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Stories about Refugees

Turkey's involvement in the Karabakh conflict could harm Azerbaijan, warns journalist Rovshan Aliyev

"This time it seems that Erdoğan wants to go beyond words and to support Azerbaijan with hardware. But authoritarian leaders take advantage of every situation, so Azerbaijan must be careful"

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, volunteers defend stranded migrants against local rebuke

In Bosnia's third-largest city, migrants have been residing in and around the main bus station and relying on a group of volunteers for relief.

China's persecution of Muslim minorities: An Uyghur student living in Turkey shares her story

I came to Turkey legally, on a passport issued by the Chinese authorities. Why did they punish my family?

Venezuelan government stigmatizes and blames returned migrants for COVID-19 spread

“If I could go back to Venezuela, I’d hug my family. But it’s a dangerous road back home, and it’s even more dangerous once we get there”.

Building safer online spaces in Myanmar

“Facebook was, and continues to be, the favored tool for disseminating hate speech and misinformation against the Rohingya people, Muslims in general, and other marginalized communities.”

Who are the 6 Hong Kong activists wanted by the police under Beijing's national security law?

All of the wanted activists live overseas. One of them, Samuel Chu, has been a citizen of the United States since 1995.

In northern Syria, COVID-19 worsens an already dramatic humanitarian crisis

Despite the looming threat of COVID-19, military escalation has re-started in the form of a proxy war in Idlib, leaving peaceful civilians in ever-greater danger.

In Assad-controlled Syria, the official narrative is ‘no COVID-19 cases’

In order to maintain a facade of control, the Assad regime does whatever it takes to deny the presence of COVID-19 in the territories it controls.

Afghan migrants continue to die in the hands of Iranian authorities

While millions of Afghans have found refuge in neighboring Iran, some of them also die in the hands of Iranian authorities as they cross the country to reach Europe.

Israel appoints its first Ethiopian-born minister, Pnina Tamano-Shata

Israel has just appointed its first black minister from the Ethiopian Jewish community. Despite this encouraging gesture, the community still faces discrimination and racism in Israel.

Uyghur human rights advocate Dilnur Reyhan laments lack of Muslim solidarity

Hatred against the West has blinded ordinary Muslim citizens to the point of refusing to believe news brought by the Western media, even when it concerns concentration camps for Muslims

Burundi voted — but will the political situation change?

Burundians voted on May 20 for a new president, with official results expected next week. The new president will face pressing questions on international relations, media repression, inclusive economic policies and...

The nightmare in Syria continues amid new coronavirus fears

The gathering of displaced persons in Idlib, Syria, has sparked international concern that this community — living under the harshest conditions — could be deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pandemic pushes more than 34,000 Venezuelan migrants home

Around 500 migrants are arriving at the Colombian border city of Cúcuta every day intending to return to Venezuela. As of April 15, a total of 34,000 people had passed...

A feeling of hopelessness: Interview with a Uyghur refugee in Turkey

The Chinese government policy of racial and religious profiling has forced young Uyghurs to leave China and remain in exile.

New video gives clues about motives behind attacks in northern Mozambique

Recorded in Ntchinga village, the video shows the armed group bearing an Islamic State flag and a leader addressing the local people in Kimwan and Kiswahili languages, resembling a rally.

COVID-19 is also affecting Venezuela's indigenous migrants

Venezuela's borders with Brazil and Colombia have been closed since mid-March,  the use of illegal paths and crossings has increased, with its related dangers.

Ahead of contentious elections, Burundi faces its first COVID-19 cases

The upcoming election in Burundi has been surrounded by concerns over security and transparency. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic poses another public safety concern.

COVID-19 on the frontline: Insights from an Australian humanitarian nurse

"there are areas around the world where people cannot buy soap and do not have access to running water. It is these countries that will suffer the most..."

Refugees in Ethiopia's camps raise privacy and exclusion concerns over UNHCR’s new digital registration

Biometric registration enables refugees to secure a digital ID that gives them access to aid. Their use has raised serious concerns about privacy and exclusion among refugees in Ethiopia.

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