy was trying to make a buck (why not?) but they did not have the Fed/Treasury to backstop them.

    Moral of the story for me: I am the little guy and am on my own.

  • @Chuck Orloski
    "... but at least he (geokat) does a good job exposing Hasbara jokers here."

    Hey L.K.,

    I am making comments on P.G.'e new "AIPAC" work.

    Moments ago, I returned here and I am glad I did.

    geokat62's smart, has a conscience, and he does expose "Hasbara jokers & The Lobby" & his doing so is a big plus!

    What's more, he is Canadian and I really have no clue about the government heat he could get were he to speak & write openly about 9-11.

    Maybe geo has a wife who fears "blowback" for his espousing the truth? Does Canada have and I.R.S. system where he could get audited & financially pummeled? Where does he work... could he get hurt there for his political thought? One thing is that I know I am not in geokat's shoes.

    So it's hard for me to say he's "intellectually dishonest" and hopefully such is not the case.

    At any rate, geokat is doing battle at Mr. Giraldi's new article. I trust you will appear there soon, and the three of us will smoke-the-peace-pipe before the Hasbaras get an edge?

    They are very disgusting but they stick together.

    Take care and thank you!

    Maybe geo has a wife who fears “blowback” for his espousing the truth?

    You must have missed iffen’s comment, Chuck. I’m supposedly an ambidextrous multitasker, remember, so unlike you macho men, I have no wife to pussywhip me should I boldly venture to speak the truth. You see, I’m free as a bird to speak my mind, notwithstanding the fact that I’m a Canada goose. btw – I must commend you in bringing family members into the conversation… shows a real touch of class.

    No, Chuck, fear has nothing to do with my refusal to embrace the controlled demolition hypothesis. Ryan Mackey’s 306-page white paper has everything to do with it. You guys should give it an objective read before attacking another person for being intellectually dishonest. But I guess that would require… I don’t know, intellectual honesty?

    • Replies: @iffen

    I think that what the Woodchuck is doing is perfectly normal. He is trying to divide everyone up into "sides." I do it myself. I think everyone does it. I only have one pet theory and it is that what makes us human and what made us human is the desire and ability to "choose up sides." He is on your side and he wants you on his, but you keep throwing up this one refusal and it is causing him a bit of heartburn.

    In a recent exchange with Sam, you said that he accused you of being a racist. He didn't address this. That said, I read your comments and his and I don't remember him accusing you of racism.

    We have exchanged questions in the past to my satisfaction so I have a new one for you and will try to reciprocate.

    You frequently and tirelessly mention your desire that US public spending be directed toward Detroit rather than toward Israel. I have no doubt that you love the people of Detroit and that is your only motive. However, it occurred to me that maybe you were hoping that increased public spending in Detroit might also benefit adjacent areas, say, for example, Canada. Can you prove to me that your sole reason for urging more public spending in Detroit is not contaminated by your desire to also see some spill over value to Canada?

  • @L.K
    Hey Chuck,

    you wrote: "At best geokat62 is a “masochist” and digs being technically misled There are smart people like that! At worst, he can not handle books like Christopher Bollyn’s “Solving 9-11″'.

    That's right. To put it bluntly, as I once stated to geokat, when it comes to 9-11, the lad is just simply intellectually dishonest. It's as simple as that!
    But at least he does a good job exposing the Hasbara jokers here and provides very good criticism of the lobby.
    Take care

    “… but at least he (geokat) does a good job exposing Hasbara jokers here.”

    Hey L.K.,

    I am making comments on P.G.’e new “AIPAC” work.

    Moments ago, I returned here and I am glad I did.

    geokat62’s smart, has a conscience, and he does expose “Hasbara jokers & The Lobby” & his doing so is a big plus!

    What’s more, he is Canadian and I really have no clue about the government heat he could get were he to speak & write openly about 9-11.

    Maybe geo has a wife who fears “blowback” for his espousing the truth? Does Canada have and I.R.S. system where he could get audited & financially pummeled? Where does he work… could he get hurt there for his political thought? One thing is that I know I am not in geokat’s shoes.

    So it’s hard for me to say he’s “intellectually dishonest” and hopefully such is not the case.

    At any rate, geokat is doing battle at Mr. Giraldi’s new article. I trust you will appear there soon, and the three of us will smoke-the-peace-pipe before the Hasbaras get an edge?

    They are very disgusting but they stick together.

    Take care and thank you!

    • Replies: @geokat62

    Maybe geo has a wife who fears “blowback” for his espousing the truth?
    You must have missed iffen's comment, Chuck. I'm supposedly an ambidextrous multitasker, remember, so unlike you macho men, I have no wife to pussywhip me should I boldly venture to speak the truth. You see, I'm free as a bird to speak my mind, notwithstanding the fact that I'm a Canada goose. btw - I must commend you in bringing family members into the conversation... shows a real touch of class.

    No, Chuck, fear has nothing to do with my refusal to embrace the controlled demolition hypothesis. Ryan Mackey's 306-page white paper has everything to do with it. You guys should give it an objective read before attacking another person for being intellectually dishonest. But I guess that would require... I don't know, intellectual honesty?

  • @Chuck Orloski
    "100 angles to the 9-11 story that don't add up."

    Hey L.K.

    I well understand the reality of your sentence, above!

    "Mackey's a snake oil salesman with credentials" -- & geokat62's taken in by such "factual distortions," "propagandist techniques," and "logical fallacies."

    Full disclosure, L.K.:

    As George recommended, I realize there's a time & place for my reading of Mackey's 300 page technical argument. For twenty two years, I worked for a private environmental service company and I authored an almost uncountable number of Technical Service Reports that were bound for officials @ The PA Department of Environmental Protection.

    In short, I was not "up for" reading Mackey's "technical" work, because like my service reports, Mackey's memorandum went directly into a regulatory "black hole" where government bureaucrats reviewed it, & made judgement which fit into the pre-fabricated illusion of American having a "clean" & honest government who want nothing more than to keep citizens safe, under control.

    At best geokat62 is a "masochist" and digs being technically misled There are smart people like that! At worst, he can not handle books like Christopher Bollyn's "Solving 9-11" much like late-60's technocrats who preferred to not read Vince Bugliosi's book that described evil, "Helter Skelter."

    Technical "memorandums" are technical by design. In my technical report writing "career," I could never make mention of a total (evil) prick's having deliberately punctured a tractor-trailer's fuel saddle tanks, & causing a spill into soil & water which generated >$50,000 in cleanup revenue.

    In "Solving 9-11," Mr. Bollyn set no bureaucratic limitations on himself. C.B. used New Testament quotes, for one example, a Christian's duty to "expose evil." He had no qualms whatsoever about letting the evidence take him where it needed to go. With skill and conscience, Mr. Bollyn zeroed in on gross Israeli immoral & criminal activity!

    A good beating by a goon squad failed to stop him from exposing Arnon Milchan's success at muzzling Corporate Media news reports. Frankly, I find it incredible how C.B. survived the beating.

    Such incompletion of a very important murderous assignment makes me ask, "why?"
    For some weird reason, L.K., was Mr Bollyn allowed to live & record his harmful research findings? uh... I am a veteran of having watched TV's "The X-Files" and the show alaways starts with the warning, "Trust No One." As you know, "The Lone Gunman" episode evolved from out of The X-Files.

    L.K. -- you have a much longer track record in dealing with George than I. Impossible for me to conclude he's so bonkers as to eat shit and think it's "strawberries."

    I sincerely believe geo's like millions of others in our intimidated world who posts rather daring "comments" onto Blogs, but with a deliberately "forked tongue" when their teeth comes into contact with Israeli mass peddling of unclean meat.

    His compulsion to act "informed" here at Unz Review is noble, but in such cases, "evildoers" always get a free pass to an escape hatch. Imposition of FEAR is a top global-Zionist ADVANTAGE to never surrender, but the Good News is that overcoming FEAR for them is also the technical way by which "martyrs" for the truth are made!

    Thanks, I am going to P.G.s new AI(rat)PAC article. .

    Hey Chuck,

    you wrote: “At best geokat62 is a “masochist” and digs being technically misled There are smart people like that! At worst, he can not handle books like Christopher Bollyn’s “Solving 9-11″’.

    That’s right. To put it bluntly, as I once stated to geokat, when it comes to 9-11, the lad is just simply intellectually dishonest. It’s as simple as that!
    But at least he does a good job exposing the Hasbara jokers here and provides very good criticism of the lobby.
    Take care

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    "... but at least he (geokat) does a good job exposing Hasbara jokers here."

    Hey L.K.,

    I am making comments on P.G.'e new "AIPAC" work.

    Moments ago, I returned here and I am glad I did.

    geokat62's smart, has a conscience, and he does expose "Hasbara jokers & The Lobby" & his doing so is a big plus!

    What's more, he is Canadian and I really have no clue about the government heat he could get were he to speak & write openly about 9-11.

    Maybe geo has a wife who fears "blowback" for his espousing the truth? Does Canada have and I.R.S. system where he could get audited & financially pummeled? Where does he work... could he get hurt there for his political thought? One thing is that I know I am not in geokat's shoes.

    So it's hard for me to say he's "intellectually dishonest" and hopefully such is not the case.

    At any rate, geokat is doing battle at Mr. Giraldi's new article. I trust you will appear there soon, and the three of us will smoke-the-peace-pipe before the Hasbaras get an edge?

    They are very disgusting but they stick together.

    Take care and thank you!
  • @joef
    I have been through these arguments before the housing crisis. My lonely position, at the time before the housing crisis, was that housing was overvalued, loans were given to many people who had no means of paying them, and the flipping of houses cannot go on indefinitely because it will eventually out price the market. Now true that does not make me automatically correct on other economic matters, however the pall of financial instability (& irresponsibility) is appearing again, and I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth, as I believe it to exist.

    If you added up all the debt, public (at various govt levels) and private, it is many times our own GDP (or our M2). We are not alone on this internationally. This information is easily verifiable by mainstream sources (The Economist magazine is one). China itself has problems with warehouses full of overproduction, massive levels of empty housing (surpassing our own housing bubble), Town and Village Enterprises debt with shadow banking, and capital flight. And that is the bad news that the Chinese central govt is willing to share. It is unlikely that they will be able to buy our future T Bills indefinitely, and are more than likely to be the next Japan (the past economic miracle from the 1980s).

    Politically we are not making any real efforts to pay down this massive debt. So between poor fiscal policy of debt, and monetary policy of fractional reserve banking at 3% (plus an over speculated stock market encouraged by low interest rates), I am sorry but its starting to resemble a Ponzi scheme to me.
    Now a lot of fancy intellectual language can be used to deny this, but I heard the same fancy intellectual language to obscure the housing bubble. The problem I have with much of what passes for intellectualism/academia, and MSM reporting, is that it falls into clever sophistry, to avoid facing unpalatable problems.

    Like I said before, if I am wrong, that will be shown. When will that be, I do not know because it is impossible to time when economic bubbles burst. Unfortunately this is not the housing bubble where I can convince people not to invest into a craze. But if I am correct, this will eventually affect us all.

    I have been through these arguments before the housing crisis. My lonely position, at the time before the housing crisis, was that housing was overvalued, loans were given to many people who had no means of paying them, and the flipping of houses cannot go on indefinitely because it will eventually out price the market. Now true that does not make me automatically correct on other economic matters, however the pall of financial instability (& irresponsibility) is appearing again, and I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth, as I believe it to exist

    Your position was sound, yet it wasn’t lonely; many prominent people, including names like Paulson, were decrying the excesses of the housing markets. Society, all parts, home buyers, home speculators, lenders, regulators, were all caught up in the mania.

    Now here’s a bit of data which remains a key insight in debt implosion induced recessions. They are almost without exception of the private sector. In other words, when individuals are allowed to borrow excessively the consequences can be bad, since recourse is limited to assets which form the cornerstones of individual consumption. Banks go after those assets while the central bank and policy setters are caught in a quandary since they know these repossessions will inevitably deal a blow to consumption, and hence jobs and the economy at large.

    Ideally, were it not for moral hazard and laws, the CB could’ve “bailed out” the consumer and thus decompressed the economy slowly. However, there isn’t a legal mechanism to do so. The CB+Treasury can only “bail out” member banks, even that with the approval of Congress. So a very valid question is, “why should banks get away scot-free at the expense of the taxpayer?”

    That answer reduces to a matter of regulation preventing banks from taking excessive risks to line their pockets while looking to the public purse when in distress. The CB could’ve let these banks go into liquidation, but the thought at the time was such action would lead to widespread chaos and instability. Think of people not being able to access ATMs! So the only options were to stabilise the system by shoring up these SIFIs and introduce legislation which prevents banks from taking trading risks and excessive lending. That is where we are now.

    The larger problem remained. Shrinkage of Private balance sheets led to a recession, which would’ve led to a depression [25%-50% unemployment with no unemployment insurance] if a counter expansion of balance sheet did not occur in another sector of the economy. In other words, the void left by the consumer needed filling. That is where the Fed+Treasury stepped in with the Public balance sheet. So, while the recovery was anaemic [by construction since Congress was adamant about not unleashing Infrastructure investments] a depression was prevented.

    If you added up all the debt, public (at various govt levels) and private, it is many times our own GDP (or our M2). We are not alone on this internationally.

    Well, yes that is true. [BTW it was greater during the run up to WW2]. So? Debt conjures (correctly) fear in individuals. Of course, if productive capacity is destroyed it should have the same effect at the national level and lead to hyperinflation. I’ve heard this breathless hyperinflation fear-mongering (and I don’t mean from you, joef) since 2009, scratched my head initially then watched the ensuing drama with amusement, for it was crystal clear to me that (a) U.S. total productive capacity was enormous and (b) dwarfed the aggregate Pubic+Private+Corporate debt levels. Weimar this wasn’t by any stretch of the imagination (even drug induced 🙂 ).

    A second point. Debt in itself is solely a method of financing an asset or a project. It really has nothing to do with the intrinsic value or productive capacity of the asset. Whether you buy a car with 100% debt or 0% debt does not change the value of the car. This is simple logic. What debt does do, is change the pattern of contingency and claim over the asset. To that extent a society which finances many of its endeavours with debt is merely saying that equity-based risk takers are fewer and debt issuers are filling the need. That is all. If the assets are of good quality all else is irrelevant. However, if assets decline in quality, or productive capacity depreciates, we have a problem on our hands; something which demands immediate attention. I don’t see that for the U.S. What I see is a mismatch in various sectors which leads to greater dispersion of income earning capacities. Which leads to rising inequality of incomes and wealth. That needs to be addressed. Re-education, re-training and perhaps some redistribution via progressive taxation (within limits) and an overhaul of the tax code particularly those parts which enrich private equity operators and oil speculators.

    China itself has problems with warehouses full of overproduction, massive levels of empty housing (surpassing our own housing bubble), Town and Village Enterprises debt with shadow banking, and capital flight. And that is the bad news that the Chinese central govt is willing to share. It is unlikely that they will be able to buy our future T Bills indefinitely, and are more than likely to be the next Japan (the past economic miracle from the 1980s).

    I agree. China is working through these overproduction problems, and mainly by running down its accumulated surpluses which arose as a consequence of keeping an artificially low exchange rate. That is what propelled the Chinese export juggernaut for so many decades and wrecked U.S. manufacturing.

    China, Japan, Germany (EU in general) buying our T-bills is a feature of their deliberate policies to engineer artificially low exchange rates, driving out U.S. competitors in the U.S. market which happens to be the largest in the world! They are NOT buying those T-Bills because they love us or they are “bailing us out”. In fact, they are bailing themselves out by manipulating their way into selling at artificially cheap prices in U.S. markets! That is precisely what Donald Trump kept talking about.

    So, again, those T-Bills appearing on their balance sheets are an accounting consequence of their selling products to us. We get iPhones, they get the Bills. What do they do with those Bills? Presumably, buy U.S. goods and services. If they don’t, T-Bills sit in their accounts at the Fed. Until they need to sell them to shore up capital flights out of their own economies. I had predicted this two years ago (?) and written as much on UR (I’ll find it).

    You have to realise that the U.S. is a unique entity in the history of human economic endeavour. No nation has come close to matching her endowments. Ever. If we are showing signs of nervousness and disrepair, it is an all too familiar story in the history of U.S., which swings between trepidation and excessive bravado. We’ve got to pull ourselves by our britches, allow the POTUS to go ahead with his agenda and get us back on track.


    Politically we are not making any real efforts to pay down this massive debt. So between poor fiscal policy of debt, and monetary policy of fractional reserve banking at 3% (plus an over speculated stock market encouraged by low interest rates), I am sorry but its starting to resemble a Ponzi scheme to me.
    Now a lot of fancy intellectual language can be used to deny this, but I heard the same fancy intellectual language to obscure the housing bubble. The problem I have with much of what passes for intellectualism/academia, and MSM reporting, is that it falls into clever sophistry, to avoid facing unpalatable problem

    Political gridlock is stifling, I agree. That needs to change and I thought it would under this new administration. We shall see. It is early in the game. Fractional reserve banking is here to stay. Every modern economy requires it. without it, economic activity would halt. I mean it would come to a screeching halt, for we could only invest with what we’ve saved in any period. Rough estimates, our economy and the global economy as a consequence would probably be halved. That won’t do at all, will it?

    Like I said before if I am wrong, that will be shown. When will that be, I do not know because it is impossible to time when economic bubbles burst. Unfortunately, this is not the housing bubble where I can convince people not to invest into a craze. But if I am correct, this will eventually affect us all.

    As I said earlier I’ve been waiting for that hyperinflation predicted by the likes of Zero Hedge since 2009. Still waiting. I don’t see a bubble in the bond markets. Corporate bond markets are witnessing a higher than average level of defaults, but they seem to be well in hand. That is the worst I see. The reason the Fed won’t raise the short rate too rapidly has to do with the Feds desire not to flatten the term structure of rates, which will lead to a deliberate slowdown of the nascent recovery we are experiencing now.

    Sorry, I tried to write as straightforwardly as possible but wrote far more than I expected to.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @iffen
    Good work Sam, I expect this quality from a free-booting capitalist extraordinaire.

    So a very valid question is, “why should banks get away scot-free at the expense of the taxpayer?”

    NO SAM! Why should the "bankers" get away scot-free ( could those Scots be at the root of these problems)?

    At least during the S&L fraud ( I think you are younger, you may have to read some history), some people went to jail. Some of the political sponsors like J. McClain went on to bigger and better things. The "banksters" and their associates got their money, all the way down to tellers who could hardly balance a till getting $100 bonuses for a lead. Sometimes in the millions per year as compensation for the bigs.

    The banksters "knew" what they were doing.

    All the little schmucks did was try to move up in the world, Sam. It's not their fault if they don't understand that just because Chase will lend them 120% of appraised value, it is not a good deal if the economy tanks.

    The "banksters" know this Sam. You know it and I and many other people know it. It is criminal.

    , @joef
    I am impressed with your gift for language, and your response. However, I am a little perplexed with the assertion that debt matters to private entities, but does not matter to government institutions. As if there was some immutable law in the universe that prevents such a thing from happening. Yet governments have gone default throughout history in defiance of this belief.
    I am a big believer in Occam’s Razor because the more complicated an explanation that is needed to explain the affairs of mankind, the more likely it is a flawed.

    We have been pursuing our half Keynesian approach of raising taxes in good times or bad (whereas Keynes wanted lower taxes during economic slowdowns) and high government spending in good times or bad (where Keynes wanted govt spending to return to manageable levels once a economic crisis is over). I am afraid that the political elite are quite worried that after roughly 50 years of this policy, the economy has been majorly damaged, and instead of confronting it, they pretend it does not exist.

    It reminds me when the free traders say that globalism will benefit everyone through comparative advantage. However, when you point our the low employment participation rate, and trade deficit, as indications that comparative advantage is not exactly working as expected, they say that those things do not matter [But the GDP is measured by the Consumption + Investment + Government Expenditure + Net Exports (NX): If it really doesn’t matter, why measure the NX??]. It’s funny how the academics say something does not matter as soon as it interferes with their problematic theory.

    Debt is fundamentally the borrowing from the future, either by future earnings for private/personal debt, or future generations in regards to govt debt. In addition, there is an expectation that Private/personal debt is paid within a borrower’s lifetime, whereas govt debt can be carried forward to future generations lifetimes, constantly being devalued by inflation (which even at 2% reported, will be devalued by half in 36 years).

    Government can handle debt is various ways which includes taxing more/ borrowing more/ printing more fiat money/ devaluing the debt through inflation/ make the debt easier to service through low interest rates/ or defaulting on it.
    Just as our fiat money depends on trust, so do loans depend on the trust that it will be paid back; otherwise the lenders would discontinue lending money.

    Now it is true that WW2 had a debt to GDP ratio similar to what we have today. However back then we didn’t get there through business as usual. We got there by a Great Depression followed by the biggest war episode in history. After that we actually made real efforts to reduce it in the subsequent 20 years.

    Now as far as a car keeping its intrinsic store of value, despite what is owed on it, is true, and is true for most tangibles/commodities. Even if money did not exist we could barter it. However we all know that bartering is inefficient because it depends on the double coincidence of wants. Thus we developed money for a system of efficient transactions. This system operates on the reliance that money will always fulfill its three main basic functions: as a store in value, a medium of exchange, and unit of account. Money generally represents units of labor, resources, and finished products, and allows these items to be exchanged efficiently in the economy.

    Now the assertion that what is owed on the car does not change the value of the car, does not mean it does not affect the manufacturer. A manufacturer sole purpose for producing a car is to sell it so he can receive money to participate in other aspects of the economy. He cannot bring the car to the supermarket with the expectation that he can make an efficient exchange for food. Thus money is needed for that transaction, and the selling of such vehicle depends on the receiving of money. Further his primary purpose is not to repossess cars back because essentially he is producing cars for the purpose of obtaining money, and does not need the car, but needs the money.

    If the manufacturer were not getting paid for his product (cars) he would eventually have to stop production. Simplistically he produces cars for money, not for there own sake. The ability of a buyer to purchase such cars depends on banking to make loans in order to eventually transfer those funds to the car manufacturer. If these loans were not getting paid back on a large scale, the banks would stop lending, the buying would stop, and the manufacturer will not produce what he cannot sell. He would eventually go out of business. The final result is that the unpaid loans does not affect the intrinsic value of the car, it affects the ability of the manufacturer to produce them. A situation of unpaid loans cannot go on indefinitely.

    Having a very powerful command of language in it self does not supersede reality. Lawyers do this, and in the courtroom the ability to use convincing clever arguments are used in lieu of the truth. Unfortunately I find this same sophist techniques used in the realm of social sciences as well, which ignores unwanted data. It’s like an unscrupulous used car salesman who sells an ignorant buyer a junk car by convincing him that it’s a great investment (note: cars are not investments, they are depreciable assets).

    I have no vested interest in being right (or wrong) on this. Like the stoics of old, I will adapt to whatever comes, despite my preferences. Unfortunately you seem to be ego invested in the outcome, which can lead to self deception. I must admit my own bias which is that I believe in the strong possibility that Malthus may not have been wrong, but only delayed. Money represents the byproducts of capital and labor, therefore are finite resource by definition. Yet our modern politicians treat it as something that can be infinitely created, while still representing finite resources. That is mathematically impossible, and math does not lie.

    In re: fractional reserve banking, I agree it is a useful tool, but not at 3% reserves of current monetary policy. As far as timing of economic crashes, I agree they are impossible to be timed. Some of the people who tried to time the crash of the dot com bubble and housing bubble were mostly wrong too, yet they did eventually crash. I wish you luck, and if you are right it will be better for all economic actors. Unfortunately I believe you to be wrong on this one.
    Thank you for you correspondence.
  • @NoseytheDuke
    It'll be a long wait as I have no interest in any exchange with a shameless LIAR such as yourself.

    Once anyone lies to me they are done, as in finished with. YOU not only lied but you shamelessly re-wrote a comment I had made so that it read to mean the very opposite of what I had written, and then had the shameless audacity to ridicule me for making a quote that you had made yourself and then attributed it to me, remember? The evidence can be found on this very website.

    So you can work it with your fragrant (odorous), flowery, compost bedded verbal bouquets of hasbara nonsense and from what I read here quite a few others are getting a sense of the value of your comments too. There's nothing in them just like the person who wrote them.

    I would have thought a clever person like yourself would at least be smart enough not to lie in a manner that could be so easily exposed but I concede I was quite wrong.

    Fine. As I expected…….

  • @Sam Shama
    Anything you wish to write that has any bearing on the economics of Debt, the subject I was commenting on? Or is it all innuendo and nonsense?

    Write something which might provide a different understanding from the one I offered and I will respond with logic and fact.

    I'll wait.

    It’ll be a long wait as I have no interest in any exchange with a shameless LIAR such as yourself.

    Once anyone lies to me they are done, as in finished with. YOU not only lied but you shamelessly re-wrote a comment I had made so that it read to mean the very opposite of what I had written, and then had the shameless audacity to ridicule me for making a quote that you had made yourself and then attributed it to me, remember? The evidence can be found on this very website.

    So you can work it with your fragrant (odorous), flowery, compost bedded verbal bouquets of hasbara nonsense and from what I read here quite a few others are getting a sense of the value of your comments too. There’s nothing in them just like the person who wrote them.

    I would have thought a clever person like yourself would at least be smart enough not to lie in a manner that could be so easily exposed but I concede I was quite wrong.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    Fine. As I expected.......
  • @Sam Shama

    I know Krugman says debt does not matter, but if that was really the case, why not just recommend that everyone just barrow maximum amounts from their pensions, without paying it back, and see whats left in the end… That is what we are doing on a national level (as well as internationally)…
    It late and I shall write a fuller reply in due course, but I did not engage in any ad hominem. I may have been caustic in my reply (my apologies) but nothing aimed at your person.

    You misunderstood Krugman. Furthermore, for the moment the above highlighted portion contains an idea which is fatally flawed for the reason of a Fallacy of Composition. Which basically shows that what is true for the individual is untrue at the Aggregate level.

    You made a specific assertion regarding the U.S. federal debt levels being unserviceable. That was the singular point on which the data from St. Louis Fed had an acute and unassailable bearing. I can easily parse the rest of your post, keeping in mind the bigger picture as you put it, but it won't affect the specificities of debt service.

    If I sound harsh I don't mean to. I've battled this misconception far too many times on these pages including with nitwits like NoseytheDuke who seems to prefer to stay inside the box he's created for himself in blissful ignorance.

    More later.....

    I have been through these arguments before the housing crisis. My lonely position, at the time before the housing crisis, was that housing was overvalued, loans were given to many people who had no means of paying them, and the flipping of houses cannot go on indefinitely because it will eventually out price the market. Now true that does not make me automatically correct on other economic matters, however the pall of financial instability (& irresponsibility) is appearing again, and I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth, as I believe it to exist.

    If you added up all the debt, public (at various govt levels) and private, it is many times our own GDP (or our M2). We are not alone on this internationally. This information is easily verifiable by mainstream sources (The Economist magazine is one). China itself has problems with warehouses full of overproduction, massive levels of empty housing (surpassing our own housing bubble), Town and Village Enterprises debt with shadow banking, and capital flight. And that is the bad news that the Chinese central govt is willing to share. It is unlikely that they will be able to buy our future T Bills indefinitely, and are more than likely to be the next Japan (the past economic miracle from the 1980s).

    Politically we are not making any real efforts to pay down this massive debt. So between poor fiscal policy of debt, and monetary policy of fractional reserve banking at 3% (plus an over speculated stock market encouraged by low interest rates), I am sorry but its starting to resemble a Ponzi scheme to me.
    Now a lot of fancy intellectual language can be used to deny this, but I heard the same fancy intellectual language to obscure the housing bubble. The problem I have with much of what passes for intellectualism/academia, and MSM reporting, is that it falls into clever sophistry, to avoid facing unpalatable problems.

    Like I said before, if I am wrong, that will be shown. When will that be, I do not know because it is impossible to time when economic bubbles burst. Unfortunately this is not the housing bubble where I can convince people not to invest into a craze. But if I am correct, this will eventually affect us all.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama

    I have been through these arguments before the housing crisis. My lonely position, at the time before the housing crisis, was that housing was overvalued, loans were given to many people who had no means of paying them, and the flipping of houses cannot go on indefinitely because it will eventually out price the market. Now true that does not make me automatically correct on other economic matters, however the pall of financial instability (& irresponsibility) is appearing again, and I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth, as I believe it to exist
    Your position was sound, yet it wasn't lonely; many prominent people, including names like Paulson, were decrying the excesses of the housing markets. Society, all parts, home buyers, home speculators, lenders, regulators, were all caught up in the mania.

    Now here's a bit of data which remains a key insight in debt implosion induced recessions. They are almost without exception of the private sector. In other words, when individuals are allowed to borrow excessively the consequences can be bad, since recourse is limited to assets which form the cornerstones of individual consumption. Banks go after those assets while the central bank and policy setters are caught in a quandary since they know these repossessions will inevitably deal a blow to consumption, and hence jobs and the economy at large.

    Ideally, were it not for moral hazard and laws, the CB could've "bailed out" the consumer and thus decompressed the economy slowly. However, there isn't a legal mechanism to do so. The CB+Treasury can only "bail out" member banks, even that with the approval of Congress. So a very valid question is, "why should banks get away scot-free at the expense of the taxpayer?"

    That answer reduces to a matter of regulation preventing banks from taking excessive risks to line their pockets while looking to the public purse when in distress. The CB could've let these banks go into liquidation, but the thought at the time was such action would lead to widespread chaos and instability. Think of people not being able to access ATMs! So the only options were to stabilise the system by shoring up these SIFIs and introduce legislation which prevents banks from taking trading risks and excessive lending. That is where we are now.

    The larger problem remained. Shrinkage of Private balance sheets led to a recession, which would've led to a depression [25%-50% unemployment with no unemployment insurance] if a counter expansion of balance sheet did not occur in another sector of the economy. In other words, the void left by the consumer needed filling. That is where the Fed+Treasury stepped in with the Public balance sheet. So, while the recovery was anaemic [by construction since Congress was adamant about not unleashing Infrastructure investments] a depression was prevented.

    If you added up all the debt, public (at various govt levels) and private, it is many times our own GDP (or our M2). We are not alone on this internationally.
    Well, yes that is true. [BTW it was greater during the run up to WW2]. So? Debt conjures (correctly) fear in individuals. Of course, if productive capacity is destroyed it should have the same effect at the national level and lead to hyperinflation. I've heard this breathless hyperinflation fear-mongering (and I don't mean from you, joef) since 2009, scratched my head initially then watched the ensuing drama with amusement, for it was crystal clear to me that (a) U.S. total productive capacity was enormous and (b) dwarfed the aggregate Pubic+Private+Corporate debt levels. Weimar this wasn't by any stretch of the imagination (even drug induced :-) ).

    A second point. Debt in itself is solely a method of financing an asset or a project. It really has nothing to do with the intrinsic value or productive capacity of the asset. Whether you buy a car with 100% debt or 0% debt does not change the value of the car. This is simple logic. What debt does do, is change the pattern of contingency and claim over the asset. To that extent a society which finances many of its endeavours with debt is merely saying that equity-based risk takers are fewer and debt issuers are filling the need. That is all. If the assets are of good quality all else is irrelevant. However, if assets decline in quality, or productive capacity depreciates, we have a problem on our hands; something which demands immediate attention. I don't see that for the U.S. What I see is a mismatch in various sectors which leads to greater dispersion of income earning capacities. Which leads to rising inequality of incomes and wealth. That needs to be addressed. Re-education, re-training and perhaps some redistribution via progressive taxation (within limits) and an overhaul of the tax code particularly those parts which enrich private equity operators and oil speculators.

    China itself has problems with warehouses full of overproduction, massive levels of empty housing (surpassing our own housing bubble), Town and Village Enterprises debt with shadow banking, and capital flight. And that is the bad news that the Chinese central govt is willing to share. It is unlikely that they will be able to buy our future T Bills indefinitely, and are more than likely to be the next Japan (the past economic miracle from the 1980s).
    I agree. China is working through these overproduction problems, and mainly by running down its accumulated surpluses which arose as a consequence of keeping an artificially low exchange rate. That is what propelled the Chinese export juggernaut for so many decades and wrecked U.S. manufacturing.

    China, Japan, Germany (EU in general) buying our T-bills is a feature of their deliberate policies to engineer artificially low exchange rates, driving out U.S. competitors in the U.S. market which happens to be the largest in the world! They are NOT buying those T-Bills because they love us or they are "bailing us out". In fact, they are bailing themselves out by manipulating their way into selling at artificially cheap prices in U.S. markets! That is precisely what Donald Trump kept talking about.

    So, again, those T-Bills appearing on their balance sheets are an accounting consequence of their selling products to us. We get iPhones, they get the Bills. What do they do with those Bills? Presumably, buy U.S. goods and services. If they don't, T-Bills sit in their accounts at the Fed. Until they need to sell them to shore up capital flights out of their own economies. I had predicted this two years ago (?) and written as much on UR (I'll find it).

    You have to realise that the U.S. is a unique entity in the history of human economic endeavour. No nation has come close to matching her endowments. Ever. If we are showing signs of nervousness and disrepair, it is an all too familiar story in the history of U.S., which swings between trepidation and excessive bravado. We've got to pull ourselves by our britches, allow the POTUS to go ahead with his agenda and get us back on track.

    Politically we are not making any real efforts to pay down this massive debt. So between poor fiscal policy of debt, and monetary policy of fractional reserve banking at 3% (plus an over speculated stock market encouraged by low interest rates), I am sorry but its starting to resemble a Ponzi scheme to me.
    Now a lot of fancy intellectual language can be used to deny this, but I heard the same fancy intellectual language to obscure the housing bubble. The problem I have with much of what passes for intellectualism/academia, and MSM reporting, is that it falls into clever sophistry, to avoid facing unpalatable problem
    Political gridlock is stifling, I agree. That needs to change and I thought it would under this new administration. We shall see. It is early in the game. Fractional reserve banking is here to stay. Every modern economy requires it. without it, economic activity would halt. I mean it would come to a screeching halt, for we could only invest with what we've saved in any period. Rough estimates, our economy and the global economy as a consequence would probably be halved. That won't do at all, will it?

    Like I said before if I am wrong, that will be shown. When will that be, I do not know because it is impossible to time when economic bubbles burst. Unfortunately, this is not the housing bubble where I can convince people not to invest into a craze. But if I am correct, this will eventually affect us all.
    As I said earlier I've been waiting for that hyperinflation predicted by the likes of Zero Hedge since 2009. Still waiting. I don't see a bubble in the bond markets. Corporate bond markets are witnessing a higher than average level of defaults, but they seem to be well in hand. That is the worst I see. The reason the Fed won't raise the short rate too rapidly has to do with the Feds desire not to flatten the term structure of rates, which will lead to a deliberate slowdown of the nascent recovery we are experiencing now.

    Sorry, I tried to write as straightforwardly as possible but wrote far more than I expected to.
  • @iffen
    the Israel-firsters that are guilty of subverting the US interests to promote the Eretz Israel project.

    You've got the gold embossed document detailing US interests! All this time, geohat62 has claimed that he has it.

    “…prominent rabbis have, in fact, explicitly made claims regarding purported Jewish superiority.”

    Well, look at this, you have found a Jew who said, "blah, blah, blah." I guess that ends any argument, no need for me to do anything. Wait! was his name Moses? If so, maybe I need to pay attention to what he said.

    “…you have found a Jew who said, “blah, blah, blah.”

    If you insist:” Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi? by Alison Weir

    “Who was Rabbi Schneerson?
    Schneerson lived from 1902 to 1994 and oversaw the growth of what is now the largest Jewish organization in the world. Schneerson was the seventh and final Lubavitcher “Rebbe” (sacred leader). He is often simply called “the Rebbe who is actually ‘the essence and being [of God] … .. he is without limits, capable of effecting anything, all-knowing and a proper object of worshipful prostration.”
    While many secular Jews and Jews from other denominations disagree with its actions and theology, Chabad-Lubavitch is generally acknowledged to be a powerful force in Jewish life today.
    There are approximately 3,600 Chabad institutions in over 1,000 cities in 70 countries, and 200,000 adherents. Up to a million people attend Chabad services at least once a year. Numerous campuses have such centers and the Chabad website states that hundreds of thousands of children attend Chabad summer camps.
    According to the Times, Schneerson “presided over a religious empire that reached from the back streets of Brooklyn to the main streets of Israel and by 1990 was taking in an estimated $100 million a year in contributions.”

    A sampling: “the Hebrew text of a major Jewish code of laws contained a command to exterminate Jewish infidels: “It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands.” Charming.

    And this is specifically for iffen: “…Jewish Americans, in particular, are often unaware of the “narrow ethnocentrism which is promoted by the movement’s leading rabbis, or of the traditional Jewish sources they are able to call upon in drawing clear distinctions between the moral obligations owed to Jews and non-Jews.” Poison.

  • @NoseytheDuke
    Shammy Shameless is not in denial, his thing is dishonesty, disinformation and distraction. Note the harsh, albeit flowery and pretentious, language in his response. He is not an honest dealer and not worth your time as you write well enough for what you have written to be clearly understood by the unbiased reader.

    Anything you wish to write that has any bearing on the economics of Debt, the subject I was commenting on? Or is it all innuendo and nonsense?

    Write something which might provide a different understanding from the one I offered and I will respond with logic and fact.

    I’ll wait.

    • Replies: @NoseytheDuke
    It'll be a long wait as I have no interest in any exchange with a shameless LIAR such as yourself.

    Once anyone lies to me they are done, as in finished with. YOU not only lied but you shamelessly re-wrote a comment I had made so that it read to mean the very opposite of what I had written, and then had the shameless audacity to ridicule me for making a quote that you had made yourself and then attributed it to me, remember? The evidence can be found on this very website.

    So you can work it with your fragrant (odorous), flowery, compost bedded verbal bouquets of hasbara nonsense and from what I read here quite a few others are getting a sense of the value of your comments too. There's nothing in them just like the person who wrote them.

    I would have thought a clever person like yourself would at least be smart enough not to lie in a manner that could be so easily exposed but I concede I was quite wrong.
  • @joef

    if you think cities in fiscal distress is a new phenomenon you’ve got another think coming. It is the very nature of our economic system. Pittsburgh, remember it? Written off as a basket case in the 1980′s, it has come roaring back with a high-tech sector and banking. Plenty of other examples too.
    Actually I always review the data from the Bur Economic stats, St Louis Fed, CBO, CIA factbook, World Bank, and IMF... but if you do not divorce yourself from your emotions by stoically examining the data, you will be susceptible to self deception...

    I am over a half century old, and was raised in the largest urban area in the nation, so I am completely aware of cities in distress/renewal... I mostly written this from my own recollection, however I strive to be accurate...

    In the 1980s when the Reagan presidency started, even after stagflation, the debt to GDP ratio was about 20%, now its starting to surpass 100% (and this does not include private/personal debt levels, unfunded obligations, and state/local govt debt)...

    I know Krugman says debt does not matter, but if that was really the case, why not just recommend that everyone just barrow maximum amounts from their pensions, without paying it back, and see whats left in the end... That is what we are doing on a national level (as well as internationally)...

    Looking at one piece of data from the St Louis Fed does not provide the whole story... instead you must look at the preponderance of the evidence in its totality to obtain a complete and accurate picture...

    I know its too awful to contemplate, but living in denial is worse... The facts are there, and if I am wrong the future will tell...but being personally upset at me, and resorting to ad hominem attacks will not change reality. I am a nobody so debating me is actually fruitless, because it changes nothing...Just examine the facts (and so far they are telling me the future looks spartan).

    I know Krugman says debt does not matter, but if that was really the case, why not just recommend that everyone just barrow maximum amounts from their pensions, without paying it back, and see whats left in the end… That is what we are doing on a national level (as well as internationally)…

    It late and I shall write a fuller reply in due course, but I did not engage in any ad hominem. I may have been caustic in my reply (my apologies) but nothing aimed at your person.

    You misunderstood Krugman. Furthermore, for the moment the above highlighted portion contains an idea which is fatally flawed for the reason of a Fallacy of Composition. Which basically shows that what is true for the individual is untrue at the Aggregate level.

    You made a specific assertion regarding the U.S. federal debt levels being unserviceable. That was the singular point on which the data from St. Louis Fed had an acute and unassailable bearing. I can easily parse the rest of your post, keeping in mind the bigger picture as you put it, but it won’t affect the specificities of debt service.

    If I sound harsh I don’t mean to. I’ve battled this misconception far too many times on these pages including with nitwits like NoseytheDuke who seems to prefer to stay inside the box he’s created for himself in blissful ignorance.

    More later…..

    • Replies: @joef
    I have been through these arguments before the housing crisis. My lonely position, at the time before the housing crisis, was that housing was overvalued, loans were given to many people who had no means of paying them, and the flipping of houses cannot go on indefinitely because it will eventually out price the market. Now true that does not make me automatically correct on other economic matters, however the pall of financial instability (& irresponsibility) is appearing again, and I would be remiss if I did not speak the truth, as I believe it to exist.

    If you added up all the debt, public (at various govt levels) and private, it is many times our own GDP (or our M2). We are not alone on this internationally. This information is easily verifiable by mainstream sources (The Economist magazine is one). China itself has problems with warehouses full of overproduction, massive levels of empty housing (surpassing our own housing bubble), Town and Village Enterprises debt with shadow banking, and capital flight. And that is the bad news that the Chinese central govt is willing to share. It is unlikely that they will be able to buy our future T Bills indefinitely, and are more than likely to be the next Japan (the past economic miracle from the 1980s).

    Politically we are not making any real efforts to pay down this massive debt. So between poor fiscal policy of debt, and monetary policy of fractional reserve banking at 3% (plus an over speculated stock market encouraged by low interest rates), I am sorry but its starting to resemble a Ponzi scheme to me.
    Now a lot of fancy intellectual language can be used to deny this, but I heard the same fancy intellectual language to obscure the housing bubble. The problem I have with much of what passes for intellectualism/academia, and MSM reporting, is that it falls into clever sophistry, to avoid facing unpalatable problems.

    Like I said before, if I am wrong, that will be shown. When will that be, I do not know because it is impossible to time when economic bubbles burst. Unfortunately this is not the housing bubble where I can convince people not to invest into a craze. But if I am correct, this will eventually affect us all.

  • @annamaria
    Re the "very old song."
    Why doesn't AIPAC register under FARA?
    Why the freedom of expression has been subverted for the benefit of Zionists?
    Before going into victimhood mode, you perhaps need to reread the paper, beginning with the pictures of the Israel-firsters that are guilty of subverting the US interests to promote the Eretz Israel project. The ziocons are not scapegoats; the are aggressors and dangerous and unprincipled supremacists.
    "...prominent rabbis have, in fact, explicitly made claims regarding purported Jewish superiority."

    the Israel-firsters that are guilty of subverting the US interests to promote the Eretz Israel project.

    You’ve got the gold embossed document detailing US interests! All this time, geohat62 has claimed that he has it.

    “…prominent rabbis have, in fact, explicitly made claims regarding purported Jewish superiority.”

    Well, look at this, you have found a Jew who said, “blah, blah, blah.” I guess that ends any argument, no need for me to do anything. Wait! was his name Moses? If so, maybe I need to pay attention to what he said.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    " have found a Jew who said, “blah, blah, blah.”

    If you insist:" Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi? by Alison Weir

    "Who was Rabbi Schneerson?
    Schneerson lived from 1902 to 1994 and oversaw the growth of what is now the largest Jewish organization in the world. Schneerson was the seventh and final Lubavitcher “Rebbe” (sacred leader). He is often simply called “the Rebbe who is actually ‘the essence and being [of God] … .. he is without limits, capable of effecting anything, all-knowing and a proper object of worshipful prostration.”
    While many secular Jews and Jews from other denominations disagree with its actions and theology, Chabad-Lubavitch is generally acknowledged to be a powerful force in Jewish life today.
    There are approximately 3,600 Chabad institutions in over 1,000 cities in 70 countries, and 200,000 adherents. Up to a million people attend Chabad services at least once a year. Numerous campuses have such centers and the Chabad website states that hundreds of thousands of children attend Chabad summer camps.
    According to the Times, Schneerson “presided over a religious empire that reached from the back streets of Brooklyn to the main streets of Israel and by 1990 was taking in an estimated $100 million a year in contributions."

    A sampling: "the Hebrew text of a major Jewish code of laws contained a command to exterminate Jewish infidels: “It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands.” Charming.

    And this is specifically for iffen: "...Jewish Americans, in particular, are often unaware of the “narrow ethnocentrism which is promoted by the movement’s leading rabbis, or of the traditional Jewish sources they are able to call upon in drawing clear distinctions between the moral obligations owed to Jews and non-Jews.” Poison.

  • Hoffman’s introduction to his criticism of Mackey’s methods is revealing:

    This review will never be a complete reply to Mackey’s essay. An attempt to create such a reply would be misguided since it would lend legitimacy to Mackey’s method: generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility — the emphasis being on quantity — while employing a vast array of propagandistic techniques, factual distortions, and logical fallacies. The rationale behind that method seems clear enough: create a smokescreen of baseless arguments and distractions, clothed in claims of intellectual superiority and scientific legitimacy, such that the audience might be reassured that there is no need to look at the evidence of controlled demolition.

    Excerpt from Ryan Mackey’s Appendix D: Response to Jim Hoffman:

    In the opening section of his response, Mr. Hoffman correctly identifies the purpose of the Scientific Method as an approach to correct for mistaken human intuition. However, he then begs the question by claiming that his chosen conspiracy theory – that explosives destroyed the World Trade Center – has in fact been proven by the Scientific Method:

    Because intuitions can be mistaken, the scientific method was developed to to [sic] test conclusions through a verifiable and repeatable process of observation, hypothesis, experiment, and analysis. That method, embodied in numerous arguments such as these overwhelmingly confirms the controlled demolition hypothesis.

    Given that the demolition of the Twin Towers is both intuitively obvious and consistently verified by the scientific method, what sustains the collapse theory?

    As we have seen throughout this whitepaper, and will revisit below, this assertion is completely false. Neither Dr. Griffin nor Mr. Hoffman has even attempted to apply the Scientific Method. Neither of them has presented and tested a hypothesis, and both of them rely upon incorrect observations and faulty reasoning. We will examine Mr. Hoffman’s reasoning in depth in the following subsections.

    Mr. Hoffman also incorrectly claims that the author relies primarily upon arguments to authority. The author has consistently analyzed claims and calculations produced by the Truth Movement in order to understand why they are wrong, rather than merely asserting that a better result exists. The author has also explained and contrasted differences of opinions between the authorities themselves, and added his own criticism to those conclusions. At no time does the author ask readers to accept results solely on the basis of their authors, urging instead to consider the argument itself.

  • @joef

    The rapid move toward global economy begun under the Reagan administration, through G.H.W. Bush 1-term and culminating with Clinton’s Nafta had set the stage for America’s deindustrialization, and the corporate feeding trough euphemistically called “job offshoring and outsourcing.”
    Globalization is the keystone that has united the Socialist and Corporatist agendas. They both have the same goal of eliminating national identity and borders, albeit for different reasons & motivations. Thus, the middle/working class are seen as a hindrance to their goal.

    Pray that I am wrong too, Joef? I see a dystopian world unfolding that resembles the Rich Man and Lazurus” gospel story. “Scraps” will fall off the oligarch table for essential consumption, but where will commoners get the money needed to cover costs for rent, electrical/H20/fuel bills, diapers, etcetera?
    Yes its almost like they are pushing us to a 'Soylent Green' type of existence. They tell you that everything is okay until you read the article in the 'New Yorker' magazine about billionaires buying up retreat farm property in NZ, with private airstrips and bunkers. What is that about, if everything is okay? [Its like when The Fed states the fundamentals of the economy are strong, but are afraid to raise the interest rate ...if the economy is strong then why be afraid?].

    The only thing I can think of right now (unless I am missing something) is that they probably believe they can manage the collapse of the middle/working class into Soylent Green conditions, but if it starts to resemble the end of Rome instead, they have someplace to go.

    The important thing is not to despair. History is full of change & transitions, some good, some bad, mostly mixed. It will very likely NOT resemble 'road warrior' like situation that some extreme preppers are hoping for. Somehow people always find a way to cope, adapt, and thrive. We have all become so accustomed to prosperity that it's very difficult for us to contemplate living without it.

    Yet throughout history, prosperity was not the norm; hardship & struggle were, yet people were able to obtain meaning, and go on with their lives. We may lose sources of materialism and immediate gratification, but we will learn to appreciate good people/neighbors (of any color), and the blessings of obtaining our basic needs.
    In other words the world will not end; we will learn to live as our great grandparents did, and if they can do it, so can we.


    I am very honored by your having made response to me.

    Right now I have activated “comment” action @ P. Giraldi’s fantastic new article on AIPAC.

    Thus, I do not want to be ignorant by letting your sharp & plain spoken thought fall flat, but I am a school bus driver and I must rise tomorrow at 5:15 a.m.

    One favor though? It’s Sam Shama’s M.O. to obfuscate and lie in a “flowery” style, but all fails to bloom due to his foolish ideological prejudice . It’s rare he even reads the articles he makes comments upon.

    Like your last sentence above wisely states, “we will learn to appreciate good people.” Be careful, Joef, for this Blog contains people who don sheep clothing but do opposite.

    Sorry to cut short… thanks again for sharing such sincere & upright thought!

  • @Chuck Orloski
    "How do you feel about the (Hitler-Stalin) Molotov Ribbentrop Pact?"


    I do not "feel" anything about it. Objectively I studied the fascinating "pact" and most recently I have read Victor Suvorov's unorthodox and learned book, " The Chief Culprit."

    At present, I will leave behind the fascinating matter of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggresion Pact due to the expenditure of time that I actually have to allot for entertaining you by my chasing that particular history down.

    Maybe L.K. will be interested... and call me a pet name, maybe "chicken," whatever, so be it -- I'm soon off to P. Giraldi's new AIPAC article.

    Doubtless though, I am very (!) concerned with the ominous New World Order "pact" that I see coming soon to our distressed planet.

    Frankly, inZi, I will FEEL absolutely zero surprise whatsoever were an aggressive "Non-aggression" & cooperative global economic pact is announced, including "superpowers," Presidents Trump, Putin, P.M. B. Netanyahu, and P.R C., Xi Xinping.

    Odd how my use of "pet names" resembles the habit indulged by President G.W. Bush? Recall how "The Decider" nick named Vladimir Putin, "Pooty-Poot?" Where fraternal help is really needed, InZ, is for you and Sam The Sham to grow up, get real, and stay on TOPIC.

    (Sigh) Admittedly, there are people here who offer "posts" which may not reach the level of your superior writing ability. (I count myself among the latter group) But InZi -- never forget that some commenters "believe" & "think" in ways greater than that which Zionist Jews & Neoconservatives tell them.

    So don't hold breath while waiting for my thoughts on Poland, September 1939! My first impression was formed after reading Jan Karski's 1945 Book of The Month, "The Story of The Secret State." F.Y.I., as a member of the courageous Polish resistance, the late Mr. Karski battled the Nazi occupation of Poland. Now it's my turn to battle the Zionist occupation of the U.S.A., InZi. Fierstehen sie?

    'Til we spar again on-scene at P. Giraldi's AIPAC exposure! Selah.

    “Doubtless though, I am very (!) concerned with the ominous New World Order “pact” that I see coming soon to our distressed planet.”

    Can’t disagree. The world’s changed since GHW Bush spouted ‘New World Order’ (‘90?). Not for the better. He was late in making the announcement. Sounded like we’re all supposed to cheer off-shoring jobs to lowest labor-cost venues. Got worse with Nafta under Clinton.

    It’s been going on since Reagan. Consider William E. Simon (Nixon’s Treasury Secretary). He got rich borrowing other peoples’ money (junk bonds) to rape US companies and sell them off. A great conservative. What, in his case, does ‘conservative’ mean? The right of private property only after it’s pirated?

    Don’t get me wrong. Dems are dead-men-walking. The GOP is no better.

    Simon wasn’t alone. The sell off of the American Machine Tool sector started in the 80s (Harvard Business School did a study about 1990). It was easy money. Buy American companies with borrowed money, split them up, sell them off. Make a fortune. Much more than manufacturing widgets, or whatever companies like Anchor Glass could return. Leave them with enormous debt, destroy their pension funds. What’s not to like? Want that private Gulfstream jet and a shot at feudal family status? Go for it! Many did. All faiths, all parties, you name it. Think Cheney or Bush fly commercial?

    The writing, as they say, was on the wall. And really hasn’t changed since. Well, maybe with Trump and TPP? Who knows? But Donald already had his own plane. Coincidence?

    I wonder why a laborer risking occupational injury can pay a higher tax rate while someone with a much larger income from finance pays less and undertakes no such risk (e.g. Romney’s 13.9%). Culprits? Don’t just go for the easy scapegoats. Many more are out there.

    More important, what’s a brighter future? That’s what I think about.

    PS. Postwar Europe? J.E. Smith’s ‘FDR’, ‘Eisenhower’, and ‘Lucius Clay’ are interesting on the disposition. No decisive answers, but are there any?

  • @joef

    if you think cities in fiscal distress is a new phenomenon you’ve got another think coming. It is the very nature of our economic system. Pittsburgh, remember it? Written off as a basket case in the 1980′s, it has come roaring back with a high-tech sector and banking. Plenty of other examples too.
    Actually I always review the data from the Bur Economic stats, St Louis Fed, CBO, CIA factbook, World Bank, and IMF... but if you do not divorce yourself from your emotions by stoically examining the data, you will be susceptible to self deception...

    I am over a half century old, and was raised in the largest urban area in the nation, so I am completely aware of cities in distress/renewal... I mostly written this from my own recollection, however I strive to be accurate...

    In the 1980s when the Reagan presidency started, even after stagflation, the debt to GDP ratio was about 20%, now its starting to surpass 100% (and this does not include private/personal debt levels, unfunded obligations, and state/local govt debt)...

    I know Krugman says debt does not matter, but if that was really the case, why not just recommend that everyone just barrow maximum amounts from their pensions, without paying it back, and see whats left in the end... That is what we are doing on a national level (as well as internationally)...

    Looking at one piece of data from the St Louis Fed does not provide the whole story... instead you must look at the preponderance of the evidence in its totality to obtain a complete and accurate picture...

    I know its too awful to contemplate, but living in denial is worse... The facts are there, and if I am wrong the future will tell...but being personally upset at me, and resorting to ad hominem attacks will not change reality. I am a nobody so debating me is actually fruitless, because it changes nothing...Just examine the facts (and so far they are telling me the future looks spartan).

    Shammy Shameless is not in denial, his thing is dishonesty, disinformation and distraction. Note the harsh, albeit flowery and pretentious, language in his response. He is not an honest dealer and not worth your time as you write well enough for what you have written to be clearly understood by the unbiased reader.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    Anything you wish to write that has any bearing on the economics of Debt, the subject I was commenting on? Or is it all innuendo and nonsense?

    Write something which might provide a different understanding from the one I offered and I will respond with logic and fact.

    I'll wait.

  • @Chuck Orloski
    "At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan... That is our future if there is no course correction."


    Logical thought and well expressed... thank you!

    First off, I see no evidence that a "course correction" is on the present U.S./Zionist planning board. The best President Trump can do is offer incentives for U.S. manufacturers to stay home.

    For all the reasons you noted above, to truly "Make America Great Again" needs more than just vote-getting pitches that consist of rebuilding U.S. infrastructure & erecting a southern border wall, and uniting the nation, is the panacea that gets the job done.

    For years, the highly respected historian, Paul Kennedy, has described the current condition of the American Empire economy as "mature." In such troubled case, & Mr. Kennedy's not a prophet, but he points out that another world war is crucial for empire's to become "great again." For me, that's very troublesome, and I'll continue.

    The rapid move toward global economy begun under the Reagan administration, through G.H.W. Bush 1-term and culminating with Clinton's Nafta had set the stage for America's deindustrialization, and the corporate feeding trough euphemistically called "job offshoring and outsourcing."

    America's legislative and executive branches foisted Globalization upon the population without a NEED for electoral "say-so" beyond the common peoples suffering pain and an option " to throw the bums out."

    Americans had no direct vote upon the N.W.O.'s globalization killing machine. Instantly, Corporate Media & sold out OP-ED artists opined that economic globalization was "inevitable" and American people have no other choice but to ACCEPT

    During the Clinton presidency, the corporations and oligarchs benefited from "Globalization" as an ephemeral "Dot.Com" boom happened, & Americans were tricked into thinking that they can do the brain/service work while Third World citizens could do repetitive labor; i.e.; cut cloth, sew buttons, place desert camouflage cover upon military helmets.

    Consequently, evidence exists pointing to America's destruction as being an engineered , planned event. And now comes factory automation (robots) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)!

    Pray that I am wrong too, Joef? I see a dystopian world unfolding that resembles the Rich Man and Lazurus" gospel story. "Scraps" will fall off the oligarch table for essential consumption, but where will commoners get the money needed to cover costs for rent, electrical/H20/fuel bills, diapers, etcetera?

    During my worst hours, & as I tap my fingers upon this desk top keyboard, I sense there are Mighty planners at work, who are getting paid to dream up a plan for somehow getting moolah (?) into the hands of the masses who have shrunken means to work & earn anything.

    Again, I hope that I am light years off the Deep End here, Joef. Thank you very much for such an important post!

    P.S.: Given my place of birth is Scranton, PA, I feel a bit left behind that the"Electric City" failed to make your "canary in coal mine list." Each week w/o fail, Scranton's only newspaper The Times-Tribune" runs a first page report called "City in Crisis." I

    The rapid move toward global economy begun under the Reagan administration, through G.H.W. Bush 1-term and culminating with Clinton’s Nafta had set the stage for America’s deindustrialization, and the corporate feeding trough euphemistically called “job offshoring and outsourcing.”

    Globalization is the keystone that has united the Socialist and Corporatist agendas. They both have the same goal of eliminating national identity and borders, albeit for different reasons & motivations. Thus, the middle/working class are seen as a hindrance to their goal.

    Pray that I am wrong too, Joef? I see a dystopian world unfolding that resembles the Rich Man and Lazurus” gospel story. “Scraps” will fall off the oligarch table for essential consumption, but where will commoners get the money needed to cover costs for rent, electrical/H20/fuel bills, diapers, etcetera?

    Yes its almost like they are pushing us to a ‘Soylent Green’ type of existence. They tell you that everything is okay until you read the article in the ‘New Yorker’ magazine about billionaires buying up retreat farm property in NZ, with private airstrips and bunkers. What is that about, if everything is okay? [Its like when The Fed states the fundamentals of the economy are strong, but are afraid to raise the interest rate …if the economy is strong then why be afraid?].

    The only thing I can think of right now (unless I am missing something) is that they probably believe they can manage the collapse of the middle/working class into Soylent Green conditions, but if it starts to resemble the end of Rome instead, they have someplace to go.

    The important thing is not to despair. History is full of change & transitions, some good, some bad, mostly mixed. It will very likely NOT resemble ‘road warrior’ like situation that some extreme preppers are hoping for. Somehow people always find a way to cope, adapt, and thrive. We have all become so accustomed to prosperity that it’s very difficult for us to contemplate living without it.

    Yet throughout history, prosperity was not the norm; hardship & struggle were, yet people were able to obtain meaning, and go on with their lives. We may lose sources of materialism and immediate gratification, but we will learn to appreciate good people/neighbors (of any color), and the blessings of obtaining our basic needs.
    In other words the world will not end; we will learn to live as our great grandparents did, and if they can do it, so can we.

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski

    I am very honored by your having made response to me.

    Right now I have activated "comment" action @ P. Giraldi's fantastic new article on AIPAC.

    Thus, I do not want to be ignorant by letting your sharp & plain spoken thought fall flat, but I am a school bus driver and I must rise tomorrow at 5:15 a.m.

    One favor though? It's Sam Shama's M.O. to obfuscate and lie in a "flowery" style, but all fails to bloom due to his foolish ideological prejudice . It's rare he even reads the articles he makes comments upon.

    Like your last sentence above wisely states, "we will learn to appreciate good people." Be careful, Joef, for this Blog contains people who don sheep clothing but do opposite.

    Sorry to cut short... thanks again for sharing such sincere & upright thought!
  • @L.K
    Hey Chuck,

    Tell ya the truth, the moment I saw your question to geokat pertaining to 9-11, I feared the good lad would repeat his copying and pasting of Mackey's BS.
    Mackey is merely a snake oil salesman with credentials, what a shock that ZUSA's government could get people like him to push obfuscation in favor of the official gov.story!
    Mackey himself has already been refuted by several 9-11 researchers, geokat just ignores all that. If geokat truly read those 300 plus pages, which I doubt he did, he clearly is a masochist! :-)
    Geokat may have been misled, but in the end, it is his fault. He is like that guy who thinks he is eating strawberries on cream ... but in reality is having wet excrement instead.
    Hoffman's introduction to his criticism of Mackey's methods is revealing:

    This review will never be a complete reply to Mackey's essay. An attempt to create such a reply would be misguided since it would lend legitimacy to Mackey's method: generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility -- the emphasis being on quantity -- while employing a vast array of propagandistic techniques, factual distortions, and logical fallacies. The rationale behind that method seems clear enough: create a smokescreen of baseless arguments and distractions, clothed in claims of intellectual superiority and scientific legitimacy, such that the audience might be reassured that there is no need to look at the evidence of controlled demolition.
    Plus, as Art said 'There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up.'
    It's not merely the towers.

    “100 angles to the 9-11 story that don’t add up.”

    Hey L.K.

    I well understand the reality of your sentence, above!

    “Mackey’s a snake oil salesman with credentials” — & geokat62’s taken in by such “factual distortions,” “propagandist techniques,” and “logical fallacies.”

    Full disclosure, L.K.:

    As George recommended, I realize there’s a time & place for my reading of Mackey’s 300 page technical argument. For twenty two years, I worked for a private environmental service company and I authored an almost uncountable number of Technical Service Reports that were bound for officials @ The PA Department of Environmental Protection.

    In short, I was not “up for” reading Mackey’s “technical” work, because like my service reports, Mackey’s memorandum went directly into a regulatory “black hole” where government bureaucrats reviewed it, & made judgement which fit into the pre-fabricated illusion of American having a “clean” & honest government who want nothing more than to keep citizens safe, under control.

    At best geokat62 is a “masochist” and digs being technically misled There are smart people like that! At worst, he can not handle books like Christopher Bollyn’s “Solving 9-11” much like late-60’s technocrats who preferred to not read Vince Bugliosi’s book that described evil, “Helter Skelter.”

    Technical “memorandums” are technical by design. In my technical report writing “career,” I could never make mention of a total (evil) prick’s having deliberately punctured a tractor-trailer’s fuel saddle tanks, & causing a spill into soil & water which generated >$50,000 in cleanup revenue.

    In “Solving 9-11,” Mr. Bollyn set no bureaucratic limitations on himself. C.B. used New Testament quotes, for one example, a Christian’s duty to “expose evil.” He had no qualms whatsoever about letting the evidence take him where it needed to go. With skill and conscience, Mr. Bollyn zeroed in on gross Israeli immoral & criminal activity!

    A good beating by a goon squad failed to stop him from exposing Arnon Milchan’s success at muzzling Corporate Media news reports. Frankly, I find it incredible how C.B. survived the beating.

    Such incompletion of a very important murderous assignment makes me ask, “why?”
    For some weird reason, L.K., was Mr Bollyn allowed to live & record his harmful research findings? uh… I am a veteran of having watched TV’s “The X-Files” and the show alaways starts with the warning, “Trust No One.” As you know, “The Lone Gunman” episode evolved from out of The X-Files.

    L.K. — you have a much longer track record in dealing with George than I. Impossible for me to conclude he’s so bonkers as to eat shit and think it’s “strawberries.”

    I sincerely believe geo’s like millions of others in our intimidated world who posts rather daring “comments” onto Blogs, but with a deliberately “forked tongue” when their teeth comes into contact with Israeli mass peddling of unclean meat.

    His compulsion to act “informed” here at Unz Review is noble, but in such cases, “evildoers” always get a free pass to an escape hatch. Imposition of FEAR is a top global-Zionist ADVANTAGE to never surrender, but the Good News is that overcoming FEAR for them is also the technical way by which “martyrs” for the truth are made!

    Thanks, I am going to P.G.s new AI(rat)PAC article. .

    • Replies: @L.K
    Hey Chuck,

    you wrote: "At best geokat62 is a “masochist” and digs being technically misled There are smart people like that! At worst, he can not handle books like Christopher Bollyn’s “Solving 9-11″'.

    That's right. To put it bluntly, as I once stated to geokat, when it comes to 9-11, the lad is just simply intellectually dishonest. It's as simple as that!
    But at least he does a good job exposing the Hasbara jokers here and provides very good criticism of the lobby.
    Take care
  • @iffen
    it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics

    Thanks. I hope I am not jumping the shark with this:

    The science of the good for man is politics.
    Ethica Nicomachea Aristotle
    Just grumbling out loud, I guess I came off as needy, hopefully not as badly as the Woodchuck. I’ll be okay once I get the ducklings back in line. Just because natural rights do not exist, doesn’t mean I have to stop believing in their virtue and normative value.

    On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it.

    Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to. I may be a little dense because Incitatus had confused me with his reference to Zionism. I can’t see how to separate Israel from Zion.

    I was concerned that maybe there are Jewish neocons who intentionally or not concentrate more on Israel than the US. So what, at the extreme, how many non-Jewish Benedict Arnolds have there been? I was concerned that maybe it was different now that Israel is a reality. Then it dawned upon me that it is no different just because Israel exists. The Jews, and other minorities, have been accused of disloyalty forever. Israel is just an excuse. They didn’t need Israel to condemn the Jewish Bolsheviks or the German bankers. Supposed disloyalty in favor of Israel is just one new verse in a very old song.

    Re the “very old song.”
    Why doesn’t AIPAC register under FARA?
    Why the freedom of expression has been subverted for the benefit of Zionists?
    Before going into victimhood mode, you perhaps need to reread the paper, beginning with the pictures of the Israel-firsters that are guilty of subverting the US interests to promote the Eretz Israel project. The ziocons are not scapegoats; the are aggressors and dangerous and unprincipled supremacists.
    “…prominent rabbis have, in fact, explicitly made claims regarding purported Jewish superiority.”

    • Replies: @iffen
    the Israel-firsters that are guilty of subverting the US interests to promote the Eretz Israel project.

    You've got the gold embossed document detailing US interests! All this time, geohat62 has claimed that he has it.

    “…prominent rabbis have, in fact, explicitly made claims regarding purported Jewish superiority.”

    Well, look at this, you have found a Jew who said, "blah, blah, blah." I guess that ends any argument, no need for me to do anything. Wait! was his name Moses? If so, maybe I need to pay attention to what he said.

  • @Sam Shama

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility
    You wrote much nonsense on U.S. Economics. The preceding paragraph reeks of indigestion on account of consuming a surfeit of pain quotidien from Zero Hedge or an equally disreputable rag.

    If you think cities in fiscal distress is a new phenomenon you've got another think coming. It is the very nature of our economic system. Pittsburgh, remember it? Written off as a basket case in the 1980's, it has come roaring back with a high-tech sector and banking. Plenty of other examples too.

    I'll keep this post abbreviated in the interest of pinning you down on one specific matter. You speak of unserviceable debt. Really? In what way? The depth of ignorance is too profound in that statement. Have you noticed what our primary and total budget deficits have done since the 2008 crisis? Do you know what percentage of a year's worth of income we spend on debt service?

    Here's a clue:

    It's no use looking at anything else before you clear this fundamental matter. Having a political position is one thing, but it is quite another indulging in fantasies to support those biases.

    if you think cities in fiscal distress is a new phenomenon you’ve got another think coming. It is the very nature of our economic system. Pittsburgh, remember it? Written off as a basket case in the 1980′s, it has come roaring back with a high-tech sector and banking. Plenty of other examples too.

    Actually I always review the data from the Bur Economic stats, St Louis Fed, CBO, CIA factbook, World Bank, and IMF… but if you do not divorce yourself from your emotions by stoically examining the data, you will be susceptible to self deception…

    I am over a half century old, and was raised in the largest urban area in the nation, so I am completely aware of cities in distress/renewal… I mostly written this from my own recollection, however I strive to be accurate…

    In the 1980s when the Reagan presidency started, even after stagflation, the debt to GDP ratio was about 20%, now its starting to surpass 100% (and this does not include private/personal debt levels, unfunded obligations, and state/local govt debt)…

    I know Krugman says debt does not matter, but if that was really the case, why not just recommend that everyone just barrow maximum amounts from their pensions, without paying it back, and see whats left in the end… That is what we are doing on a national level (as well as internationally)…

    Looking at one piece of data from the St Louis Fed does not provide the whole story… instead you must look at the preponderance of the evidence in its totality to obtain a complete and accurate picture…

    I know its too awful to contemplate, but living in denial is worse… The facts are there, and if I am wrong the future will tell…but being personally upset at me, and resorting to ad hominem attacks will not change reality. I am a nobody so debating me is actually fruitless, because it changes nothing…Just examine the facts (and so far they are telling me the future looks spartan).

    • Replies: @NoseytheDuke
    Shammy Shameless is not in denial, his thing is dishonesty, disinformation and distraction. Note the harsh, albeit flowery and pretentious, language in his response. He is not an honest dealer and not worth your time as you write well enough for what you have written to be clearly understood by the unbiased reader.
    , @Sam Shama

    I know Krugman says debt does not matter, but if that was really the case, why not just recommend that everyone just barrow maximum amounts from their pensions, without paying it back, and see whats left in the end… That is what we are doing on a national level (as well as internationally)…
    It late and I shall write a fuller reply in due course, but I did not engage in any ad hominem. I may have been caustic in my reply (my apologies) but nothing aimed at your person.

    You misunderstood Krugman. Furthermore, for the moment the above highlighted portion contains an idea which is fatally flawed for the reason of a Fallacy of Composition. Which basically shows that what is true for the individual is untrue at the Aggregate level.

    You made a specific assertion regarding the U.S. federal debt levels being unserviceable. That was the singular point on which the data from St. Louis Fed had an acute and unassailable bearing. I can easily parse the rest of your post, keeping in mind the bigger picture as you put it, but it won't affect the specificities of debt service.

    If I sound harsh I don't mean to. I've battled this misconception far too many times on these pages including with nitwits like NoseytheDuke who seems to prefer to stay inside the box he's created for himself in blissful ignorance.

    More later.....
  • Anon • Disclaimer says:
    You will probably not see an America First revolution, because of the lack of any strong cooperation/consensus. History is a good teacher, but it does not ever repeat itself exactly. I believe that we are setting ourselves up for something that will be much worse than the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.

    Germany was mostly socially stable without a huge subset population (afro americans) that basically has a parasitical economic relationship with its host country. Germans still had a valid education system, where ours has been failing for decades. Germany did not have a narcissistic generation (of millennials) that cannot cope with hardship. Germany did not have the levels of urban violent crime that we have. Their debt levels were artificially imposed by the Versailles Treaty (the primary cause of the hyperinflation, Hitler's rise, WW2, Holocaust, & subsequent Iron Curtain), where our debt is voluntarily self initiated and still continues unabated. Germany mostly had good infrastructure, while ours fall into disrepair.

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility.

    The correction will come at the local level with some communities adapting, rebuilding, and thriving, while others fall into deeper decline. As governments become less capable of functioning, history shows us that warlords frequently take their place. This will probably be the condition in many parts of our nation (and the world). That is our future if there is no course correction, and I do not see any indication of one. Pray that I am wrong.

    Keith says:

    ” Pray that I am wrong ”

    Brilliant ! But very scary.

    I love my granddaughter dearly and want her to grow up in the America I knew.

    Wishful thinking on my part. I was born and raised in the Bronx, NY. As a teen my family moved to Queens NY and when I moved out on my own, I moved to Brooklyn NY. As I became more successful in life, I migrated to a affluent community on Long Island. Why the long history?

    I experienced the decline of America first hand. I often think of my childhood neighborhood in the Bronx with fond memories. I went back recently to reminisce and didn’t recognize my old community. I left with tears in my eyes.

    One would think a person with my background would be a ardent Trump supporter. Initially I was fooled by his call to “Make America Great Again” and the charade by the NeoCons making believe they hate Trump. I fell for his phony populism until I watched Trump’s speech before AIPAC. At the AIPAC he promised to deliver everything the NeoCons have been pushing for, for years.

    This street smart kid from the Bronx is no dumb goy. Trump and his Zionists buddies from the Jewyork nation, co opted the Alternate Right and is directing the Trump movement in support of Zionists interests, not American interests.

    This is why Sam the Sham is laughing at Trumpism. He knows the deceit. He is sitting at home
    on his horse ranch knowing America is already great. Great for him and the elites.

    The National Socialists knew from the beginning they couldn’t make Germany Great Again, and
    improve the lives of the majority of Germans, unless they took down their Frankfurt Wall Street elites and corrupt politicians.

    All along multiculturalism was part of their plan for America. The plan was to create a melting pot country that could never unite to challenge the elites. The plan was very successful. When the pot boils over, the elites will have us killing each other. The divide and conquer strategy is currently
    on display.

    I pray I am wrong. In the mean time I have to be content with the communication revolution.
    I have dedicated my life to educating as many people as I can on the dangers of Zionists worldwide power. Tis is the season to expose AIPAC and the NeoCons.

  • @joef
    You will probably not see an America First revolution, because of the lack of any strong cooperation/consensus. History is a good teacher, but it does not ever repeat itself exactly. I believe that we are setting ourselves up for something that will be much worse than the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.

    Germany was mostly socially stable without a huge subset population (afro americans) that basically has a parasitical economic relationship with its host country. Germans still had a valid education system, where ours has been failing for decades. Germany did not have a narcissistic generation (of millennials) that cannot cope with hardship. Germany did not have the levels of urban violent crime that we have. Their debt levels were artificially imposed by the Versailles Treaty (the primary cause of the hyperinflation, Hitler's rise, WW2, Holocaust, & subsequent Iron Curtain), where our debt is voluntarily self initiated and still continues unabated. Germany mostly had good infrastructure, while ours fall into disrepair.

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility.

    The correction will come at the local level with some communities adapting, rebuilding, and thriving, while others fall into deeper decline. As governments become less capable of functioning, history shows us that warlords frequently take their place. This will probably be the condition in many parts of our nation (and the world). That is our future if there is no course correction, and I do not see any indication of one. Pray that I am wrong.

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility

    You wrote much nonsense on U.S. Economics. The preceding paragraph reeks of indigestion on account of consuming a surfeit of pain quotidien from Zero Hedge or an equally disreputable rag.

    If you think cities in fiscal distress is a new phenomenon you’ve got another think coming. It is the very nature of our economic system. Pittsburgh, remember it? Written off as a basket case in the 1980’s, it has come roaring back with a high-tech sector and banking. Plenty of other examples too.

    I’ll keep this post abbreviated in the interest of pinning you down on one specific matter. You speak of unserviceable debt. Really? In what way? The depth of ignorance is too profound in that statement. Have you noticed what our primary and total budget deficits have done since the 2008 crisis? Do you know what percentage of a year’s worth of income we spend on debt service?

    Here’s a clue:

    It’s no use looking at anything else before you clear this fundamental matter. Having a political position is one thing, but it is quite another indulging in fantasies to support those biases.

    • Replies: @joef

    if you think cities in fiscal distress is a new phenomenon you’ve got another think coming. It is the very nature of our economic system. Pittsburgh, remember it? Written off as a basket case in the 1980′s, it has come roaring back with a high-tech sector and banking. Plenty of other examples too.
    Actually I always review the data from the Bur Economic stats, St Louis Fed, CBO, CIA factbook, World Bank, and IMF... but if you do not divorce yourself from your emotions by stoically examining the data, you will be susceptible to self deception...

    I am over a half century old, and was raised in the largest urban area in the nation, so I am completely aware of cities in distress/renewal... I mostly written this from my own recollection, however I strive to be accurate...

    In the 1980s when the Reagan presidency started, even after stagflation, the debt to GDP ratio was about 20%, now its starting to surpass 100% (and this does not include private/personal debt levels, unfunded obligations, and state/local govt debt)...

    I know Krugman says debt does not matter, but if that was really the case, why not just recommend that everyone just barrow maximum amounts from their pensions, without paying it back, and see whats left in the end... That is what we are doing on a national level (as well as internationally)...

    Looking at one piece of data from the St Louis Fed does not provide the whole story... instead you must look at the preponderance of the evidence in its totality to obtain a complete and accurate picture...

    I know its too awful to contemplate, but living in denial is worse... The facts are there, and if I am wrong the future will tell...but being personally upset at me, and resorting to ad hominem attacks will not change reality. I am a nobody so debating me is actually fruitless, because it changes nothing...Just examine the facts (and so far they are telling me the future looks spartan).

  • @Chuck Orloski
    Re: issue of Larry S. W.T.C. ownership; "This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey's paper.'


    No one here WANTS to debunk either your stands or Mackey's work on how, who, what did 9-11.

    Your debate opponents desire you to read and discern Bollyn's powerful evidence in "Solving 9-11."

    The challenge for me to read R.M.'s 306-page paper is fair but, & as you assert, when key matters involving Larry Silverstein are "out of scope" for Mr. Mackey, we are not talking an apple-to- orange comparison!

    Mackey's and Bollyn's works may either synthesize or separate at some points, but EACH demand a verdict and action.

    A question: What prevents a serious U.S. government reinvestigation of 9-11 but Zionist (Neoconservative) say so. What prevents the families of 9-11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia? (Sigh)

    Please finish reading Bollyn and you'll be ahead of We the "Others"?

    I'm off now to P.G.'s new article on AIPAC come to town! Thank you.

    Hey Chuck,

    Tell ya the truth, the moment I saw your question to geokat pertaining to 9-11, I feared the good lad would repeat his copying and pasting of Mackey’s BS.
    Mackey is merely a snake oil salesman with credentials, what a shock that ZUSA’s government could get people like him to push obfuscation in favor of the official gov.story!
    Mackey himself has already been refuted by several 9-11 researchers, geokat just ignores all that. If geokat truly read those 300 plus pages, which I doubt he did, he clearly is a masochist! 🙂
    Geokat may have been misled, but in the end, it is his fault. He is like that guy who thinks he is eating strawberries on cream … but in reality is having wet excrement instead.
    Hoffman’s introduction to his criticism of Mackey’s methods is revealing:

    This review will never be a complete reply to Mackey’s essay. An attempt to create such a reply would be misguided since it would lend legitimacy to Mackey’s method: generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility — the emphasis being on quantity — while employing a vast array of propagandistic techniques, factual distortions, and logical fallacies. The rationale behind that method seems clear enough: create a smokescreen of baseless arguments and distractions, clothed in claims of intellectual superiority and scientific legitimacy, such that the audience might be reassured that there is no need to look at the evidence of controlled demolition.

    Plus, as Art said ‘There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up.’
    It’s not merely the towers.

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    "100 angles to the 9-11 story that don't add up."

    Hey L.K.

    I well understand the reality of your sentence, above!

    "Mackey's a snake oil salesman with credentials" -- & geokat62's taken in by such "factual distortions," "propagandist techniques," and "logical fallacies."

    Full disclosure, L.K.:

    As George recommended, I realize there's a time & place for my reading of Mackey's 300 page technical argument. For twenty two years, I worked for a private environmental service company and I authored an almost uncountable number of Technical Service Reports that were bound for officials @ The PA Department of Environmental Protection.

    In short, I was not "up for" reading Mackey's "technical" work, because like my service reports, Mackey's memorandum went directly into a regulatory "black hole" where government bureaucrats reviewed it, & made judgement which fit into the pre-fabricated illusion of American having a "clean" & honest government who want nothing more than to keep citizens safe, under control.

    At best geokat62 is a "masochist" and digs being technically misled There are smart people like that! At worst, he can not handle books like Christopher Bollyn's "Solving 9-11" much like late-60's technocrats who preferred to not read Vince Bugliosi's book that described evil, "Helter Skelter."

    Technical "memorandums" are technical by design. In my technical report writing "career," I could never make mention of a total (evil) prick's having deliberately punctured a tractor-trailer's fuel saddle tanks, & causing a spill into soil & water which generated >$50,000 in cleanup revenue.

    In "Solving 9-11," Mr. Bollyn set no bureaucratic limitations on himself. C.B. used New Testament quotes, for one example, a Christian's duty to "expose evil." He had no qualms whatsoever about letting the evidence take him where it needed to go. With skill and conscience, Mr. Bollyn zeroed in on gross Israeli immoral & criminal activity!

    A good beating by a goon squad failed to stop him from exposing Arnon Milchan's success at muzzling Corporate Media news reports. Frankly, I find it incredible how C.B. survived the beating.

    Such incompletion of a very important murderous assignment makes me ask, "why?"
    For some weird reason, L.K., was Mr Bollyn allowed to live & record his harmful research findings? uh... I am a veteran of having watched TV's "The X-Files" and the show alaways starts with the warning, "Trust No One." As you know, "The Lone Gunman" episode evolved from out of The X-Files.

    L.K. -- you have a much longer track record in dealing with George than I. Impossible for me to conclude he's so bonkers as to eat shit and think it's "strawberries."

    I sincerely believe geo's like millions of others in our intimidated world who posts rather daring "comments" onto Blogs, but with a deliberately "forked tongue" when their teeth comes into contact with Israeli mass peddling of unclean meat.

    His compulsion to act "informed" here at Unz Review is noble, but in such cases, "evildoers" always get a free pass to an escape hatch. Imposition of FEAR is a top global-Zionist ADVANTAGE to never surrender, but the Good News is that overcoming FEAR for them is also the technical way by which "martyrs" for the truth are made!

    Thanks, I am going to P.G.s new AI(rat)PAC article. .
  • @Avery
    {If you did you would have learned that Hitler’s attack (Operstion Barbarossa) on the Soviet Union was a preemptive strike.}

    _You_ would have learned that the revisionist nonsense has been debunked by several historians, amongst them American historian Col David M. Glantz in his book "Stumbling Colossus: The Red Army on the Eve of World War (Modern War Studies)". Read a book, instead of watching Youtube videos. Stalin was terrified of Hitler, and did everything not to provoke him. Even after Hitler had invaded, initially Stalin kept sending raw materials to Germany and forbade his military to fight back, irrationally hoping Nazi invasion was just a border skirmish.

    The 'preemptive strike' meme is being spread to absolve the genocidal war criminal Nazis of murdering 10s of millions.

    {When the Soviets got to Berlin and put the Hammer & Sickle on the Reichstag,
    the photo had to cropped because each heroic soldiers had several stolen watches on each of their arms as they raised the flag.}

    Sour grapes: they 'stole ?' watches from Nazi scum? Good.
    It's called war booty. The savage Nazi invaders murdered 10s of millions of Soviet citizens, mostly Slavs, and destroyed most of the USSR.
    Nevertheless, they did raise it over the alleged '1000 year Reich', and also pissed on the ashes of 'Master Race' (sic) head-psycho.

    {Did you forget George Patton wanted to push the Soviets out of Europe, but he was murdered by ?}

    Patton was a senile old fool, a loudmouth, who was cashiered by Gen Bradley (and Gen Eisenhower) for praising Nazis. Patton was a nobody who was made famous by Hollywood, not because he was an outstanding general.
    He was a bitter old man who made general too late in his life and irrationally considered himself some kind of Caesar.

    As to addressing the rest of the nonsense in your post: too many to waste any more time.

    Glantz debunked nothing, you fool.
    You just have no idea what the hell you are talking about… I doubt you even ever read Glantz.
    Anon, btw, did not refer only to youtube videos, he referred to a very good book , ‘The Chief Culprit”.
    Russian historian M. Nikitin, – one of many who have reached conclusions similar to those of Suvorov – who researched the goals of the Soviet leadership in Soviet archives, particularly during the May-June 1941 period, summarized his findings as such:

    “We once again repeat that the fundamental goal of the USSR consisted of expanding the ‘front of Socialism’ to the greatest possible territorial extent, ideally to include all of Europe. In Moscow’s opinion, circumstances favored the realization of this scheme. The occupation of large parts of the continent by Germany, the futile war, the increasing dissatisfaction of the population of the occupied territories, the dispersion of Wehrmacht forces on various fronts, the prospects of a conflict between Japan & the USA – all these factors were thought to give the Soviet leadership a unique chance to smash Germany by surprise attack, and to ‘liberate Europe’ from “rotting Capitalism”. [p.88]
    Nikitin added that the data from the archives plus the huge military offensive preparations of the Red Army “unequivocally proves the intention of the Soviet leadership to attack Germany in the summer of 1941.”

    Anyway, it is not like you care about facts or about the truth… you are a sad little liar who has, for example, repeated dozens of times the idiocy that people from Turkey are Uyghur nomads from China.

  • @Chuck Orloski

    There's reasons why you're merely 'iffen-iffen to me.

    I have standards & a reputation to protect!

    Raise your Hasbara-level a few notches, go further off particular article topics, and maybe you will get a better nick name from me?


    Raise your Hasbara-level a few notches

    Speaking of which, that is my other complaint against you, Chuck. You are taking money out of my pocket! You do know that the Hasbara paymasters count every shekel twice, and since you demoted me in favor of Incitatus, he gets my bonus.

  • @iffen
    Fraternal help, so to speak. The pet names you increasingly use?

    At least you get a pet name. All I get is stuttering. Not only that, I always had second billing to Sam until you came back from hiatus, then I was kicked to the curb faster than a fantasy cheerleader. I don't even get an honorable mention anymore. I could have at least been given third place. Wait, can Woodchucks count above two?


    There’s reasons why you’re merely ‘iffen-iffen to me.

    I have standards & a reputation to protect!

    Raise your Hasbara-level a few notches, go further off particular article topics, and maybe you will get a better nick name from me?


    • Replies: @iffen
    Raise your Hasbara-level a few notches

    Speaking of which, that is my other complaint against you, Chuck. You are taking money out of my pocket! You do know that the Hasbara paymasters count every shekel twice, and since you demoted me in favor of Incitatus, he gets my bonus.

  • @Incitatus
    “Nobody commented on Poland’s fate until now.”

    I’ve been tiresome in raising it. Look at my posts last summer, especially with Rurik.

    I appreciate your reluctance to question L.K on Poland ‘39. One never knows how übermenschen will react. Sometimes it’s better to pretend the question was never asked or introduce irrelevancy. Forget L.K. He’s probably busy with Bund meetings anyway. How do you feel about the Nazi invasion of Poland ‘39? Strategic? Justified? A love-fest between subhumans and the Master Race?

    Thanks for the Lane tip. Looks interesting - I’ve put it on my list (seriously). Have you read Synder’s ‘Bloodlands’ and ‘Black Earth’? Pretty grisly stuff. Nobody comes out looking good.

    Poland seems a favorite anvil in the east. Like Belgium in the west, but more horribly abused. Ukraine and Belorussia didn’t fare much better. Yalta was betrayal, there’s no good excuse. A world devastated and exhausted by war?

    You’re upset with postwar Allied sellout to the Soviets (and should be). How do you feel about Adolf’s partnership with Stalin ‘39-’41? He didn’t have a problem giving Joe sloppy seconds in Poland.

    “today’s Polish-Americans are fed that U.S. missiles are staged in Poland to protect them from Iranian nuclear missile attack.”

    Completely agree. It’s ridiculous and specious. Raytheon and other contractors seem the only beneficiaries.

    Forgive me Chuck. This is unpleasant for me. I have to call your attention to something embarrassing. You know, it’s like having Thanksgiving dinner at a friend’s house and telling him a bit of food escaped his mouth. Fraternal help, so to speak. The pet names you increasingly use? They appear desperate, like you can’t answer simple questions. Enough said.

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts on Poland ‘39.

    Drive safely.

    “How do you feel about the (Hitler-Stalin) Molotov Ribbentrop Pact?”


    I do not “feel” anything about it. Objectively I studied the fascinating “pact” and most recently I have read Victor Suvorov’s unorthodox and learned book, ” The Chief Culprit.”

    At present, I will leave behind the fascinating matter of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggresion Pact due to the expenditure of time that I actually have to allot for entertaining you by my chasing that particular history down.

    Maybe L.K. will be interested… and call me a pet name, maybe “chicken,” whatever, so be it — I’m soon off to P. Giraldi’s new AIPAC article.

    Doubtless though, I am very (!) concerned with the ominous New World Order “pact” that I see coming soon to our distressed planet.

    Frankly, inZi, I will FEEL absolutely zero surprise whatsoever were an aggressive “Non-aggression” & cooperative global economic pact is announced, including “superpowers,” Presidents Trump, Putin, P.M. B. Netanyahu, and P.R C., Xi Xinping.

    Odd how my use of “pet names” resembles the habit indulged by President G.W. Bush? Recall how “The Decider” nick named Vladimir Putin, “Pooty-Poot?” Where fraternal help is really needed, InZ, is for you and Sam The Sham to grow up, get real, and stay on TOPIC.

    (Sigh) Admittedly, there are people here who offer “posts” which may not reach the level of your superior writing ability. (I count myself among the latter group) But InZi — never forget that some commenters “believe” & “think” in ways greater than that which Zionist Jews & Neoconservatives tell them.

    So don’t hold breath while waiting for my thoughts on Poland, September 1939! My first impression was formed after reading Jan Karski’s 1945 Book of The Month, “The Story of The Secret State.” F.Y.I., as a member of the courageous Polish resistance, the late Mr. Karski battled the Nazi occupation of Poland. Now it’s my turn to battle the Zionist occupation of the U.S.A., InZi. Fierstehen sie?

    ‘Til we spar again on-scene at P. Giraldi’s AIPAC exposure! Selah.

    • Replies: @Incitatus
    “Doubtless though, I am very (!) concerned with the ominous New World Order “pact” that I see coming soon to our distressed planet.”

    Can’t disagree. The world’s changed since GHW Bush spouted ‘New World Order’ (‘90?). Not for the better. He was late in making the announcement. Sounded like we’re all supposed to cheer off-shoring jobs to lowest labor-cost venues. Got worse with Nafta under Clinton.

    It’s been going on since Reagan. Consider William E. Simon (Nixon’s Treasury Secretary). He got rich borrowing other peoples’ money (junk bonds) to rape US companies and sell them off. A great conservative. What, in his case, does ‘conservative’ mean? The right of private property only after it’s pirated?

    Don’t get me wrong. Dems are dead-men-walking. The GOP is no better.

    Simon wasn’t alone. The sell off of the American Machine Tool sector started in the 80s (Harvard Business School did a study about 1990). It was easy money. Buy American companies with borrowed money, split them up, sell them off. Make a fortune. Much more than manufacturing widgets, or whatever companies like Anchor Glass could return. Leave them with enormous debt, destroy their pension funds. What’s not to like? Want that private Gulfstream jet and a shot at feudal family status? Go for it! Many did. All faiths, all parties, you name it. Think Cheney or Bush fly commercial?

    The writing, as they say, was on the wall. And really hasn’t changed since. Well, maybe with Trump and TPP? Who knows? But Donald already had his own plane. Coincidence?

    I wonder why a laborer risking occupational injury can pay a higher tax rate while someone with a much larger income from finance pays less and undertakes no such risk (e.g. Romney's 13.9%). Culprits? Don’t just go for the easy scapegoats. Many more are out there.

    More important, what’s a brighter future? That’s what I think about.

    PS. Postwar Europe? J.E. Smith’s ‘FDR’, ‘Eisenhower’, and ‘Lucius Clay’ are interesting on the disposition. No decisive answers, but are there any?
  • @Incitatus
    “Nobody commented on Poland’s fate until now.”

    I’ve been tiresome in raising it. Look at my posts last summer, especially with Rurik.

    I appreciate your reluctance to question L.K on Poland ‘39. One never knows how übermenschen will react. Sometimes it’s better to pretend the question was never asked or introduce irrelevancy. Forget L.K. He’s probably busy with Bund meetings anyway. How do you feel about the Nazi invasion of Poland ‘39? Strategic? Justified? A love-fest between subhumans and the Master Race?

    Thanks for the Lane tip. Looks interesting - I’ve put it on my list (seriously). Have you read Synder’s ‘Bloodlands’ and ‘Black Earth’? Pretty grisly stuff. Nobody comes out looking good.

    Poland seems a favorite anvil in the east. Like Belgium in the west, but more horribly abused. Ukraine and Belorussia didn’t fare much better. Yalta was betrayal, there’s no good excuse. A world devastated and exhausted by war?

    You’re upset with postwar Allied sellout to the Soviets (and should be). How do you feel about Adolf’s partnership with Stalin ‘39-’41? He didn’t have a problem giving Joe sloppy seconds in Poland.

    “today’s Polish-Americans are fed that U.S. missiles are staged in Poland to protect them from Iranian nuclear missile attack.”

    Completely agree. It’s ridiculous and specious. Raytheon and other contractors seem the only beneficiaries.

    Forgive me Chuck. This is unpleasant for me. I have to call your attention to something embarrassing. You know, it’s like having Thanksgiving dinner at a friend’s house and telling him a bit of food escaped his mouth. Fraternal help, so to speak. The pet names you increasingly use? They appear desperate, like you can’t answer simple questions. Enough said.

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts on Poland ‘39.

    Drive safely.

    Fraternal help, so to speak. The pet names you increasingly use?

    At least you get a pet name. All I get is stuttering. Not only that, I always had second billing to Sam until you came back from hiatus, then I was kicked to the curb faster than a fantasy cheerleader. I don’t even get an honorable mention anymore. I could have at least been given third place. Wait, can Woodchucks count above two?

    • LOL: Sam Shama
    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski

    There's reasons why you're merely 'iffen-iffen to me.

    I have standards & a reputation to protect!

    Raise your Hasbara-level a few notches, go further off particular article topics, and maybe you will get a better nick name from me?

  • @joef
    You will probably not see an America First revolution, because of the lack of any strong cooperation/consensus. History is a good teacher, but it does not ever repeat itself exactly. I believe that we are setting ourselves up for something that will be much worse than the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.

    Germany was mostly socially stable without a huge subset population (afro americans) that basically has a parasitical economic relationship with its host country. Germans still had a valid education system, where ours has been failing for decades. Germany did not have a narcissistic generation (of millennials) that cannot cope with hardship. Germany did not have the levels of urban violent crime that we have. Their debt levels were artificially imposed by the Versailles Treaty (the primary cause of the hyperinflation, Hitler's rise, WW2, Holocaust, & subsequent Iron Curtain), where our debt is voluntarily self initiated and still continues unabated. Germany mostly had good infrastructure, while ours fall into disrepair.

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility.

    The correction will come at the local level with some communities adapting, rebuilding, and thriving, while others fall into deeper decline. As governments become less capable of functioning, history shows us that warlords frequently take their place. This will probably be the condition in many parts of our nation (and the world). That is our future if there is no course correction, and I do not see any indication of one. Pray that I am wrong.

    “At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan… That is our future if there is no course correction.”


    Logical thought and well expressed… thank you!

    First off, I see no evidence that a “course correction” is on the present U.S./Zionist planning board. The best President Trump can do is offer incentives for U.S. manufacturers to stay home.

    For all the reasons you noted above, to truly “Make America Great Again” needs more than just vote-getting pitches that consist of rebuilding U.S. infrastructure & erecting a southern border wall, and uniting the nation, is the panacea that gets the job done.

    For years, the highly respected historian, Paul Kennedy, has described the current condition of the American Empire economy as “mature.” In such troubled case, & Mr. Kennedy’s not a prophet, but he points out that another world war is crucial for empire’s to become “great again.” For me, that’s very troublesome, and I’ll continue.

    The rapid move toward global economy begun under the Reagan administration, through G.H.W. Bush 1-term and culminating with Clinton’s Nafta had set the stage for America’s deindustrialization, and the corporate feeding trough euphemistically called “job offshoring and outsourcing.”

    America’s legislative and executive branches foisted Globalization upon the population without a NEED for electoral “say-so” beyond the common peoples suffering pain and an option ” to throw the bums out.”

    Americans had no direct vote upon the N.W.O.’s globalization killing machine. Instantly, Corporate Media & sold out OP-ED artists opined that economic globalization was “inevitable” and American people have no other choice but to ACCEPT

    During the Clinton presidency, the corporations and oligarchs benefited from “Globalization” as an ephemeral “Dot.Com” boom happened, & Americans were tricked into thinking that they can do the brain/service work while Third World citizens could do repetitive labor; i.e.; cut cloth, sew buttons, place desert camouflage cover upon military helmets.

    Consequently, evidence exists pointing to America’s destruction as being an engineered , planned event. And now comes factory automation (robots) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)!

    Pray that I am wrong too, Joef? I see a dystopian world unfolding that resembles the Rich Man and Lazurus” gospel story. “Scraps” will fall off the oligarch table for essential consumption, but where will commoners get the money needed to cover costs for rent, electrical/H20/fuel bills, diapers, etcetera?

    During my worst hours, & as I tap my fingers upon this desk top keyboard, I sense there are Mighty planners at work, who are getting paid to dream up a plan for somehow getting moolah (?) into the hands of the masses who have shrunken means to work & earn anything.

    Again, I hope that I am light years off the Deep End here, Joef. Thank you very much for such an important post!

    P.S.: Given my place of birth is Scranton, PA, I feel a bit left behind that the”Electric City” failed to make your “canary in coal mine list.” Each week w/o fail, Scranton’s only newspaper The Times-Tribune” runs a first page report called “City in Crisis.” I

    • Replies: @joef

    The rapid move toward global economy begun under the Reagan administration, through G.H.W. Bush 1-term and culminating with Clinton’s Nafta had set the stage for America’s deindustrialization, and the corporate feeding trough euphemistically called “job offshoring and outsourcing.”
    Globalization is the keystone that has united the Socialist and Corporatist agendas. They both have the same goal of eliminating national identity and borders, albeit for different reasons & motivations. Thus, the middle/working class are seen as a hindrance to their goal.

    Pray that I am wrong too, Joef? I see a dystopian world unfolding that resembles the Rich Man and Lazurus” gospel story. “Scraps” will fall off the oligarch table for essential consumption, but where will commoners get the money needed to cover costs for rent, electrical/H20/fuel bills, diapers, etcetera?
    Yes its almost like they are pushing us to a 'Soylent Green' type of existence. They tell you that everything is okay until you read the article in the 'New Yorker' magazine about billionaires buying up retreat farm property in NZ, with private airstrips and bunkers. What is that about, if everything is okay? [Its like when The Fed states the fundamentals of the economy are strong, but are afraid to raise the interest rate ...if the economy is strong then why be afraid?].

    The only thing I can think of right now (unless I am missing something) is that they probably believe they can manage the collapse of the middle/working class into Soylent Green conditions, but if it starts to resemble the end of Rome instead, they have someplace to go.

    The important thing is not to despair. History is full of change & transitions, some good, some bad, mostly mixed. It will very likely NOT resemble 'road warrior' like situation that some extreme preppers are hoping for. Somehow people always find a way to cope, adapt, and thrive. We have all become so accustomed to prosperity that it's very difficult for us to contemplate living without it.

    Yet throughout history, prosperity was not the norm; hardship & struggle were, yet people were able to obtain meaning, and go on with their lives. We may lose sources of materialism and immediate gratification, but we will learn to appreciate good people/neighbors (of any color), and the blessings of obtaining our basic needs.
    In other words the world will not end; we will learn to live as our great grandparents did, and if they can do it, so can we.

  • @Chuck Orloski
    "I... await his (Chuck's) questioning L.K. re: the Nazi rape of Poland, 1939."

    Whenever fraudsters,i.e., Sam The Sham & InZ, want to falsely defend the best interests of Polish Roman Catholics (who suffered miseries under Jewish financial control) they turn to the Nazi invasion of Poland, September 1939. Psshew!

    Post-WW II, while knowing how Britain went to war to liberate Poland, artful deception specialists go silent about how Churchill & FDR criminally ceded Poland into Stalin's Soviet orbit. Solzhenitsyn knew this truth and he did time in Stalin's Lubyanka.

    Earlier in this very "comment" thread, I wrote about the above Allied hypocrisy and referred to an excellent book called "I Saw Poland Betrayed," authored by U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Bliss Lane.

    Nobody commented on Poland's fate until now. Why? The timeline wasn't ripe for S.S. & InZ's lies to spring! What's more, today's Polish-Americans are fed that U.S. missiles are staged in Poland to protect them from Iranian nuclear missile attack. Oh jeezuz.

    Consequently, Sam The Sham and InZitatus need to either upgrade or discard their deception skills on P. Giraldi's presentation on (past & present) Neoconservative "clear & present danger" before I would ever try and "pin down" L.K. on horrors that occurred in the direct aftermath of the Versailles Treaty's economic killing of Germans.

    Shammie, I feel no relief for your having reversed calling me a "fraudster."'

    As you know, long ago on this Blog, you struck hard & honestly by calling be a "viral bacteria strain." Had you even a part-per-million of courage of your demented (IQ 204) convictions, you would immediately recall any apologies and I would sincerely have more (reverse) respect for you, my chickenhawk ENEMY.

    To reiterate, I like when puss mouths attack me!

    post scriptum to L.K.: The dead of 9-11 and the aftermath Wars of (U.S./Israeli) Terror would spit at these two vultures (S.S. & InZ) before they'd even get one bite into their corpses. Thanks for circling high around the living Neoconservatives and exposing their evil "feeding' deeds against humanity.

    “Nobody commented on Poland’s fate until now.”

    I’ve been tiresome in raising it. Look at my posts last summer, especially with Rurik.

    I appreciate your reluctance to question L.K on Poland ‘39. One never knows how übermenschen will react. Sometimes it’s better to pretend the question was never asked or introduce irrelevancy. Forget L.K. He’s probably busy with Bund meetings anyway. How do you feel about the Nazi invasion of Poland ‘39? Strategic? Justified? A love-fest between subhumans and the Master Race?

    Thanks for the Lane tip. Looks interesting – I’ve put it on my list (seriously). Have you read Synder’s ‘Bloodlands’ and ‘Black Earth’? Pretty grisly stuff. Nobody comes out looking good.

    Poland seems a favorite anvil in the east. Like Belgium in the west, but more horribly abused. Ukraine and Belorussia didn’t fare much better. Yalta was betrayal, there’s no good excuse. A world devastated and exhausted by war?

    You’re upset with postwar Allied sellout to the Soviets (and should be). How do you feel about Adolf’s partnership with Stalin ‘39-’41? He didn’t have a problem giving Joe sloppy seconds in Poland.

    “today’s Polish-Americans are fed that U.S. missiles are staged in Poland to protect them from Iranian nuclear missile attack.”

    Completely agree. It’s ridiculous and specious. Raytheon and other contractors seem the only beneficiaries.

    Forgive me Chuck. This is unpleasant for me. I have to call your attention to something embarrassing. You know, it’s like having Thanksgiving dinner at a friend’s house and telling him a bit of food escaped his mouth. Fraternal help, so to speak. The pet names you increasingly use? They appear desperate, like you can’t answer simple questions. Enough said.

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts on Poland ‘39.

    Drive safely.

    • Replies: @iffen
    Fraternal help, so to speak. The pet names you increasingly use?

    At least you get a pet name. All I get is stuttering. Not only that, I always had second billing to Sam until you came back from hiatus, then I was kicked to the curb faster than a fantasy cheerleader. I don't even get an honorable mention anymore. I could have at least been given third place. Wait, can Woodchucks count above two?

    , @Chuck Orloski
    "How do you feel about the (Hitler-Stalin) Molotov Ribbentrop Pact?"


    I do not "feel" anything about it. Objectively I studied the fascinating "pact" and most recently I have read Victor Suvorov's unorthodox and learned book, " The Chief Culprit."

    At present, I will leave behind the fascinating matter of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggresion Pact due to the expenditure of time that I actually have to allot for entertaining you by my chasing that particular history down.

    Maybe L.K. will be interested... and call me a pet name, maybe "chicken," whatever, so be it -- I'm soon off to P. Giraldi's new AIPAC article.

    Doubtless though, I am very (!) concerned with the ominous New World Order "pact" that I see coming soon to our distressed planet.

    Frankly, inZi, I will FEEL absolutely zero surprise whatsoever were an aggressive "Non-aggression" & cooperative global economic pact is announced, including "superpowers," Presidents Trump, Putin, P.M. B. Netanyahu, and P.R C., Xi Xinping.

    Odd how my use of "pet names" resembles the habit indulged by President G.W. Bush? Recall how "The Decider" nick named Vladimir Putin, "Pooty-Poot?" Where fraternal help is really needed, InZ, is for you and Sam The Sham to grow up, get real, and stay on TOPIC.

    (Sigh) Admittedly, there are people here who offer "posts" which may not reach the level of your superior writing ability. (I count myself among the latter group) But InZi -- never forget that some commenters "believe" & "think" in ways greater than that which Zionist Jews & Neoconservatives tell them.

    So don't hold breath while waiting for my thoughts on Poland, September 1939! My first impression was formed after reading Jan Karski's 1945 Book of The Month, "The Story of The Secret State." F.Y.I., as a member of the courageous Polish resistance, the late Mr. Karski battled the Nazi occupation of Poland. Now it's my turn to battle the Zionist occupation of the U.S.A., InZi. Fierstehen sie?

    'Til we spar again on-scene at P. Giraldi's AIPAC exposure! Selah.
  • @Anon
    Keith Says:

    "Is wasn't Russia; it was the Soviet Union."

    No... you should be more specific.

    It was the Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Union.

    Evidently you didn't watch the video
    " The Chief Culprit"

    If you did you would have learned that Hitler's attack (Operstion Barbarossa) on the Soviet Union was a preemptive strike.

    In the 192os, the Jewish Bolsheviks Soviets were already planning to make great sacrifices in their preparation to take over Europe.

    Did you get amnesia and forget about the nonaggression pact ( Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact) between the Master Race and the Soviet Union.

    Giving the Soviets the green light to invade Poland and Finland.

    In the 1939 the Soviets were not fighting the master race. The Jewish Bolshevicks
    were busy murdering thousands of Christian Orthodox Russians and murdering Poles in the Kaytn Forrest.

    When the NKDV Bolsheviks got to Poland, they made great sacrifices. They wasted a great deal of ammunition by putting a round into the back of the heads of the Polish military command, intellectuals, priests, and nuns. Then the NKVD burried the massacred Poles in mass graves.

    When the Soviets got to Berlin and put the Hammer & Sickle on the Reichstag,
    the photo had to cropped because each heroic soldiers had several stolen watches on each of their arms as they raised the flag.

    I notice you didn't address my question as to why the west didn't declare war against
    the Soviets for invading Poland.

    Yes, the West gave all of Eastern Europe and half of Germany to the war criminal Soviets.

    Did you forget George Patton wanted to push the Soviets out of Europe, but he was murdered by ?

    {If you did you would have learned that Hitler’s attack (Operstion Barbarossa) on the Soviet Union was a preemptive strike.}

    _You_ would have learned that the revisionist nonsense has been debunked by several historians, amongst them American historian Col David M. Glantz in his book “Stumbling Colossus: The Red Army on the Eve of World War (Modern War Studies)”. Read a book, instead of watching Youtube videos. Stalin was terrified of Hitler, and did everything not to provoke him. Even after Hitler had invaded, initially Stalin kept sending raw materials to Germany and forbade his military to fight back, irrationally hoping Nazi invasion was just a border skirmish.

    The ‘preemptive strike’ meme is being spread to absolve the genocidal war criminal Nazis of murdering 10s of millions.

    {When the Soviets got to Berlin and put the Hammer & Sickle on the Reichstag,
    the photo had to cropped because each heroic soldiers had several stolen watches on each of their arms as they raised the flag.}

    Sour grapes: they ‘stole ?’ watches from Nazi scum? Good.
    It’s called war booty. The savage Nazi invaders murdered 10s of millions of Soviet citizens, mostly Slavs, and destroyed most of the USSR.
    Nevertheless, they did raise it over the alleged ‘1000 year Reich’, and also pissed on the ashes of ‘Master Race’ (sic) head-psycho.

    {Did you forget George Patton wanted to push the Soviets out of Europe, but he was murdered by ?}

    Patton was a senile old fool, a loudmouth, who was cashiered by Gen Bradley (and Gen Eisenhower) for praising Nazis. Patton was a nobody who was made famous by Hollywood, not because he was an outstanding general.
    He was a bitter old man who made general too late in his life and irrationally considered himself some kind of Caesar.

    As to addressing the rest of the nonsense in your post: too many to waste any more time.

    • Replies: @L.K
    Glantz debunked nothing, you fool.
    You just have no idea what the hell you are talking about... I doubt you even ever read Glantz.
    Anon, btw, did not refer only to youtube videos, he referred to a very good book , 'The Chief Culprit".
    Russian historian M. Nikitin, - one of many who have reached conclusions similar to those of Suvorov - who researched the goals of the Soviet leadership in Soviet archives, particularly during the May-June 1941 period, summarized his findings as such:

    “We once again repeat that the fundamental goal of the USSR consisted of expanding the ‘front of Socialism’ to the greatest possible territorial extent, ideally to include all of Europe. In Moscow’s opinion, circumstances favored the realization of this scheme. The occupation of large parts of the continent by Germany, the futile war, the increasing dissatisfaction of the population of the occupied territories, the dispersion of Wehrmacht forces on various fronts, the prospects of a conflict between Japan & the USA – all these factors were thought to give the Soviet leadership a unique chance to smash Germany by surprise attack, and to ‘liberate Europe’ from “rotting Capitalism”. [p.88]
    Nikitin added that the data from the archives plus the huge military offensive preparations of the Red Army “unequivocally proves the intention of the Soviet leadership to attack Germany in the summer of 1941.”
    Anyway, it is not like you care about facts or about the truth... you are a sad little liar who has, for example, repeated dozens of times the idiocy that people from Turkey are Uyghur nomads from China.
  • @geokat62

    I enjoy reading your commentary.
    Thanks, Paul C.

    With regard to 9/11 though, how does your research, through Ryan Mackey or otherwise, explain the symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 in 6 seconds? No steel structure has ever collapsed from fire and NIST’s own conclusion was that the collapse was “progressive” and not symmetrical which is contrary to what the videos show.
    Here's what Ryan Mackey has to say on p. 115 about Sudden Collapse and “Virtually Free-Fall Speed”:

    The NIST timeline above proves that the collapse was not particularly sudden, and also refutes any claim of “virtually free-fall speed.” The timeline demonstrates that 8.2 seconds transpired between the initiating events and the onset of global collapse, making the total collapse time roughly 15 seconds in duration. Dr. Griffin has badly estimated both, and as a result, his argument proceeds from a false premise.
    I attach an image of the NIST timeline for your perusal:

    Why would Larry Silverstein purchase the twin towers, given the billions of dollars worth of liabilities attached to them, because of the need to remediate the asbestos? Is he just dumb? Is it a coincidence that he took out terrorism insurance and netted $4.8 billion?
    This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey's paper.

    I hope you decide to read them and share your thoughts.
    Tell you what Paul C. (and others), I'll commit to reading the rest of CB's book and I hope that you all will commit to reading Ryan Mackey's 306-page paper... and, sometime in the future, we can compare notes.

    Re: issue of Larry S. W.T.C. ownership; “This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey’s paper.’


    No one here WANTS to debunk either your stands or Mackey’s work on how, who, what did 9-11.

    Your debate opponents desire you to read and discern Bollyn’s powerful evidence in “Solving 9-11.”

    The challenge for me to read R.M.’s 306-page paper is fair but, & as you assert, when key matters involving Larry Silverstein are “out of scope” for Mr. Mackey, we are not talking an apple-to- orange comparison!

    Mackey’s and Bollyn’s works may either synthesize or separate at some points, but EACH demand a verdict and action.

    A question: What prevents a serious U.S. government reinvestigation of 9-11 but Zionist (Neoconservative) say so. What prevents the families of 9-11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia? (Sigh)

    Please finish reading Bollyn and you’ll be ahead of We the “Others”?

    I’m off now to P.G.’s new article on AIPAC come to town! Thank you.

    • Replies: @L.K
    Hey Chuck,

    Tell ya the truth, the moment I saw your question to geokat pertaining to 9-11, I feared the good lad would repeat his copying and pasting of Mackey's BS.
    Mackey is merely a snake oil salesman with credentials, what a shock that ZUSA's government could get people like him to push obfuscation in favor of the official gov.story!
    Mackey himself has already been refuted by several 9-11 researchers, geokat just ignores all that. If geokat truly read those 300 plus pages, which I doubt he did, he clearly is a masochist! :-)
    Geokat may have been misled, but in the end, it is his fault. He is like that guy who thinks he is eating strawberries on cream ... but in reality is having wet excrement instead.
    Hoffman's introduction to his criticism of Mackey's methods is revealing:

    This review will never be a complete reply to Mackey's essay. An attempt to create such a reply would be misguided since it would lend legitimacy to Mackey's method: generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility -- the emphasis being on quantity -- while employing a vast array of propagandistic techniques, factual distortions, and logical fallacies. The rationale behind that method seems clear enough: create a smokescreen of baseless arguments and distractions, clothed in claims of intellectual superiority and scientific legitimacy, such that the audience might be reassured that there is no need to look at the evidence of controlled demolition.
    Plus, as Art said 'There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up.'
    It's not merely the towers.
  • @Ace
    Interesting but irrelevant, I think.

    The relevant question is which economic interests were favored by the Constitution. Shipping? Banking? Agriculture? Manufacturing? Mining? Heating and air conditioning sales and service? None of the above.

    States are prohibited from interfering with the obligations of contract and that favors creditors with extant loans I suppose. Too, lawyers might be seen as having been granted job security but the Constitution's really not that hard to understand for the most part. Only Supreme Court justices, liars and morons say that they can find a Congressional power to legislate in the area of health care, for example.

    But apart from that the Constitution seems neutral to me and leaves economic activity to the states to regulate.

    I cough up at least 40 percent of my wages to the IRS. They tell me that this sort of theft is Constitutional. Doesn’t seem very neutral to me.

    • Replies: @Ace
    The point I was addressing was "neutral with regard to economic interests." If it was real estate investment that was favored, where is the evidence for that in the Constitution? Manufacturing? Shipping? Lawyering? Agriculture?

    I think you are using "neutral" in the sense of "oppressive."

    Some argue that the 16th Amendment wasn't properly ratified. I've not studied on that but, if true, you are right about your theft point as the IRS would be acting pursuant to unconstitutional legislation.
  • @jacques sheete
    Thank you. Nock was certainly tops and the anti-federalists were ~100% correct.

    The fact that no one else commented speaks volumes.

    Also JS, check out” hologram of liberty” by Kenneth Royce.

  • @joef
    You will probably not see an America First revolution, because of the lack of any strong cooperation/consensus. History is a good teacher, but it does not ever repeat itself exactly. I believe that we are setting ourselves up for something that will be much worse than the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.

    Germany was mostly socially stable without a huge subset population (afro americans) that basically has a parasitical economic relationship with its host country. Germans still had a valid education system, where ours has been failing for decades. Germany did not have a narcissistic generation (of millennials) that cannot cope with hardship. Germany did not have the levels of urban violent crime that we have. Their debt levels were artificially imposed by the Versailles Treaty (the primary cause of the hyperinflation, Hitler's rise, WW2, Holocaust, & subsequent Iron Curtain), where our debt is voluntarily self initiated and still continues unabated. Germany mostly had good infrastructure, while ours fall into disrepair.

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility.

    The correction will come at the local level with some communities adapting, rebuilding, and thriving, while others fall into deeper decline. As governments become less capable of functioning, history shows us that warlords frequently take their place. This will probably be the condition in many parts of our nation (and the world). That is our future if there is no course correction, and I do not see any indication of one. Pray that I am wrong.

    Sadly, I agree with you completely. Good insights and very well put.

  • @iffen
    it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics

    Thanks. I hope I am not jumping the shark with this:

    The science of the good for man is politics.
    Ethica Nicomachea Aristotle
    Just grumbling out loud, I guess I came off as needy, hopefully not as badly as the Woodchuck. I’ll be okay once I get the ducklings back in line. Just because natural rights do not exist, doesn’t mean I have to stop believing in their virtue and normative value.

    On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it.

    Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to. I may be a little dense because Incitatus had confused me with his reference to Zionism. I can’t see how to separate Israel from Zion.

    I was concerned that maybe there are Jewish neocons who intentionally or not concentrate more on Israel than the US. So what, at the extreme, how many non-Jewish Benedict Arnolds have there been? I was concerned that maybe it was different now that Israel is a reality. Then it dawned upon me that it is no different just because Israel exists. The Jews, and other minorities, have been accused of disloyalty forever. Israel is just an excuse. They didn’t need Israel to condemn the Jewish Bolsheviks or the German bankers. Supposed disloyalty in favor of Israel is just one new verse in a very old song.

    I can’t see how to separate Israel from Zion.

    If I were a Jew living in Israel I would pick up my family and leave.

    It is true – one cannot separate Israel from Zion. And that is the reason for leaving. In the current Israeli government Netanyahu is a moderate – the rest of his cabinet is to the right of him. Eventually he will be replaced by someone more extreme then him.

    There is no real alternative opposition to the right – typical of the Jew strategy of divide and conquer, the old Labor party is splintered and has no real power. There is nothing to pull Israel to the center. Zion has all the levers of power and Zion wants it all, every square inch of Palestine and beyond. Those people are manic, they cannot stop.

    Peace — Art

    p.s. History says that Israel will self-implode and the world will do a Carthage on them.

  • @Anon
    Keith Says:

    "I do not think it is conspiratorial to believe elites perform certain actions to promote their own interests".

    Joef .... thank you for responding to my response. I am in total agreement with your belief that our society is unraveling. This is why I consider the US to be in the same stage as the Weimar Republic, just before the National Socialist Revolution.

    Getting back to the Unz subject, in most countries the elites work together to promote their interests. What is different in America is that we have a Zionist elite ( AIPC, Jewish NeoCons, Jewish Wall Street oligarchs, Zio media) as a separate nation conspiring together to support their own economic and political interests in America and around the world, and that of a foreign nation, Israel. The conspiring includes their " divide and conquer strategy". The Communists in the Weimar Republic used the same strategy. This is why the fighting moved from the political arena on to the street.

    This is the main reason why America will never be Great Again, unless we have a revolution.

    Not the co opted Trump phony populist revolution. A truly America First revolution.

    Draining the swamp means taking down the Zionist nation in American.

    You will probably not see an America First revolution, because of the lack of any strong cooperation/consensus. History is a good teacher, but it does not ever repeat itself exactly. I believe that we are setting ourselves up for something that will be much worse than the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.

    Germany was mostly socially stable without a huge subset population (afro americans) that basically has a parasitical economic relationship with its host country. Germans still had a valid education system, where ours has been failing for decades. Germany did not have a narcissistic generation (of millennials) that cannot cope with hardship. Germany did not have the levels of urban violent crime that we have. Their debt levels were artificially imposed by the Versailles Treaty (the primary cause of the hyperinflation, Hitler’s rise, WW2, Holocaust, & subsequent Iron Curtain), where our debt is voluntarily self initiated and still continues unabated. Germany mostly had good infrastructure, while ours fall into disrepair.

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility.

    The correction will come at the local level with some communities adapting, rebuilding, and thriving, while others fall into deeper decline. As governments become less capable of functioning, history shows us that warlords frequently take their place. This will probably be the condition in many parts of our nation (and the world). That is our future if there is no course correction, and I do not see any indication of one. Pray that I am wrong.

    • Replies: @NoseytheDuke
    Sadly, I agree with you completely. Good insights and very well put.
    , @Chuck Orloski
    "At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan... That is our future if there is no course correction."


    Logical thought and well expressed... thank you!

    First off, I see no evidence that a "course correction" is on the present U.S./Zionist planning board. The best President Trump can do is offer incentives for U.S. manufacturers to stay home.

    For all the reasons you noted above, to truly "Make America Great Again" needs more than just vote-getting pitches that consist of rebuilding U.S. infrastructure & erecting a southern border wall, and uniting the nation, is the panacea that gets the job done.

    For years, the highly respected historian, Paul Kennedy, has described the current condition of the American Empire economy as "mature." In such troubled case, & Mr. Kennedy's not a prophet, but he points out that another world war is crucial for empire's to become "great again." For me, that's very troublesome, and I'll continue.

    The rapid move toward global economy begun under the Reagan administration, through G.H.W. Bush 1-term and culminating with Clinton's Nafta had set the stage for America's deindustrialization, and the corporate feeding trough euphemistically called "job offshoring and outsourcing."

    America's legislative and executive branches foisted Globalization upon the population without a NEED for electoral "say-so" beyond the common peoples suffering pain and an option " to throw the bums out."

    Americans had no direct vote upon the N.W.O.'s globalization killing machine. Instantly, Corporate Media & sold out OP-ED artists opined that economic globalization was "inevitable" and American people have no other choice but to ACCEPT

    During the Clinton presidency, the corporations and oligarchs benefited from "Globalization" as an ephemeral "Dot.Com" boom happened, & Americans were tricked into thinking that they can do the brain/service work while Third World citizens could do repetitive labor; i.e.; cut cloth, sew buttons, place desert camouflage cover upon military helmets.

    Consequently, evidence exists pointing to America's destruction as being an engineered , planned event. And now comes factory automation (robots) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)!

    Pray that I am wrong too, Joef? I see a dystopian world unfolding that resembles the Rich Man and Lazurus" gospel story. "Scraps" will fall off the oligarch table for essential consumption, but where will commoners get the money needed to cover costs for rent, electrical/H20/fuel bills, diapers, etcetera?

    During my worst hours, & as I tap my fingers upon this desk top keyboard, I sense there are Mighty planners at work, who are getting paid to dream up a plan for somehow getting moolah (?) into the hands of the masses who have shrunken means to work & earn anything.

    Again, I hope that I am light years off the Deep End here, Joef. Thank you very much for such an important post!

    P.S.: Given my place of birth is Scranton, PA, I feel a bit left behind that the"Electric City" failed to make your "canary in coal mine list." Each week w/o fail, Scranton's only newspaper The Times-Tribune" runs a first page report called "City in Crisis." I
    , @Sam Shama

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility
    You wrote much nonsense on U.S. Economics. The preceding paragraph reeks of indigestion on account of consuming a surfeit of pain quotidien from Zero Hedge or an equally disreputable rag.

    If you think cities in fiscal distress is a new phenomenon you've got another think coming. It is the very nature of our economic system. Pittsburgh, remember it? Written off as a basket case in the 1980's, it has come roaring back with a high-tech sector and banking. Plenty of other examples too.

    I'll keep this post abbreviated in the interest of pinning you down on one specific matter. You speak of unserviceable debt. Really? In what way? The depth of ignorance is too profound in that statement. Have you noticed what our primary and total budget deficits have done since the 2008 crisis? Do you know what percentage of a year's worth of income we spend on debt service?

    Here's a clue:

    It's no use looking at anything else before you clear this fundamental matter. Having a political position is one thing, but it is quite another indulging in fantasies to support those biases.

    , @Anon
    Keith says:

    " Pray that I am wrong "

    Brilliant ! But very scary.

    I love my granddaughter dearly and want her to grow up in the America I knew.

    Wishful thinking on my part. I was born and raised in the Bronx, NY. As a teen my family moved to Queens NY and when I moved out on my own, I moved to Brooklyn NY. As I became more successful in life, I migrated to a affluent community on Long Island. Why the long history?

    I experienced the decline of America first hand. I often think of my childhood neighborhood in the Bronx with fond memories. I went back recently to reminisce and didn't recognize my old community. I left with tears in my eyes.

    One would think a person with my background would be a ardent Trump supporter. Initially I was fooled by his call to "Make America Great Again" and the charade by the NeoCons making believe they hate Trump. I fell for his phony populism until I watched Trump's speech before AIPAC. At the AIPAC he promised to deliver everything the NeoCons have been pushing for, for years.

    This street smart kid from the Bronx is no dumb goy. Trump and his Zionists buddies from the Jewyork nation, co opted the Alternate Right and is directing the Trump movement in support of Zionists interests, not American interests.

    This is why Sam the Sham is laughing at Trumpism. He knows the deceit. He is sitting at home
    on his horse ranch knowing America is already great. Great for him and the elites.

    The National Socialists knew from the beginning they couldn't make Germany Great Again, and
    improve the lives of the majority of Germans, unless they took down their Frankfurt Wall Street elites and corrupt politicians.

    All along multiculturalism was part of their plan for America. The plan was to create a melting pot country that could never unite to challenge the elites. The plan was very successful. When the pot boils over, the elites will have us killing each other. The divide and conquer strategy is currently
    on display.

    I pray I am wrong. In the mean time I have to be content with the communication revolution.
    I have dedicated my life to educating as many people as I can on the dangers of Zionists worldwide power. Tis is the season to expose AIPAC and the NeoCons.
  • @WorkingClass
    The Jew fifth column are war profiteers growing fat on human suffering. The Neocons are truly the scum of the earth. They put the Zio in the Anglo/Zio Empire which fortunately is in steep decline. That they are Trump's enemies is sufficient to make me a Trump supporter. In the course of the recent election the corporate media, including Hollywood, in their zeal to defeat Trump, openly declared their hatred and contempt for Straight White American Males. Now identity politics is backfiring on the establishment. Trump and his deplorables are the domestic resistance to Imperial Washington and it's Police State. Trump will be remembered as the first leader of the American resistance.

    …Straight White American Males.

    Never use their degenerate assignments. We are Normal, not straight!

    Always enjoy your comments.

  • @geokat62

    I enjoy reading your commentary.
    Thanks, Paul C.

    With regard to 9/11 though, how does your research, through Ryan Mackey or otherwise, explain the symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 in 6 seconds? No steel structure has ever collapsed from fire and NIST’s own conclusion was that the collapse was “progressive” and not symmetrical which is contrary to what the videos show.
    Here's what Ryan Mackey has to say on p. 115 about Sudden Collapse and “Virtually Free-Fall Speed”:

    The NIST timeline above proves that the collapse was not particularly sudden, and also refutes any claim of “virtually free-fall speed.” The timeline demonstrates that 8.2 seconds transpired between the initiating events and the onset of global collapse, making the total collapse time roughly 15 seconds in duration. Dr. Griffin has badly estimated both, and as a result, his argument proceeds from a false premise.
    I attach an image of the NIST timeline for your perusal:

    Why would Larry Silverstein purchase the twin towers, given the billions of dollars worth of liabilities attached to them, because of the need to remediate the asbestos? Is he just dumb? Is it a coincidence that he took out terrorism insurance and netted $4.8 billion?
    This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey's paper.

    I hope you decide to read them and share your thoughts.
    Tell you what Paul C. (and others), I'll commit to reading the rest of CB's book and I hope that you all will commit to reading Ryan Mackey's 306-page paper... and, sometime in the future, we can compare notes.


    I almost forgot to respond to your point about symmetry.

    Here’s what Ryan Mackey has to say on p. 117 regarding Symmetry of Collapse:

    Similar to his argument in the WTC Towers, here Dr. Griffin claims (and cites Dr. Jones in support) that the vertical collapse would require the simultaneous failure of all of the support columns.

    We have already described, for the WTC Towers, why this is not correct, and how instability leads to multiple failures over a period of seconds to fractions of a second. This explains why the collapses are, to first approximation, symmetrical. We have also described why a tall structure cannot topple sideways, viz. due to the inability of long columns to support this motion without buckling.

    Furthermore, the NIST Timeline above proves, without a doubt, that the failure of WTC 7 supports was not simultaneous. The first movement in the structure occurred 8.2 seconds before the total collapse began, indicative of some structural elements failing internally. The south face of the structure began to collapse 1.2 seconds before the rest of the structure. These simple facts, discernable from video of the event, demonstrate that Dr. Griffin’s premise is false.

  • @Paul C.
    Hi Geokat,

    I enjoying reading your commentary.

    With regard to 9/11 though, how does your research, through Ryan Mackey or otherwise, explain the symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 in 6 seconds? No steel structure has ever collapsed from fire and NIST's own conclusion was that the collapse was "progressive" and not symmetrical which is contrary to what the videos show. NIST refuses to this day to share their analysis which is not how science is done. They then admitted there was some free fall acceleration. But yet there's no explanation or discussion other than on the alternative media.

    Why would Larry Silverstein purchase the twin towers, given the billions of dollars worth of liabilities attached to them, because of the need to remediate the asbestos? Is he just dumb? Is it a coincidence that he took out terrorism insurance and netted $4.8 billion?

    Chris Bollyn's two "Solving 9-11" books are must reads for those wanting to understand how this event occurred. The one book contains his original articles as he researched and compiled evidence over a 12 year period. I hope you decide to read them and share your thoughts. All the best.

    I enjoy reading your commentary.

    Thanks, Paul C.

    With regard to 9/11 though, how does your research, through Ryan Mackey or otherwise, explain the symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 in 6 seconds? No steel structure has ever collapsed from fire and NIST’s own conclusion was that the collapse was “progressive” and not symmetrical which is contrary to what the videos show.

    Here’s what Ryan Mackey has to say on p. 115 about Sudden Collapse and “Virtually Free-Fall Speed”:

    The NIST timeline above proves that the collapse was not particularly sudden, and also refutes any claim of “virtually free-fall speed.” The timeline demonstrates that 8.2 seconds transpired between the initiating events and the onset of global collapse, making the total collapse time roughly 15 seconds in duration. Dr. Griffin has badly estimated both, and as a result, his argument proceeds from a false premise.

    I attach an image of the NIST timeline for your perusal:

    View post on

    Why would Larry Silverstein purchase the twin towers, given the billions of dollars worth of liabilities attached to them, because of the need to remediate the asbestos? Is he just dumb? Is it a coincidence that he took out terrorism insurance and netted $4.8 billion?

    This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey’s paper.

    I hope you decide to read them and share your thoughts.

    Tell you what Paul C. (and others), I’ll commit to reading the rest of CB’s book and I hope that you all will commit to reading Ryan Mackey’s 306-page paper… and, sometime in the future, we can compare notes.

    • Replies: @geokat62

    I almost forgot to respond to your point about symmetry.

    Here's what Ryan Mackey has to say on p. 117 regarding Symmetry of Collapse:

    Similar to his argument in the WTC Towers, here Dr. Griffin claims (and cites Dr. Jones in support) that the vertical collapse would require the simultaneous failure of all of the support columns.

    We have already described, for the WTC Towers, why this is not correct, and how instability leads to multiple failures over a period of seconds to fractions of a second. This explains why the collapses are, to first approximation, symmetrical. We have also described why a tall structure cannot topple sideways, viz. due to the inability of long columns to support this motion without buckling.

    Furthermore, the NIST Timeline above proves, without a doubt, that the failure of WTC 7 supports was not simultaneous. The first movement in the structure occurred 8.2 seconds before the total collapse began, indicative of some structural elements failing internally. The south face of the structure began to collapse 1.2 seconds before the rest of the structure. These simple facts, discernable from video of the event, demonstrate that Dr. Griffin’s premise is false.
    , @Chuck Orloski
    Re: issue of Larry S. W.T.C. ownership; "This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey's paper.'


    No one here WANTS to debunk either your stands or Mackey's work on how, who, what did 9-11.

    Your debate opponents desire you to read and discern Bollyn's powerful evidence in "Solving 9-11."

    The challenge for me to read R.M.'s 306-page paper is fair but, & as you assert, when key matters involving Larry Silverstein are "out of scope" for Mr. Mackey, we are not talking an apple-to- orange comparison!

    Mackey's and Bollyn's works may either synthesize or separate at some points, but EACH demand a verdict and action.

    A question: What prevents a serious U.S. government reinvestigation of 9-11 but Zionist (Neoconservative) say so. What prevents the families of 9-11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia? (Sigh)

    Please finish reading Bollyn and you'll be ahead of We the "Others"?

    I'm off now to P.G.'s new article on AIPAC come to town! Thank you.
    , @Paul C.
    I've looked at Ryan Mackey's paper and cannot give him any credence. It reads like the hit job it is against David Ray Griffin. That's exactly what his report is designed to do, therefore he can't be seen as objective.

    He's a NASA research scientist, not a hi-rise building architect or structural engineer. Why does his opinion count? If you really want to explore the science of WTC 7 and Towers 1 & 2, mountains of analysis has been done by 2,800 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth.

    How can we expect an employee of the federal government to corroborate the charge that the gov't was complicit in the crime? It makes no sense. It's a complete conflict of interest.

    Mackey's work is obfuscation. He cites other steel framed structures that have collapsed from fire which are not even comparable. A 1 or 2 story warehouse that burned in 1967 in San Francisco. All you see is a burned building. A oil rig platform that either caught fire or blew up. How do these compare to a modern (WTC 7 was only 16 years old) 47 story steel framed building that caught fire in a few areas and then collapses like a house of cards in 8 seconds.

    His table of contents is not hyperlinked and the 306 pages are in roman numerals making review and analysis of the document very difficult which I presume was purposeful.

    If you really desire to learn the truth, a gov't paid shill is not the answer. I hope you do read Bollyn's works, A&E 9/11 Truth and many others that have worked so hard. Sincerely.

  • @Sam Shama
    Allright, I unsay what I said about Chuck being a fraud, stand corrected, and await his questioning L.K. re: the Nazi rape of Poland, 1939.

    “I… await his (Chuck’s) questioning L.K. re: the Nazi rape of Poland, 1939.”

    Whenever fraudsters,i.e., Sam The Sham & InZ, want to falsely defend the best interests of Polish Roman Catholics (who suffered miseries under Jewish financial control) they turn to the Nazi invasion of Poland, September 1939. Psshew!

    Post-WW II, while knowing how Britain went to war to liberate Poland, artful deception specialists go silent about how Churchill & FDR criminally ceded Poland into Stalin’s Soviet orbit. Solzhenitsyn knew this truth and he did time in Stalin’s Lubyanka.

    Earlier in this very “comment” thread, I wrote about the above Allied hypocrisy and referred to an excellent book called “I Saw Poland Betrayed,” authored by U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Bliss Lane.

    Nobody commented on Poland’s fate until now. Why? The timeline wasn’t ripe for S.S. & InZ’s lies to spring! What’s more, today’s Polish-Americans are fed that U.S. missiles are staged in Poland to protect them from Iranian nuclear missile attack. Oh jeezuz.

    Consequently, Sam The Sham and InZitatus need to either upgrade or discard their deception skills on P. Giraldi’s presentation on (past & present) Neoconservative “clear & present danger” before I would ever try and “pin down” L.K. on horrors that occurred in the direct aftermath of the Versailles Treaty’s economic killing of Germans.

    Shammie, I feel no relief for your having reversed calling me a “fraudster.”‘

    As you know, long ago on this Blog, you struck hard & honestly by calling be a “viral bacteria strain.” Had you even a part-per-million of courage of your demented (IQ 204) convictions, you would immediately recall any apologies and I would sincerely have more (reverse) respect for you, my chickenhawk ENEMY.

    To reiterate, I like when puss mouths attack me!

    post scriptum to L.K.: The dead of 9-11 and the aftermath Wars of (U.S./Israeli) Terror would spit at these two vultures (S.S. & InZ) before they’d even get one bite into their corpses. Thanks for circling high around the living Neoconservatives and exposing their evil “feeding’ deeds against humanity.

    • Replies: @Incitatus
    “Nobody commented on Poland’s fate until now.”

    I’ve been tiresome in raising it. Look at my posts last summer, especially with Rurik.

    I appreciate your reluctance to question L.K on Poland ‘39. One never knows how übermenschen will react. Sometimes it’s better to pretend the question was never asked or introduce irrelevancy. Forget L.K. He’s probably busy with Bund meetings anyway. How do you feel about the Nazi invasion of Poland ‘39? Strategic? Justified? A love-fest between subhumans and the Master Race?

    Thanks for the Lane tip. Looks interesting - I’ve put it on my list (seriously). Have you read Synder’s ‘Bloodlands’ and ‘Black Earth’? Pretty grisly stuff. Nobody comes out looking good.

    Poland seems a favorite anvil in the east. Like Belgium in the west, but more horribly abused. Ukraine and Belorussia didn’t fare much better. Yalta was betrayal, there’s no good excuse. A world devastated and exhausted by war?

    You’re upset with postwar Allied sellout to the Soviets (and should be). How do you feel about Adolf’s partnership with Stalin ‘39-’41? He didn’t have a problem giving Joe sloppy seconds in Poland.

    “today’s Polish-Americans are fed that U.S. missiles are staged in Poland to protect them from Iranian nuclear missile attack.”

    Completely agree. It’s ridiculous and specious. Raytheon and other contractors seem the only beneficiaries.

    Forgive me Chuck. This is unpleasant for me. I have to call your attention to something embarrassing. You know, it’s like having Thanksgiving dinner at a friend’s house and telling him a bit of food escaped his mouth. Fraternal help, so to speak. The pet names you increasingly use? They appear desperate, like you can’t answer simple questions. Enough said.

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts on Poland ‘39.

    Drive safely.
  • @Sam Shama
    I am not at the AIPAC conference, but my cousins and friends are. They tell me it is the usual lovefest between politicians and the membership. Plus the music shows. Idan Raichel apparently. Soulful fellow, Idan. You'll like his music; all about life, philosophy and the brotherhood of man.

    Peace to you Art.

    “…usual lovefest between politicians and the membership.”
    Here comes Tony Blair, loved and admired by the Lobby to the extreme. And why? – For his special role in the illegal Iraq War. The current slaughterhouse in the Middle East is a dream come true for the “most moral aka chosen” of ziocon persuasion. Mr. Blair is a pathology, a stinky stain on humanity, a recognized war profiteer, a dishonorable man in a full meaning of the word. Very fitting for this lovefest between Tony and the Lobby. They are made for each other.
    “…brotherhood of men.” Poor Idan.

  • @Sam Shama
    Hi Iffen,
    Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I've run across on the internet, which is why it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics.

    I don't pretend to any wisdom I can offer, but mon ami, politics is, what it has always been: the last refuge of scoundrels, and we are all to various degrees, scoundrels. So why anguish over it?

    I've never been puzzled by eschatology since biochemistry solves those questions, though I've always felt the need to approach my daily routine with a sense of a power greater than myself, one which prompts me to focus on the "now" in ways which don't veer from the principles of Tikkun Olam. I don't always succeed, but I do feel it knock me on the head when I stray excessively.

    On Israel's right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it. Anti-Semites have always resisted the principle for reasons which constantly change shape, so I'm not concerned by their miserable bleats. What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour. It's going to be a longish slog but I'm not about to open my methods for examination, as it were; not for anti-semites certainly, nor for unrealistic but well-meaning people to offer irrelevant input.

    it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics

    Thanks. I hope I am not jumping the shark with this:

    The science of the good for man is politics.
    Ethica Nicomachea Aristotle

    Just grumbling out loud, I guess I came off as needy, hopefully not as badly as the Woodchuck. I’ll be okay once I get the ducklings back in line. Just because natural rights do not exist, doesn’t mean I have to stop believing in their virtue and normative value.

    On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it.

    Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to. I may be a little dense because Incitatus had confused me with his reference to Zionism. I can’t see how to separate Israel from Zion.

    I was concerned that maybe there are Jewish neocons who intentionally or not concentrate more on Israel than the US. So what, at the extreme, how many non-Jewish Benedict Arnolds have there been? I was concerned that maybe it was different now that Israel is a reality. Then it dawned upon me that it is no different just because Israel exists. The Jews, and other minorities, have been accused of disloyalty forever. Israel is just an excuse. They didn’t need Israel to condemn the Jewish Bolsheviks or the German bankers. Supposed disloyalty in favor of Israel is just one new verse in a very old song.

    • Replies: @Art
    I can’t see how to separate Israel from Zion.

    If I were a Jew living in Israel I would pick up my family and leave.

    It is true – one cannot separate Israel from Zion. And that is the reason for leaving. In the current Israeli government Netanyahu is a moderate – the rest of his cabinet is to the right of him. Eventually he will be replaced by someone more extreme then him.

    There is no real alternative opposition to the right – typical of the Jew strategy of divide and conquer, the old Labor party is splintered and has no real power. There is nothing to pull Israel to the center. Zion has all the levers of power and Zion wants it all, every square inch of Palestine and beyond. Those people are manic, they cannot stop.

    Peace --- Art

    p.s. History says that Israel will self-implode and the world will do a Carthage on them.
    , @annamaria
    Re the "very old song."
    Why doesn't AIPAC register under FARA?
    Why the freedom of expression has been subverted for the benefit of Zionists?
    Before going into victimhood mode, you perhaps need to reread the paper, beginning with the pictures of the Israel-firsters that are guilty of subverting the US interests to promote the Eretz Israel project. The ziocons are not scapegoats; the are aggressors and dangerous and unprincipled supremacists.
    "...prominent rabbis have, in fact, explicitly made claims regarding purported Jewish superiority."
  • @joef

    Just fruitless hope for Americans.
    It is probably true. I do not think it is conspiratorial to believe that elites perform certain actions to promote their own interest. Further, when these interests conflict with the interest of the middle/working class (of all races/groups), the elites will seek those interest at our expense. We are kind of all in the same leaky boat together.

    I have made many vitriolic past comments about afro americans (not Blacks as a racial group, but the subgroup of afro americans themselves as an ethnic group), however I must acknowledge they are just as much a victim of our self serving elites as the rest of us are. Unfortunately for afros, they are firmly under the control of leftist progressive ideology, so cooperation with them would be nearly impossible (they are firmly convinced in the concept of a free lunch and will always be looking for it).

    The solution is probably to roll back the clock on our social/economic dysfunctions to a point in history when things were mostly working well (like rolling back a malfunctioning computer hard drive to a restore point), but we all know that will not happen because of a lack of national consensus. The Libs/Leftist/Progs mindset is to never admit mistakes, and to never understand the concept of a budget.

    Libs/Leftist/Progs try to formulate reality to conform to their own misguided opinions, instead of formulating opinions based on reality. They can not make rational decisions based on empirical evidence and experience, thus they attack it as anecdotal, while making up social science studies that always confirms their own hypothesis. They would all die off if it was not for the protections that modern society provides.

    But they are not going anywhere, and their parasitical ideas will continue to erode the foundation of society, and eventually it will not be able to be sustained at the present level. This is not some wild prediction. This is simply following how we arrived at this point in the last 50 years, examine the continued goals of the Libs/Leftist/Progs and the likely outcomes, and project forward its effects.

    And if we continue on this path, without a reversal (or even a slow down), we will eventually arrive at something that will start to resemble a failed state (at least at a regional/state/local levels). The only good news is under such living conditions, many Leftist/Progs will die off (so will many sincere Libs, which I am not gloating over because I find many sincere Libs are just misinformed, not malicious like most Leftist/Progs are).

    “This is simply following how we arrived at this point in the last 50 years…”

    Not to defend the current “Leftists and Progressives” (who differ not from the Cheney-Rove homo-reptilian GOP at all), but the social justice re workers, women, children, education, infrastructure 50 years ago was due, to a large extent, to many efforts and sacrifices from the old-school lefties and progressives. The word “socialism” is anathema only for those who do not recognize a difference between the Norway-style care for the whole society (healthcare, education, childcare) and the open feudalism of the “financialized” US.

    • Agree: L.K
  • @Art

    What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour.
    You at the AIPAC coven today - protesting or participating?

    Peace to a conflicted man --- Art

    I am not at the AIPAC conference, but my cousins and friends are. They tell me it is the usual lovefest between politicians and the membership. Plus the music shows. Idan Raichel apparently. Soulful fellow, Idan. You’ll like his music; all about life, philosophy and the brotherhood of man.

    Peace to you Art.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    "...usual lovefest between politicians and the membership."
    Here comes Tony Blair, loved and admired by the Lobby to the extreme. And why? - For his special role in the illegal Iraq War. The current slaughterhouse in the Middle East is a dream come true for the "most moral aka chosen" of ziocon persuasion. Mr. Blair is a pathology, a stinky stain on humanity, a recognized war profiteer, a dishonorable man in a full meaning of the word. Very fitting for this lovefest between Tony and the Lobby. They are made for each other.
    "...brotherhood of men." Poor Idan.
  • @Incitatus
    Hello Chuck,

    I love Vonnegut. Player Piano, Cat’s Cradle, The Sirens of Titan - all of them (some not so good, but we all have bad days). I reread them regularly. Slaughterhouse Five is great, and it’s kind of you to reference it. The film is also a favorite.

    Of course you know he’s saying life is crazy. He recounts the bombing of Dresden, family disfunction (don’t we all have it), living extra-terrestrially, and vindictive assassination. Which part of the novel did you intend to highlight? Just Dresden?

    The Allied bombing of Dresden ‘45 killed 25k innocents. Terrible without doubt. About the same number of Poles killed in Warsaw Sep ‘39. Any tears for them? Or were they strategic? How about the 150,000+ Poles killed in Warsaw Aug-Oct ‘44 when the Nazis decided to level the city? Tears for them? Quotes from novels? I’m all ears.

    I have faith in you Chuck. I disagree with some. You’re not a fraud. You’re the genuine article. Just what article remains to be determined, but such is life. I continue to expunge any doubt from my mind.

    Chuck, you’ve not questioned L.K about where you (a Pole) stand on his list. Sure, his best friend is half- Polish. Is he still alive? Does L.K’s affection mean he’ll regret your ‘strategic” death a little more when he pulls the trigger?

    Weighty questions, I admit. Uncomfortable. Best expunged. I’ll settle for you asking L.K’s opinion on the Nazi rape of Poland ‘39? Justified? Strategic? Something your grandparents would have approved? Ask him. It's pretty simple. Afraid?

    Drive safely.

    PS. Remember the moist wipes. Use them first, Prep-H second. Best to L.K.

    Allright, I unsay what I said about Chuck being a fraud, stand corrected, and await his questioning L.K. re: the Nazi rape of Poland, 1939.

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    "I... await his (Chuck's) questioning L.K. re: the Nazi rape of Poland, 1939."

    Whenever fraudsters,i.e., Sam The Sham & InZ, want to falsely defend the best interests of Polish Roman Catholics (who suffered miseries under Jewish financial control) they turn to the Nazi invasion of Poland, September 1939. Psshew!

    Post-WW II, while knowing how Britain went to war to liberate Poland, artful deception specialists go silent about how Churchill & FDR criminally ceded Poland into Stalin's Soviet orbit. Solzhenitsyn knew this truth and he did time in Stalin's Lubyanka.

    Earlier in this very "comment" thread, I wrote about the above Allied hypocrisy and referred to an excellent book called "I Saw Poland Betrayed," authored by U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Bliss Lane.

    Nobody commented on Poland's fate until now. Why? The timeline wasn't ripe for S.S. & InZ's lies to spring! What's more, today's Polish-Americans are fed that U.S. missiles are staged in Poland to protect them from Iranian nuclear missile attack. Oh jeezuz.

    Consequently, Sam The Sham and InZitatus need to either upgrade or discard their deception skills on P. Giraldi's presentation on (past & present) Neoconservative "clear & present danger" before I would ever try and "pin down" L.K. on horrors that occurred in the direct aftermath of the Versailles Treaty's economic killing of Germans.

    Shammie, I feel no relief for your having reversed calling me a "fraudster."'

    As you know, long ago on this Blog, you struck hard & honestly by calling be a "viral bacteria strain." Had you even a part-per-million of courage of your demented (IQ 204) convictions, you would immediately recall any apologies and I would sincerely have more (reverse) respect for you, my chickenhawk ENEMY.

    To reiterate, I like when puss mouths attack me!

    post scriptum to L.K.: The dead of 9-11 and the aftermath Wars of (U.S./Israeli) Terror would spit at these two vultures (S.S. & InZ) before they'd even get one bite into their corpses. Thanks for circling high around the living Neoconservatives and exposing their evil "feeding' deeds against humanity.
  • @geokat62

    W.T.F., George? What did I do you you? In no way did I sic you upon the topic of determining how many mid-19th century Dixieland slaves were owned by Jews!
    Good one, Chuck.

    As LK pointed out, I've had heated exchanges on this topic with another Unz commenter who supposedly took me out to the woodshed and gave me a good spanking. But, for some reason, neither he nor anyone else, was not able to provide a satisfactory response to this query:

    How likely is it that the planners [would] go to the extraordinary lengths they did to create the illusion (by using the top down approach and placing explosives just below predetermined impact zones) that airplanes brought down the TT but to then simply say “boy that was hard work, let’s just save some time/effort and wire bldg 7 in the classic bottom-up CD style,” undoing all their efforts to conceal their nefarious plan. It simply makes no sense.

    It’s as if the Japanese would use airplanes with Soviet markings while attacking 2 ships moored at Pearl Harbor to create the illusion that the Soviets were responsible for the attacks, and then for some strange reason attack the third ship using an airplane with Japanese markings. Makes zero sense. Bottom line: if you’re clever enough to create illusions to cover your tracks, how likely is it that you would cover only two of your tracks, but not all three?
    I agree we should refrain from posting further comments that are unrelated to this thread... so I will leave you with my final views on this topic:

    Maybe it wasn’t OBL & AQ who did it. Maybe it was the Mossad that orchestrated it all… and the 19 hijackers were merely patsies. I really don’t know. Neither do any of you. As I’ve repeatedly stated, if the TC is truly genuine about having an independent investigation opened, you don’t do it on the basis of speculation that the targets were all brought down by CD or missiles, you do it on the basis of the following hard evidence:

    1. the Israelis were shadowing the hijackers prior to the event;
    2. Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front that supplied the vans in which Mossad agents were apprehended with maps of targets that suggested they were tied into the attacks;
    3. Carl Cameron’s 4-part special investigation that demonstrated the Israelis had tie-ins; and
    4. eyewitness testimony of a woman who spotted the dancing Israelis celebrating just after the first TT was hit but before the second one was hit… suggesting they knew the event was a terrorist attack, while everyone else thought it was an accident.

    Why not call for an independent investigation on the basis of these facts, rather than giving them the opportunity to dismiss it, as most Americans are not persuaded by the CD allegations and never will be. Once the investigation is opened, however, the investigators can then follow the evidence wherever it leads… explosions and all.

    So if the TC is truly interested in pursuing the truth, why not adopt the best path to discovering it?

    Hi Geokat,

    I enjoying reading your commentary.

    With regard to 9/11 though, how does your research, through Ryan Mackey or otherwise, explain the symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 in 6 seconds? No steel structure has ever collapsed from fire and NIST’s own conclusion was that the collapse was “progressive” and not symmetrical which is contrary to what the videos show. NIST refuses to this day to share their analysis which is not how science is done. They then admitted there was some free fall acceleration. But yet there’s no explanation or discussion other than on the alternative media.

    Why would Larry Silverstein purchase the twin towers, given the billions of dollars worth of liabilities attached to them, because of the need to remediate the asbestos? Is he just dumb? Is it a coincidence that he took out terrorism insurance and netted $4.8 billion?

    Chris Bollyn’s two “Solving 9-11” books are must reads for those wanting to understand how this event occurred. The one book contains his original articles as he researched and compiled evidence over a 12 year period. I hope you decide to read them and share your thoughts. All the best.

    • Replies: @geokat62

    I enjoy reading your commentary.
    Thanks, Paul C.

    With regard to 9/11 though, how does your research, through Ryan Mackey or otherwise, explain the symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 in 6 seconds? No steel structure has ever collapsed from fire and NIST’s own conclusion was that the collapse was “progressive” and not symmetrical which is contrary to what the videos show.
    Here's what Ryan Mackey has to say on p. 115 about Sudden Collapse and “Virtually Free-Fall Speed”:

    The NIST timeline above proves that the collapse was not particularly sudden, and also refutes any claim of “virtually free-fall speed.” The timeline demonstrates that 8.2 seconds transpired between the initiating events and the onset of global collapse, making the total collapse time roughly 15 seconds in duration. Dr. Griffin has badly estimated both, and as a result, his argument proceeds from a false premise.
    I attach an image of the NIST timeline for your perusal:

    Why would Larry Silverstein purchase the twin towers, given the billions of dollars worth of liabilities attached to them, because of the need to remediate the asbestos? Is he just dumb? Is it a coincidence that he took out terrorism insurance and netted $4.8 billion?
    This topic is out of scope for Ryan Mackey's paper.

    I hope you decide to read them and share your thoughts.
    Tell you what Paul C. (and others), I'll commit to reading the rest of CB's book and I hope that you all will commit to reading Ryan Mackey's 306-page paper... and, sometime in the future, we can compare notes.
  • @Chuck Orloski
    InZit to 'iffen-iffen: "Read Vonnegut. None of it makes much sense."

    Hey Iffen & Sam The Jewish Cowboy,

    Below is a paragraph form "Slaughterhouse Five":

    Rosewater was twice as smart as Billy, but he & Billy were dealing with similar crisis in similar ways. They had both found life meaningless, partly because of what they had seen in war. Rosewater, for instance, had shot a fourteen-year old fireman, mistaking him for a German soldier. So it goes. And Billy had seen the greatest massacre in European history, which was the fire-bombing of Dresden. So it goes."

    post scriptum: Yes -- "so it goes." And 9-11 was the greatest massacre on U.S.soil and it remains an "unsolved case."

    Hello Chuck,

    I love Vonnegut. Player Piano, Cat’s Cradle, The Sirens of Titan – all of them (some not so good, but we all have bad days). I reread them regularly. Slaughterhouse Five is great, and it’s kind of you to reference it. The film is also a favorite.

    Of course you know he’s saying life is crazy. He recounts the bombing of Dresden, family disfunction (don’t we all have it), living extra-terrestrially, and vindictive assassination. Which part of the novel did you intend to highlight? Just Dresden?

    The Allied bombing of Dresden ‘45 killed 25k innocents. Terrible without doubt. About the same number of Poles killed in Warsaw Sep ‘39. Any tears for them? Or were they strategic? How about the 150,000+ Poles killed in Warsaw Aug-Oct ‘44 when the Nazis decided to level the city? Tears for them? Quotes from novels? I’m all ears.

    I have faith in you Chuck. I disagree with some. You’re not a fraud. You’re the genuine article. Just what article remains to be determined, but such is life. I continue to expunge any doubt from my mind.

    Chuck, you’ve not questioned L.K about where you (a Pole) stand on his list. Sure, his best friend is half- Polish. Is he still alive? Does L.K’s affection mean he’ll regret your ‘strategic” death a little more when he pulls the trigger?

    Weighty questions, I admit. Uncomfortable. Best expunged. I’ll settle for you asking L.K’s opinion on the Nazi rape of Poland ‘39? Justified? Strategic? Something your grandparents would have approved? Ask him. It’s pretty simple. Afraid?

    Drive safely.

    PS. Remember the moist wipes. Use them first, Prep-H second. Best to L.K.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    Allright, I unsay what I said about Chuck being a fraud, stand corrected, and await his questioning L.K. re: the Nazi rape of Poland, 1939.
  • @Sam Shama
    Hi Iffen,
    Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I've run across on the internet, which is why it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics.

    I don't pretend to any wisdom I can offer, but mon ami, politics is, what it has always been: the last refuge of scoundrels, and we are all to various degrees, scoundrels. So why anguish over it?

    I've never been puzzled by eschatology since biochemistry solves those questions, though I've always felt the need to approach my daily routine with a sense of a power greater than myself, one which prompts me to focus on the "now" in ways which don't veer from the principles of Tikkun Olam. I don't always succeed, but I do feel it knock me on the head when I stray excessively.

    On Israel's right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it. Anti-Semites have always resisted the principle for reasons which constantly change shape, so I'm not concerned by their miserable bleats. What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour. It's going to be a longish slog but I'm not about to open my methods for examination, as it were; not for anti-semites certainly, nor for unrealistic but well-meaning people to offer irrelevant input.

    What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour.

    You at the AIPAC coven today – protesting or participating?

    Peace to a conflicted man — Art

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    I am not at the AIPAC conference, but my cousins and friends are. They tell me it is the usual lovefest between politicians and the membership. Plus the music shows. Idan Raichel apparently. Soulful fellow, Idan. You'll like his music; all about life, philosophy and the brotherhood of man.

    Peace to you Art.

  • @iffen
    Iffen, lighten up! Read Vonnegut.

    Thanks. It’s been almost forty-five years so maybe a refresher would do me good and help me too!

    For the rest, who cares?

    Don’t write things like this, they will crucify you for not being a humanitarian. They might have their job applications in for pellet dropper or even oven master, but, by God, they are not brutish louts, they are humanitarians extraordinaire.

    I’m concerned about iffen…

    Thanks, again, don’t worry, it’s all political angst. I just found out that Thomas Paine could be the poster child for the Noble Savage and the Blank Slate. I find that Edmund Burke’s foundation is much more to my liking and much stronger than Paine’s. Now I am surrounded by Burkettes and the frigging Little Platoons everywhere I turn. But, that’s what happens when you fail to read in depth for a better understanding. I feel like one of the Woodchuck’s fantasy cheerleaders, seduced by a few clever phrases, abused in the rumble seat, dumped out and kicked to the curb.

    Sometimes it’s what people do when nobody’s looking that means the most.

    Care to balance this against the value of what one does when one’s comrades are watching?

    “Don’t write things like this, they will crucify you for not being a humanitarian.”
    I know. They’re out to crucify any/everyone on the thinnest pretext. Why? Conflict (combat) is what they’re after.

    It’s a game, something to pass the time. No genuine knowledge required. Only opinions (everybody has them). Amazing how quickly it becomes an echo-chamber. With the same threadbare sources. All out for blood. The desperate use derogatory names, mischaracterizations and slurs. An obvious admission they’ve run out of anything but blind hate. Did they torture small animals in youth? Who knows? Well, maybe they know.

    Thank the internet. One can sit in solitary splendor and conquer the universe. Recount all ills and suggest cures. Parse history to support whatever position you need. All without leaving the nest.

    It’s not reality. Want reality? Turn the power off. How many would say what they write to someone in the same room?

    Conspiracies? To paraphrase Balzac, they’re what makes the unimportant feel powerful. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They do. The most far-fetched are junk-food to some. They afford a mission otherwise missing from lives. More often they’re the last people able to unravel them.

    Sometimes wonder what would happen if those most offensive about Israel, Muslims, – you name it -were offered guns and told to go for it. It’s one thing to sit at the computer in your parent’s basement, another to pull a trigger.

    Nazis crossed that threshold. Mostly police reserve battalions. But it started with euthanasia of the defenseless, the useless eaters – Aktion T4 ( The killing blossomed (there was more than enough hate to go around). Jews. Poles (you there Chuck?), Gypsies, etc. The list was long and always growing. In the end Adolf added Germany (unworthy of survival – read Speer). Wagner gone amuck. Millions died (Germans included).

    It’s dangerous. It can happen too easily. Hate Jews? Muslims? Catholics? Native Americans? Fill in the blank. Make sure you’re on the right side of the gun, or the one handing out the rope. Because it can just as easily happen to you if this is the standard of justice you endorse.

    Some of it happened in the Terror. Debts begging cancellation? A problem with the seigneur or local cleric? To the guillotine! Drown them in the Loire! Admiration for Paine is tempered by France 1790s. Same with Jefferson.

    “balance this against the value of what one does when one’s comrades are watching?”

    Always assume everyone is watching. That makes it easy. Including your children. Including posterity centuries in the future (if we have one). What would the progeny of some posters think if reading their texts?

  • @Sam Shama
    Those I am not going to discuss my methods with are derelicts like you. But you flatter yourself which is nothing new, by including Iffen in that set.


    Sam The Sham,

    If I am a “fraudster,” prove it.

    My life is pretty much of an “open” book since I started to protest (in writing) the immoral and unnecessary April 2003 U.S. attack on Iraq.

    Lots of material that wrote can be found via a Google-search of my name on the internet. I’d love for you to take examples and give evidence that I am a “fraudster.”

    But as I think further on the above statement, I come to realize that it’s a compliment when one such as you brands me anything but a “fraudster.”

    Just this, Sam The Sham? Please, please — can either you, ‘iffen-iffen or InZitatus provide any credible evidence which supports the veracity of the W. Bush/P. Zelikow 9-11 Commission report?

    Like Carl Bernstein, I believe the Neoconservatives were behind 9-11. They were the anointed “fraudsters” who developed plans for The American New Century! .

    Americans are always asked to disprove Zelikow’report, but now is the time for

  • @L.K
    shameless: 'On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it'

    The artificial entity of israel as such will cease to exist, sooner or later.
    Mark my words, boy.

    Mark my words, nitwit reptile, it isn’t. Your bones shall be dust as those of your blood for a thousand generations and Israel shall live.

    Enjoy swallowing your spittle.


  • @Chuck Orloski
    Sam The Sham says to poor iffen: "... I'm not about to open my methods for examination."

    Right on, Sam The Sham! Shudder a horse kicked you off and knocked some sense into your head? If so -- I support the horse!

    Lucky for the W. Bush administration & P.Zelikow that their 9-11 (non) investigative methods remain un-open for real "examination." What do you & your "Flicka" friends think about that spur?

    I know what you are. Indeed, Shammy, you do not have any "wisdom" to offer here beyond that of sophomore level hasbara b.s.

    Your "scoundrel" Zionist politics is exactly what America needs to defeat in order to rise (intact) from out of the "longish slog" flames. I know what you are. Others "bleats" do too.

    Also, it's extremely lucky for Larry Silverstein, owner of the W.T.C. towers, that he avoided serious U.S. criminal investigative methods into the cause for all three to disintegration into their footprint!

    Where is TV's Lieutenant Columbo when we "Anti-Semites" need him?

    Put your "well propounded" but largely ignored "Tikkun Olam" aside for an hour or so, and watch an METV "Columbo" episode where he interrogates a sleazy real estate baron! .

    Imagine the latter "P.O.I." changing places with Larry Silverstein and a requirement for his having to answer to a (non) NeoCon affiliated Lieutenant Columbo?

    "Imagine," said the late-John Lennon who refused knighthood from the Crown.

    Those I am not going to discuss my methods with are derelicts like you. But you flatter yourself which is nothing new, by including Iffen in that set.


    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    Sam The Sham,

    If I am a "fraudster," prove it.

    My life is pretty much of an "open" book since I started to protest (in writing) the immoral and unnecessary April 2003 U.S. attack on Iraq.

    Lots of material that wrote can be found via a Google-search of my name on the internet. I'd love for you to take examples and give evidence that I am a "fraudster."

    But as I think further on the above statement, I come to realize that it's a compliment when one such as you brands me anything but a "fraudster."

    Just this, Sam The Sham? Please, please -- can either you, 'iffen-iffen or InZitatus provide any credible evidence which supports the veracity of the W. Bush/P. Zelikow 9-11 Commission report?

    Like Carl Bernstein, I believe the Neoconservatives were behind 9-11. They were the anointed "fraudsters" who developed plans for The American New Century! .

    Americans are always asked to disprove Zelikow'report, but now is the time for
  • Must see! Jewish American journalist and Middle East analyst Jeffrey Blankfort takes gatekeeper Chomsky and others to the woodshed for a good spanking!
    ‘Are there Israel lobby gatekeepers and damage control squads on the Left? National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship” on March 7, 2014 at the National Press Club.

    ‘The Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions’

  • On Israel’s alleged “right to exist”, writes former British Middle East correspondent and author, Alan Hart, in his article ‘Israel’s Right To Exist?’:

    According to history as written by the winner, Zionism, Israel was given its birth certificate and thus legitimacy by the UN Partition Resolution of 29 November 1947. This is propaganda nonsense.

    In the first place the UN without the consent of the majority of the people of Palestine did not have the right to decide to partition Palestine or assign any part of its territory to a minority of alien immigrants in order for them to establish a state of their own.

    Despite that, by the narrowest of margins, and only after a rigged vote, the UN General Assembly did pass a resolution to partition Palestine and create two states, one Arab, one Jewish, with Jerusalem not part of either. But the General Assembly resolution was only a proposal – meaning that it could have no effect, would not become policy, unless approved by the Security Council.

    The truth is that the General Assembly’s partition proposal never went to the Security Council for consideration. Why not? Because the U.S. knew that, if approved, it could only be implemented by force given the extent of Arab and other Muslim opposition to it; and President Truman was not prepared to use force to partition Palestine.
    So the partition plan was vitiated (became invalid) and the question of what the hell to do about Palestine – after Britain had made a mess of it and walked away, effectively surrendering to Zionist terrorism – was taken back to the General Assembly for more discussion. The option favoured and proposed by the U.S. was temporary UN Trusteeship. It was while the General Assembly was debating what do that Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in existence – actually in defiance of the will of the organised international community, including the Truman administration.

    The truth of the time was that the Zionist state, which came into being mainly as a consequence of pre-planned ethnic cleansing, had no right to exist and, more to the point, could have no right to exist UNLESS … Unless it was recognised and legitimized by those who were dispossessed of their land and their rights during the creation of the Zionist state. In international law only the Palestinians could give Israel the legitimacy it craved.

    And that legitimacy was the only thing the Zionists could not and cannot take from the Palestinians by force.

  • @Sam Shama
    Hi Iffen,
    Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I've run across on the internet, which is why it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics.

    I don't pretend to any wisdom I can offer, but mon ami, politics is, what it has always been: the last refuge of scoundrels, and we are all to various degrees, scoundrels. So why anguish over it?

    I've never been puzzled by eschatology since biochemistry solves those questions, though I've always felt the need to approach my daily routine with a sense of a power greater than myself, one which prompts me to focus on the "now" in ways which don't veer from the principles of Tikkun Olam. I don't always succeed, but I do feel it knock me on the head when I stray excessively.

    On Israel's right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it. Anti-Semites have always resisted the principle for reasons which constantly change shape, so I'm not concerned by their miserable bleats. What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour. It's going to be a longish slog but I'm not about to open my methods for examination, as it were; not for anti-semites certainly, nor for unrealistic but well-meaning people to offer irrelevant input.

    shameless: ‘On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it’

    The artificial entity of israel as such will cease to exist, sooner or later.
    Mark my words, boy.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    Mark my words, nitwit reptile, it isn't. Your bones shall be dust as those of your blood for a thousand generations and Israel shall live.

    Enjoy swallowing your spittle.

  • @Sam Shama
    Hi Iffen,
    Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I've run across on the internet, which is why it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics.

    I don't pretend to any wisdom I can offer, but mon ami, politics is, what it has always been: the last refuge of scoundrels, and we are all to various degrees, scoundrels. So why anguish over it?

    I've never been puzzled by eschatology since biochemistry solves those questions, though I've always felt the need to approach my daily routine with a sense of a power greater than myself, one which prompts me to focus on the "now" in ways which don't veer from the principles of Tikkun Olam. I don't always succeed, but I do feel it knock me on the head when I stray excessively.

    On Israel's right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it. Anti-Semites have always resisted the principle for reasons which constantly change shape, so I'm not concerned by their miserable bleats. What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour. It's going to be a longish slog but I'm not about to open my methods for examination, as it were; not for anti-semites certainly, nor for unrealistic but well-meaning people to offer irrelevant input.

    Zio boy shameless to fellow zio slimeball iffen-iffen: “Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I’ve run across on the internet..”

    You are hilarious shameless!!! Thanks for the hearty laugh!!
    Now let me correct that for ya: ‘You are one of the most DIShonest and idiotic people I’ve run across on the internet..”
    Now, there ya go! That sentence applies to you as well as to iffen-iffen!

  • @Art
    Hard proof can obviously only come from a REAL investigation, which should have taken place right after the attacks in 2001. That NEVER happened.

    There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up. The planes bringing down the twin towers is only one of them. We are allowing ourselves to be diverted from all the others.

    Where was NORAD that day, how did the wallet of ones of the hijackers magically appear on the ground, why was the owners whole family absent from work that day, why were the airline stock dealings never exposed, what about the phone call to some people in the building, why were Jews in charge of all the investigations, to what extend did the Mossad spying on the hijackers go, ext., ext.

    To much bad has happened because of 9/11 - we the American people must demand a new inquiry – just because we want one.

    Peace --- Art

    p.s. If Trump is stymied by the globalist Deep State – he should go for a 9/11 investigation.

    Art: ‘There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up.’
    You are correct Art, that is why I wrote:
    ‘We know the official story is BS due to numerous factors, not just the Physics of the WTC
    Take care

  • @Sam Shama
    Sorry to disappoint you, but I do care, very much so, for my horses. I've been with them since I was a seven-year-old lad. I feed them the best, hose them down after a sprint and jumps, pick their hooves and brush them down. Of course, there are others at the stable looking after them full-time - bills one has to pay, don't you know?

    Moral of this little rejoinder: you unfailingly assume the worst of people merely because they happen not to agree with every word you write. That is regrettable.

    “MY horses.”

    Oh, did you create life? You’re only a visitor here on Earth like the rest of us. What you think you “own” is fleeting. You hypocrite — “Love & house my horses…,” and it’s OK to foreclose on Palestinian & American opportunities for well being.

    Pssh. I know what you are.

    Had you sincerely read your scriptures & internalized them, you would realize that even you are a creation of God and no one owns title to you but “I Am Who Am.”

    Had Noah been party to this comment thread, he’d offer liberation to your favorite horse and give you a good pressure wash & scrubbing.

    psshaw… Selah. Support the Taliban horses!

  • @Sam Shama
    Hi Iffen,
    Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I've run across on the internet, which is why it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics.

    I don't pretend to any wisdom I can offer, but mon ami, politics is, what it has always been: the last refuge of scoundrels, and we are all to various degrees, scoundrels. So why anguish over it?

    I've never been puzzled by eschatology since biochemistry solves those questions, though I've always felt the need to approach my daily routine with a sense of a power greater than myself, one which prompts me to focus on the "now" in ways which don't veer from the principles of Tikkun Olam. I don't always succeed, but I do feel it knock me on the head when I stray excessively.

    On Israel's right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it. Anti-Semites have always resisted the principle for reasons which constantly change shape, so I'm not concerned by their miserable bleats. What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour. It's going to be a longish slog but I'm not about to open my methods for examination, as it were; not for anti-semites certainly, nor for unrealistic but well-meaning people to offer irrelevant input.

    Sam The Sham says to poor iffen: “… I’m not about to open my methods for examination.”

    Right on, Sam The Sham! Shudder a horse kicked you off and knocked some sense into your head? If so — I support the horse!

    Lucky for the W. Bush administration & P.Zelikow that their 9-11 (non) investigative methods remain un-open for real “examination.” What do you & your “Flicka” friends think about that spur?

    I know what you are. Indeed, Shammy, you do not have any “wisdom” to offer here beyond that of sophomore level hasbara b.s.

    Your “scoundrel” Zionist politics is exactly what America needs to defeat in order to rise (intact) from out of the “longish slog” flames. I know what you are. Others “bleats” do too.

    Also, it’s extremely lucky for Larry Silverstein, owner of the W.T.C. towers, that he avoided serious U.S. criminal investigative methods into the cause for all three to disintegration into their footprint!

    Where is TV’s Lieutenant Columbo when we “Anti-Semites” need him?

    Put your “well propounded” but largely ignored “Tikkun Olam” aside for an hour or so, and watch an METV “Columbo” episode where he interrogates a sleazy real estate baron! .

    Imagine the latter “P.O.I.” changing places with Larry Silverstein and a requirement for his having to answer to a (non) NeoCon affiliated Lieutenant Columbo?

    “Imagine,” said the late-John Lennon who refused knighthood from the Crown.

    • Replies: @Sam Shama
    Those I am not going to discuss my methods with are derelicts like you. But you flatter yourself which is nothing new, by including Iffen in that set.

  • @Anon
    Keith says:

    Sam is just trying to get you upset. He is bragging to let you know he is a rich Jewish Wall Street oil speculator who owns horses. I would bet he doesn't personally care for the horses. That is for the dumb goy.

    Love for horses includes loving care.

    His writings exposes his Jewish supremacist ideology, the same ideology the Jews projected onto the Germans.

    Is there a difference between we are the Master Race and We are Gods Chosen?

    Notice how the Jewish Zionists banded together and now the Unz is being used to exchange comrade niceties, instead of responding to Americans who despise the NeoCons.

    Don't you wish they would stay on the subject, instead on their usual diversions to their interests. Very typical.

    Notice their name calling went from using their trick "antisemitism" to NAZIs 88.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I do care, very much so, for my horses. I’ve been with them since I was a seven-year-old lad. I feed them the best, hose them down after a sprint and jumps, pick their hooves and brush them down. Of course, there are others at the stable looking after them full-time – bills one has to pay, don’t you know?

    Moral of this little rejoinder: you unfailingly assume the worst of people merely because they happen not to agree with every word you write. That is regrettable.

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    "MY horses."

    Oh, did you create life? You're only a visitor here on Earth like the rest of us. What you think you "own" is fleeting. You hypocrite -- "Love & house my horses...," and it's OK to foreclose on Palestinian & American opportunities for well being.

    Pssh. I know what you are.

    Had you sincerely read your scriptures & internalized them, you would realize that even you are a creation of God and no one owns title to you but "I Am Who Am."

    Had Noah been party to this comment thread, he'd offer liberation to your favorite horse and give you a good pressure wash & scrubbing.

    psshaw... Selah. Support the Taliban horses!
  • @iffen

    “Never mind”?

    How deep, iffen.
    Sorry for this. I am into the mother of all political angst attacks and it keeps me from restraining the emotions.

    I was really hoping for a reply along the lines of: Denial of the right of Israel to exist is anti-Semitic because 1, 2, 3, etc.

    Something deep, okay, but you are forewarned that after a couple of steps toward the deep end, I always find myself over my head.

    Real life has recently convinced me, over sincere kicking and screaming, that “The Truth” is usually ugly. What kind of God would make “The Truth” ugly and not beautiful? Evidently the same one that, even though omniscient, would create Satan just for grins.

    These 88s are your modern day Manichaeans; the Jews, the source of all evil, battle the Aryans, the source of good.

    I am intrigued by your idea of sincere 88s; the ones who do not know better. The Honorable Mr. Justice Gray seemed troubled by the idea as well. A person who does evil by reason of ignorance is less culpable than a person who, knowing evil, does so anyway. ?

    Hi Iffen,
    Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I’ve run across on the internet, which is why it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics.

    I don’t pretend to any wisdom I can offer, but mon ami, politics is, what it has always been: the last refuge of scoundrels, and we are all to various degrees, scoundrels. So why anguish over it?

    I’ve never been puzzled by eschatology since biochemistry solves those questions, though I’ve always felt the need to approach my daily routine with a sense of a power greater than myself, one which prompts me to focus on the “now” in ways which don’t veer from the principles of Tikkun Olam. I don’t always succeed, but I do feel it knock me on the head when I stray excessively.

    On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it. Anti-Semites have always resisted the principle for reasons which constantly change shape, so I’m not concerned by their miserable bleats. What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour. It’s going to be a longish slog but I’m not about to open my methods for examination, as it were; not for anti-semites certainly, nor for unrealistic but well-meaning people to offer irrelevant input.

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    Sam The Sham says to poor iffen: "... I'm not about to open my methods for examination."

    Right on, Sam The Sham! Shudder a horse kicked you off and knocked some sense into your head? If so -- I support the horse!

    Lucky for the W. Bush administration & P.Zelikow that their 9-11 (non) investigative methods remain un-open for real "examination." What do you & your "Flicka" friends think about that spur?

    I know what you are. Indeed, Shammy, you do not have any "wisdom" to offer here beyond that of sophomore level hasbara b.s.

    Your "scoundrel" Zionist politics is exactly what America needs to defeat in order to rise (intact) from out of the "longish slog" flames. I know what you are. Others "bleats" do too.

    Also, it's extremely lucky for Larry Silverstein, owner of the W.T.C. towers, that he avoided serious U.S. criminal investigative methods into the cause for all three to disintegration into their footprint!

    Where is TV's Lieutenant Columbo when we "Anti-Semites" need him?

    Put your "well propounded" but largely ignored "Tikkun Olam" aside for an hour or so, and watch an METV "Columbo" episode where he interrogates a sleazy real estate baron! .

    Imagine the latter "P.O.I." changing places with Larry Silverstein and a requirement for his having to answer to a (non) NeoCon affiliated Lieutenant Columbo?

    "Imagine," said the late-John Lennon who refused knighthood from the Crown.
    , @L.K
    Zio boy shameless to fellow zio slimeball iffen-iffen: "Just finished reading your exchanges with Inctitatus. You are one of the most honest and discerning people I’ve run across on the internet.."

    You are hilarious shameless!!! Thanks for the hearty laugh!!
    Now let me correct that for ya: 'You are one of the most DIShonest and idiotic people I’ve run across on the internet.."
    Now, there ya go! That sentence applies to you as well as to iffen-iffen!
    , @L.K
    shameless: 'On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it'

    The artificial entity of israel as such will cease to exist, sooner or later.
    Mark my words, boy.
    , @Art

    What does concern me are the well-propounded ethics of Tikkun Olam and the responsibility of Jews and the Jewish nation towards Palestinians. We have a clear responsibility in my book, one which I try to persuade those who exert influence, to honour.
    You at the AIPAC coven today - protesting or participating?

    Peace to a conflicted man --- Art
    , @iffen
    it troubles me more than a bit you are in the throes of an angst arising on account of politics

    Thanks. I hope I am not jumping the shark with this:

    The science of the good for man is politics.
    Ethica Nicomachea Aristotle
    Just grumbling out loud, I guess I came off as needy, hopefully not as badly as the Woodchuck. I’ll be okay once I get the ducklings back in line. Just because natural rights do not exist, doesn’t mean I have to stop believing in their virtue and normative value.

    On Israel’s right to exist: Trivial for a Jew to reiterate it.

    Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to. I may be a little dense because Incitatus had confused me with his reference to Zionism. I can’t see how to separate Israel from Zion.

    I was concerned that maybe there are Jewish neocons who intentionally or not concentrate more on Israel than the US. So what, at the extreme, how many non-Jewish Benedict Arnolds have there been? I was concerned that maybe it was different now that Israel is a reality. Then it dawned upon me that it is no different just because Israel exists. The Jews, and other minorities, have been accused of disloyalty forever. Israel is just an excuse. They didn’t need Israel to condemn the Jewish Bolsheviks or the German bankers. Supposed disloyalty in favor of Israel is just one new verse in a very old song.

  • @Chuck Orloski
    Hey Anon (Keith)

    Sam The Sham is far from upsetting me. In paraphrase to Springsteen's words from the great song "Dead Man Walking" -- "A pale horse is coming and Sam's goin' riding."

    As you know, The Sham's rarely "on topic" it is always HIS topic. Besides, likely 98% of the time he does not read Mr. Giraldi's articles. How could Sam The Sham ever stay "on topic"?

    Please look at Vice President Mike Pence's address to AIPAC, delivered yesterday? Pence gets handsomely rewarded for his never straying from the Supremacist Jews primary topic... that upsets me, Anon!

    I suppose you note that Sam The Sham never tackles your sensible & logical postings. For that matter, neither does InZitatus! Why is that? Answer: Their logic breaks with common sense & human decency; intellectual virtues once heralded by T. Paine.

    Refer to Pence's disgusting words (below) delivered to The Chosen Lobby?

    Their logic breaks with common sense & human decency; intellectual virtues once heralded by T. Paine.

    Chuck Orloski — you know all the good guys – Thomas Paine is a great America hero.

    THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

  • @Art
    Hard proof can obviously only come from a REAL investigation, which should have taken place right after the attacks in 2001. That NEVER happened.

    There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up. The planes bringing down the twin towers is only one of them. We are allowing ourselves to be diverted from all the others.

    Where was NORAD that day, how did the wallet of ones of the hijackers magically appear on the ground, why was the owners whole family absent from work that day, why were the airline stock dealings never exposed, what about the phone call to some people in the building, why were Jews in charge of all the investigations, to what extend did the Mossad spying on the hijackers go, ext., ext.

    To much bad has happened because of 9/11 - we the American people must demand a new inquiry – just because we want one.

    Peace --- Art

    p.s. If Trump is stymied by the globalist Deep State – he should go for a 9/11 investigation.

    “… we the American people must demand a new (9-11) inquiry.”


    Regret to say that the implementation of the above REASONED sentence is impossible.

    Such a common sense citizen initiative is way (!) beyond the reach of Americans. Besides, Art — there never was a real 9-11 investigation in the first place.

    If so, & I am wrong, can anyone here at Unz Review please describe the “fruit” of such U.S. stilted investigation into 9-11? That is of course beyond “kick starting” the War Against Evil, the War for Western Civilization — the “fruit” the 9-11 massacre which B. Netanyahu called “good for Israel.”

    The Trump administration is “One” with, and is accountable to the Jewish Deep State. Where he to actually “go for” an authentic (America First) 9-11 investigation, he would be gone.

    Can anyone here point to daylight existing between Israel and the Trump administration?

    Thanks, Art… I been wondering where you be and peace be with you!

  • @iffen
    Don’t you wish they would stay on the subject, instead on their usual diversions to their interests. Very typical.

    The topic is the Jewish question, or if you prefer, the Jew-matrix and that covers a lot of ground.
    Nothing, meaning nothing, is off topic.


    1) We have a president who is belligerent towards Iran,

    2) who is sending “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS,

    3) who loves Israel passionately

    4) and who is increasing already bloated defense budgets.

    Four positions that are the heart and soul of neocons: throw in social liberal and you have the very definition of neocon.

    The current Prez is all in on these four, but the neocons hate him and are, and did, everything to try and destroy him.

    Maybe there is a problem with my thinking concerning neocons.

    Naw, let me read the tea leaves to get the explanation that I want.

    The current Prez is all in on these four, but the neocons hate him and are, and did, everything to try and destroy him.

    Trump is hated by most Jews because he says “American First.” Trump exhibits an old school 50’s love of America. The Jews have a 60 year vested interest in demeaning AMERICA. It is politically incorrect to say “one America.” Clearly now we are a divided America.

    We used to say “our country,” but in the 60’s the Jew MSM changed that to a dismissive “this country.” The ungrateful 60’s liberal hippy boomer generation ate it up and destroyed the generous culture that fostered them. Their children now live under the Deep State thumb of the progressive globalist Jews.

    Peace — Art

    p.s. We are now a powerful pariah among nations – how sad.

  • @geokat62

    geo, what do you think?
    I think it's food for thought. What do you think?

    I just read Sailer’s post on the topic.

  • @Anon
    Keith says:

    Sam is just trying to get you upset. He is bragging to let you know he is a rich Jewish Wall Street oil speculator who owns horses. I would bet he doesn't personally care for the horses. That is for the dumb goy.

    Love for horses includes loving care.

    His writings exposes his Jewish supremacist ideology, the same ideology the Jews projected onto the Germans.

    Is there a difference between we are the Master Race and We are Gods Chosen?

    Notice how the Jewish Zionists banded together and now the Unz is being used to exchange comrade niceties, instead of responding to Americans who despise the NeoCons.

    Don't you wish they would stay on the subject, instead on their usual diversions to their interests. Very typical.

    Notice their name calling went from using their trick "antisemitism" to NAZIs 88.

    Hey Anon (Keith)

    Sam The Sham is far from upsetting me. In paraphrase to Springsteen’s words from the great song “Dead Man Walking” — “A pale horse is coming and Sam’s goin’ riding.”

    As you know, The Sham’s rarely “on topic” it is always HIS topic. Besides, likely 98% of the time he does not read Mr. Giraldi’s articles. How could Sam The Sham ever stay “on topic”?

    Please look at Vice President Mike Pence’s address to AIPAC, delivered yesterday? Pence gets handsomely rewarded for his never straying from the Supremacist Jews primary topic… that upsets me, Anon!

    I suppose you note that Sam The Sham never tackles your sensible & logical postings. For that matter, neither does InZitatus! Why is that? Answer: Their logic breaks with common sense & human decency; intellectual virtues once heralded by T. Paine.

    Refer to Pence’s disgusting words (below) delivered to The Chosen Lobby?

    • Replies: @Art
    Their logic breaks with common sense & human decency; intellectual virtues once heralded by T. Paine.

    Chuck Orloski -- you know all the good guys - Thomas Paine is a great America hero.

    THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
  • @L.K
    Robin, don't distort Bollyn's work.
    Hard proof can obviously only come from a REAL investigation, which should have taken place right after the attacks in 2001. That NEVER happened.

    Robin 'Would an official acknowledgement that previous findings were flawed and inconclusive be sufficient?'
    Sufficient for what?

    Hard proof can obviously only come from a REAL investigation, which should have taken place right after the attacks in 2001. That NEVER happened.

    There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up. The planes bringing down the twin towers is only one of them. We are allowing ourselves to be diverted from all the others.

    Where was NORAD that day, how did the wallet of ones of the hijackers magically appear on the ground, why was the owners whole family absent from work that day, why were the airline stock dealings never exposed, what about the phone call to some people in the building, why were Jews in charge of all the investigations, to what extend did the Mossad spying on the hijackers go, ext., ext.

    To much bad has happened because of 9/11 – we the American people must demand a new inquiry – just because we want one.

    Peace — Art

    p.s. If Trump is stymied by the globalist Deep State – he should go for a 9/11 investigation.

    • Replies: @Chuck Orloski
    "... we the American people must demand a new (9-11) inquiry."


    Regret to say that the implementation of the above REASONED sentence is impossible.

    Such a common sense citizen initiative is way (!) beyond the reach of Americans. Besides, Art -- there never was a real 9-11 investigation in the first place.

    If so, & I am wrong, can anyone here at Unz Review please describe the "fruit" of such U.S. stilted investigation into 9-11? That is of course beyond "kick starting" the War Against Evil, the War for Western Civilization -- the "fruit" the 9-11 massacre which B. Netanyahu called "good for Israel."

    The Trump administration is "One" with, and is accountable to the Jewish Deep State. Where he to actually "go for" an authentic (America First) 9-11 investigation, he would be gone.

    Can anyone here point to daylight existing between Israel and the Trump administration?

    Thanks, Art... I been wondering where you be and peace be with you!
    , @L.K
    Art: 'There are a hundred angles to the 9/11 story that do not add up.'
    You are correct Art, that is why I wrote:
    'We know the official story is BS due to numerous factors, not just the Physics of the WTC'
    Take care
  • @Anon
    Keith says:

    Sam is just trying to get you upset. He is bragging to let you know he is a rich Jewish Wall Street oil speculator who owns horses. I would bet he doesn't personally care for the horses. That is for the dumb goy.

    Love for horses includes loving care.

    His writings exposes his Jewish supremacist ideology, the same ideology the Jews projected onto the Germans.

    Is there a difference between we are the Master Race and We are Gods Chosen?

    Notice how the Jewish Zionists banded together and now the Unz is being used to exchange comrade niceties, instead of responding to Americans who despise the NeoCons.

    Don't you wish they would stay on the subject, instead on their usual diversions to their interests. Very typical.

    Notice their name calling went from using their trick "antisemitism" to NAZIs 88.

    Don’t you wish they would stay on the subject, instead on their usual diversions to their interests. Very typical.

    The topic is the Jewish question, or if you prefer, the Jew-matrix and that covers a lot of ground.
    Nothing, meaning nothing, is off topic.


    1) We have a president who is belligerent towards Iran,

    2) who is sending “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS,

    3) who loves Israel passionately

    4) and who is increasing already bloated defense budgets.

    Four positions that are the heart and soul of neocons: throw in social liberal and you have the very definition of neocon.

    The current Prez is all in on these four, but the neocons hate him and are, and did, everything to try and destroy him.

    Maybe there is a problem with my thinking concerning neocons.

    Naw, let me read the tea leaves to get the explanation that I want.

    • Replies: @Art
    The current Prez is all in on these four, but the neocons hate him and are, and did, everything to try and destroy him.

    Trump is hated by most Jews because he says “American First.” Trump exhibits an old school 50’s love of America. The Jews have a 60 year vested interest in demeaning AMERICA. It is politically incorrect to say “one America.” Clearly now we are a divided America.

    We used to say “our country,” but in the 60’s the Jew MSM changed that to a dismissive “this country.” The ungrateful 60’s liberal hippy boomer generation ate it up and destroyed the generous culture that fostered them. Their children now live under the Deep State thumb of the progressive globalist Jews.

    Peace --- Art

    p.s. We are now a powerful pariah among nations - how sad.
  • @geokat62

    geo, what do you think?
    I think it's food for thought. What do you think?

    I think it’s food for thought. What do you think?

    I think that it is not out of the question.

    I doubt Putin’s explanation.

    I think that if it was intentional then it was meant to serve the purpose that it serves today.

    Any article or discussion about Russia/US relations always includes the obviously erroneous assertion that Russia attacked Georgia, it is a permanent part of the false litany.

  • @Incitatus
    Hi Sam;

    Just found your post. “Horses.”

    I regularly hike through a reserve adjacent to a ‘dude’ ranch. Horses shown backlit in midday sun. Wonderful creatures! What a splendid world we are in, so long as they are here.

    And I'm not just saying that as an equine. I’m concerned about iffen. Read our exchanges.

    For the rest, who cares?

    Stay well.

    Iffen, lighten up! Read Vonnegut.

    Thanks. It’s been almost forty-five years so maybe a refresher would do me good and help me too!

    For the rest, who cares?

    Don’t write things like this, they will crucify you for not being a humanitarian. They might have their job applications in for pellet dropper or even oven master, but, by God, they are not brutish louts, they are humanitarians extraordinaire.

    I’m concerned about iffen…

    Thanks, again, don’t worry, it’s all political angst. I just found out that Thomas Paine could be the poster child for the Noble Savage and the Blank Slate. I find that Edmund Burke’s foundation is much more to my liking and much stronger than Paine’s. Now I am surrounded by Burkettes and the frigging Little Platoons everywhere I turn. But, that’s what happens when you fail to read in depth for a better understanding. I feel like one of the Woodchuck’s fantasy cheerleaders, seduced by a few clever phrases, abused in the rumble seat, dumped out and kicked to the curb.

    Sometimes it’s what people do when nobody’s looking that means the most.

    Care to balance this against the value of what one does when one’s comrades are watching?

    • Replies: @Incitatus
    “Don’t write things like this, they will crucify you for not being a humanitarian.”
    I know. They’re out to crucify any/everyone on the thinnest pretext. Why? Conflict (combat) is what they’re after.

    It’s a game, something to pass the time. No genuine knowledge required. Only opinions (everybody has them). Amazing how quickly it becomes an echo-chamber. With the same threadbare sources. All out for blood. The desperate use derogatory names, mischaracterizations and slurs. An obvious admission they’ve run out of anything but blind hate. Did they torture small animals in youth? Who knows? Well, maybe they know.

    Thank the internet. One can sit in solitary splendor and conquer the universe. Recount all ills and suggest cures. Parse history to support whatever position you need. All without leaving the nest.

    It’s not reality. Want reality? Turn the power off. How many would say what they write to someone in the same room?

    Conspiracies? To paraphrase Balzac, they’re what makes the unimportant feel powerful. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They do. The most far-fetched are junk-food to some. They afford a mission otherwise missing from lives. More often they’re the last people able to unravel them.

    Sometimes wonder what would happen if those most offensive about Israel, Muslims, - you name it -were offered guns and told to go for it. It’s one thing to sit at the computer in your parent’s basement, another to pull a trigger.

    Nazis crossed that threshold. Mostly police reserve battalions. But it started with euthanasia of the defenseless, the useless eaters - Aktion T4 ( The killing blossomed (there was more than enough hate to go around). Jews. Poles (you there Chuck?), Gypsies, etc. The list was long and always growing. In the end Adolf added Germany (unworthy of survival - read Speer). Wagner gone amuck. Millions died (Germans included).

    It’s dangerous. It can happen too easily. Hate Jews? Muslims? Catholics? Native Americans? Fill in the blank. Make sure you’re on the right side of the gun, or the one handing out the rope. Because it can just as easily happen to you if this is the standard of justice you endorse.

    Some of it happened in the Terror. Debts begging cancellation? A problem with the seigneur or local cleric? To the guillotine! Drown them in the Loire! Admiration for Paine is tempered by France 1790s. Same with Jefferson.

    “balance this against the value of what one does when one’s comrades are watching?”

    Always assume everyone is watching. That makes it easy. Including your children. Including posterity centuries in the future (if we have one). What would the progeny of some posters think if reading their texts?

  • Anon • Disclaimer says:
    @Chuck Orloski
    Re: "Horses."

    Hey Dude,

    Do you and Sam The Sham do it "bareback"?

    Keith says:

    Sam is just trying to get you upset. He is bragging to let you know he is a rich Jewish Wall Street oil speculator who owns horses. I would bet he doesn’t personally care for the horses. That is for the dumb goy.

    Love for horses includes loving care.

    His writings exposes his Jewish supremacist ideology, the same ideology the Jews projected onto the Germans.

    Is there a difference between we are the Master Race and We are Gods Chosen?

    Notice how the Jewish Zionists banded together and now the Unz is being used to exchange comrade niceties, instead of responding to Americans who despise the NeoCons.

    Don’t you wish they would stay on the subject, instead on their usual diversions to their interests. Very typical.

    Notice their name calling went from using their trick “antisemitism” to NAZIs 88.

    • Replies: @iffen
    Don’t you wish they would stay on the subject, instead on their usual diversions to their interests. Very typical.

    The topic is the Jewish question, or if you prefer, the Jew-matrix and that covers a lot of ground.
    Nothing, meaning nothing, is off topic.


    1) We have a president who is belligerent towards Iran,

    2) who is sending “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS,

    3) who loves Israel passionately

    4) and who is increasing already bloated defense budgets.

    Four positions that are the heart and soul of neocons: throw in social liberal and you have the very definition of neocon.

    The current Prez is all in on these four, but the neocons hate him and are, and did, everything to try and destroy him.

    Maybe there is a problem with my thinking concerning neocons.

    Naw, let me read the tea leaves to get the explanation that I want.

    , @Chuck Orloski
    Hey Anon (Keith)

    Sam The Sham is far from upsetting me. In paraphrase to Springsteen's words from the great song "Dead Man Walking" -- "A pale horse is coming and Sam's goin' riding."

    As you know, The Sham's rarely "on topic" it is always HIS topic. Besides, likely 98% of the time he does not read Mr. Giraldi's articles. How could Sam The Sham ever stay "on topic"?

    Please look at Vice President Mike Pence's address to AIPAC, delivered yesterday? Pence gets handsomely rewarded for his never straying from the Supremacist Jews primary topic... that upsets me, Anon!

    I suppose you note that Sam The Sham never tackles your sensible & logical postings. For that matter, neither does InZitatus! Why is that? Answer: Their logic breaks with common sense & human decency; intellectual virtues once heralded by T. Paine.

    Refer to Pence's disgusting words (below) delivered to The Chosen Lobby?
    , @Sam Shama
    Sorry to disappoint you, but I do care, very much so, for my horses. I've been with them since I was a seven-year-old lad. I feed them the best, hose them down after a sprint and jumps, pick their hooves and brush them down. Of course, there are others at the stable looking after them full-time - bills one has to pay, don't you know?

    Moral of this little rejoinder: you unfailingly assume the worst of people merely because they happen not to agree with every word you write. That is regrettable.

  • @Incitatus
    “I always study the faces in any new pictures of the crowds at lynchings and KKK meetings.”

    Why? Linger passing auto accidents on the highway? Want to get a good view? Everybody does. Welcome to being human.

    Iffen, lighten up!

    Read Vonnegut. None of it makes much sense. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

    The best revenge? Survival.

    Pisses them off like nothing else.

    Why? Linger passing auto accidents on the highway?

    No, I usually avert my gaze. I didn’t even like watching American Idol when they made fun of the clueless and talent deprived. (Of course some were in on the joke and enjoyed it.)


    Looking for familiar faces, grandpa, great grandpa, great uncles, etc.

  • @Chuck Orloski

    What do you think is the cause for "exclusion of Palestinian voices from the American media"?

    The major reason why Palestinians are denied their land is because Zionists took the American land, and now want to make citizens "safe & secure" under their terms, & branded the good ole U.S.A. as the "Homeland."

    As you know, after Pennsylvania's T. Ridge, Chertoff became the 2nd director of the D.O.H.S. With such racist prejudices, do you think one like him would be open to "clearing the road to Palestinian freedom, self determination"?


    As you know, after Pennsylvania’s T. Ridge, Chertoff became the 2nd director of the D.O.H.S.

    Chuck, I am reminded of Chertoff and The Israel Lobby every time I travel to the States and have to walk through one of his expensive contraptions:

    Ex-Homeland Security chief head said to abuse public trust by touting body scanners

    Since the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has given dozens of media interviews touting the need for the federal government to buy more full-body scanners for airports.

    What he has made little mention of is that the Chertoff Group, his security consulting agency, includes a client that manufactures the machines. The relationship drew attention after Chertoff disclosed it on a CNN program Wednesday, in response to a question.

    An airport passengers’ rights group on Thursday criticized Chertoff, who left office less than a year ago, for using his former government credentials to advocate for a product that benefits his clients.

    I had an interesting experience one time when I refused to walk through the machine and airport security had to pat me down. I told the young man assigned the task to be gentle with me, as it was my first time.

  • Anon • Disclaimer says:

    Just fruitless hope for Americans.
    It is probably true. I do not think it is conspiratorial to believe that elites perform certain actions to promote their own interest. Further, when these interests conflict with the interest of the middle/working class (of all races/groups), the elites will seek those interest at our expense. We are kind of all in the same leaky boat together.

    I have made many vitriolic past comments about afro americans (not Blacks as a racial group, but the subgroup of afro americans themselves as an ethnic group), however I must acknowledge they are just as much a victim of our self serving elites as the rest of us are. Unfortunately for afros, they are firmly under the control of leftist progressive ideology, so cooperation with them would be nearly impossible (they are firmly convinced in the concept of a free lunch and will always be looking for it).

    The solution is probably to roll back the clock on our social/economic dysfunctions to a point in history when things were mostly working well (like rolling back a malfunctioning computer hard drive to a restore point), but we all know that will not happen because of a lack of national consensus. The Libs/Leftist/Progs mindset is to never admit mistakes, and to never understand the concept of a budget.

    Libs/Leftist/Progs try to formulate reality to conform to their own misguided opinions, instead of formulating opinions based on reality. They can not make rational decisions based on empirical evidence and experience, thus they attack it as anecdotal, while making up social science studies that always confirms their own hypothesis. They would all die off if it was not for the protections that modern society provides.

    But they are not going anywhere, and their parasitical ideas will continue to erode the foundation of society, and eventually it will not be able to be sustained at the present level. This is not some wild prediction. This is simply following how we arrived at this point in the last 50 years, examine the continued goals of the Libs/Leftist/Progs and the likely outcomes, and project forward its effects.

    And if we continue on this path, without a reversal (or even a slow down), we will eventually arrive at something that will start to resemble a failed state (at least at a regional/state/local levels). The only good news is under such living conditions, many Leftist/Progs will die off (so will many sincere Libs, which I am not gloating over because I find many sincere Libs are just misinformed, not malicious like most Leftist/Progs are).

    Keith Says:

    “I do not think it is conspiratorial to believe elites perform certain actions to promote their own interests”.

    Joef …. thank you for responding to my response. I am in total agreement with your belief that our society is unraveling. This is why I consider the US to be in the same stage as the Weimar Republic, just before the National Socialist Revolution.

    Getting back to the Unz subject, in most countries the elites work together to promote their interests. What is different in America is that we have a Zionist elite ( AIPC, Jewish NeoCons, Jewish Wall Street oligarchs, Zio media) as a separate nation conspiring together to support their own economic and political interests in America and around the world, and that of a foreign nation, Israel. The conspiring includes their ” divide and conquer strategy”. The Communists in the Weimar Republic used the same strategy. This is why the fighting moved from the political arena on to the street.

    This is the main reason why America will never be Great Again, unless we have a revolution.

    Not the co opted Trump phony populist revolution. A truly America First revolution.

    Draining the swamp means taking down the Zionist nation in American.

    • Replies: @joef
    You will probably not see an America First revolution, because of the lack of any strong cooperation/consensus. History is a good teacher, but it does not ever repeat itself exactly. I believe that we are setting ourselves up for something that will be much worse than the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.

    Germany was mostly socially stable without a huge subset population (afro americans) that basically has a parasitical economic relationship with its host country. Germans still had a valid education system, where ours has been failing for decades. Germany did not have a narcissistic generation (of millennials) that cannot cope with hardship. Germany did not have the levels of urban violent crime that we have. Their debt levels were artificially imposed by the Versailles Treaty (the primary cause of the hyperinflation, Hitler's rise, WW2, Holocaust, & subsequent Iron Curtain), where our debt is voluntarily self initiated and still continues unabated. Germany mostly had good infrastructure, while ours fall into disrepair.

    At best we are becoming the next version of stagnated Japan (unlikely because they actually are a nation of savers, while we are nation of consumers), or at worst Zimbabwe; or something in between (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela), and it will be long term (like the end of Rome). You are already seeing the canary in the coalmine with Detroit, Stockton Cal, East St Louis, and Camden NJ. Additionally the unserviceable debt level is actually a worldwide phenomenon, so there will be no other nation to financially rescue us from our own fiscal irresponsibility.

    The correction will come at the local level with some communities adapting, rebuilding, and thriving, while others fall into deeper decline. As governments become less capable of functioning, history shows us that warlords frequently take their place. This will probably be the condition in many parts of our nation (and the world). That is our future if there is no course correction, and I do not see any indication of one. Pray that I am wrong.
  • @geokat62
    I'm in the middle of viewing what transpired at WRMEA's conference at The National Press Club, The Israel Lobby and American Policy.

    I'm about 3/4 of the way through, but thought it might be worthwhile if I shared some of the highlights.

    Grant Smith kicked off the proceedings and put up the following slides:

    Slide 1: Non-profit Israel lobby Ecosystem 2012-2020

    336 nonprofits that place the advancement of Israel as a top priority
    $3.7 billion in revenue growing to $6.3 billion by year 2020
    14,000 employees
    353,000 volunteers
    Estimated membership: 774,000
    Israel affinity nonprofit ecosystem provides Israel with the support that following America's own interests would not
    American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) the main congressional lobby

    Slide 2: Core Israel/lobby Program: Unconditional US Foreign Aid

    Advanced US weapons
    Funds for Israel's domestic export-oriented military industries
    Packaged into ten-year "Memorandums of Understanding"
    US silence on Israel's nuclear weapons program "off the table"
    Unconditional: No actions taken by Israel can trigger cuts


    Final Slide: Conclusions

    Majority of Americans believe foreign aid to Israel is "too much"
    Most would spend $38 billion MOU funding other priorities
    When asked, most Americans do not approve of other core Israel lobby programs
    They oppose the primary means by which they are enacted
    These survey results, and the growing awareness of all the bad outcomes, should impact future policymaking
    But only if Americans act to reinstate representative government
    While the keynote speakers included Hanan Ashrawi, John Mearsheimer, and Ilan Pappe, it was the relatively unknown filmmaker, Tom Hayes, who stole the show.

    After peppering his introductory remarks with these brilliant one-liners:

    [The Lobby's] aim is to keep our eyes closed, our mouths shut, and our wallets wide open.

    Israel's abuse of humanity is a disgusting thing to witness.

    Being in the States is like being dipped in a bath of bullshit.

    Cowardice is an essential nutrient for the Israel Lobby.
    he concluded with this passionate flourish:

    The exclusion of Palestinians voices from American media is racist, and racism is a weakness. It occurred to me that this racism could be weaponized. It could be weaponized against itself. If Palestinians are not acceptable voices to address the situation of Palestinians... what? If the only credible voices to address the conflict are Jewish voices, then what if I crafted a film in which Jewish Israelis- people who actually have skin in the game - told the truth? The result is Two Blue Lines. The film feeds the Zionist snake its own little tail... You know this whole digital technology thing, I think it's going to be key to crushing the Israel Lobby... I was 9 years old when my mother read me Cry The Beloved Country; I was 39 when Nelson Mandela became president of SA. That book may not have had any more impact than a grain of sand on the struggle against South African apartheid, but a grain of sand on the move can start an avalanche. And if enough of us grains of sand shake our asses loose, we can bury the Israel Lobby. We can clear the road to Palestinian freedom, self determination.
    To which he received a standing ovation.


    What do you think is the cause for “exclusion of Palestinian voices from the American media”?

    The major reason why Palestinians are denied their land is because Zionists took the American land, and now want to make citizens “safe & secure” under their terms, & branded the good ole U.S.A. as the “Homeland.”

    As you know, after Pennsylvania’s T. Ridge, Chertoff became the 2nd director of the D.O.H.S. With such racist prejudices, do you think one like him would be open to “clearing the road to Palestinian freedom, self determination”?


    • Replies: @geokat62

    As you know, after Pennsylvania’s T. Ridge, Chertoff became the 2nd director of the D.O.H.S.
    Chuck, I am reminded of Chertoff and The Israel Lobby every time I travel to the States and have to walk through one of his expensive contraptions:

    Ex-Homeland Security chief head said to abuse public trust by touting body scanners

    Since the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has given dozens of media interviews touting the need for the federal government to buy more full-body scanners for airports.

    What he has made little mention of is that the Chertoff Group, his security consulting agency, includes a client that manufactures the machines. The relationship drew attention after Chertoff disclosed it on a CNN program Wednesday, in response to a question.

    An airport passengers' rights group on Thursday criticized Chertoff, who left office less than a year ago, for using his former government credentials to advocate for a product that benefits his clients.
    I had an interesting experience one time when I refused to walk through the machine and airport security had to pat me down. I told the young man assigned the task to be gentle with me, as it was my first time.