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Local News

InYourArea aggregates all the latest news for your local area from news sites, blogs and social networks. We are the only service that gives you a 360 view of up to the minute updates on your area.

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It’s now easier than ever to connect and chat with others in your local area. You can connect with your community by asking general questions, give area updates and recommendations and even let your community know about local events that are taking place.

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Traffic & Travel

InYourArea provides you with the latest up to date traffic and travel news for both local roads and train stations.

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Keep up to date with property prices in your area and the latest properties to buy and rent.

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Things to do

InYourArea scour the web for things happening near you. Whether it be a day out with the family or gigs nearby, we personalise ‘Whats On’ updates just for you.

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Local Crime Statistics

Get the latest news and updates on crime in your area, from realtime alerts from your local police to monthly summaries of how crime has changed in your area and the actions police are taking to combat it.

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Food Hygiene Ratings

Get the latest information on restaurants in your area, from food hygiene ratings to special offers and new openings.

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