BBC News Young Reporter

Young Reporter

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Coronavirus: We answer kids' questions about going back to school
The BBC's Education Editor Branwen Jeffreys answers kids' questions about going back to school.
Coronavirus: 'When will pandemic end?' and other kids' questions
Jonathan Ball, professor of virology at the University of Nottingham, answers science questions sent in by children, that you've probably been wondering about too.
Coronavirus: When can we hug our friends and family again?
Advice on how to look after your mental health during the pandemic crisis.
What’s it like still being at school during the coronavirus lockdown?
Not all schools are shut during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown as some students are still attending because their parents are key workers.
Top tips for learning at home from those in the know!
Learning at home has become the new norm for most young people during the coronavirus pandemic but it is something Gabriella, Thomas and Hebe are more familiar with.
BBC News Coronavirus graphic

If you are 11-18 years old, tell us about how the Coronavirus pandemic is impacting you, your friends and family, or your community or upload a question you think the BBC should be asking the experts?

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In the UK e-cigarettes can't be advertised to under-18s but is on school buses
When Bethan started spotting vaping adverts on her school bus she wasn’t impressed. She's been investigating the rules and regulations about promoting vaping, particularly to young people – is it the same as smoking cigarettes?