Mac Miller, Donald Trump’s Least Favorite Rapper, Revisits Feud

“Tell Mac Miller to kiss my ass!”
Image may contain Mac Miller Skin Human Person Coat Clothing Overcoat Apparel Suit Hat and Face
Left, by Johnny Nunez/WireImage, right, by Matthew Busch, both from Getty Images.

Donald Trump once referred to Mac Miller as “the new Eminem,” cited the success of one of Miller’s songs as “not bad,” and said that he was “very proud” of the millions of views the track’s music video generated. Miller’s song was named after the Republican presidential front-runner’s favorite subject: “Donald Trump.”

That was way back in 2011, a few months after Miller dropped “Donald Trump” as the first single off his mixtape Best Day Ever. In the ensuing months and years, the track grew more popular—it now has over 104 million views on YouTube—and Trump decided he didn’t actually like the song that much, mostly because he wasn’t making any money from it.

By February 2012, Trump was wondering whether Miller “should pay me something.” As observers of his presidential campaign have seen happen time and time again, what started as perhaps a passing flight of fancy turned into an obsession. Trump has since tweeted about Miller dozens of times, most recently in March, when he disdainfully noted that the song was approaching 100 million views.

Trump also trolls Twitter, searching for at least his own name, if not for Miller’s as well. This prompts him to sometimes retweet messages that are wonderfully outside the scope of most aspiring politicians (and, indeed, billionaires):

The song has also prompted Trump to tap out some trademark insults, like when he noted that he had more hair than Miller. (Trump has never been a fan of the idea of quality over quantity.)

Miller isn’t exactly sweating the feud—he even sent Trump a plaque when the song went platinum. (Trump promptly dismissed it as “a crummy gift” in a Vine video recored in his office.) Now that Trump has a shot at the White House, though, Miller told he would certainly not vote for the billionaire blowhard.

“I hope it doesn’t lead to people thinking I’m supporting his run,” he said. “I made the song in 2011. It was just somebody who symbolized financial success to everybody at that time.”

To Miller, the beef doesn’t need to be so personal. “I have the right to an opinion on somebody’s character based on what I see and hear from him, but accept the responsibility of a clean slate upon meeting said person,” he said. “He’s entertaining but not somebody I want to be the face of what the United States of America represents. Plus he doesn’t fuck with Obama . . . can’t fuck with somebody who doesn’t fuck with Obama.”

Asked if he would mind if Trump added the song to the campaign’s currently rock-heavy event playlist, Miller said he doesn’t anticipate having to worry about that. “I don’t think he would. We aren’t exactly friends.”