A photo of Max Glenister

Max Glenister

A photo of Max Glenister

Max Glenister does…
UX Design, UI Design &
Front-end Development

My current full-time role is Lead UX & Front-end developer at Aris Technologies where I spend most of my time designing, validating and implementing user interfaces for games across all sorts of browsers, platforms, and devices.

Want to get in touch? Email or Tweet me!


A preview of UX of VR

UX of VR

A list of resources about the UX considerations for VR

A preview of Cardboctober


Creating a VR hack each day in October using JavaScript for Google Cardboard

You can find stuff that I've been making on my Things page, and my GitHub profile.


A preview of Dingoonity


Founded in 2009, Design, Build, PHP, SMF

A preview of SusHack


Founded in 2013, Design, Build, Sass, Jekyll, RWD, Hack day

A preview of Game Dev Day

Game Dev Day

Founded in 2016, Design, Build, A-Frame, Hack day

A preview of Alyn Shipton

Alyn Shipton

Design, Build, PHP, Sass, Wordpress

A preview of Brakspear's Ale Trails

Brakspear's Ale Trails

Design, Build, Sass, Jekyll, RWD

A preview of Brakspear's Bell Street Brewery

Brakspear's Bell Street Brewery

Design, Build, Bolt CMS, PHP, Sass, RWD

As Marmalade & Jam I've been designing and building websites for small business since 2012. You can find some more examples on the Marmalade & Jam website.

