Ter­mi­na­tor takes over

Costa Blanca News (South Edition) - - News - Photo: Moises Cruz

FILM­ING of the sixth Ter­mi­na­tor movie con­tin­ued to take over ar­eas of Ca­tral and Carta­gena this week, at­tract­ing many on­look­ers and caus­ing traf­fic jams.

Ca­tral res­i­dent Moises Cruz ex­plained that more scenes with ve­hi­cles were be­ing shot in the Al­fal­far neigh­bour­hood and San Juan in­dus­trial es­tate on Sat­ur­day with two of the stars, Macken­zie Davis and Natalia Reyes.

An­other cast mem­ber, Mex­i­can singer and ac­tor Diego Boneta re­vealed he was ‘happy to shoot here’ be­cause his grand­mother is from Mur­cia.

Sr Cruz also re­ported that the pro­duc­tion was forced to bor­row three toy pis­tols from the son of an­other lo­cal res­i­dent af­ter the of­fi­cial props had been left be­hind in a truck. As re­pay­ment he has asked that the guns be re­turned af­ter­wards hav­ing been au­to­graphed by the cast.

Film­ing con­tin­ued there on Mon­day and Tues­day, but then the crew moved to Carta­gena to record some scenes in the city’s Cabezo Baezo in­dus­trial es­tate.

This re­quired lo­cal po­lice to close Calle Lon­dres from 08.00 to 20.00 on Wed­nes­day, re­sult­ing in con­sid­er­able tail­backs at the exit from the A-30. The crew will con­tinue work­ing in Carta­gena on July 27 and 28, on Calle Ramón y Ca­jal, the Puente de Los Bar­reros and the Car­retera de La Palma, re­ported the lo­cal po­lice.

Most of the cast have now moved to an­other shoot­ing lo­ca­tion in Bu­dapest (Hun­gary) and so far there is no con­fir­ma­tion that they’ll be back.

Ter­mi­na­tor cam­era car in Ca­tral

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