Home Dorset East Speak Out! - Dorset East Was Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 condition contrived?

Was Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 condition contrived?


Wow! I met an employee of St Thomas hospital yesterday (2 metres away of course) who shared something with me which could change the course of Boris Johnson’s future!

Apparently when BJ was admitted to hospital, staff were required to sign the Official Secrets act! Wow! However, two doctors refused and were subsequently sent on gardening leave.

Now my source told me that Drs Shirley Knott and Ashleigh Pullin were disgusted by BJ’s flippant attitude from the off, and I quote, ‘He had the most pathetic, contrived cough I have heard in all my years of practise! I’d’ve sent him home with a packet of Lockets and bottle of Calcough Children’s Syrup’ – Knott. ‘If he had Covid-19 then I’m not a doctor!” – Pullin.

Proof (if any were needed) that we, the public, are being hoodwinked!

Anthony George

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  1. Hang on he has gone to his second home which is against the law and you are fined for doing so and his lady friend Partner or whatever you want to call her has gone there isn.t that an unlawful journey even POSH got fined for that or is there one rule for one and one for another?

  2. I had my suspicions because Bojo is a pathological liar.
    The Tory rags Mail and Telegraph were going for him and then we find him in hospital. The rags then relent. Funny old world. Just sayin.

  3. I do believe he was sick. Whether he was ill enough to require an ICU bed or not I very much doubt. Spokesman for St Thomas’s said he responded to ‘Standard Oxygen Treatment’


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