Captain James Galiac: What Are They Doing To Alberta From Washington, D.C.?!

Rania, Jamie & ReniStarred Page By Rania, Jamie & Reni, 21st Feb 2013 | Follow this author | RSS Feed | Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Society & Issues

Captain Sananda, James Galiac berates those who reside in D.C. for their ongoing mindset of ploys yet against the Canadian public. The Captain also brings together the reason why OPEC is consistently being blamed for high oil and gas prices around the world. – Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

U.S. Energy Desperation Unjustified

Captain James Galiac:

February 20 , 2013 4:18 pm


“Well, here we are once again, little ones of the stricken, or soon-enough-to-be-stricken north! Sananda James Galiac at the helm once or twice again on this same day; with the postings up my sleeve we continue on with this debut of which we have many.

“Now, my stalwart little scribe Seila, we will with all veracity continue along the same lines as “caterpillars” under the surface structure of both Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and now Alberta, Canada.

High Tech Theft of Natural Resources is Still a Criminal Offence!

“Forsooth it to be said that in being stricken from the record up there in D.C. from where I am now sitting, the giant me-mammoth machine they call “the caterpillar” digs deeply into the invading earth surface in order to extract the oil and gas from way under the country “boundary line.”

“Seems incredible, little ones? Not so incredible as it might seem. After all we are watching high technology in its realm of pipeline drilling from way “under” the surface line.

“Broader expanses have been undoubtedly tried with little to no success before, but much has been of the alteration, and because of it the fleeced-out Americans have now at their disposal a plan by the White House over there in “larkenwood” D.C., a plan which would put Greenpeace at rest with the rest of the overlayers of injunction who distinguish rotgut from all sorts of trivial expertise of their own languished makings.

Hush the bird, please.

Seila: Sorry. Just one moment. (pause) I am ready.

Sananda: “Good. Now for the main epic of our scribing today. Other bird, please.

Seila: Reni has the parrot quieted down now. I am so very sorry. He is temperamental today with too much energy.

Sananda: “Quieted down, would have done it. We are in the middle of a scribing may I remind you.

Seila: I am ready.

Sananda: “So in the gangplank which the American citizens have provided for their most illustrious president Barak Obama, the tailwind might just now fall short and the gangplank instead erected for the boys all around him who think that stealing Canadian oil and gas remnants for no pay at all is about the worst thing which can be done to those good ‘ol Albertans who pay the middle man nothing at the pumps.

“But the middle man “on high” are the banking elite which really, if you see their backgrounds and whom they truly are, can see, they set the prices and no matter what OPEC does to lower all costs by the barrel at the pump, those vicious middlemen will always see to blame the Middle Eastern countries for high prices.

“Mafia-bound are those middlemen, and because of their larceny will come the wit and roundabout at the end of all culinary and culling of the money system of their choice.

“We will not leave them ungraded for all go to their universal classes, and at the end of each lifestream they will be “graded” upon how many lessons they have learned and by-and-by you might just find the “oiltankers” out of Maison, Quebec, that hotbed of voices permeating along the fine line of the Quaker monstrosity – de l’argent for the mongrels of society, those “banking elite” whom the Quakers also, good people, have no use for, due to their love of dirty money at the banking runes, that Filimont, Saskatewan, has all to do with aught as many of you hybrids will have found out by the time this writ hits the racks.

“Good Day, and for those who read codes, you may just find this one, one of the most interest.

“Thank you, dear Seila. Sananda over and out. Please remember time perimeters, dear.” 4:39 pm (End quote) (From our as yet unpublished book Pigeons Roost in the North)

- Scribed by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

Please download free copies of our books at


Alberta, Captain James Galiac, Jesus Christ, Manitoba, Prophecy, Quakers, Quebec, Religionists, Sananda, Saskatewan, Scribings, Seila, Sentana-Ries, Starships, Uthrania, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

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author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
Dear ones,We work in many disciplines with many fine people from within the starships themselves as well as those such as the Mancharians who live well beyond the time line of such planets as your own

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author avatar Buzz
21st Feb 2013 (#)

I shared this on Fb, dear friend.

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author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
21st Feb 2013 (#)

Buzz, I am not on facebook, dear one, but Reni is. I, therefore can look under his sign-in and see your facebook there.

You are most kind to place this writ upon your Fb, a kindness of which is forever an acclament to your nature.


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author avatar Rania, Jamie & Reni
21st Feb 2013 (#)

Steve, dear friend, thank you kindly for your star. I will pass it on.

Uthrania Seila

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author avatar Mark Gordon Brown
16th Nov 2013 (#)

It is all about greed and a hunger for resources, forced upon us by growing populations.

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