Defending the Republic was established by Sidney Powell to defend and to protect the integrity of elections in the United States. Please contribute below, using our secure system. Your donation will support our mission and the welfare of the American Republic.

If you prefer to send a check, please make payable to: Sidney Powell, PC. Address: 10130 Northlake Blvd. #214342, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412

Memo: Defending The Republic Election Integrity


To protect and defend the lawful votes of American citizens, ensure election integrity, educate the world on what it means to be a constitutional Republic, and pursue legal action to preserve the vision of our Founders and to maintain this great Republic.

Sidney Powell

Attorney Sidney Powell needs your immediate support to halt the certification of ballots in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

To contact Sidney Powell directly, please visit her website:

Millions of dollars must be raised to defend the Republic as these lawsuits continue to be filed to ensure victory.

In Bush v. Gore the Supreme Court recognized that once vested in the people, the right to vote is fundamental, and one source of its fundamental nature lies in the equal weight of each vote.

This fundamental right to equal weight was not defended or actualized in this election. There is evidence of ballots being discarded, hundreds of thousands of ballots appearing out of thin air, ballot harvesting, and a lower standard of verification for some mail-in ballots. This is voter fraud and has infringed upon Americans’ sacred right to vote and for their votes to carry equal weight.

The case will seek to block the certification of the election results so that justice can be done. We need to stop the steal in its tracks.

The future of our Republic is at stake. The left, the media, and a complicit Republican Establishment are attempting to steal this election through a staggering voter fraud operation. The time to fight is now!

“A Republic…if you can keep it.”

Benjamin Franklin