Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition

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ʿAlī b. Yūsuf b. Tās̲h̲ufīn
(1 758 mots)

, Almoravid amīr and second sovereign of the Tās̲h̲ufīnid dynasty, who ruled over a large part of the Mag̲h̲rib and of southern Spain from 500/1106 to 537/1143.

The reign of ʿAlī, who succeeded his father Yūsuf b. Tās̲h̲ufīn at the moment when Almoravid power was at its greatest on both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar, was marked by a series of events of which hitherto the main facts were known, but the exact course of which was not always clear, owing to a lack of detailed sources old enough to be reliable. To-day, there is available on the one hand the volume of the Naẓm al-Ḏj̲umān of Ibn al-Ḳaṭ…

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Lévi-Provençal, E., “ʿAlī b. Yūsuf b. Tās̲h̲ufīn”, in: Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs. Consulted online on 11 December 2019 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1573-3912_islam_SIM_0516>
Première publication en ligne: 2012
Première édition imprimée: ISBN: 9789004161214, 1960-2007

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