Institute of Noetic Sciences

Inspired by Science, Transformed by Experience

The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) is a research center and direct-experience lab specializing in the intersection of science and profound human experience.

Free ConnectIONS Live Webinar

Noetic Leadership: An Inspirational Quest

Join us on Friday, September 25th, as we ask: How can noetics shed light on a new way to lead in times of transformation and challenge?


Participate in Our Research

New Research Study: What Survives Death?

IONS has launched an exciting new study about a rarely asked question: “What part of us (if any) survives our physical death?”

Learn More & Participate

Inspired by Science, Transformed by Experience
Noetic Leadership: An Inspirational Quest
New Research Study: What Survives Death?

There is more to this world — and you — than meets the eye.

A scientific view of our inner experiences

Science has profoundly changed the way we view reality, but there is so much more waiting to be discovered. A more complete understanding of our world requires a more advanced set of tools and practices. IONS uses scientific exploration and personal discovery to push beyond the current limits of human knowledge.

Inspired by a profound experience of personal discovery, Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell created IONS in 1973 to explore the interplay between scientific knowledge and inner knowing.

Today, we have the world’s largest team of multidisciplinary scientists conducting research on frontier topics in consciousness and its impact in our lives.

Explore Our Experiments, Expand Your Perspective

We research outer limits and inner spaces to reveal a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of reality and extend our capacities as humans.

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