Books at JSTOR offers more than 85,000 ebooks from renowned scholarly publishers, integrated with journals and primary sources on JSTOR’s easy-to-use platform.

As a not-for-profit with a mission to serve the academic community, JSTOR works closely with librarians, publishers, and scholars to develop this offering. We focus on delivering great content and experiences to researchers—and great value to academic libraries.

We’ve found that ease of use is critical to driving usage and impact of scholarly monographs. Our platform offers an unlimited, DRM-free access model, the ability to cross-search ebooks and journal articles, and chapter-level discovery. It’s easier than ever for researchers to discover and access the important scholarship in tens of thousands of academic books.

Key features

High-quality content: We’re proud to work with leading academic publishers from around the world, including university presses, public policy organizations, and independent presses.

Integration with journals: Users can search across the full text of ebooks and journals on JSTOR.  Placing the ebooks into users’ existing research workflows helps increase discovery and usage.

Ease of use: All ebook chapters are available exclusively in a DRM-free, unlimited-user model. They work just like the journal articles on JSTOR, with unlimited simultaneous use, PDF downloads, and printing, and no need to log in or use special software.

Savings: We offer tiered savings based on your institution’s size and JSTOR Archive Collection participation, plus special savings on subject collections. Participating libraries typically see a low cost per use for JSTOR books.

Content highlights

Open Access

More than 6,000 Open Access ebooks from leading publishers are now available on JSTOR, at no cost to libraries or users. Learn more.

Partnerships with Iberoamérican publishers

We’ve partnered with high-quality publishers in Latin America and Spain to make important scholarship in Spanish and Portuguese available to researchers around the world. Learn more.

Available exclusively on JSTOR

Classic titles from Yale University PressMore than 450 classic works published by Yale University Press are available as ebooks for the first time, including titles from such notable authors as Alvin Kernan, Peter Gay, Jerome Kagan, Ramsay MacMullen, Debórah Dwork, and Anthony Pagden.

Art and Architecture of Ireland: Published by the Royal Irish Academy, this five-volume set provides an authoritative account of Ireland’s artistic and architectural heritage from the early Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century. The ebooks are available exclusively through JSTOR and contain the same content as the print versions—including all 2,500 images.