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What poses as the left, but isn’t, is completely bonkers. When I first read the above, I thought it was a parody, but is it?

For the American left, nothing is real. Everything is a “social construct,” race, gender, sexual preference, whatever. But the “white race,” apparently is an exception to the “everything is a social construct” and is “a very unique creature, and a dangerous one”:

“The white race is unique in that it is the first defining race of the imperial era and modern day imperialism defines its very existence. The Western Europeans designed the concept of whiteness to justify their expanse and enslavement of the New World and it’s dark skinned cousins across the Global South. As the insatiable nature of capitalism demanded endless expansion, it’s moneyed mandarins required the creation of a new super-class to rationalize the enslavement of the darker nations. This concept became even more necessary with American independence and the fall of monarchism.”

In order to consolidate “white supremacy’s ill-gotten gains,” white supremacists invented new races—“the colored races of black and Latino.”

If you are lost, so am I. Race, unless you are a white demon, is a social construct, and whites socially constructed the other races in order to have something to exploit and dominate. Sounds a bit like magic, but let’s go on.

Nicky was born white, but he didn’t know what this meant until he “came out of the closet.” Then surrounded by fellow homosexuals, he realized “the fickle parameters of blood and soil” and became defined by homosexual “existential opposition to white colonial culture.”

It was Christianity “which set the stage for modern white supremacy.” Before Christianity people did not have to “conform to the perceived norms of gender and sexuality. Nicky defines himself by his “queerness,” not by his whiteness:

“I have made a conscious decision to reject my whiteness and to forge a new queer tribal awareness that defines queer as a race unto itself, an anti-colonial race in the robust mold of the Black Power and Chicano movements. I have borrowed ideas from everyone from Noel Ignatiev and the Black Panther Party to Oswald Spengler and the National Anarchist Movement. It is a highly inflammatory and downright politically incorrect mission, but my aim isn’t simply to create a queer race but to destroy the white one by using my privileged access to the master’s house to burn down the whole fucking plantation, once and for all. And I invite other oppressed ‘white’ people to join me.”

Nicky wants all whites to become anti-whites:

“There was a time before whiteness and there can be a time after it. The Alt-Right will bellyache like snowflakes that my philosophy is one of white genocide, but the white race is an unnatural conglomeration defined by genocide, not just of dark and queer people, but of Irish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Russian, Scottish and Welsh people. All of these once proud tribes, dissolved like corpses in the acid bath of white supremacy.”

Having declared race and sexuality to be mere social constructs, Nicky concludes that some social constructs are more worthy than others:

“I choose, as a queer person, to stand with my black and brown brothers and sisters. I choose to reject the blood spattered gift of whiteness and I invite you to do the same. Only a world of autonomous minorities can destroy a nation of imperial majority.”

Little doubt it will surprise the majority of the core white American population, dispossessed as they are of their jobs and careers by offshoring and of their humanity by Identity Politics that they are an “imperial majority.” A family just arrived from the Congo can be given free housing in Mormon Utah, but hundreds of thousands of the “imperial majority” are homeless.

The more I think about it, Nicky has to be writing a parody of the left. CounterPunch must be poking fun at itself.

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After falsely accusing Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Washington unilaterally repudiated the treaty. Thus did the US military/security complex rid itself of the landmark agreement achieved by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev that defused the Cold War.

The INF Treaty was perhaps the most important of all of the arms control agreements achieved by American 20th century presidents and now abandoned in the 21st century by US neoconservative governments. The treaty removed the threat of Russian missiles against Europe and the threat of European-based US missiles to Russia. The importance of the treaty is due to its reduction of the chance of accidental nuclear war. Warning systems have a history of false alarms. The problem of US missiles on Russia’s border is that they leave no time for reflection or contact with Washington when Moscow receives a false alarm. Considering the extreme irresponsibility of US governments since the Clinton regime in elevating tensions with Russia, missiles on Russia’s border leaves Russia’s leadership with little choice but to push the button when an alarm sounds.

That Washington intends to put missiles on Russia’s border and pulled out of the INF Treaty for this sole purpose is now obvious. Only two weeks after Washington pulled out of the treaty, Washington tested a missile whose research and development, not merely deployment, were banned under the treaty. If you think Washington designed and produced a new missile in two weeks you are not intelligent enough to be reading this column. While Washington was accusing Russia, it was Washington who was violating the treaty. Perhaps this additional act of betrayal will teach the Russian leadership that it is stupid and self-destructive to trust Washington about anything. Every country must know by now that agreements with Washington are meaningless.

Surely the Russian government understands that there are only two reasons for Washington to put missiles on Russia’s border: (1) to enable Washington to launch a preemptive nuclear strike that leaves Russia no response time, or (2) to enable Washington to threaten such a strike, thus coercing Russia to Washington’s will. Clearly, one or the other of these reasons is of sufficient importance to Washington for Washington to risk a false alarm setting off a nuclear war.

Military analysts can talk all they want about “rational players,” but if a demonized and threatened country with hostile missiles on its border receives a warning with near zero response time, counting on it to be a false alarm is no longer rational.

The 1988 treaty achieved by Reagan and Gorbachev eliminated this threat. What purpose is served by resurrecting such a threat? Why is Congress silent? Why is Europe silent? Why is the US and European media silent? Why do Romania and Poland enable this threat by permitting US missiles to be stationed on their territory?

Little doubt the Romanian and Polish governments have been given bag-fulls of money by the US military/security complex, which wants the multi-billion dollar contracts to produce the new missiles. Here we see the extreme irresponsibility of small countries. Without the corrupt and idiotic governments of Romania and Poland, Washington could not resurrect a threat that was buried 31 years ago by Reagan and Gorbachev.

Even the American puppet state of occupied Germany has refused to host the missiles. But two insignificant states of no importance in the world are subjecting the entire world to the risk of nuclear war so that a few Romanian and Polish politicians can pocket a few million dollars.

Missiles on Russia’s borders that provide no response time are a serious problem for Russia. I keep waiting for Moscow to announce publicly that on the first sign of a missile launching from Romania or Poland, the countries will immediately cease to exist. That might wake up the Romanian and Polish populations to the danger that their corrupt governments are bringing to them.

Why aren’t the Romanian and Polish provocations sufficient justification for Russia to preemptively occupy both countries? Is it more provocative for Russia to occupy the two countries than it is for the two countries to host US missiles against Russia? Why only consider the former provocative and not the latter?

No one is capable of coming to Romania and Poland’s aid even if anyone was so inclined. NATO is a joke. It wouldn’t last one day in a battle with Russia. Does anyone think the United States is going to commit suicide for Romania and Poland?

Where are the UN resolutions condemning Romania and Poland for resurrecting the specter of nuclear war by hosting the deployment of US missiles on their borders with Russia? Is the entire world so insouciant that the likely consequences of this act of insanity are not comprehended?

It does seem that human intelligence is not up to the requirements of human survival.

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Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the New York Times, told the Times’ employees on August 12 that the Times is refocusing from Russiagate to Trump-the-racist. Moreover, Baquet said, the Times is launching the 1619 Project that will “reframe” or reinvent American history. The purpose is to reduce the explanation of the United States to racism and slavery.

What, I wonder, is Baquet going to do when he has to confront the already “reframed” history of the “Civil War,” in which the United States at great expense and hardship and many deaths went to war to free black slaves in the South? How can Baquet reconcile racist white America with the reframed history of the War Against Southern slavery?

Baquet has an agenda, which is to dehumanize and demoralize white Americans so that overwhelmed with guilt they will accept their fate as their country is overrun by non-white immigrants. He has in the works for us a Camp of the Saints experience.

Perhaps Baquet’s plot will fail, but perhaps not. When Cambridge University’s white faculty and administrators accepted non-white political commissars assigned to their persons to insure that non-white people are not offended by offensive facts, words, and concepts, the concept of objective truth was undermined. When truth no longer matters, its place is taken by agenda. Note also that Cambridge has no consideration for white people who might resent the demise of academic freedom and the perversion of their own history in order to make non-whites feel better. Cambridge has abandoned not only academic freedom but also the core population of Great Britain. This suggests that Baquet’s war against truth will go well.

A list of accomplishments of Western Civilization would include the concept of objective truth, which requires free speech and free inquiry, a rule of law that holds government accountable and prevents arbitrary arrest and punishment, evidence-based conclusions, a sense of justice, respect for life and property. We can add others, and there are scientific, technological, artistic, musical, and architectural achievements. But the short list provides the gist of Western Civilization’s achievements. How can the New York Times explain these achievements in terms of racism and slavery? Does Baquet intend to simply erase these achievements? Do they go down the memory hole?

As Baquet believes he can explain President Trump in terms of racism and white supremacy, perhaps he thinks it is no big deal to explain the entire country and its history this way. Baquet’s project has a lot of facts to overcome, but it fits the agenda of Identity Politics, the ruling ideology of the Democratic Party and the American liberal/progressive/left. Be prepared to see many facts shouted down or ignored.

• Category: Ideology • Tags: American Media, Blacks, Political Correctness 
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“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing.” — Noel Ignatiev as quoted in Diversity Chronicle

“The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters—ALL OF THEM—are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.” — Reza Aslan on Twitter

Some responses to my two recent columns on genocide prove my point. I am told that it is impermissible to protest the demonization of white people, not because it is untrue but because white people deserve to be demonized. The violent language against white people and calls for their eradication are said to be justified. This is a logical position for those who believe that liberation requires the extermination of white people.

One reader dismissed the demonization of white people, quoting “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Jews would disagree. Words expressed against them in the 1930s did them a lot of hurt in the 1940s.

In my columns I am arguing against division and orchestrated hatred. My position is unacceptable to the growing ranks of Identity Politics extremists. They want division. Identity Politics is so entrenched that there are people who think that a person who does not support the demonization of white people is himself a white supremacist. We have arrived at Orwellian plus.

The intimidation that inhibits the defense of “indefensible whites” is also illustrated by the neglect of my genocide columns by some of the alt-news websites that normally reproduce my columns. A defense of white people or protest of their demonization is branded “racist white supremacy,” and the websites are guilty by association. Free speech is being shut down, and discussion of some issues is now impossible.

The 1619 Project, the plan of the New York Times’ executive editor to “reframe,” that is, to falsify American history, aims at undermining the confidence of white Americans. It is a project of cultural genocide. It is difficult to see a future for people who are both demonized and intimidated. Hate is a powerful force, and much hate is being expressed against white people and institutionalized in the educational system.

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Political Correctness 
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The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. The offshoring of US jobs has reduced US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, consumer purchasing power, and tax base of state and local governments. Corporations have increased short-term profits at the expense of these long-term costs. In effect, the US economy is being moved out of the First World into the Third World.

Tariffs are not a solution. The Trump administration says that the tariffs are paid by China, but unless Apple, Nike, Levi, and all of the offshoring companies got an exemption from the tariffs, the tariffs fall on the offshored production of US firms that are sold to US consumers. The tariffs will either reduce the profits of the US firms or be paid by US purchasers of the products in higher prices. The tariffs will hurt China only by reducing Chinese employment in the production of US goods for US markets.

The financial media is full of dire predictions of the consequences of a US/China “trade war.” There is no trade war. A trade war is when countries try to protect their industries by placing tariff barriers on the import of cheaper products from foreign countries. But half or more of the imports from China are imports from US companies. Trump’s tariffs, or a large part of them, fall on US corporations or US consumers.

One has to wonder that there is not a single economist anywhere in the Trump administration, the Federal Reserve, or anywhere else in Washington capable of comprehending the situation and conveying an understanding to President Trump.

One consequence of Washington’s universal economic ignorance is that the financial media has concocted the story that “Trump’s tariffs” are not only driving Americans into recession but also the entire world. Somehow tariffs on Apple computers and iPhones, Nike footwear, and Levi jeans are sending the world into recession or worse. This is an extraordinary economic conclusion, but the capacity for thought has pretty much disappeared in the United States.

In the financial media the question is: Will the Trump tariffs cause a US/world recession that costs Trump his reelection? This is a very stupid question. The US has been in a recession for two or more decades as its manufacturing/industrial/engineering capability has been transferred abroad. The US recession has been very good for the Asian part of the world. Indeed, China owes its faster than expected rise as a world power to the transfer of American jobs, capital, technology, and business know-how to China simply in order that US shareholders could receive capital gains and US executives could receive bonus pay for producing them by lowering labor costs.

Apparently, neoliberal economists, an oxymoron, cannot comprehend that if US corporations produce the goods and services that they market to Americans offshore, it is the offshore locations that benefit from the economic activity.

Offshore production started in earnest with the Soviet collapse as India and China opened their economies to the West. Globalism means that US corporations can make more money by abandoning their American work force. But what is true for the individual company is not true for the aggregate. Why? The answer is that when many corporations move their production for US markets offshore, Americans, unemployed or employed in lower paying jobs, lose the power to purchase the offshored goods.

I have reported for years that US jobs are no longer middle class jobs. The jobs have been declining for years in terms of value-added and pay. With this decline, aggregate demand declines. We have proof of this in the fact that for years US corporations have been using their profits not for investment in new plant and equipment, but to buy back their own shares. Any economist worthy of the name should instantly recognize that when corporations repurchase their shares rather than invest, they see no demand for increased output. Therefore, they loot their corporations for bonuses, decapitalizing the companies in the process. There is perfect knowledge that this is what is going on, and it is totally inconsistent with a growing economy.

As is the labor force participation rate. Normally, economic growth results in a rising labor force participation rate as people enter the work force to take advantage of the jobs. But throughout the alleged economic boom, the participation rate has been falling, because there are no jobs to be had.

In the 21st century the US has been decapitalized and living standards have declined. For a while the process was kept going by the expansion of debt, but consumer income has not kept place and consumer debt expansion has reached its limits.

The Fed/Treasury “plunge protection team” can keep the stock market up by purchasing S&P futures. The Fed can pump out more money to drive up financial asset prices. But the money doesn’t drive up production, because the jobs and the economic activity that jobs represent have been sent abroad. What globalism did was to transfer the US economy to China.

Real statistical analysis, as contrasted with the official propaganda, shows that the happy picture of a booming economy is an illusion created by statistical deception. Inflation is undermeasured, so when nominal GDP is deflated, the result is to count higher prices as an increase in real output, that is, inflation becomes real economic growth. Unemployment is not counted. If you have not searched for a job in the past 4 weeks, you are officially not a part of the work force and your unemployment is not counted. The way the government counts unemployment is so extraordinary that I am surprised the US does not have a zero rate of unemployment.

How does a country recover when it has given its economy away to a foreign country that it now demonizes as an enemy? What better example is there of a ruling class that is totally incompetent than one that gives its economy bound and gagged to an enemy so that its corporate friends can pocket short-term riches?

We can’t blame this on Trump. He inherited the problem, and he has no advisers who can help him understand the problem and find a solution. No such advisers exist among neoliberal economists. I can only think of four economists who could help Trump, and one of them is a Russian.

The conclusion is that the United States is locked on a path that leads directly to the Third World of 60 years ago. President Trump is helpless to do anything about it.

• Category: Economics, Foreign Policy • Tags: China, Globalism, Wall Street 
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Readers agree that the demonization of white people is unfair and divisive. Many report that they have experienced reverse discrimination, and they expect discrimination against whites, such as the announced anti-white policy of the New York public school system, to worsen as the media’s demonization of white people escalates. A few readers noted that both the Jewish and Armenian genocides are disputed. They asked if there are any historical episodes of genocides. A few others noted that even when white Americans become a minority, it will be a large and numerous minority and, thus, too numerous for a genocide.

I will address these issues after I walk readers, who never got past my rhetorical title, “Is White Genocide In Our Future,” through my column that provoked their questions.

The liberal/progressive/left, media, and Democratic Party have used the El Paso shootings of Hispanic immigrants to brand President Trump and all who voted for him “racist white supremacists.” In other words one instance has been used to write off half of the white American population. My point is that an enormous edifice of hatred has been built on one instance. Suddenly, all mass shooters are racist white supremacists inspired by President Trump despite the Mass Shooting Tracker that shows that mass shooters in 2019 are 51% black, 29% white, and 11% Latino and that few identify as supremacists of any hue. Hah, you say, you haven’t heard about black and Latino mass shooters, only white ones.

If white people are actually supreme and think of themselves in this way, how can university professors call for the eradication of white people and not be denounced for advocating genocide? What do you think would happen to a professor who called for the eradication of blacks, Jews, Hispanics, or homosexuals? It would be hate speech, a hate crime. But calls for eradication of white people are not regarded as extreme. Such calls are not denounced as hate speech and a hate crime. So who is supreme?

Try to imagine the consequences for NBC Universal if its movie, “The Hunt,” about white Trump supporters being hunted and killed for sport was about hunting blacks or Jews, or immigrants, or transgendered for sport. It would be the end of NBC Universal and the producer of the movie.

The point of my article is that the presstitutes and the Democrats are creating another hoax to take the place of the failed Russiagate hoax. The hatred that was directed at Trump and Russians is now directed at Trump and white people. The hatred is so powerful that it has cast aside integrity, facts, caution, evidence, and reason. In a country already fatally divided by Identity Politics, ALL of Trump’s supporters are declared “white nationalist terror supporters . . . and this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.”

If this racist outburst on Twitter by TV host and University of California professor Reza Aslan was against blacks or Jews, he would have been fired and banned from Twitter. But as white people are the target of Aslan’s racism, it is OK for him to be racist. In America today, it is not only permissible but also desirable to spew racial hatred against white people.

Don’t fool yourself. The hatred against white people is real. People claiming to be South African and American blacks sent me emails stating that after all the genocides white people have committed, it was time for white people to experience one of their own.

The New York Times has begun the “1619 Project,” which it intends to take into the school system, that intentionally or unintentionally will pave the road to genocide by demonizing not only white people but all of their accomplishments.

On August 12 Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, met with the Times’ employees to refocus the Times’ attack on Trump. Mueller let the paper down. The Times’ spent two years “to cover one story, and we did it truly well,” Baquet declared, but it turned out to be a hoax. The Times, Baquet said, is shifting from Trump-Russia to Trump’s racism. The Times will spend the run-up to the 2020 presidential election building the Trump-is-a-racist narrative.

Of course, if Trump is a racist it means that the people who elected him are also racists. Indeed, in Baquet’s view, Americans have always been racist. To establish this narative, the New York Times has launched the “1619 Project,” the purpose of which is “to reframe the country’s history.”

According to the Washington Examiner, “The basic thrust of the 1619 Project is that everything in American history is explained by slavery and race. The message is woven throughout the first publication of the project, an entire edition of the Times magazine. It begins with an overview of race in America — ‘Our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true.’”

The premise that America originated as a racist slave state is to be woven into all sections of the Times — news, business, sports, travel, the entire newspaper. The project intends to take the “reframing” of the United States into the schools where white Americans are to be taught that they are racist descendants of slave holders. A participant in this brainwashing of whites, which will make whites guilty and defenseless, says “this project takes wing when young people are able to read this and understand the way that slavery has shaped their country’s history.” In other words, the New York Times intends to make slavery the ONLY explanation of America.

At the meeting of the executive editor of the New York Times with the Times’ employees to refocus the Times’ attack on President Trump, Baquet said: “Race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the American story.”

A Times employee taped the meeting and leaked it. You can read about it here:

The campaign against white people is already underway in the New York School system. The assault on whiteness is now part of official educational policy. In New York City the head of the education department, Richard Carranza, a son of Mexican immigrants, is conducting a campaign against “toxic white supremacy culture.” His training program for teachers identifies objectivity, individualism, belief in meritocracy, and Protestant work ethic as manifestations of white supremacy that have to be rooted out of the education system. Carranza says these white values constitute a deep-rooted bigotry. Carranza dismisses whites, who object to his portrayal of their values as racial biases, as “defensive of white supremacy culture.” To get rid of whiteness, Carranza has fired numerous white education department officials.

The plunder is getting worse
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American capitalism is based on plunder. With the continental USA plundered, American capitalism hoped to continue enriching itself by plundering Russia as it did under Yeltsin, carefully including the Russian “Atlanticist Integrationists” in the spoils in order to have support from the liberal, progressive forces in Russia for stripping Russia of its assets. But Putin more or less put a halt to the American/Israeli rape of Russia, although it still continues through the neoliberal economics that Harvard brainwashed into the Russian central bank and economics profession. Brainwashed Russian economists are the main reason Washington is able to punish a powerful country such as Russia with economic sanctions.

The dependency of American capitalism on plunder is the reason Washington seeks to overthrow the people’s government of Venezuela. Chavez established a reformist government in Venezuela, one continued by Maduro. The reformist government nationalized Venezuela’s oil reserves. Instead of the profits being carted off by the American oil companies, they were kept at home where they raised the literacy rate and lowered the poverty rate. American capitalism wants the revenues back. Thus Washington’s attack on Venezuela.

The same for Iran. The Iranians were the first and most successful in throwing off the yoke of American imperialism. They overthrew the American puppet, the Shah in 1979, and used the oil revenues for the development of Iran instead of the purchase of arms from the US military/security complex. All of the propaganda against Iran is part of the effort, supplemented by sanctions, to regain control of Iran’s oil wealth and to shut down Iran as a supplier of the Hezbollah militia that has prevented Israel’s occupation of Southern Lebanon.

Russia and China are also targeted, and the governments of both countries continue in their gullibility to play into Washington’s hands. Both governments permit American-financed Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to operate in their countries in open treasonous activities against the governments. The ongoing street protests in Hong Kong are a Washington operation directed at undermining the reputation and stability of the Chinese government. One must wonder why the Chinese government sets itself up as a target for Washington.

The Putin government’s toleration of American-paid traitors resulted in the recent riots and protests that the Russian police were pressed to control. The Russian government investigated not the protesters and their American financiers, but the police for protecting public order in Russia! The Russian police were criticized for being “too brutal” in the Russian government’s view in putting down the American organized attack on the Russian government. A government this confused has a low survival rate. Perhaps the situation is different inside Russia from how it is presented in the US media, but the way it is presented in the US is the way the world sees it. And it is not to Russia’s advantage.

Little wonder Washington regards Putin and the Chinese leadership as politicians who can be trifled with.

Perhaps Russia and China are so desperate for Western approval that they prove how democratic they are by permitting foreign orchestrated insurrection. The Hong Kong youth waving American flags must be unaware that the US is ruled by a smaller and worse oligarchy than China.

The US allows no foreign countries other than Israel to finance NGOs dedicated to influencing the United States Government. I am unaware of any Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or Venezuelan NGOs that are permitted to operate in the US. Who can imagine Israel permitting Palestinian NGOs to operate in Israel and stage street demonstrations and riots. In the United States the President is not even permitted to communicate with Russia without being accused of being a “Putin stooge” involved in a conspiracy to sell out America to Russia.

Russia has one economist who understands economics. His name is Sergei Glazyev. Glazyev, the most competent economist in Russia, understands that Russia’s economic development does not depend on foreign loans and capital from abroad. Loans from the West are simply a way of ensnaring Russia in the hands of external creditors, as happened to Greece. According to a recent report, Glazyev has been removed from his position as an adviser to Putin. It seems as if the pro-American Atlanticist Integrationists are going to keep Russia down until Russia has to submit to Washington for a bailout.

Awaiting the chance to resume explotaition of Russia, Iran, Venezuela and China, American capitalism in the meantime is going to plunder what is left of the public’s lands—the national forests, parks, monuments and wildlife refuges. You can read about it below.

Trump Regime Opens US National Forests to Plunder by Private Timber Companies

• Category: Economics, Foreign Policy • Tags: China, Iran, Neoliberalism, Russia, Venezuela 
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“The perception that mass shootings are a “white man’s problem” lingers around the country because white mass shooters tend to get more publicity. And, the twisted young male who goes on a public shooting spree fits a certain kind of media narrative. But when we actually study the mass shootings that took place in 2019, it’s clear that Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts are not the norm, but aberrations.

“Mass shooters have no particular ideology. Crusius and Betts were opposites ideologically. (Though both cared deeply about the environment.) Nor are mass shooters a white problem or a black problem. Over the same bloody weekend, William Patrick Williams, who is African-American, appeared in court after being arrested by the FBI for planning to shoot up a Texas hotel with an AK-47 rifle.

“Looking at the data from the Mass Shooting Tracker, widely utilized by the media, as of this writing, of the 72 mass shooters, perpetrators in shootings that killed or wounded 4 or more people, whose race is known, 21 were white, 37 were black, 8 were Latino, and 6 were members of other groups.

“51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino.” — Boyd Cathey, Unz Review, August 13, 2019

White South Africans believe that Genocide is in their future. Next month a delegation of South African white people is coming to Washington in an effort to secure US diplomatic support to ward off what they fear is black preparation for a genocidal war against the white citizens of South Africa.

In 1994 the white South African government turned over power to the blacks. For some years the political situation was stable under president Nelson Mandela and the influence of Bishop Desmond Tutu. But as time passed their successors became more radical and less reasonable. In part radicalization stemmed from economic corruption and mismanagement. Unable to meet the expectations of blacks that black government would mean a better economic life, black political leaders sharpened their rhetoric against whites. Other tribes resented the one party rule of the ANC. Another black political party rose and competed with the ANC on the grounds that they hated whites more and would redistribute more from the white citizens than the ANC. To keep its hold the ANC had to match the threats against the white South Africans. Brutal and horrific attacks on white farm families have exploded, and a policy of expropriation of white-owned farms without compensation is being pushed through the government. A leader of the ANC’s armed wing is calling for young blacks to join training camps in preparation for the civil war against whites. Calls for taking up arms against the white citizens are increasing. Calls for cleansing South Africa of whites are words of popular songs and are ever present at political rallies.

In the United States white people are also being demonized. For the entirety of his academic life Noel Ignatiev, a son of Jewish immigrants from Russia, campaigned for whiteness to be abolished. Originally, he seemed to mean that race is merely a social construct and that whiteness conveyed privilege. But people less inclined to abstract thought understood this to mean to get rid of white people. This is the direction in which the attack on white people has gone as we will presently see. Unless this article— —is a parody on Ignatiev, he himself has come around to the view that white people don’t deserve to live, are a cancer, and should kill themselves. “The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it.”

Another Jew, Jason Blum, has produced a movie for NBC Universal titled “The Hunt.” It is about members of the American elite hunting and killing Trump Deplorables for sport. This is propaganda that accustoms people to murdering the white working class. Commentators have pointed out that it is similar to the Nazi demonization of Jews that led to their deportation from Western Europe and many deaths.

For anyone capable of thought, Ignatiev’s view that whiteness conveys privilege cannot be reconciled with the portrayal in a movie of whites as game to be hunted like deer.

In the Unz Review Boyd D. Cathey shows how the media is transforming mass shootings into the work of racist “white supremacists” even though the official statistics show that most mass shooters are not white and few of the white shooters identify as “white supremacists.” The facts are intentionally disregarded, because the agenda is to demonize white people in order to create hatred of them and President Trump. Cathey concludes that in America the war against whites has begun. It is being led by self-hating whites. Although they are not ready to take Ignatiev’s advice and kill themselves, they are willing to kill the rest of us.

I am surprised that the extraordinary hatred that the white media is orchestrating against white President Trump hasn’t resulted in the Secret Service knocking on doors and interviewing those spewing the hate about their intentions toward President Trump. In former times, the kind of hatred directed against Trump would have been regarded as threats or encouragement of threats against the president.

In the 1970s Bertram Wolfe, a founding member of the Communist Party of America, told me that communists spoke violently of those they intended to eliminate and identified them with snakes, vermin, and other creatures that ordinary people were accustomed to killing. Wolfe said that the characterization of people as snakes and vermin made killing them more acceptable. I knew what he meant as I once had a communist propaganda poster that gave the bankers and capitalists being rounded up the faces of rats and pigs. This is now being done to “whites.”

White people are too insouciant to realize that they are being set up for future genocide. Here is what Reza Aslan, a TV host and professor at the University of California has to say about white people:

“The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters—ALL OF THEM—are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.”

Where is “white privilege” when a refuge from Iran can call for the eradication of President Trump and everyone who elected him and remain a University of California professor and TV host? Isn’t Reza Aslan a terrorist? He is calling for the President of the United States and half of the US population to be killed. Doesn’t this deserve investigation? How can a gun owner be investigated if a terrorist like Aslan is not investigated? Aslan hasn’t even been censored by Twitter.

Insouciant white people can learn what is being prepared for them by reading Matt Bracken in American Partisan:

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Two days ago I wrote about how our allegedly full employment economy’s need for jobs had caused the Trump regime to overule the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and permit extractive companies to destroy protected lands ( ). Today our subject thanks to Stephen Lendman ( ) is the Trump regime’s destruction of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The Endnagered Species Act and the Clean Water Act serve as backups for the protection of lands by the Environmental Protection Act as these protected lands often contain water resources and endangered species. The brutal assault on the environment by extractive industries endangers protected waters and species. Thus, to proceed with the Pebble mining project in the sensitive Bristol Bay area of Alaska also requires setting aside the ESA as protected bald eagles, grizzly bears, and wolves are in the affected area. EPA scientists are convinced that the project will cause “complete loss of fish habitat” in one of the world’s most valuable wild salmon fisheries and add salmon to the list of endangered species.

For capitalists, the environment is something to be looted. Thus as the gangster Brazilian government destroys the Amazon rain forest, the American gangsters destroy Bristol Bay. Environmental looting is very profitable, because the costs are largely external and are imposed on those who have no claim to the profits. The ridiculous and incompetent way in which Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is measured results in the destruction of the Amazon rain forest and Alaska’s Bristol Bay being recorded as an increase in GDP and well-being of Brazilians and Americans. The faulty measures of economists contribute to the destruction of life on earth.

It remains to be seen if private environmental organizations — support them — and federal courts can block the Trump regime’s assault on federal laws passed in the 1970s. To be fair to Trump, the first major assault on ecological laws was launched by vice president Dick Cheney in the George W. Bush regime. Cheney put extractive industry lobbyists and polluters in charge of the federal agencies tasked with protecting the environment and threatened species. Trump is simply carrying on a tradition established by Cheney—one that the corrupt Democrats and Republicans in Congress went along with by confirming the industry lobbyists in office and by failing to curtail the Cheney appointees who turned their backs on their statutory responsibilities.

The United States is such a screwed-up place that the presidents who have done us the most good are the ones most demonized. The most demonized of all is Richard Nixon. Americans who were not even born during his time are taught in school to hate him. Watergate and all that. My readers are the most clued-in people that exist. How many of you know that Nixon is responsible for all of our environmental protective legislation: The National Environmental Policy Act, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Clean Air Act, Earth Week, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act?

These are all Nixon’s accomplishments. Yet, few, if any, of those rising to their defense know that they are defending the achievements of President Richard Nixon.

How can this be? The answer is “Watergate.” Today no one not attentive and mature at the time has any idea what Watergate was about. It is simply something used to demonize Nixon and to paint him as evil and a threat to democracy.

Let me tell you what Watergate was about. President Nixon was the most knowledgeable president about foreign affairs that the US has ever had. I never worked for Nixon or had anything to do with his government, but Pat Buchanan did. He can tell you how Nixon worked to find solutions and to improve prospects for mankind. Nixon traveled widely and met and established relations with leaders of the countries of the world. He understood, unlike the neoconservatives who have dominated US foreign policy since Clinton, that the conflict between the nuclear powers had to be resolved or the world would come to an end.

Nixon initiated the arms control treaties with the Soviet Union and he opened to China. Because of the anti-communist conservatives, Nixon had to represent his opening to China as an opening of a wedge between the Soviet Union and China. The US military/security complex saw these openings to be the beginning of a process that would end the very profitable Cold War. President John F. Kennedy had been officially assassinated, because he worked to defuse rather than intensify tensions with the Soviet Union as the Joint Chiefs and CIA demanded. The cover-up report by the Warren Commission had been so badly damaged by the known factual evidence that it was not possible to follow up Kennedy’s assassination with Nixon’s. The CIA decided to assassinate Nixon politically using its asset the Washington Post.

The first thing I was told in the 1970s as a holder of high security clearances as staff associate of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee was that the Washington Post was a CIA asset. You could tell what the CIA was up to by the Washington Post’s stories. Everyone knew that.

“Watergate” was a burglary of an office in the Watergate, buildings consisting of condos, hotel, and offices by the Kennedy Center on the Potomac in DC. No one even today knows what the burglary was about. One claim is that operatives working for Nixon’s re-election thought that they would find evidence in a Democratic Party Watergate office of communist money funding the Democrats. G. Gordon Liddy, one of the Watergate burglars, told me that they were looking for a call girl list in the Democratic office that had listed among the available sex workers the wife of a legal adviser to President Nixon. The highly placed legal advisor wanted the black book recovered and destroyed in order to protect his wife and his job. Various law suits erupted over Liddy’s claims, but if memory serves Liddy won or survived the suits. Liddy told me that the curious thing about the burglary is that some member of the team taped the locks open so that Watergate security would discover that someone was inside. Liddy did not know which member of the team set them up for discovery.

Nixon knew nothing about the burglary. When informed of the burglary, Nixon thought that if he initiated an investigation the Washington Post would twist it in some way to prevent his re-election. Nixon decided to ignore the incident until after his re-election. This was his mistake.

News of the burglary got out, and Nixon’s “crime” was not the burglary but misrepresenting the date when he learned of it. The Washington Post turned this into lying to Congress and the American people. Nixon realized that someone was out to get him, but apparently did not realize that it was the CIA. Consequently, he tried to use the CIA to stop the assault on his office when, in fact, the CIA was behind it.

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The decision by Alaska’s governor Mike Dunleavy and US president Donald Trump to sacrifice the environment for a gold mine is an extremely bad one, but I understand why it has happened. The offshoring of Americans’ jobs to Mexico and Asia has put millions of Americans into a situation in which their livelihood is not assured. To open up protected environment and national monuments to mining is Trump’s only way of creating real jobs. The problem is that the external costs of the jobs in terms of ecological damage exceeds the value of the wages and mining output. In other words, the mining cannot cover its costs, but people devoid of alternative prospects cannot think about the future. The future is down the road, and many Americans are no longer confident they are going to be here down the road. For many, it is now or never.

So, we can add to the external costs of the offshoring of American jobs that I documented in an earlier article the ecological damage from the go ahead government is giving to mining ecological fragile lands in an effort to replace some of the offshored jobs. People will blame Trump for destroying salmon and the ecosystem dependent on salmon, and Trump is in part responsible, but the real responsibility rests on the global corporations who moved their production for US markets abroad and on Wall Street that drove the process. All that capitalism has left to loot in America are the national monuments and forests and protected ecological areas.

The offshoring of US jobs was an act of suicide by the United States.

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Environment 
Paul Craig Roberts
About Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

Dr. Roberts has held academic appointments at Virginia Tech, Tulane University, University of New Mexico, Stanford University where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution, George Mason University where he had a joint appointment as professor of economics and professor of business administration, and Georgetown University where he held the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Dr. Roberts was associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He was a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles. In 1992 he received the Warren Brookes Award for Excellence in Journalism. In 1993 the Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of the top seven journalists in the United States.

President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate. From 1975 to 1978, Dr. Roberts served on the congressional staff where he drafted the Kemp-Roth bill and played a leading role in developing bipartisan support for a supply-side economic policy. After leaving the Treasury, he served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.