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Chandrakant Sompura, the man who designed a Ram temple for Ayodhya

While designing the temple, Sompura planned for the main premises along with the disputed 2.77 acres of land

Ram temple | Ayodhya case | Ayodhya

Vinay Umarji 

The flood of phone calls to his home-office in central Ahmedabad since last week, when the Supreme Court verdict paved the way for a Ram temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya, has left Chandrakant Sompura both tired and elated. The verdict has brought the 77-year-old architect, who has designed the model of the temple, into the limelight.

Sompura likes to be called a “temple architect”. While he has no formal education in modern architecture, he prides himself for the hands-on training he says he has received in sculpting and temple building according to Vastu Shastra, ...


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First Published: Fri, November 15 2019. 21:46 IST