MoPubTài khoản được xác nhận


MoPub, a Twitter company, powers the leading monetization platform for mobile apps & provides access to high quality mobile audiences at maximum scale for DSPs.

SF, NYC, London, Singapore, Tokyo
Đã tham gia tháng 10 năm 2010


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    29 thg 8

    Searching for a solution that will help you better understand true ads LTV? MoPub's impression-level data solution gives you access to the data you need to make more precise UA decisions and better customize your monetization strategy. Learn more today.

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  2. "Focusing on detailed data, providing a great user experience, and enabling platform diversification for user acquisition efficiency and scale are a dynamic triad that help power total app monetization for publishers and developers." Learn about successful app monetization tips:

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  3. We’re ! We’re looking for a Technical Solutions Consultant in NYC to help our customers get the most value out of MoPub products and services. See if it’s a fit for you or someone in your network:

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  4. 10 thg 10

    We’ve recently simplified ad format setup in the MoPub publisher UI and launched the OpenRTB format array extension, providing DSPs with the flexibility to access a wider variety of sizes for banner, medium rectangle, and fullscreen ads on MoPub Marketplace. Learn more here:

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  5. đã Tweet lại
    10 thg 10
    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  6. đã Tweet lại
    10 thg 10

    This team! Celebrating our latest improvements to MoPub ad formats

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  7. 9 thg 10

    How can gaming app developers best approach monetization, and what should drive their monetization strategy? Here are key monetization models to consider:

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  8. đã Tweet lại
    8 thg 10

    Happy to share that our pre-bid IVT integration shows great results, only 0.7% of our display inventory was potentially invalid according to its standards, and less 1.5% on all formats

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  9. 8 thg 10

    Thanks in part to MoPub’s Advanced Bidding solution and unique native demand, music streaming platform has been able to provide a free platform for new and emerging artists to reach their audience at scale. Learn more via the full case study:

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  10. đã Tweet lại
    4 thg 10

    Interview: on in-app supply quality:

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  11. đã Tweet lại

    Heads Up, App Publishers: DSPs Are Starting To Require App-Ads.Txt Files by

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  12. 7 thg 10

    "App publishers looking to improve their monetization strategy have to take a deeper look at their traffic, user experiences, and retention to maximize each user’s lifetime value (LTV) and monetize their apps more successfully." Check out our blog to learn more:

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  13. đã Tweet lại
    1 thg 10

    A bittersweet farewell to our BDE (big Dutch energy) as she embarks on the next chapter of her amazing journey! Xoxo,

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  14. đã Tweet lại

    Ask questions to , Software Engineering Manager on our MoPub Frontend Team, about what her team is working on and opportunities to start your career .

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  15. 4 thg 10

    . sat down with MoPub's at to discuss how advertisers should think about mobile in-app supply and how MoPub approaches supply quality. Watch the full interview below!

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  16. 3 thg 10

    How can gaming app developers best approach monetization, and what should drive their monetization strategy? Here are key monetization models to consider when it comes to generating revenue from your game, covering both advertising and paid options in-app.

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  17. đã Tweet lại
    3 thg 10

    It’s Kyle’s first time in New York City. The verdict? Two thumbs up!

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  18. 2 thg 10

    Our own took the stage this morning at ’s Mobile Programmatic NYC to shed light on how marketers and monetization managers can use impression-level revenue data to improve their buying and selling strategies in the mobile programmatic world:

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  19. đã Tweet lại
    30 thg 9

    Cheers to our Sponsor for your support of our event THIS WEEK! There's still time to request an invitation to Presents: Mobile Programmatic NYC on Oct. 2 --->

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  20. đã Tweet lại
    27 thg 9

    Delighted to be joining the best Mobile SSP in the world to help brands & their media agencies achieve their marketing outcomes

    , ,7 người khác
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  21. đã Tweet lại
    30 thg 9

    Our VP of Product is already in Helsinki to talk about access to granular ad revenue from The talk is on Oct 2nd at 10:20 am - 11:00 am on Track 3. DM us if you are at the conference and you want to pick Matthaus brain

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