SIMBAD query result

'NGC' this identifier has an incorrect format for catalog: NGC : catalogue NGC

Please have a look at the "Dictionary of Nomenclature"

Result of query: info cati NGC

[Class] Acronym (Explanation) . . . . . . . . . in Simbad, use:
[*inCl] Cl* NGC 5139 S (Seitzer) . . . . . . . . . Cl* NGC 5139 S NNN =[*inCl] Cl* NGC 6121 MVP (Marino+Villanova+Piotto+ 2008) =E= Cl* NGC 6121 MVP NNNNN [?] N (Abbreviation of NGC) . . . . . . . =E= NGC NNNNA [?] NGC (New General Catalog) . . . . . . =E= NGC NNNN or NGC NNNNA or NGC NNNNAA (L) [QSO(NGC 520)] NGC 520. (obj.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [AD85] NNN or [AD85] {D}NN [Nova(NGC 205 = M 110)] NGC205N (Nova candidate in NGC 205) NGC205N YYYY-MMa [?] RNGC (Revised New General Catalog) . . =E= NGC NNNNA 47 Tuc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NGC 104 ... Cl* Berkeley 42 C (Cote) . . . . . . . . . Cl* NGC 6749 C N Cl* Berkeley 42 ROB (Rosino+Ortolani+Barbuy+) Cl* NGC 6749 ROB A-N

***Stopped after 10 entries****

= in col.1 means that the list is COMPLETELY incorporated in Simbad =E= indicates catalogues available in electronic form at CDS (L) following the Usage indicates a 'format' found later in the literature, which is not recognized by SIMBAD.

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