Remembrance of Things Past: A Journey through the Medical Records of the TaitungChristianHospital

 By Dr. Florence On, Pediatrician
 文/小兒科醫師 安芳蓮
 中文翻譯/和信醫院臨床藥師 方麗華


Many people think medical records and medical record keeping are boring, a tedious chore, but I have never thought so. Therefore a few years ago when the TaitungChristianHospital needed to cull the patient charts to make space, I volunteered to help. The Government has rules about how long medical records must be kept before disposal. But a hospital may want to save some charts, for teaching or research purposes, even when the statute of limitations has passed. I was to decide on the fate of the charts for disposal or retaining.


When I started to go through the charts, I became more and more involved. There were so many interesting and complicated cases, patients, whom other hospitals rejected as being hopeless, but who were saved due to innovative procedures, exceptional dedication, care and prayer, by our physicians and nurses. There were the notes of beloved old staff, of Dr. Dennis, Dr. Stafford, Dr. Bob Long, Dr. Titus Loong, Dr. Tucker, Dr. Kyle, Dr. Alice Chen, of Carol on the pre-op and anesthetic records, of the nurses who carefully followed and recorded the patients’ changing condition signing off as: Helen, Naomi, Brenda, Misako, Nellie etc. Reading these charts made me alternately sad and happy.It was like a reunion with old friends, some still alive and some in heaven.

當我開始閱讀這些病歷時,情感卻深陷無法自拔。病歷中有太多有趣或複雜的個案、或別家醫院認為無望而拒收的病人,卻因新的科技再加上醫護人員的奉獻、照顧、禱告而得以痊癒。這些病歷有我們喜愛的老員工譚維義院長、蘇輔道醫師、美國龍樂德醫師、中國龍醫師、德法全醫師、凱醫師、陳愛莉思醫師的字跡紀錄,或耿喜音手術前與手術中的麻醉紀錄。Helen、Naomi、Brenda、Misako、Nellie 這些護士小心依照醫囑記錄病情的變化。閱讀這些病歷令我悲喜交加,如同與這些朋友再度敘舊,雖然有些依然健在,而有些已在天堂。

A Doctor’s record keeping is as important as his healing skill, intuition, and medical knowledge. This conviction had been drummed into us in MedicalSchool, Internship, Residency. “ Sloppy and incomplete patient chart notes are indicative of a sloppy mind”, to quote a professor. The content of patient charts assist the primary care Doctor’s memory, the thinking process of diagnosis, treatment plan, and in following the patient’s condition. The records are needed for other Doctors involved in the patient’s management, for the nurses, so that continuity of care is provided. Many a medical lawsuit has been decided on the content, or lack of it, on the patient’s chart.


安芳蓮醫師(後排中)和德法全醫師(Dr. Tucker,後排右一)、醫學院學生喬(Joel,後排左一)在門診討論病人的病歷,攝於1983年。照片提供/德師母



It was only because the charting by the writers was done with such care, despite their other time constraints, that I could get a deep impression of the patient, of the Doctor’s hopes, discouragements, perplexities and successes. There were severe snake bite patients cured with Dr. Dennis’s snake gun in the ER, rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with his bee sting therapy, new treatments initiated with apprehension. The severe mauling of a patient by a wild boar, infected monkey bites, and the desperate attempts to save attempted suicide victims from insecticide poisoning, all recorded for posterity.


I was very touched by reading about the tender loving care of countless senior citizens over age 80 with fracture of hips or very complicated medical problems that other hospitals refused to treat and had been sent home to suffer or die, who under our doctors’and nurses’ compassionate, expert care, survived to walk home, sometimes with a walker or cane from the hospital 1 or 2 months later. The daily Progress notes that doctors and nurses are required to write were a story in themselves. Some described the love or neglect by family members. Some represented the dedicated care of our nurses who recorded on the chart every 2 hours that the position of a patient with incipient bedsores was changed.


It was a special joy to see the chart notes by our 3 chaplains. They would visit each and every hospitalized patient at least twice, once on admission, once on discharge and more often if needed. These visits were recorded on the charts. After discharge, home visits would be arranged as well, if requested. Their chart notes revealed the patients’ spiritual needs, whether the patient was a seeker or indifferent, a discouraged Christian, whether he/she found God in his/her troubles, believed in Jesus Christ with great joy just before death, or a libertine who survived miraculously to live a changed life after discharge.


Tears flowed, as prompted by their medical charts, I remembered patients that died. Sick babies that were taken home by relatives who believed the babies were too sick to continue living, especially female newborns, or because there was no money to pay for continuing hospitalization, though our social service office advised them the hospital could help financially. A child with meningitis whose grandmother came down from the mountains on a motorcycle after midnight and took the child, who was on i.v. antibiotics, home, even though the nurses, (who had called me in), and I pleaded with her to let the child continue treatment. There were the severely jaundiced newborns who needed exchange transfusion, but the relatives refused, although Dr. Long entreated them; later some of those infants would see Dr. Long in OPD hopelessly mentally and physically handicapped with Kernicterus, the result of untreated Hyperbilirubinemia. Dr. Long’s notes were graphic. And there were even still attached to some charts the tiny metal balls and yellow pieces of paper that had been taped to the jaundiced babies’ bodies by the temple monks to “cure” them. (I had saved these relics to remind me of their folly).


Viewing the charts called to mind the frantic search for blood for transfusions or exchange transfusions. Sometimes family members refused to donate, despite being of a matching blood type. Our own Doctors and Staff donated blood instead. Sometimes young local soldiers would come to donate; the nurses and lab techs would be particularly friendly, joke and flirt with them a little. Fresh warm blood would flow into the needy.


Some chart notes recorded how occasionally thesuperstitious relatives of expiring patients not desiring them to die in hospital, fearing their souls might have to wander forever, took them home to die. The patients, often intubated would be placed in a taxi or car, using a borrowed hospital Ambu bag to keep the patient breathing. Then, dressed in the proper burial clothes at home, the endotube was removed and Ambu bag discontinued.


Those records brought back memories of Doctors and nurses trying desperately to save or resuscitate patients, of bedside vigils and prayers by Doctors and nurses alike, of nurses singing hymns accompanied by guitar at the patients’ bedside to comfort them, of medical staff taking valuable time to witness to patients at the bedside, to inquire about their spiritual condition. These words also were sometimes recorded in a chart: “The patient accepted Christ today!”The notes of a Doctor may not just contain information about the patients, but between the lines may be a window on his/her soul, revealing confidence, fears, doubts, failures, triumphs.


I could not bear to throw away many of those charts, even those of the deceased. I’m sure I saved more than were necessary. How could I discard them? It would be like abandoning old friends…
