The History of Nigeria

The History of Nigeria

The History of Nigeria

The History of Nigeria


This succinct, authoritative, and engagingly written history of Nigeria from its earliest beginnings through 1998 provides an excellent introduction to the country's history. Constructed around the two interrelated themes of politics and the economy, it relates the development of the Nigerian people from antiquity through the end of 1998. Following a timeline of events in the history of Nigeria, Professor Falola, a leading historian on Nigeria and a distinguished Africanist, provides a readable, coherent narrative that carefully integrates the past into the present to help the student and general reader understand the forces at play in the development of the country throughout its long history. Biographical sketches of notable Nigerians, maps, and a bibliographical essay will aid the beginning researcher.


My focus is on the two interrelated themes of politics and economy that have defined the history of Nigeria during the twentieth century and that will continue to shape its future in the next millennium. Drawing on a large body of primary and secondary sources, this book analyzes the history of Nigeria from its early period to the present. All the major historical themes are covered, notably precolonial and indigenous state systems and societies, the penetration of Europeans that ended in colonial subjugation, nationalist struggles, and the various administrations since the country attained its independence in 1960. Nigeria is yet to emerge as a strong united nation, and its efforts at creating political stability and economic development have been disappointing. This book captures the history of lost opportunities and the mismanagement of a country with all the resources to become a world power.

I would not have undertaken to write this book but for the kind invitation of Professors Frank W. Thackeray and John E. Findling, the series editors of the Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations. They along with Dr. Barbara A. Rader, the Executive Editor, shaped the format of the book. I am responsible for the contents, following the guidelines provided by the publishers on length, readership, and emphasis on the twentieth century.

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