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  1. Oct 1

    🐼🤹‍♂️ pandas trick #72: Need to convert a column from continuous to categorical? ➡️ Use cut() to specify bin edges ➡️ Use qcut() to specify number of bins (creates bins of approx. equal size) ➡️ Both allow you to label the bins See example 👇

  2. Oct 1
  3. Oct 3

    I'm developing a "Programming in Python" course aimed at researchers -- core concepts, package use, automation, data visualisation, creativity, & fun. Content will be research focused (wide ranging). It's a lot of fun so far, let me know if you're interested in 🐍

  4. Oct 3

    Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming ☞ BJV9AilWaV

  5. Oct 2

    Would You Love to Help Beginners of Web Development? YES?! GREAT!!! But How? Just Share What Your Favorite Web Development Tool Is! COMMENT BELOW!

  6. People View all

  7. Oct 3

    Fun fact: you *can't* make a release of with less than 4 GB RAM now due to documentation builders requiring more than 2 GB RAM. Luckily when I discovered the problem, the fix was as simple as adjusting the Memory slider a bit to the right in my Virtualbox settings.

  8. Sep 30

    Who can get the correct answer to this piece of code?

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  9. Oct 3

    What's your favorite library?

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  10. Oct 3

    we are looking for a few folks to review earthpy - a spatial focused package for python. any takers? 3 week turn around

  11. Sep 30

    Still performing sanity checks but it looks like WE WILL BE CUTTING THE RELEASE CANDIDATE OF 3.8.0 TODAY! ✨🤠✨

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  12. Oct 2

    'Hello World!' First day of programming ☺️

  13. Oct 1

    Pillow 6.2.0 is out! 6.2.x is the last series to support Python 2, before Python 2 retires in 2020. Find out about changes at . Congratulations to the Pillow team, contributors and users for their work

  14. Oct 3

    Day 3: Just because I'm dysfunctional doesn't mean I can't learn about functions.

  15. Oct 3

    Day:41 of I really have an "itch" to learn and it keeps coming up in relation to projects I'm interested in...🌾👀🌾

  16. Sep 29

    Hey How do I stay focused while 1. Put away my phone. 2. Listen to music or white noise 3. Concentrate on solving problem with possible solutions.

  17. 17 hours ago

    Day - 34 Today I do some pattern programming using Python.

  18. Oct 3
  19. Oct 3

    Deep Learning vs Machine Learning - Overview & Differences ☞

  20. 11 hours ago

    One of my students on the lab slack: As a programmer, I've just learned that if you replace all your nested loops with functions, you get about 3000x speedup.

  21. 16 hours ago

    Making some Fake Mona Lisa's with Generative Adversarial Networks

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