The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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For the last two and a half years, the Democrats have led the country on a wild goose chase that has been a complete waste of time and achieved absolutely nothing. The absurd conspiracy theory that the President of the United States was an agent of the Kremlin has been thoroughly debunked by the Mueller... Read More
Former CIA Directory John Brennan.  Credit: Jay Godwin/Wikimedia Commons.
Sometime in the next 4 weeks, the Justice Department's inspector general will release an internal review that will reveal the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. Among other matters, the IG's report is expected to determine "whether there was sufficient justification under existing guidelines for the FBI to have started an investigation in the first place."... Read More
Your Geopolitical Quiz for the Day: Two countries are embroiled in a ferocious rivalry. One country's meteoric growth has put it on a path to become the world's biggest economic superpower while the other country appears to be slipping into irreversible decline. Which country will lead the world into the future? Country A builds factories... Read More
Why did Robert Mueller end the Russia investigation when he did? He could have let it drag it out for another year or so and severely hurt Trump's chances for reelection. But he didn't do that. Why? Of course, we're assuming that the investigation was never intended to uncover the truth. If it was, then... Read More
Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign? Yes Did the FBI place spies in the Trump campaign? Yes Do we know the names of the spies and how they operated? Yes Were the spies trying to entrap Trump campaign assistants in order to gather information on Trump? Yes Did the spies try to elicit... Read More
Credit: Jack E. Kightlinger, Wikimedia Commons
The liberal world order, which lasted from the end of World War 2 until today, is rapidly collapsing. The center of gravity is shifting from west to east where China and India are experiencing explosive growth and where a revitalized Russia has restored its former stature as a credible global superpower. These developments, coupled with... Read More
The Democrats refuse to accept any responsibility for the 2016 election. They won't admit they fielded the worst candidate in party history or that they blew a huge lead in the polls or that their uninspired elitist campaign paved the way for a Trump victory. According to them, none of these things made any difference... Read More
The Great Russia Deception all began with John Brennan. It was Brennan who reported "contacts... between Russian officials and persons in the Trump campaign", just as it was Brennan who first referred the case to former FBI Director James Comey. It was also Brennan who “hand-picked” the analysts who stitched together the dodgy Intelligence Community... Read More
Turkish troops and armored units are massed along Turkey's southern border awaiting orders to invade northern Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to clear a ten mile-deep swath of land east of the Euphrates River in order to remove terrorist-linked militants (YPG) currently occupying the territory. The proposed offensive would put US Special Forces... Read More
The allegations of 'Russian meddling' only make sense if they're put into a broader geopolitical context. Once we realize that Washington is implementing an aggressive "containment" strategy to militarily encircle Russia and China in order to spread its tentacles across Central Asian, then we begin to understand that Russia is not the perpetrator of the... Read More
An explosive report by Reuters confirms that John Bolton sabotaged the denuclearization talks between Kim Jong un and Donald Trump in Hanoi in February. According to a March 29 exclusive by journalists Lesley Wroughton and David Brunnstrom: "Donald Trump handed North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a piece of paper" demanding that Kim surrender all... Read More
Here's something that might surprise you. In the last few days, three separate surveys have been released showing that a majority (or near-majority) of Americans still think Donald Trump colluded with Russia. As you know, this does not square with the findings of the Mueller Report which were released (in part) over the weekend by... Read More
After the second Boeing commercial airliner crashed in Ethiopia killing everyone on board, the FAA should have grounded the rest of the Boeing 737 Max 8 fleet in the interest of passenger safety. That would have helped to shore up public confidence in the FAA while giving Boeing the time it needed to locate and... Read More
Here are six of the media's biggest lies about North Korea: 1--Did North Korea end the negotiations in Hanoi because Trump refused to lift sanctions? No. That's not what happened at all. Kim Jong un made a serious offer to permanently halt all long-range rocket and nuclear tests and to “completely dismantle all the nuclear... Read More
What is Israel's stake in east Syria? Has Israel influenced Washington's decision to maintain a long-term military presence in Syria? How does Israel benefit from the splintering of Syria into smaller statelets and from undermining the power of the central government in Damascus? Did Israel's regional ambitions factor into Trump's decision to shrug off Turkey's... Read More
Pentagon launches provocative new military drills putting North Korea nukes talks at risk
The details of what took place at the Hanoi Summit strongly suggests that President Donald Trump has joined the neocons in their quest to strangle the North Korean economy and bring about regime change. As it happens, the Trump delegation did not negotiate in good faith or make an honest attempt to resolve the nuclear... Read More
In the last 24 hours, the Trump administration has intensified its attacks on Turkey which has significantly strained relations and increased the prospect of a military confrontation. The present situation is extremely tense and could explode without warning and without the American people having any idea of the dramatic events that preceded the clash. As... Read More
While the western media has written off last weekend's summit in Hanoi as a failure, the talks did help to burnish Kim Jong-un's reputation as a sincere statesman committed to peacefully resolving the nuclear issue. This is a significant development for the simple reason that Kim needs to continue to build popular support for his... Read More
"The evil that men do"...
The US-North Korea Summit in Hanoi has ended in failure just as all previous attempts at peace have ended in failure. This is by design. Washington has refused to incrementally lift the sanctions on the DPRK because sanctions are Washington's way of prosecuting an economic war against an enemy who, for the last six and... Read More
Here's what most people don't understand about the war in Syria: The combat-phase of the war is largely over. What's left is an arduous mop-up operation in the Idlib demilitarized zone and a potentially explosive standoff between the United States and Turkey in the north. For a while it looked like the US-Turkey confrontation would... Read More
The Turkish government is not going to let terrorists occupy territory on their southern border any more than the United States would allow al Qaida cells to occupy camps along the US-Mexico border. Turkey simply cannot allow the current arrangement to continue, mainly because these groups (The Syrian Democratic Forces or SDF) pose a clear... Read More
The Democratic Party has made a strategic decision to bypass candidates from its progressive wing and recruit former members of the military and intelligence agencies to compete with Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections. The shift away from liberal politicians to center-right government agents and military personnel is part of a broader plan to rebuild... Read More
On Friday, North Korea's former spy chief, Kim Yong Chol, met with President Donald Trump for a two hour conference at the White House. During their meeting, the DPRK official presented Trump with an oversized letter that had been personally written by Kim Jong-Un. Although the contents of the letter have not yet been revealed,... Read More
On Tuesday, the New York Times accused Donald Trump of spreading conspiracy theories about "a spy inside his presidential campaign." Here's an excerpt from the article: The article is clearly intended to show that Trump is paranoid and delusional, but what the author fails to mention is that it was the Times that originally published... Read More
Why is Amazon running a full page of "Michelle Obama for President" T-Shirts? What does Bezos know that we don't know? And why did Michelle decide to launch her new book on November 13th, 2018, just a week after the midterm elections? Was that merely a coincidence or was the date chosen by her political... Read More
After 18 months of withering attacks and accusations, Donald Trump has decided to get up off the canvas and fight back. In a series of tweets stretching from Sunday night to early Monday morning, Trump announced that he would launch his own investigation to see whether the FBI and DOJ had improperly targeted his campaign... Read More
The biggest obstacle Donald Trump is going to face in his upcoming negotiations with Kim Jong-un, is not Kim's unwillingness to abandon his nuclear weapons program, but resistance from powerful elements in the foreign policy establishment who will do everything they can to scuttle the agreement. We've already seen an example of this just this... Read More
Did Donald Trump scrap the Iran nuke's deal to pay back his pro-Israel campaign donors? Political analyst Eli Clifton seems to think so, and he argues the point pretty persuasively too. Here's an except from his article at the Lobe Log: "President Donald Trump has just fulfilled a campaign pledge to tear up the Obama... Read More
Thomas "Boom Boom" Ellis K.O.'s "Tomato Can" Bob Mueller in Historic 1 Round Slugfest
A federal judge has pulled back the curtain on the Mueller investigation and exposed a flagrantly-deceptive political operation aimed at removing the president from office. On Friday, Federal District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III castigated Mueller's legal team for hypocritically prosecuting former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort when their their real target was Donald Trump.... Read More
It is Donald Trump's duty to defend the office of the President and the right of the American people to choose their own leaders through democratic elections. Both of those institutions are currently under attack, and there is a real danger that the republican system of government, which we have enjoyed for over 200 years,... Read More
Robert Mueller's critics have described the Russia investigation as a "fishing expedition", but is it? Webster defines 'fishing expedition' as: "an investigation that does not stick to a stated objective but hopes to uncover incriminating or newsworthy evidence." Does that accurately describe the Mueller investigation? It does. Why, for example, don't we know the nature... Read More
Kim Jong-un is not trying to pull a fast one on Trump. He doesn't have something up his sleeve, and he's not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. He wants to end the war, establish good relations with his neighbors in the South, and get on with the business of improving the lives... Read More
Donald Trump thinks his "maximum pressure" campaign persuaded North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program. But it's a bunch of baloney. The reason Kim Jong-un is planning to denuclearize is because China adamantly opposes nuclear weapons on the peninsula. That's the whole deal in a nutshell. China, who is North Korea's biggest trading partner,... Read More
The Democrats have decided to double-down on a political strategy that has divided the country, undermined confidence in public elections, alienated their progressive base and increased the chances of a violent clash with Russia. On Friday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a lawsuit charging the Russian government, the Trump campaign and Julian Assange of... Read More
Did the Pentagon collaborate with Moscow on which targets to hit?
The April 14 missile attacks on Syria were a politically-motivated fireworks display that were largely designed to silence Trump's critics. The attacks-- which were coordinated with Moscow-- did not kill any Russian, Syrian, Iranian or Hezbollah combat troops. They did not kill any Syrian civilians. They did not impede the Syrian Army's ongoing military offensive... Read More
On Monday, the Monmouth University Polling Institute released the results of a survey that found that "a large bipartisan majority... feel that national policy is being manipulated or directed by a 'Deep State' of unelected government officials.....[1] According to the survey:"...6-in-10 Americans (60%) feel that unelected or appointed government officials have too much influence in... Read More
The United States is closer to a war with Russia than anytime since the Cuban missile crisis, but brainwashed Americans don't have a clue about what's going on. Here's what's happening: The US's situation in Syria has significantly deteriorated in the last two weeks. Washington hoped that its CIA-backed militants would be able to maintain... Read More
The replacement of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo signals a hawkish shift in the administration's foreign policy that is clearly intended to prepare the country for a confrontation with Russia. Pompeo was not chosen for his diplomatic skills or his nuanced grasp of foreign relations but for his hardline approach... Read More
The United States has launched a three-pronged offensive on Russia. First, it's attacking Russia's economy via sanctions and oil-price manipulation. Second, it's increasing the threats to Russia's national security by arming and training militant proxies in Syria and Ukraine, and by encircling Russia with NATO forces and missile systems. And, third, it's conducting a massive... Read More
Putin wants to end poverty? Putin wants to stimulate economic growth in developing countries? Putin wants to change the system that divides the world into "permanent winners and losers"? But, how can that be, after all, Putin is bad, Putin is a "KGB thug", Putin is the "new Hitler"? American liberals would be surprised to... Read More
Here's your legal koan for the day: When is an indictment not an indictment? Answer-- When there is no intention of initiating a criminal case against the accused. In the case of the 13 Russian trolls who have just been indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, there is neither the intention nor the ability to... Read More
Robert Mueller's Friday night indictment-spree, is a flagrant and infuriating attempt to divert attention from the damning revelations in the Nunes memo (and the Graham-Grassley "criminal referral") which prove that senior-level officials at the FBI and DOJ were engaged in an expansive conspiracy to subvert the presidential elections by spying on members of the Trump... Read More
Mike Pence's trip to the Pyeongchang Olympics was an unmitigated disaster. In just 48 hours, the Vice President managed to insult nearly everyone he encountered including South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un's younger sister, Kim Yo-Jong. The overbearing Pence flaunted his contempt for the Korean people by humiliating their leaders, shrugging off their... Read More
Former CIA Director John Brennan.  Credit: U.S. Government
The report ("The Dossier") that claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia, was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign. The company that claims that Russia hacked DNC computer servers, was paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign. The FBI's counterintelligence probe into Trump's alleged connections to Russia was launched on the... Read More
Brainwashed Americans believe that Kim Jong-un is responsible for the confrontation between Pyongyang and Washington, but nothing could be further from the truth. The real problem is not Kim’s nuclear weapons but Washington’s 65 year-long military occupation that continues to reinforce a political solution that was arbitrarily imposed on a sovereign nation in order to... Read More
US foreign policy in the Middle East is not merely adrift, it is in a state of severe crisis. Even as Turkish tanks and warplanes continue to pound US allies in northwestern Syria (The Kurds), powerbrokers in the White House and the Pentagon are unable to settle on a way forward. The frantic attempts to... Read More
The Democrats don't seem to understand that the Russia investigation has made Trump stronger not weaker. They don't see that their evidence-free probe has strengthened Trump's base and convinced his supporters that their leader is being unfairly attacked. (According to a January Quinnipiac survey, a full eighty-three percent of Republicans believe the current investigation is... Read More
The Trump administration has drawn Turkey deeper into the Syrian conflict by announcing a policy that threatens Turkey's national security. Washington's gaffe has pitted one NATO ally against the other while undermining hopes for a speedy end to the seven year-long war. Here's what's going on: On January 18, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson... Read More
On Wednesday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced the creation of a de facto autonomous Kurdish state in east Syria that will be supported by the United States and defended by a US-backed “proxy” army of occupation. Tillerson’s announcement was made at a confab he attended at Stanford University at the Hoover Institute. According to... Read More
Photo by Nick Taylor | CC BY 2.0
The Trump administration has settled on a plan for sabotaging the Iranian Nuclear deal that does not explicitly violate the terms of the agreement. Trump will continue to suspend sanctions, as is required under the terms of the deal, but at the same time, he will warn that if the agreement isn’t changed to meet... Read More