Opulent's Original DSDA

The DooMed Speed Demos Archive

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Proudly hosting 54597 demos by 683 players on 3371 WADs for a total running time of 4404:28:56.

Sverre Kvernmo
Level Category Player Engine Time
MAP02 UV Max Ryback DooM2 v1.9 4:10
MAP03 UV Max Ryback DooM2 v1.9 7:16
MAP04 UV Max Ryback DooM2 v1.9 5:23
MAP05 UV Max Ryback DooM2 v1.9 22:45
MAP06 UV Max Ryback DooM2 v1.9 9:53
MAP09 UV Max Zahid PRBoom v2.5.0.6cl2 6:58
Ryback DooM2 v1.9 9:51
MAP30 UV Max Ryback DooM2 v1.9 21:59