Captain Jeremiah Murdock: THE MURDOCK FILES: Entry One

Rania, Jamie & Reni By Rania, Jamie & Reni, 11th Feb 2013 | Follow this author | RSS Feed | Short URL
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On January 9, 2013, we began taking scribing down from another Captain whom we had not formerly been acquainted with. Similar to the Hatonn Files, Captain Murdock speaks of those little known complexes, concerning Jerusalem, Palestine, religions and so on. - Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

Dated (first entry): January 9, 2013 @ 10:37 pm

Captain Murdock:


"Well, m’lads and layds,’ pleased to make your acquaintance. I am known as Captain Jessie, short they say for Jeremiah, but I know that is not quite true: Murdock.

"I am to be somewhat of a frequent visitor, and my files or informational packets will be just a little different in taste than those exquisite files from our own and dear Commander in Chief, Captain Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. So now, shall we get started?

"The elementary phase of these drawings upon your minds will begin with a little instruction which we have upon our ships galore, to say the least. Now, these will be short paragraphs, love, so apply them as such if you please, Seila.

"The derogatory stance of any starship equipped for war in the realms above your world is to guard with impunity all those carcasses of informational packets which do not come royally down from us.

Inserted entry: January 10, 2012 (9:58 am)

Seila: Captain Murdock, I know you are new in working with me, but the paragraph above states “which do not come royally down from us.” I do not understand.

Captain Murdock:" You have not caught myself in a mistake yet, little one, it is just a familiar old way of saying that not all information which come from the stars, so to speak, seem at times to be acquainted with the light, but truth in all its formats are in one way or the other. We must not give the game away, and that is the reason I speak as I do. Sorry we are if you misunderstood our words. (9:59 am)

Entry January 9 continued:

"These packages of information due to come quick and furious to all of humankind upon your planet of Angorius, there where you reside, are a part and parcel of a proclamation which says in the least that Palestine will survive - and quite nicely at that.

"And because no one actually knows how this will be brought into place, the Palestinians no doubt chaff at the bit when a flying saucer was seen above their Mosque some time ago and didst not pick a one of them up!

"Just a sign, darlings, but before we go on we must say that Jerusalem is not in the least girded with our pleasure, for so many religious bodies are surrounding this abstract place of worship, and because of it, when we wanted to speak to the ones in Palestine in general (though not all of the same religious equality), we set upon the Mosque above and showed our funeral lights to all those who would seem to be upon those poor dear people with the gravity of hatred in their hearts, and of that no normal HUman Being could abide.

Seila: Captain Murdock, do you wish human to be spelled with a capital HU in distinction of being Holy and Universal, or leave it lower case for lower individuals in their growth?

Captain Murdock:" Well, how thoughtful of you, Seila, now capitalize just as you have done and I will leave that up to you to correct. If at any time you get it wrong, then I will have to repeal it, and then I will let you know. May we continue?

Captain Murdock: "Good. Now, in the symposium of all concrete good pleasure, we of the starship and starcraft commanders, commander–in-chiefs, and all captains, have decided to let you, our readers, our chelas, in on a little secret.

"And that secret stands to show the global aspect as we see it from above on our domes. Where do you think the Dome of the Ark came from, as with every other dome upon your holy religious buildings? But that is as far as it goes in the likeness to us and you.

"We see that your belief system became rather stymied when you took of our words and corrupted them to the point where you no longer knew what we had spoken, and because of it we have had to show ourselves to you again and correct all errors as we have found them!

But our secret is in the scribes of the day,

Seila: Yes, I will just correct it.

"for they are above reproach and above harm,

"for this we have taken all policies of, given the day they erred, and washed it all away,

"for the work they have done - and are doing for us - on behalf of ourselves and you and all of humanity, is well worth what we do for them on their behalf.

"Well, does this make sense to ye all? We would hope so. And now to close off this section.

"I, Jeremiah (Jessie) Murdock, bid you all adieu, and once again I am pleased to make of your acquaintance. Murdock out, and file off this accomplishment if you please, Uthrania Seila, and have yourselves, you and Reni, a swell goodnight. Adieu.” 11:02 pm (End quote)

- Scribed by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

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Captain Jeremiah Murdock, Jerusalem, Palestinians, Prophecy, Scribings, Seila, Sentana-Ries, The Murdock Files, Uthrania, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

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author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
Dear ones,We work in many disciplines with many fine people from within the starships themselves as well as those such as the Mancharians who live well beyond the time line of such planets as your own

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