The well known ?Rainbow Corner Club? is the social hub for GI?s as the US build-up continues in Britain.
War in Britain! - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
13/01/1943 The call-up for single girls in Britain is lowered to 19. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
22/02/1943 Churchill is said to be ‘on the mend’ after a severe fever. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
20/04/1943 The limited recruitment of women into the Home Guard is announced in Britain. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
13/05/1943 For the first time in the war, the British now claim more German prisoners than the Germans have British. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
01/06/1943 Eden announces that Empire casualties in first three years of war are 92,089 killed, 226,719 missing, 88,294 wounded and 107,891 captured.
03/06/1943 The first fruits of victory reach British shops, Algerian wine.
04/06/1943 The House of Commons rejects any lifting of the economic blockade against occupied Europe.
18/06/1943 ‘Radar’ (Radio Detection and Ranging) becomes the official term for ‘Radiolocation’. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
27/08/1943 Brenden Bracken, the British Minister of Information, makes the first ministerial statement on Hess since May 1941 and says 'Hess came to find British Quislings to overthrow Churchill', ‘a Nazi of very low mentality’ who ‘babbled like an excited schoolboy’. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
15/11/1943 The allied expeditionary air force is formed in Britain for the invasion of Europe.
17/11/1943 A storm of protest erupts in Britain over the release of Sir Oswald Mosley, the British fascist, on health grounds. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
02/12/1943 Ernie Bevin announces the conscription to mines as coal output continues to flag in Britain.
09/12/1943 The Establishment of the Council of Freedom in Denmark is announced in Britain.

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