Juno Writ (10): You Are Too Near Nuclear War For Our Satisfaction!

Rania, Jamie & ReniStarred Page By Rania, Jamie & Reni, 24th Jun 2013 | Follow this author | RSS Feed | Short URL http://nut.bz/2oy7ja9_/
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Society & Issues

Juno disparages against those in militaristic and governmental seats of power who hold the nuclear bombs in one hand and their brain in the other. – Rania Seila Sentana-Ries-Cortez


Copyrighted and published by: The Federation of FreePlanets, Rania Seila Sentana-Ries-Cortez, Reni Sentana-Ries, Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez, and the Sentana-Ries Publishing Co.

Juno does not split hairs in his antagonism against the Decalogue of the powers-that-be as they rush headlong down a path to nuclear war! - Rania Seila Sentana-Ries-Cortez

Short Dialogue To Our Friends

Friday, 12th August 1994 10:25 am

“Seasonal changes range within frequently traveled dimensions, and one short day soon in the autumn of springtime do we express our congratulations to a work well done by the bothe of ye, by flying below our belts into your domain of cantankerous sores, in the order of picking ye ones up for a flight schedule for your sole benefit unto the pickings of the farthest extremities of the galaxy.

“We have in no fashion picked this time to disparage of the news of Abdullah’s great success, and nonetheless, if it still befits him to the wanting of scheduled flight plan 4027, then we will at token expense drop in dire dimensional flight regulations to his attiring circumspect for the purpose of implementing our promise to his ilk as well.

Adieu for the purpose of this morning's meeting. JUNO.” (10:48 am).

Nearing The End Of Eventide, Dear Ones

Wednesday, 9th November 1994 6:53 pm

“Greetings on this fine morning of which we ones are situated. It is nearing the end of eventide, and though a semblance of restrictions have been placed upon those who so seek to incur our wrath from time to time have in effect displayed a nature toward us of such cunningness ingenuity, that it forces us in our deployment of warfare upon their national equilibrium.

“So far those in the eastern controversies have coerced the detonation of warfare bombs so spectacular, that the pure essence of their nuclear weaponry succumbs to next to none. This has not been idolized by those faring not much better, but to we ones of the fourth and fifth dimensional attributes it is more of a nuance of detrimental factors, which so have been displayed to the extent of fuller matrimony occurrences.

“Why all this rather neptuned informational packet? Well, the answer to all that is surely the rabbit in the hat trick of which is well displayed beyond the concurved perimeters of Dexter's almost neutralizing factor of deployment beyond all human capabilities. This, of course, in our eyes displays nonetheless a capability of resource structures, to be in your near future categorized by the horrendous display pattern of nuclear war, if ye ones do not bring yourselves within the regimenting closeness of our help screen.

Time Warp, Ye Ones!

IMAGE elecmind.wordpress.com

“This interlude in time warp is nonetheless an effort to be taken more seriously than the present time allots you ones, and is nonetheless more of a factional element of surprise, as far as the letting go of all less effective methods of curtailing those forces beyond the grave. This would nonetheless be providing of you ones a warning from our dimension beyond the stars, if it were not so imperative that we gain your unequaled and mostly manufactured attention spans.

“It has been given unto our satisfactory process those certain means of despondent displeasure of the cause of purely satisfying the gainary process, as far as pocketbooks do go belonging to those in the highest military artillery ranks.

“The fetters of all those held in the concrete of the past will surely face in the very near future all those horrendous equivalents to nuclear survival as brought forth by the sequel of sequences known and written down by men of ages past, as being the long sought-after reclamation of duty bound barrages. Subtitle heading under this next category please, Seila, to be "Barricade the Literature of All UFO Substance Rivals." Thank you, please.” (End quote) (From our book Hidden Secrets Are Valuable To All)

- Scribed by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries-Cortez

Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez
Rania Seila Sentana-Ries-Cortez
Reni Sentana-Ries

You can also take a FREE copy of our books at http://scribd.com/rsentana_ries

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Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez, Juno, Nuclear, Prophecies, Rania Seila-Sentana-Ries-Cortez, Reni Sentana-Ries, Scribings, Uthrania, War

Meet the author

author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
Dear ones,We work in many disciplines with many fine people from within the starships themselves as well as those such as the Mancharians who live well beyond the time line of such planets as your own

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author avatar cnwriter..carolina
24th Jun 2013 (#)

OMG again Rania.. incredible scribings herein...but those you talk about have left all humanity behind and will take us to the edge...just like the deluge that swept across the earth.. TG some of us can rise above it....blessings to you all...

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author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
24th Jun 2013 (#)

Dearest friend Carolan,

Yes, we must put out all reality to the public, no matter what that reality is.

Should we only tell the public that which they want to hear, it would do them no good at all and they would not prepare themselves when the worst came.

Thank you for your wise words, dear One.


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author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
24th Jun 2013 (#)

Greetings, our dear friend, Johnnydod!

We sincerely do thank you for your kind moderation toward that of our material, and we appreciate your "Star" to flavour it further.

We trust you will have a good night.

Rania and Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez, and Reni Sentana-Ries

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author avatar Trillionaire
25th Jun 2013 (#)

You write very interesting articles. Thanks

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author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
25th Jun 2013 (#)

Trillionaire, dear One,

I do not write these Writs. Neither does Jamie, nor Reni write these Writs.

They are all scribed material unless said otherwise.

Thank you for your lovely comment, and have of yourself a great evening!

Rania Seila

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