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date: 29 August 2019

Cayce, Edgarlocked

(18 March 1877–03 January 1945)
  • James R. Lewis


Cayce, Edgar (18 March 1877–03 January 1945), psychic "reader" and influential figure in "alternative" medicine and spirituality, psychic “reader” and influential figure in “alternative” medicine and spirituality, was born near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, the son of Leslie B. Cayce, a tobacco farmer and small-town businessman, and Carrie Elizabeth Major. Cayce was raised in the Christian church (Disciples of Christ), taught Sunday school, and always saw himself as a Christian and active churchgoer. He left school while a teenager to become apprenticed to a photographer and pursued photography as a career for the first part of his life. He married Gertrude Evans in 1903; the union produced three sons. The couple initially made their home in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where Cayce set up a photography business. In 1909 he moved the business to Selma, Alabama....

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