If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably
with all. (Romans 12:18)

In a trauma healing workshop in Mubi, Nigeria, sponsored by MCC, Gabriel Vanco heard the stories of people whose families were killed by Boko Haram, an Islamist extremist group, and were still ready to bring their pain to Christ.

Because people who had suffered greatly were ready to forgive, this became a moment of change for Vanco, challenging him to choose forgiveness over revenge.

In the last three years, more than two-thirds of the people who attend the Church of the Brethren congregations in Nigeria have been displaced by violence.

In Jos, Nigeria, Boniface Anthony leads a network of 200 trained, volunteer peacemakers who stay alert for conflicts that could lead to violence and who have skills in mediation and negotiation.

That network has helped to start peace clubs for Muslim and Christian youth in 51 schools. Students learn that conflict is normal, but that the violence they’ve grown up with is not. They learn ways to resolve and prevent violence.

Anthony believes peace is a part of every person and each of us needs to embrace it. “In so doing, you will grow to affect others around you,” he says.

When you support MCC, you are helping to affect others for peace in Nigeria, in more than 50 other countries around the world and here in the U.S. and Canada. Read more about our peace work in the latest issue of A Common Place. Thank you for your support.

Grace and peace to you,
J Ron Byler
MCC U.S. Executive Director

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