Introducing Kapamilya Thank You!

July 14, 2017 01:32 PM

Kapamilya Thank You is the customer loyalty program of ABS-CBN that expresses love and gratitude to our loyal Kapamilyas wherever in the world you may be. We want to thank you especially for your loyalty to our shows, our celebrities, products and services. Loyal Kapamilyas will receive Thank You Points from watching ABS-CBN TV Shows on TV or iWant TV, visiting our website, subscribing to SKY and using ABS-CBN TVplus, ABS-CBNmobile and other products and services. Thank You Points can be used to get special gifts, rewards and exclusive privileges from ABS-CBN. Exclusive gifts and privileges include – SKY bill rebates, Meet and Greet a Kapamilya Star, tickets to ABS-CBN Studio tours and shows such as ASAP and Showtime, and free products and services such as KBO, PPV, SMS, Data, Calls, and many more.

Register now for FREE!

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Receive Thank You Points by enjoying ABS-CBN shows and services
Redeem Kapamilya gifts using your Thank You Points.

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