Today 20th March 2020 the lecturer

Germŕ Colon Domčnech has passed away



The Foundation

Germŕ Colón Domčnech.

The Foundation Germŕ Colón Domčnech is a cultural institution related to the donation of the particular library of professor Germŕ Colón to Universitat Jaume I. This fact makes possible that Romanesque Philology researchers and scholars from all over the world can have access to the bibliographic list that one of the biggest specialists in this scope of the knowledge has gathered. Thus, Dr. Colón wanted to contribute generously to the consolidation of the university centre of his home city. It reflects clearly the human and academic willingness of the distinguished professor from Basilea University.

Foundation Germŕ Colón Domčnech Bylaws.

Note on Foundation Germŕ Colón Domčnech Bylaws.


Germŕ Colón in the UJI  summer courses 2011 (© elperiodic.com)

Prime objective.

The Fundació Germŕ Colón Domčnech’s headquarters is at Universitat Jaume I and its prime objective is:

1. the promotion of all the activities related with Romanesque Philology and directed to stimulate the knowledge and research of this field in its different scopes,

2. to favor the contact with other academic institutions which have the same interests,

3. to promote academic acts that develop this objectives, such as congresses, lectures, courses, conferences, etc.

The board.

The board of the Fundació is made up of:

a) Universitat Jaume I vice-chancellor or the person in which whom he delegates.

b) The Executive Director of the Fundació, Prof. Dr. Germŕ Colón Domčnech.

c) Members:

Profa. Dra. Maria Pilar Perea Sabater.
Prof. Dr. Lluís Gimeno Betí (
External Relations and Diffusion)).
Prof. Dr. Santiago Fortuńo Llorens (Tre
Profa. Dra. Rosa María Agost Canós.
Prof. Dr. Vicent Garcia Edo (
Secretary and Projects & Research).

Germŕ Colón, founder of the FGCD (to see detailed bibliography).



Agora and Faculty of Human & Social Sciences

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ND 2.0 and the express permission of the autors).




Contact e-mail adress: fundaciocolon [at] uji [dot] es.

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