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, 63 (15), 1589-94

Etched Carbon-Fiber Electrodes as Amperometric Detectors of Catecholamine Secretion From Isolated Biological Cells


Etched Carbon-Fiber Electrodes as Amperometric Detectors of Catecholamine Secretion From Isolated Biological Cells

K T Kawagoe et al. Anal Chem.


Voltammetric electrodes with micrometer dimensions have been fabricated from carbon fibers etched to a conical shape and insulated with poly(oxyphenylene) following literature procedures. The resultant electrode has a tip radius in the micron range. The response of this electrode is compared to a carbon-fiber electrode prepared by sealing a carbon-fiber electrode in a glass pipet (electrode radius greater than 3.5 microns). While the etched electrodes did not follow electrochemical theory as well as the glass-encased electrode, the etched electrode was found to be suitable for the amperometric measurement of the secretion of catecholamines from isolated bovine adrenal cells. Comparable results are only obtained when the two different electrodes are placed 1 micron from the cell surface. When the etched electrode is placed further away, less secretion is observed, because of diffusion and accompanying dilution.

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